Change Nick Name of Email while sending the email from netsuite script 2.0 - netsuite

Suppose we have the code
author: 17874,
recipients: "",
subject: "mail from netsuite",
body: "test body email order id: " + newOrder
Can we modify the sender name only not the email.
I have to implement like if we have the email "" and nick name as "Test". While sending the email it will show like from Test in recevire side. Can we change the name from test to test123.

This isn't possible as far as I know. You really have two options to modify the name of the sender only:
Either change the name of the user (the one you set in the field).
Or have the correct name from the beginning and then modify the reploy-to instead by setting the options.replyTo
This isn't exactly what you want but I think it's the only workaround.


Is it possible to send email with display name and email id in nodemailer?

My requirement is I want to send an email to a user on her/his email address but also want to send their display-name of user is it possible with nodemailer or any other alternative?
const mailOptions = {
from : "",
to : [""],
subject : "Test",
text: "New test"
this configurations sent a to and in from section of mail displaying but I want to display from name like Development Server as well with the from mail, how can i archive this.
Thanks in advance
Yes it is possible to send email with user name and other data.
const name ='abc',email='',phone='1234',message='hello there'
const mailOptions = {
from: process.env.AUTH_EMAIL,
to: "",
subject: 'Community Partnership Project Contact Form Inquiry',
html: `<div><p>Name: ${name}</p><br/><p>Email: ${email}</p><br/><p>Phone: ${phone}</p><br/><p>Message: ${message}</p></div>`

how can i send an email using node and sendgrid including a link?

I am currently trying to use sendgrid within a node application to send an email which includes a link for email confirmation. I am totally unsure as to how to achieve this and the docs aren't helping. If anyone knows how to do this please advise.
Current code:
const msg = {
to: userObj.username,
from: "email",
subject: "dashboard account",
text: `Hello, you have successfully created an account for the Dashboard`,
html: "<a href='localhost:1337/'>Confirm Email<a/>"
sgMail.send(msg).catch(err => console.log(err));
The email is sent correctly, but just contains the words "Confirm Email" with no link.
Try it like this:
html: `<a href=''>This is Link<a/>`

Variable within Sendgrid subject with dynamic_template_variable_data doesn't work

I'm trying to insert a dynamical variable into the subject line via this library.
For example: "Hello {{name}}, welcome to {{store_name}}"
My email sends off no problem, but the subject renders {{name}} and {{store_name}} as... just that. No variables are inserted.
Code example:
dynamic_template_data: {
name: "John",
store_name: "My store",
subject: "Hello {{name}}, welcome to {{store_name}}!"
In my template within Sendgrid UI, the subject value is: {{subject}}
I've also tried: {{{subject}}} but no go.
Email is sent and the subject line is...
Hello {{name}}, welcome to {{store_name}}
When it should be...
Hello John, welcome to My store!
The reason I think is that you're trying to do a double resolve of a variable. I believe it should be either
You have {{subject}} as a subject of your template and then you dynamically generate the subject in the code and pass it
dynamic_template_data: {
name: "John",
store_name: "My store",
subject: "Hello John, welcome to My store!"
You have Hello {{name}}, welcome to {{store_name}}! as a subject of a template and then it should be substituted (no need to pass the subject separately)
dynamic_template_data: {
name: "John",
store_name: "My store",

How to populate DocuSign Name field with something other than Sender name?

I'm using DocuSignAPI SDK to send envelopes. I have a few templates defined and they use a Custom Field called MemberFullName.
The field is of type Name, FullName.
For some templates I want MemberFullName map to a Signer's name, but sometimes I want to map another name to it.
My assumption was if I don't map anything to MemberFullName, then Signer's name will be used. But if I add "fullNameTabs" for MemberFullName, then it will be mapped.
Signer sgnr = new Signer()
RoleName = "Someone other than Member",
RecipientId = "1",
Name = "Bob Signer",
Email = ""
sgnr.Tabs.FullNameTabs = new List<FullName>();
sgnr.Tabs.FullNameTabs.Add(new FullName() { TabLabel = "MemberFullName", Name = "Joe Smith" });
But MemberFullName is still mapped to Signer name in the resulting document.
How can I map a NON-SIGNER name to a field of type "Name"?
I know I can create a different field of type TEXT and map "Joe Smith" to it, but I wanted to reuse the "MemberFullName" field in both situations.
I apologize as I may not be using correct "docusign terminology" for things.
You will not be able to set the value of FullName tab manually. See this answer
for more information.

Stripe: Show Customer Name on place of Email

Stripe captures Email and Name both in StripeCustomerService(), that is when creating the customer using Stripe.dll...
But in Admin login, it shows Customer Email in heading, as shown below.
Is there any way to change it to Name of a customer?
But if I pass name in Email parameter, it may affect sending a notification email to the customer.
So, is it possible to do so?
Note: I have passed both in parameters list;
var mycust = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions();
//Save Card Details
mycust.CardNumber = txtCard.Text;
mycust.CardExpirationMonth = ddlMonth.SelectedValue;
mycust.CardExpirationYear = ddlYear.SelectedValue;
mycust.CardCvc = txtCSV.Text;
//Save Customer Details
mycust.Email = email;
mycust.CardName = fullName;
Short Answer: No, it is not possible.
There may be any number of customer's by the name of John Doe but each would have a different email such as:,, etc.
Email is a unique identifier while name is not.
