How to understand node version dependencies issue - node.js

I am working on a nodejs project. I get below error when launch the application.
Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v57-darwin-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
Original error: Cannot find module '/Users/dev/node_modules/firebase/node_modules/grpc/src/node/extension_binary/node-v57-darwin-x64-unknown/grpc_node.node
From the description it means there are unmatched native dependencies version related to firebase. I tried npm rebuild which doesn't seem to work. I am using node version:
node: v8.9.4
npm: 6.2.0
How can I fix the dependencies issue? Should I try with particular node version or should I rebuilt some native libraries?


Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module Expected directory: node-v88-darwin-x64-unknown Found: [node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown]

I have issue about missmatch node version for requirement load gRPC.
This issue appear when i run node js server using pm2, but when i did it using nodemon and node command, it running well
Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v88-darwin-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown]
i have already change my node version default to same as project, using:
nvm alias default x.x.x
but the result same,
Also i have already rm -rf node_modules and run npm install again, but the result is same,
Last, i have already doing npm rebuild and the result same error.
What want i know is, how we can solve this issue whatever missmatch version?
Why i already doing change default node version in global using nvm, but it still look like not change for project, look like it have some other settings/configuration that i did not done
The problem is that grpc is installed for Node 10, but you are trying to use it in Node 16. You can explicitly install it for Node 16 by running
npm install --target=16.0.0
Please note that the grpc package is deprecated with the recommendation that you use #grpc/grpc-js instead.

error in npm start vs code , react project

i tryin to run my React Project using npm start command in terminal :
npm v7.4.3
node v15.7.0
error in terminal
./src/index.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader??ref--6-oneOf-5-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-4!./src/index.scss)
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:
and face this error in localhost:8888
Failed to compile
./src/index.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader??ref--6-oneOf-5-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-4!./src/index.scss)
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:
i trying tso solve problem with this commands
npm rebuild node-sass
and other way was reinstall node-sass
im trying to delete node_modules and run npm install
but seem doesnt work for me.
any answers ?
Downgrade node.js to a stable version (LTS) like 14.15.4
Install the compatible node-sass version via npm install node-sass#5.0.0; you can find the list here or use the GitHub releases page, or even install gulp-sass with npm i gulp-sass`.

Angular - Is node-sass supported in the node version 11?

I have this new error which is failing the compilation of the code.
Is it the problem with the node version?
Is node-sass supported in all node versions?
If not how to fix this?
Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass'
Try running npm rebuild node-sass and see if it fixes your problem (you may have to run with --force)
You should run this every time you change your environment (ie: node version).

How do I install gRPC for electron version 4.0.x

Installed electron#4.0.0 (also tried #4.0.7) and installed grpc and #grpc/proto-loader. When I launch electron I get a runtime error
Uncaught Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: electron-v4.0-darwin-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
Of course I tried running the suggested solution, npm rebuild, but that did not solve the problem. I also tried rebuilding the grpc module
npm rebuild grpc --build-from-source --runtime=electron --target=4.0.0 --target_archx64 --dturl=
I tried uninstalling everything and starting from scratch. We're cloning the electron quick start repo and so after cloning and installing modules I installed grpc targeting a specific version
npm install grpc --runtime=electron --target=<electron version>
Which resulted in the same error so then I tried rebuilding
npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild // to rebuild grpc module
And if I delete node_modules and package-lock.json and then re-install npm install I get a success message (don't pay attention to the version, I'm watching my versions are matching) which looks like the "missing" module was installed
node-pre-gyp WARN Using request for node-pre-gyp https download
Success: "/../electron/node_modules/grpc/src/node/extension_binary/node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown/grpc_node.node" is installed via remote
protobufjs#6.8.8 postinstall /../electron/node_modules/protobufjs
node scripts/postinstall
electron#4.0.8 postinstall /../electron/node_modules/electron
node install.js
I found the answer here:
Still, the solution I tried is the solution I needed. Not sure what I was doing wrong initially!
For future Googlers the summary is this:
The grpc_node module seems to be compiled for NODE_MODULE_VERSION=64,
but Electron 4 since 4.0.4 switched ... to
specifying NODE_MODULE_VERSION=69 and there is a mismatch at runtime
trying to load the module.
So, what I did to solve was
Clone the electron quick start repo
Uninstall the version of electron that came with quick start
Install electron#4.0.0
Install gRPC with target to 4.0.0
npm install grpc --runtime=electron --target=4.0.0

Webpack Binding Issue

Hey guys for some reason I keep getting this error when building with sass-loader
Module build failed: Error: Missing binding C:\TFS_Local\DPOnGit\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-ia32-11\binding.node
Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 32-bit with Node 0.10.x
Found bindings for the following environments:
- Windows 64-bit with Node.js 5.x
This usually happens because your environment has changed since running npm install.
Run npm rebuild node-sass to build the binding for your current environment.
Very frustrating as this config has worked on the same machine before without issues.
I had the same problem, rebuilding as suggested by the error message didn't work for me, but running
npm install --save sass-loader
