what is the ''/home" after the website domain name? - web

I'm new to web development and i want to ask that why some website have the "/"?
for example https://www.roblox.com/home, notice the "/home" what does that called
I have tried to search on google and i can't find the answer
And some website have like "/login.php", "/index.html" it can also be html?

These are URLs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL) and they identify the resource you are trying to reach. I would suggest reading more about how web pages works to get a better general overview of things(e.g.: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/How_the_Web_works)
How these resources are actually interpreted depends on the server side implementation:
.php are usually processed by PHP web server
Other static files such as images (*.png , *.jpg, etc), html files, svgs, CSS, js, etc - Are usually located in the local server by the web server (httpd, tomcat, IIS, nodejs, and many many others) and the files as transmitted to the client 'as-is'
When using online tools to build websites, these complexities are usually abstracted away, and in the end URLs will just mean a resource identifier.

domain: the address of the website
section: a way to navigate inside the website itself
page: the user interface that might be rendered server side of client side hold the controls shown to user
resource: files that changes how the content in the pages looks and behaves like


Use existing ExpressJS app as Firebase app

I have existing app that runs on Heroku. It's a simple web app with no background jobs or database.
Basically it has three endpoints. One of them serves the HTML, the other is POST endpoint for communicating with backend and third is GET endpoint that renders error HTML content as well.
Now the frontend is not single page application and the goal is not to be one. It's just HTML page with a form and some links. The front end can be used without Javascript.
My questions are:
Can I re-use existing ExpressJS code? I was thinking about importing route callbacks and use them inside the "functions".
I know there is Firebase hosting that can serve static content. However, as I mentioned the server can respond with HTML content so I'd need traditional routing (such as /error url for rendering HTML error). In my ExpressJS app I use .ejs templating so I'd like to load the template and render it.
Can Firebase be set up so the "backend" (functions) can be placed on my own domain? I'd like to call relative URLs from my index file (like that POST endpoint) instead of using Google Firebase URL.
I'm really just trying to find out if my use case can fit the Firebase infrastructure. I think it's a good candidate since I need the web app to respond infrequently and it's not really demanding, not many people would use it. This is also my hobby project so I'm trying to minimize costs.
To answer your questions:
Yes you can, but keep in mind some things are limited. In my case, I had tried to use multer library for multipart forms but didn't work and had to resort to using busboy instead. To use an Express app for a function endpoint, you simply just pass your app as the onRequest function parameter like so: functions.https.onRequest(app).
The hosting is for static files only. You can't use that with .ejs. Unless, you're thinking to use that as a proxy to your Express app..
Yes, you can set custom domains so you can use your domain(s) instead of default ones. Reference: https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/custom-domain
From your project's Hosting page, enter the wizard for connecting a custom domain:
If you have only one Hosting site, click Connect domain.
If you have more than one Hosting site, click View for the desired site, then click Connect domain.
Enter the custom domain name that you'd like to connect to your Hosting site.
(Optional) Check the box to redirect all requests on the custom domain
to a second specified domain (such that yourdomain.com and
www.yourdomain.com redirect to the same content).
Click Continue to initiate the validation process.

How to prevent users from browsing certain files of my website

I have recently launched a website on GoDaddy hosting. I have keept some images and JavaScript files used in website, in separate folders. I want to prevent the users from browsing those images and files by simply appending the folder and file name in the website URL. For example
If I understand correctly, you want to have html file with images, that shouldn't be accessible alone? If yes, then it cannot be done. You can watch for correct HTTP Referrer header, but it can be simply faked and it also makes it inaccessible for browsers that don't send referrer or having sending it forbidden for "privacy" reasons.
If you want hide files to be accessible only by server side scripts, ftp/scp, then you can try to use .htaccess (if GoDaddy runs on Apache) and correct configuration: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/access.html
Another way could be hiding that files and creating one-shot token like this:
<img src=<?pseudocode GEN_TOKEN("file.jpg") ?> /> with another file serving these hidden files just for generated token, then deleting it from DB. Nevertheless, this will not protect anybody from downloading or accessing these files, if they want...
But, anyway, try to clarify your question better...
If you are keeping images/files in folder which is open to public, I guess you kept in that folder for purpose, you want public to access those images and files.
How public know images file name? Stop file content listing for your web site.
I am not aware which language you are using on web server, but in ASP.NET you may write module/ middle ware which can intercept in coming request and based on your logic (e.g. authentication and authorization) you can restrict access. All modern languages support this kind of functionality.

Displaying external web pages that do not allow iframe embedding in WinJS

My current understanding is that the only way to display external web pages in the WinJS app is to use iframes. This seems to be a limitation, since I am not able to embed youtube links or twitter search links.
eg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diP-o_JxysA
How do I go about displaying these webpages? Are there any workarounds for this limitation other than the run your own proxy solutions.
You cannot without running your own proxy and modifying the headers, or modifying the headers directly on the host server.
Note that for other types of resources, like login pages that don't like to be iframed (e.g. Salesforce.com), you can use the WebAuthenticationBroker.

What ways can you secure a web page so that it can ONLY be viewed from within an iFrame?

This thread was created back in 2008 Restricting IFRAME access in PHP
I am looking to do almost the exact same thing. i.e. I want to have sites which are publicly accessible as long as they are being viewed from a specific iFrame, from a specific app. The IFrame app will have user authentication giving them access to urls outside the core application. The urls are all likely to be built using Open Source PHP tools e.g. Wordpress.
Both the viewing iFrame and the viewed sites/pages will be owned by us.
Have there been any developments in last few years on ways to do this?
For various reasons not related to this particular issue, I am considering using the serverside RIA framework Vaadin (JAVA) for building the app that will contain the iFrame viewer.
The demo of the embed widget is here http://demo.vaadin.com/sampler#WebEmbed Looking at the page source I don't see anywhere that the address of the embedded webpage is displayed. So to some extent I wonder if I can hide my urls from search engines, give them very long, randomly generated URI's and maybe they will be impossible to find anyway?
You should be able to modify a framekiller to do the opposite. A framekiller is a piece of javascript to prevent clickjacking by detecting if the page has been loaded within an iframe.
Limiting the iframe to load within a specific page is more difficult. Looking at the referer is easy, but also easy to bypass. If you load the iframe from an https page the referer will be blank. A better way would be to require the server to obtain a Nonce and include this in the iframe url. Such as http://iframe_url?key=difhj8j84528423j423894hfdj897 or whatever. Having the server make a request to your server would be ideal. Doing it with client side code and jsonp to fetch the nonce is problematic because an attacker could deliver modified javascript to fetch the nonce.

How to force a specific code page for a website?

I have the following (apparently simple) problem: I have to install a simple website, made by someone else, on a web hosting account. The site consists of lot and lot of HTML pages, no dynamic content, created some in MS Word and saved as html, some in frontpage, etc. A mixed bag.
I uploaded initially on a test account on my server (Win Server 2003) and it works ok.
Then I uploaded on the real web hosting (fedora / apache).
When I loaded the site in browser I see lot of odd craracters (instead of diacritics, used in html pages). Duacritics were saved as escape code, like & #350; for Ș (using codepage 1252).
The problem is, when I load the page from my own test server, the browser select automatically correct codepage (1252).
But when I load the site from public host, the same bowser loads the page using utf-8 encoding, rendering page with odd caracrets.
The test site on my server can be seen at http://radu-stanian.dnsalias.com and on public server at http://radustanian.scoli.edu.ro/
This happens no matter what browser I use (IE, ff or chrome)
What should I do to force browsers to load the pages in correct codepage?
Making changes to every page is not an option, because there are hundreds of pages, created by various peoples which could edit them further for update
Thank you
I did a quick google search and this is what I came up with:
I've never messed with the .htaccess files with this scenario, but from what I read up it seems like you can force a certain character codepage mode based on file extension, which is what you need.
I'm not sure if it works, but hopefully it does :)
Most web servers allow you to edit HTTP headers. One of them can specify the exact codepage for a browser to use.
For example:
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4
