Displaying Block and floor and Room on single page using asp.net mvc - c#-4.0

I am a beginner in asp.net MVC
I have tblBlock,tblFloor,tblRoom table in my database. I want to display all these in a single page like when I click Block number it should show the list of the floor and when I click on floor number it should show the number of rooms. how to do this within a single page in asp.net MVC.
This my view code
function GetFloors() {
$("#tblFloor tbody tr").remove();
console.log("Hello Javascript");
type: "GET",
//url: "/RoomBooking/GetFloors",
url: '#Url.Action("GetFloors","RoomBooking")',
dataType: "json",
//cache: false,
async: "false",
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var rows = ""
+ ""
+ ' tblFloor ' + item.Floor_No + ""
+ "";
$('#tblFloor tbody').append(rows);
//Prevent default behavior
return false;
This is my controller
public JsonResult GetFloors()
List<tblFloor> floors = new List<tblFloor>();
floors = BlockRepsitory.GetFloors(1).ToList();
return Json(floors, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Finally, I got a solution to this problem below is code for that solution:
$(document).ready(function () {
function loadData() {
url: "/PeopleBooking/Blocklist",
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
var html = '';
$.each(result, function (key, item) {
html += '<div class="col-md-3 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 "><section class="panel panel-featured-left panel-featured-primary "><div class="panel-body zoom"><div class="widget-summary"><div class="widget-summary-col widget-summary-col-icon"><div class="summary-icon bg-white"><img src="/assets/images/RoomImg/block.png" width = "150" height = "150" class="img-circle img-responsive"/></div></div><div class="widget-summary-col"><div class="summary"><h4 class="title">' + item.Block_name + '</h4><div class="info"><strong class="amount">' + item.Block_No + '</strong></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div>';
error: function (errormessage) {


How to refresh a viewcomponent asp.net core

i have a view with 3 combo boxes that get their options from a database. when an option in one of them is selected, the others may have to be filtered. im making the call to my controller with ajax:
$(".dropFilter").on('change', function () {
var data = {
'EventEmitter': $(this).attr("id"),
'SelectedValue': $(this).val()
type: 'POST',
url: '../MyController/FilterCombos',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
success: function (msg) {
fail: function (msg) {
the controller method being called is the following:
public IActionResult FilterCombos([FromBody]FilterComboRequest fcr)
switch (fcr.EventEmitter)
case "combo1-dropdown":
return ViewComponent("MyViewComponent", new
firstFilter = fcr.SelectedValue,
secondFilter = 0,
thirdFilter = fcr.SelectedValue
case "combo2-dropdown":
return ViewComponent("MyViewComponent", new
firstFilter = 0,
secondFilter = fcr.SelectedValue,
thirdFilter = 0
return ViewComponent("MyViewComponent", new
firstFilter = 0,
secondFilter = 0,
thirdFilter = 0
my viewcomponent invokeAsync method is the following:
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(int firstFilter,int secondFilter,int thirdFilter)
var mOpciones = new MOpciones();
var lOpciones = new LOpciones(_config);
return View(mOpciones);
the combos are filled like so:
new SelectList(Model.First,"Id","Nombre"),
new { #class = "col-6 form-control form-control-lg",
#id="combo1-dropdown" })
when debugging, i see that mOpciones is being filled correctly in InvokeAsync, and Model.First has the right options in Default.cshtml, but the view on the browser never changes. what am i doing wrong?
Feel drop-down values can be updated within Ajax call method in JS.
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
$("#Dropdown").append('<option value="'
+ value.Value + '">'
+ value.Value + '</option>');

How to return a PartialView from Core 2 RazorPage ViewModel Handler

In Asp.Net MVC, you can easily return a partial view by doing the following:
return PartialView("ModelName", Model);
How is this done on a RazorPage ViewModel Handler?
I figured this out. It is not nearly as straight forward as it is in MVC. You have to create an empty ViewDataDictionary() and then set its Model property to the partial's populated model.
View Model / Handler
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsyncUpdateSearchResults(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string selectedTypes)
int[] types = selectedTypes.Split(",").Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray();
var inventory = await _itemService.GetFiltered(types, null, null, null, null, null, null, startDate, endDate.ToUniversalTime(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
if (inventory != null)
SearchResultsGridPartialModel = new SearchResultsGridPartialModel();
SearchResultsGridPartialModel.TotalCount = inventory.TotalCount;
SearchResultsGridPartialModel.TotalPages = inventory.TotalPages;
SearchResultsGridPartialModel.PageNumber = inventory.PageNumber;
SearchResultsGridPartialModel.Items = inventory.Items;
var myViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.EmptyModelMetadataProvider(), new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.ModelStateDictionary()) { { "SearchResultsGridPartialModel", SearchResultsGridPartialModel } };
myViewData.Model = SearchResultsGridPartialModel;
PartialViewResult result = new PartialViewResult()
ViewName = "SearchResultsGridPartial",
ViewData = myViewData,
return result;
I can now call this handler via ajax GET and have it return the partial's HTML. I can then set the partial's div and the partial refreshes as expected.
Here is the AJAX call I'm making:
var jsonData = { "startDate": startDate, "endDate": endDate, "selectedTypes": selectedTypesAsString };
type: 'GET',
url: "searchresults/?handler=AsyncUpdateSearchResults",
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("XSRF-TOKEN", $('input:hidden[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val());
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8"',
data: jsonData,
success: function (result) {
error: function (error) {
Thanks alot to TechFisher for figuring it out, here is a bit cleaner example.
public IActionResult OnGetTestPartial()
return new PartialViewResult()
ViewName = "Test",
ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(), new ModelStateDictionary())
Model = new TestPartialData { Data = "inputhere" },
Partial view in a file name "Test.cshtml" in the same folder as the above class.
#using YourNamespace
#model TestPartialData
<div>Hello, model value: #Model.Data</div>
Load it async with jquery

Cannot Get Typeahead.js Working with MVC 5 Over Remote

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but I cannot get typeahead working in my MVC 5 application. I installed everything via NuGet and my view includes #Scripts.Render("~/bundles/typeahead"), which is rendering properly when viewing the source of the view. So the issue isn't that the dependencies are missing.
I am not seeing any drop down appear when I start typing, and using Fiddler I do not see any calls being made out to the remote that I setup that pulls the data.
Here's the line in my view that typeahead is being attached:
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.MainInfo.CompanyName,
new { #class = "form-control typeahead", id = "comp-name", autocomplete="off" })
Here's the portion of my script that configures typeahead and bloodhound:
$(document).ready(function() {
var clients = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (datum) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.value);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
remote: {
url: "/info/client?like=%QUERY",
wildcard: '%QUERY',
filter: function (clients) {
return $.map(clients, function (client) {
return {
value: client.Name,
clientId: client.Identifier
display: 'value',
minLength: 1,
source: clients.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
empty: "Looks like a new client...",
suggestion: Handlebars.compile("<p><b>{{value}}</b> - {{clientId}}</p>")
Is there something that I've configured wrong in my javascript? I've used a few tutorials as well as their own documentation, but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong here. It almost feels like it's not properly initialized, but there are no errors being thrown.
NOTE: Just as an FYI I'm using Bootstrap 3 as well in case that changes anything.
EDIT: Here's my #section Scripts:
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/handlebars.min.js")"></script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/ProjectSetupFormScripts.js")"></script> <-- this is where typeahead is set up
This did the trick for me:
#section Scripts {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
function SetupTipeahead() {
var engine = new Bloodhound({
remote: {
url: '/Employees/AllEmployees',
ajax: {
type: 'GET'
datumTokenizer: function (d) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.FullName);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace
$('#FullName').typeahead(null, {
displayKey: 'FullName',
source: engine.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
empty: [
'<div class="empty-message">',
'No match',
suggestion: function (data) {
return '<p class="">' + data.FullName + '</p><p class="">' + data.ManNumber + '</p>';
EmployeesController has the following JsonResult
public JsonResult AllEmployees()
return Json(db.Employees.ToList(),JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Hello try to wrap your script in #section scripts {} this will place the script at the bottom just before the </body> tag and make sure you are not calling the function before your bundles load.
#section scripts {
$(document).ready(function() {
var clients = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (datum) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.value);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
remote: {
url: "/info/client?like=%QUERY",
wildcard: '%QUERY',
filter: function (clients) {
return $.map(clients, function (client) {
return {
value: client.Name,
clientId: client.Identifier
display: 'value',
minLength: 1,
source: clients.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
empty: "Looks like a new client...",
suggestion: Handlebars.compile("<p><b>{{value}}</b> - {{clientId}}</p>")

How to upload image in jQuery jTable

I successfully created an upload field in create mode in jQuery jTable as follows:
upload: {
title: 'Upload Image',
input: function (data) {
return '<input type="file" name="file">';
'<input type="submit" value="Submit" id="submitBtn" />';
I am able to successfully display the browse button and select files. I am unable to submit the form:
Error: newcourse.php' not found or unable to stat.
with the same file name in which the code is.
I am at a dead end. Where will the file be uploaded to? In the same directory?
How to do it in jTable ? Can it be done using ajax ? If so, how to proceed? jTable documentation is very poor.
I finally found a soluton to upload files on jTable
Now with the version of jtable 2.4.0 (the most recent at the moment writing this post)
on your file.js add the following methods:
// Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an associative array.
function getVars(url)
var formData = new FormData();
var split;
$.each(url.split("&"), function(key, value) {
split = value.split("=");
formData.append(split[0], decodeURIComponent(split[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")));
return formData;
// Variable to store your files
var files;
$( document ).delegate('#input-image','change', prepareUpload);
// Grab the files and set them to our variable
function prepareUpload(event)
files = event.target.files;
//The actions for your table:
actions: {
listAction: 'backoffice/catalogs/display',
deleteAction: 'backoffice/catalogs/delete',
createAction: function (postData) {
var formData = getVars(postData);
if($('#input-image').val() !== ""){
formData.append("userfile", $('#input-image').get(0).files[0]);
return $.Deferred(function ($dfd) {
url: 'backoffice/catalogs/update',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: formData,
processData: false, // Don't process the files
contentType: false, // Set content type to false as jQuery will tell the server its a query string request
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
updateAction: function (postData) {
var formData = getVars(postData);
if($('#input-image').val() !== ""){
formData.append("userfile", $('#input-image').get(0).files[0]);
return $.Deferred(function ($dfd) {
url: 'backoffice/catalogs/update',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: formData,
processData: false, // Don't process the files
contentType: false, // Set content type to false as jQuery will tell the server its a query string request
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
// Now for the fields:
fields: {
id_catalog: {
key: true,
create: false,
edit: false,
list: false
thumb_url: {
title: 'Image',
type: 'file',
create: false,
edit: true,
list: true,
display: function(data){
return '<img src="' + data.record.thumb_url + '" width="150" height="207" class="preview">';
input: function(data){
return '<img src="' + data.record.thumb_url + '" width="150" height="207" class="preview">';
width: "150",
listClass: "class-row-center"
image: {
title: 'Select File',
list: false,
create: true,
input: function(data) {
html = '<input type ="file" id="input-image" name="userfile" accept="image/*" />';
return html;
Now, you are able to process the files on your server side.
That's all folks.
Hello shels
I lost a lot of time to searching of a solution of this issue. I read a many articles and found that this solution working for me fine:
actions: {
 listAction: 'modules_data.php?action=list',
deleteAction: 'modules_data.php?action=delete',
updateAction: 'modules_data.php?action=update',
createAction: 'modules_data.php?action=create'
image_file: {
title: 'Album cover',
list: true,
create: true,
edit: true,
input: function(data) {
return '<form target="iframeTarget" class="formUploadFile" action="file_upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" onchange="this.form.submit()" name="myFile"/> </form> <iframe class="upload-iframe" style="display: none;" src="#" name="iframeTarget"></iframe>';
image: {
title: 'Album cover',
list: true,
create: true,
edit: true,
input: function(data) {
html = '<input type ="hidden" id="image" name="image" />';
return html;
How to capture submit response in a form created dynamically?
So you can capture submit event using:
formSubmitting: function(event, data) {
filename = $('input[type=file]').val().split('\\').pop();
($("#" + data.form.attr("id")).find('input[name="image"]').val(filename));
And save data to the server side script.
I think, it's a good solution and hope will be helpful.
Best Regards
console.log not working for FormData. Use instead
for (var data of formData) {

Footer's contents don't seem to work

I'm trying create custom footers such in phantomjs examples: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/examples/printheaderfooter.js
Here is my code:
var phantom = require('node-phantom');
phantom.create(function (err, ph) {
ph.createPage(function (err, page) {
page.set('paperSize', {
format: 'A4',
orientation: 'portrait',
footer: {
contents: ph.callback(function (pageNum, numPages) {
if (pageNum == 1) {
return "";
return "<h1>Header <span style='float:right'>" + pageNum + " / " + numPages + "</span></h1>";
}, function () {
page.open('http://www.google.com', function () {
But unfortunately I get the following error:
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'callback';
Is it bug that ph does not expose callback method?
There are two problems in your script :
ph is not the classic phantom object, but a proxy object. node-phantom use web sockets to invoke phantomjs. Of course, some features are lost using this implementation.
functions are not serialized when calling page.set
Printing custom header/footer also requires to call phantom.callback. This method is not documented and so not exposed by node-phantom (and can't be). We need to find a way to apply this method in this package.
There are many solutions. Here is my possible solution :
Serialize your functions in a string in your script
var phantom = require('node-phantom');
phantom.create(function (err, ph) {
ph.createPage(function (err, page) {
page.set('paperSize', {
format: 'A4',
orientation: 'portrait',
header: {
height: "1cm",
contents: 'function(pageNum, numPages) { return pageNum + "/" + numPages; }'
footer: {
height: "1cm",
contents: 'function(pageNum, numPages) { return pageNum + "/" + numPages; }'
}, function () {
page.open('http://www.google.fr', function () {
edit bridge.js and add phantom.callback + eval. This allow us to re-plug the header/footer .contents.
case 'pageSet':
eval('request[4].header.contents = phantom.callback('+request[4].header.contents+')');
eval('request[4].footer.contents = phantom.callback('+request[4].footer.contents+')');
As you can see this works ! (Google in French)
Unfortunately, node-phantom doesn't appear to support phantom.callback. Since the project is inactive for more than a year, I think it's unlikely to be updated in the near future.
On the other hand, phantomjs-node supports phantom.callback() since version 0.6.6. You can use it like this:
var phantom = require('phantom');
phantom.create(function (ph) {
ph.createPage(function (page) {
page.open("http://www.google.com", function (status) {
var paperConfig = {
format: 'A4',
orientation: 'portrait',
border: '1cm',
header: {
height: '1cm',
contents: ph.callback(function(pageNum, numPages) {
return '<h1>My Custom Header</h1>';
footer: {
height: '1cm',
contents: ph.callback(function(pageNum, numPages) {
return '<p>Page ' + pageNum + ' / ' + numPages + '</p>';
page.set('paperSize', paperConfig, function() {
// render to pdf
page.render('path/to/file.pdf', function() {
As you can also see on this gist.
node phantom seems to expose this proxy-object via the create function (this should be your ph-object):
var proxy={
addCookie: function(cookie, callback){
request(socket,[0,'addCookie', cookie],callbackOrDummy(callback));
on: function(){
phantom.on.apply(phantom, arguments);
_phantom: phantom
that means, that you can probably acces the phantoms callback like this:
Here what I did to access phantom.callback:
add this to node-phantom.js line 202:
callback: function(callback){
just before _phantom: phantom
and add this to bridge.js line 45:
case 'callback':
Hope it helps!
