finding time difference with 1 cell - excel

I recently pulled a huge amount of data into a csv file, as a result a large amount of data is being formatted like this:
xx:xx-xx:xx - 'text'
The problem i'm having is this is all in one cell, I've tried looking online without much luck so basically wanted to know if it's even possible to find the time difference between xx:xx-xx:xx even if they're stored on the same cell? If not, is there a way to split these times into different cells en mass?
I've managed to remove the text from the cell, I now am left with 1 cell containing ranges similar to:

Please try, formatted as Time:
If that does not work then check for leading spaces. Won't suit if times are late/early order, nor if spanning midnight.
Edited so there should be no need to strip out 'text'.


Excel Formula Slow

is there anything i can do to further improve performance of this formula ?
i have this on a sheet for each day of the year x 400 people so 146k+ times. this is therefor taken up 80% of the sheet load time.
The sheet basically gets shift patters from Teams, check if there is any holidays, overtime etc from the relevant month tab and relevant cell for the day, and then will generate a code like below.
i have so far managed to make this faster by using the LET function, but not show if its possible to make any further improvements.
if you need an example file i can send this or upload somewhere, not sure if that is possible via stackoverflow or a preferred site to upload to.
The following is a shortened version of your formula to reduce the complexity of computations.
Instead of building the 'OVT000SSI000...' string one piece after another while always checking if the first 3 characters of 'd_patt' match the current piece, we can set the whole string with '000's as default and only replace the section that matches 'd_patt' (see highlighted elements in screenshot below)
Which results in the full formula:
If $B6, $C6 and $D6 can only be either empty or a numerical number, in other words, if they are never a letter or special character, the 'd_patt' function can be further shortened as follows:
Which results in the full formula:

Is there a way to replace cells of a particular value with multiple cells?

Let's say I need to replace any cell that has a value of "outgoing" with multiple cells such as (0), (1), (0), (0), (2), in Excel. Is there a way to actually make this happen? I am doing this for a research project. Every item in my data needs to be coded on five different scales. There are 30-or-so items make up for almost half of the data. It would be enormously helpful to be able to simply replace the high frequency items with the five values at once.
I am not sure I completely understand the result you are looking for but here goes:
How about using the Find and Replace functionality to replace all instances of "outgoing" with "(0),(1),(0),(0),(2)" and then use the Text to Columns functionality to split the single column with "(0),(1),(0),(0),(2)" in to five separate columns, thus each value would be in its own cell.
You would need to split based on a delimiter (probably ",") and you should do all your replacing before you start splitting. Obviously you should test on some sample data first - Find and Replace is not your friend if you are not certain about your data set.

How to optimize COUNTIFS with very large data

I would like to create a report that look like this picture below.
My data has around 500,000 cells (it will continue to grow larger)
Right now, I'm using countifs function from excel but it takes a very long time to calculate. (cannot turnoff automatic calculate)
The main value is collected as date and the range of date is about 3 years, so I have to put a lot of formula to cover all range of value.
The picture below is the datasource the top one cannot be changed. , while the bottom is the one I created by myself (can change). I use weeknum to change date to week number.
Are there any better formula or any ways to make this file faster? Every kinds of suggestions are welcome!
I was thinking about using Pivot Table, but I don't know how to make pivot table from this kind of datasource.
PS. VBA is the last option.
You can download example file here:
I will post this answer with the disclaimer that it is entirely dependent on the size of the data set. That turning on and off the auto calculate is the best way, but your question doesn't let me do that, so keep reading.
Your question made me curious, so I gave it a try and timed it. I essentially set up two columns of over 100,000 rand numbers choosing from 1-1000 and then tried to do a countif on the two columns if they were equal. I made a macro that I can run that turns off the autocalculate, inserts the start time, calculates, and then inserts the finish time. I highlighted in yellow the time difference.
First I tried your way, two criteria, countifs:
Then I tried to combine (concatenate) the two columns to see if I could make it easier by only having one countif criteria and data set. It doesn't. see result below:
Finally, realizing what was going on. I decided to make the criteria only match the FIRST value in the number to look for. I was essentially reducing the number of characters to check per cell. This had a positive result. See below:
Therefore my suggestion is to limit the length of the words you are comparing in anyway possible. You are mostly looking at dates, so you might have to get creative, but this seems to be the best way possible without going to manual calculation.
I have worked with Excel sheets of a similar size. Especially if you are using the data on a regular basis, I would heartily recommend switching to a proper database SQL based, Access, or whatever fits your purpose. I does wonders for the speed and also you won't run into the size limits of Excel. :-)
You can import the data you have now fairly easy.
I am happy as a clam with my postgresql db.

Format multiple date entries as strings

I have an Excel file storing a thousand lines of dates. Each date seems to be (auto)formatted as a Date. A (PHP Excel) parser I'm using (really can't update/use another one) is parsing this to a string which will occur in the number of days till 1900.
Is there a way to format the values in Excel being simple text "08.03.1991" to get this file parsed correctly?
I could add a quote: "'08.03.1991" but I need an (Excel-based) one-action-solution for all the thousand lines.
Remark: Since this is a file of a user I can't just write simple VBA-Script or so to handle this since there will be new files in the future and the User needs to be able to solve this alone.
I admit I am not quite sure what you have and what you want but it may be worth trying: Select column of dates, apply Text to Columns with Tab as delimiter and in step 3 of 3 select Text.
You could use the TEXT function like this:
For more details have a look here

Some but not all Excel numbers show as a date

I have a big .xls file. Some numbers show as a date.
31.08 shows as 31.aug
31.13 shows as 31.13 (that is what i want all columns to be)
When I reformat 31.aug to number it shows as 40768,00
I have found no ways to convert 31.aug to 31.08 as a number. All I am able to do is to reformat 31.aug as and then it shows as 31.08 and when I try to reformat it from 31.08 to number it shows as 40768,00. No way to cheat Excel using different types of cell formats.
How's your regional settings? There are some Regions where the short date is identified by (Estonian, for instance). Maybe if you change the regional settings for US / UK and paste the data again it won't be changed.
Worked in a small test I did here. Hope it helps.
Internally Excel stores Dates as integer. 1 is January 1. 1900. If you entered something that Excel interprets as a date then it will be converted into an integer. I think from this point on there is no way back.
There is an setting in Options on the tab "international" where you can define your decimal separator. If you set this to ".", then your Excel should accept 30.12 as decimal number and not as date.
As pointed out by others, Excel interprets some of your data as a date instead of a number, which depends on your regional settings. To avoid this happening try Tiago's and stema's responses, they will work depending on your regional settings.
To repair your problem in a large file after it has happened without re-entering/re-importing your data, you can use something like
to convert a "date" back to a number. Excel will still display it as a date when you first enter this, but when you reformat it as "Number" now it will display the value you originally entered.
Since your column seems to contain a mix between correct numbers and dates, you need to add an if() construct to separate the two cases. If you haven't changed the display format yet (i.e. it still displays 31.Aug) you can use
which checks if the format is a "D"ate format. If you have already changed the format to Number, but know all your correct data is below 40000, you can use
As suggested above, go to Control Panel - Region and Language - Advanced Settings - Numbers - and change the Decimal Symbol from "," to "."
Good luck!
The data you are pasting, is it by any chance a pivot table.
For example, like you, I am copying a lot of data into a large spreadsheet. The data I am copying is from another sheet and it is a pivot table.
If I paste normally, half will show up as numbers, which they are in the source file and half will show up as dates, for no reason, which drives me insane.
If I Paste->Values however, they will all show up as numbers, and as I don't need the pivot functionality in the destination file this solution is fine.
All you have to do is format cell.
1-right click on the cell where you want to insert the number.
2-then click on Number and select 'General' from the number menu.
Hope this will help future people with the same issue.
