Cassandra datastax OperationTimedOutException - cassandra

I'm using a 3 nodes cassandra 3.0.14 deployed on 3 differents VM. I have a lots of data (billions) and I would like to make quick search among my Cassandra architecture.
I've made a lots of research on Cassandra but I'm still facing some issues that I cannot understand:
When I am using cqlsh I can make a query that analyzes all my database
SELECT DISTINCT val_1 FROM myTable; is working.
However I cannot make the same request using my java code and datastax driver. My script return:
Caused by: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.OperationTimedOutException: [/XX.XX.XX.XX:9042] Timed out waiting for server response
Some request are working using cqlsh but making a more specific request will lead to a request timeout:
OperationTimedOut: errors={'': 'Client request timeout. See Session.execute[_async](timeout)'}, last_host=
For example if I'm making this request:
SELECT val_1 FROM myTable where time>'2018-09-16 09:00:00'; will work
SELECT val_1 FROM myTable where time>'2018-09-16 09:00:00' and time<'2018-09-17 09:00:00'; will lead to time out
I changed my request_timeout_in_ms to 60s but I know it is not a good practice. I also increase my read_request_timeout_in_ms and range_request_timeout_in_ms but I still have the previous issues.
Would anyone have the same problems ?

Try to adjust the client timeout in Java code, as follows:
//configure socket options
SocketOptions options = new SocketOptions();
//spin up a fresh connection (using the SocketOptions set up above)
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(Configuration.getCassandraHost()).withPort(Configuration.getCassandraPort())
.withCredentials(Configuration.getCassandraUser(), Configuration.getCassandraPass()).withSocketOptions(options).build();

This happens because you're using Cassandra incorrect way. The range operations, distinct, etc. works best only if you have the partition key specified in your query. Otherwise, Cassandra will need to scan whole cluster trying to find the data that you need, and this will lead to timeout even on the medium-sized database. Don't use the ALLOW FILTERING to enforce execution of the queries.
In Cassandra, database structure is modeled around the queries that you want to execute. I recommend to take DS201 & DS220 courses from the DataStax Academy.


What happens when I "select * from ColumnFamily" in a given Cassandra Cluster

Can someone explain and provide the document that explains the behavior of
select * from <keyspace.table>
Let's assume I have 5 node cluster, how does Cassandra DataStax Driver behave when such queries are being issued?
(Fetchsize was set to 500)
Is this a proper way to pull data ? Does it cause any performance issues?
No, that's really a very bad way to pull data. Cassandra shines when it fetches the data by at least partition key (that identifies a server that holds the actual data). When you are doing the select * from table, request is sent to coordinating node, that will need to pull all data from all servers and send via that coordinating node, overloading it, and most probably lead to the timeout if you have enough data in the cluster.
If you really need to perform full fetch of the data from cluster, it's better to use something like Spark Cassandra Connector that read data by token ranges, fetching the data directly from nodes that are holding the data, and doing this in parallel. You can of course implement the token range scan in Java driver, something like this, but it will require more work on your side, comparing to use of Spark.

Increase request timeout for CQL from NiFi

I am using QueryCassandra processor in NiFi to fetch data from Cassandra but my query is getting timedoutexception. I want to increase the request time out while running the CQL query from the processor. Is there a way to do that or I will have to write a custom processor?
Most probably you're getting an exception because you're performing query on non-partition key - in this case, the query is distributed to the all nodes, and requires to go through all available data, and this is very slow if you have big data set.
In Cassandra queries are fast only when you're performing them on (at least) partition key. If you need to search on non-partition column, then you need to re-model your tables to match your queries. I recommend to take DS220 course on DataStax Academy for better understanding how Cassandra works.
As #Alex ott said, it is not recommended to query on non partition key. If you still want to do so and increase the timeout for the query, just property Max Wait Time to whatever timeout you want.
tl;dr: Apache's timeout wrapper doesn't really let you use the timeout option.
Now that you mentioned that this is a DataStax exception and not java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException, I can tell you that I've looked into QueryCassandra processor's source code and it seems like Apache just wrapped the query function with a Future to achieve a timeout instead of using DataStax's built-in timeout option. This results in a default non-changeable timeout by the DataStax driver. It should be reported to Apache as a bug.

Cassandra unpredictable failure depending on WHERE clause

I am attempting to execute a SELECT statement against a large Cassandra table (10m rows) with various WHERE clauses. I am issuing these from the Datastax DevCenter application. The columns I am using in the where clause have secondary indexes.
The where clause looks like WHERE fileid = 18000 or alternatively WHERE fileid < 18000. In this example, the second where clause results in the error Unable to execute CQL script on 'connection1': Cassandra failure during read query at consistency ONE (1 responses were required but only 0 replica responded, 1 failed)
I have no idea why it is failing in this unpredictable manner. Any ideas?
NOTE: I am aware that this is a terrible idea, and Cassandra is not meant to be used in this way. I am issuing these queries and timing them to prove to others how inefficient Cassandra is for our use case compared to other solutions.
Your query is probably failing because of a READ timeout (the timeout on waiting to read data). You could try updating the Cassandra.yaml with a larger read timeout time with read_request_timeout_in_ms: 200000 (for 200s) to give an output rather than an error. However, if you're trying to prove the inefficiency of Cassandra in your use case, this error seems like a pretty good way to do it.

Cassandra read operation error using datastax cassandra

Sorry if this is an existing question, but any of the existing ones resolved my problem..
I've installed Cassandra single noded. I don't have a large application right now, but I think this can be the case soon, and I will need more and more nodes..
Well, I'm saving data from a stream to Cassandra, and this were going well, but suddently, when I tried to read data, I've started to receive this error:
"Not enough replica available for query at consistency ONE (1 required but only 0 alive)"
My keyspace was built using simplestrategy with replication_factor = 1. Im saving data separated by a field called "catchId", so most of my queries are like: "select * from data where catchId='xxx'". catchId is a partition key.
I'm using the cassandra-driver-core version 3.0.0-rc1.
The thing is that I don't have that much of data rigth now, and I'm thinking if it will be better to use a RDBMS for now, and migrate to Cassandra only when I have a better infrastructure.
Thanks :)
It seems that your node is unable to respond when you try to make your read (in general this error appears for more than one node). If you do not have lots of data, it's very strange, so this is probably a bad design choice. This can emanate from several things, so you have to make a few investigations.
study your logs ! In particular the system.log
you can change your read_request_timeout_in_ms parameter in cassandra.yaml. Although it's not agood idea in production, it will say you if it's just temporary problem (your request succeed after a little time) or a bigger problem
study your CPU and memory behavior when you are doing requests
if you are very motivated, you can install opscenter which will you give more valuable informations
How and how many write requests are you doing ? It can overwhelm cassandra (even if it's designed for). I recommend to make async requests to avoid problems.

Modifying columnfamily metadata in Cassandra produces errors in datastax driver on server restart

I'm seeing some very strange effects after modifying column metadata in a columnfamily after executing the following CQL query: ALTER TABLE keyspace_name.table_name ADD column_name cql_type;
I have a cluster of 4 nodes on two data centers (Cassandra version 2.0.9). I also have two application servers talking to the Cassandra cluster via the datastax java driver (version 2.0.4).
After executing this kind of query I see no abnormal behaviour whatsoever (no exceptions detected at all), however long I wait. But once I restart my application on one of the servers I immediately start seeing errors on the other server. What I mean by errors is that after getting my data into a ResultSet, I try to deserialize it row by row and get 'null' values or values from other columns instead of the ones I expect. After restarting the second server (the one that is getting the errors) everything gets back to normal.
I've tried investigating both the logs of datastax-agent and cassandra on both the servers but there is nothing to be found.
Is there a 'proper procedure' to altering the columnfamily? Does anyone have any idea as to what may be the problem?
