bash echo environment variable containing escaped characters - linux

I have an script that echo the input given, into a file as follows:
echo $# > file.txt
When I pass a sting like "\"" I want it to exactly print "\"" to the file however it prints ".
My question is how can I print all characters of a variable containing a string without considering escapes?
When I use echo in bash like echo "\"" it only prints " while when I use echo '"\""' it prints it correctly. I thought maybe that would be the solution to use single quotes around the variable, however I cannot get the value of a variable inside single quotes.

First, note that
echo $# > file.txt
can fail in several ways. Shellcheck identifies one problem (missing quotes on $#). See the accepted, and excellent, answer to Why is printf better than echo? for others.
Second, as others have pointed out, there is no practical way for a Bash program to know exactly how parameters were specified on the command line. For instance, for all of these invocations
prog \"
prog "\""
prog '"'
the code in prog will see a $1 value that consists of one double-quote character. Any quoting characters that are used in the invocation of prog are removed by the quote removal part of the shell expansions done by the parent shell process.
Normally that doesn't matter. If variables or parameters contain values that would need to be quoted when entered as literals (e.g. "\"") they can be used safely, including passing them as parameters to other programs, by quoting uses of the variable or parameter (e.g. "$1", "$#", "$x").
There is a problem with variables or parameters that require quoting when entered literally if you need to write them in a way that they can be reused as shell input (e.g. by using eval or source/.). Bash supports the %q format specification to the printf builtin to handle this situation. It's not clear what the OP is trying to do, but one possible solution to the question is:
if (( $# > 0 )) ; then
printf -v quoted_params '%q ' "$#" # Add all parameters to 'quoted_params'
printf '%s\n' "${quoted_params% }" # Remove trailing space when printing
fi >file.txt
That creates an empty 'file.txt' when no positional parameters are provided. The code would need to be changed if that is not what is required.

If you run echo \", the function of the backslash in bash is to escape the character after it. This actually enables you to use the double quotes as an argument. You cannot use a backslash by itself; if you want to have a backslash as an argument you need to use another slash to escape that: echo \\
Now if you want to create a string where these things are not escaped, use single quotes: echo '\'
See for a better explanation this post: Difference between single and double quotes in Bash


Hi everyone, I am trying to write a code that will check for the date in a log file [duplicate]

Should or should I not wrap quotes around variables in a shell script?
For example, is the following correct:
xdg-open $URL
[ $? -eq 2 ]
xdg-open "$URL"
[ "$?" -eq "2" ]
And if so, why?
General rule: quote it if it can either be empty or contain spaces (or any whitespace really) or special characters (wildcards). Not quoting strings with spaces often leads to the shell breaking apart a single argument into many.
$? doesn't need quotes since it's a numeric value. Whether $URL needs it depends on what you allow in there and whether you still want an argument if it's empty.
I tend to always quote strings just out of habit since it's safer that way.
In short, quote everything where you do not require the shell to perform word splitting and wildcard expansion.
Single quotes protect the text between them verbatim. It is the proper tool when you need to ensure that the shell does not touch the string at all. Typically, it is the quoting mechanism of choice when you do not require variable interpolation.
$ echo 'Nothing \t in here $will change'
Nothing \t in here $will change
$ grep -F '#&$*!!' file /dev/null
file:I can't get this #&$*!! quoting right.
Double quotes are suitable when variable interpolation is required. With suitable adaptations, it is also a good workaround when you need single quotes in the string. (There is no straightforward way to escape a single quote between single quotes, because there is no escape mechanism inside single quotes -- if there was, they would not quote completely verbatim.)
$ echo "There is no place like '$HOME'"
There is no place like '/home/me'
No quotes are suitable when you specifically require the shell to perform word splitting and/or wildcard expansion.
Word splitting (aka token splitting);
$ words="foo bar baz"
$ for word in $words; do
> echo "$word"
> done
By contrast:
$ for word in "$words"; do echo "$word"; done
foo bar baz
(The loop only runs once, over the single, quoted string.)
$ for word in '$words'; do echo "$word"; done
(The loop only runs once, over the literal single-quoted string.)
Wildcard expansion:
$ pattern='file*.txt'
$ ls $pattern
file1.txt file_other.txt
By contrast:
$ ls "$pattern"
ls: cannot access file*.txt: No such file or directory
(There is no file named literally file*.txt.)
$ ls '$pattern'
ls: cannot access $pattern: No such file or directory
(There is no file named $pattern, either!)
In more concrete terms, anything containing a filename should usually be quoted (because filenames can contain whitespace and other shell metacharacters). Anything containing a URL should usually be quoted (because many URLs contain shell metacharacters like ? and &). Anything containing a regex should usually be quoted (ditto ditto). Anything containing significant whitespace other than single spaces between non-whitespace characters needs to be quoted (because otherwise, the shell will munge the whitespace into, effectively, single spaces, and trim any leading or trailing whitespace).
When you know that a variable can only contain a value which contains no shell metacharacters, quoting is optional. Thus, an unquoted $? is basically fine, because this variable can only ever contain a single number. However, "$?" is also correct, and recommended for general consistency and correctness (though this is my personal recommendation, not a widely recognized policy).
Values which are not variables basically follow the same rules, though you could then also escape any metacharacters instead of quoting them. For a common example, a URL with a & in it will be parsed by the shell as a background command unless the metacharacter is escaped or quoted:
$ wget
[1] wget
-bash: uack: command not found
(Of course, this also happens if the URL is in an unquoted variable.) For a static string, single quotes make the most sense, although any form of quoting or escaping works here.
wget '' # Single quotes preferred for a static string
wget "" # Double quotes work here, too (no $ or ` in the value)
wget\&uack # Backslash escape
wget'&'uack # Only the metacharacter really needs quoting
The last example also suggests another useful concept, which I like to call "seesaw quoting". If you need to mix single and double quotes, you can use them adjacent to each other. For example, the following quoted strings
'$HOME '
' where `<3'
"' is."
can be pasted together back to back, forming a single long string after tokenization and quote removal.
$ echo '$HOME '"isn't"' where `<3'"' is."
$HOME isn't where `<3' is.
This isn't awfully legible, but it's a common technique and thus good to know.
As an aside, scripts should usually not use ls for anything. To expand a wildcard, just ... use it.
$ printf '%s\n' $pattern # not ``ls -1 $pattern''
$ for file in $pattern; do # definitely, definitely not ``for file in $(ls $pattern)''
> printf 'Found file: %s\n' "$file"
> done
Found file: file1.txt
Found file: file_other.txt
(The loop is completely superfluous in the latter example; printf specifically works fine with multiple arguments. stat too. But looping over a wildcard match is a common problem, and frequently done incorrectly.)
A variable containing a list of tokens to loop over or a wildcard to expand is less frequently seen, so we sometimes abbreviate to "quote everything unless you know precisely what you are doing".
Here is a three-point formula for quotes in general:
Double quotes
In contexts where we want to suppress word splitting and globbing. Also in contexts where we want the literal to be treated as a string, not a regex.
Single quotes
In string literals where we want to suppress interpolation and special treatment of backslashes. In other words, situations where using double quotes would be inappropriate.
No quotes
In contexts where we are absolutely sure that there are no word splitting or globbing issues or we do want word splitting and globbing.
Double quotes
literal strings with whitespace ("StackOverflow rocks!", "Steve's Apple")
variable expansions ("$var", "${arr[#]}")
command substitutions ("$(ls)", "`ls`")
globs where directory path or file name part includes spaces ("/my dir/"*)
to protect single quotes ("single'quote'delimited'string")
Bash parameter expansion ("${filename##*/}")
Single quotes
command names and arguments that have whitespace in them
literal strings that need interpolation to be suppressed ( 'Really costs $$!', 'just a backslash followed by a t: \t')
to protect double quotes ('The "crux"')
regex literals that need interpolation to be suppressed
use shell quoting for literals involving special characters ($'\n\t')
use shell quoting where we need to protect several single and double quotes ($'{"table": "users", "where": "first_name"=\'Steve\'}')
No quotes
around standard numeric variables ($$, $?, $# etc.)
in arithmetic contexts like ((count++)), "${arr[idx]}", "${string:start:length}"
inside [[ ]] expression which is free from word splitting and globbing issues (this is a matter of style and opinions can vary widely)
where we want word splitting (for word in $words)
where we want globbing (for txtfile in *.txt; do ...)
where we want ~ to be interpreted as $HOME (~/"some dir" but not "~/some dir")
See also:
Difference between single and double quotes in Bash
What are the special dollar sign shell variables?
Quotes and escaping - Bash Hackers' Wiki
When is double quoting necessary?
I generally use quoted like "$var" for safe, unless I am sure that $var does not contain space.
I do use $var as a simple way to join lines:
lines="`cat multi-lines-text-file.txt`"
echo "$lines" ## multiple lines
echo $lines ## all spaces (including newlines) are zapped
Whenever the plugin for your editor tells you to.

Concatenate date variable to get epoch value in linux [duplicate]

Should or should I not wrap quotes around variables in a shell script?
For example, is the following correct:
xdg-open $URL
[ $? -eq 2 ]
xdg-open "$URL"
[ "$?" -eq "2" ]
And if so, why?
General rule: quote it if it can either be empty or contain spaces (or any whitespace really) or special characters (wildcards). Not quoting strings with spaces often leads to the shell breaking apart a single argument into many.
$? doesn't need quotes since it's a numeric value. Whether $URL needs it depends on what you allow in there and whether you still want an argument if it's empty.
I tend to always quote strings just out of habit since it's safer that way.
In short, quote everything where you do not require the shell to perform word splitting and wildcard expansion.
Single quotes protect the text between them verbatim. It is the proper tool when you need to ensure that the shell does not touch the string at all. Typically, it is the quoting mechanism of choice when you do not require variable interpolation.
$ echo 'Nothing \t in here $will change'
Nothing \t in here $will change
$ grep -F '#&$*!!' file /dev/null
file:I can't get this #&$*!! quoting right.
Double quotes are suitable when variable interpolation is required. With suitable adaptations, it is also a good workaround when you need single quotes in the string. (There is no straightforward way to escape a single quote between single quotes, because there is no escape mechanism inside single quotes -- if there was, they would not quote completely verbatim.)
$ echo "There is no place like '$HOME'"
There is no place like '/home/me'
No quotes are suitable when you specifically require the shell to perform word splitting and/or wildcard expansion.
Word splitting (aka token splitting);
$ words="foo bar baz"
$ for word in $words; do
> echo "$word"
> done
By contrast:
$ for word in "$words"; do echo "$word"; done
foo bar baz
(The loop only runs once, over the single, quoted string.)
$ for word in '$words'; do echo "$word"; done
(The loop only runs once, over the literal single-quoted string.)
Wildcard expansion:
$ pattern='file*.txt'
$ ls $pattern
file1.txt file_other.txt
By contrast:
$ ls "$pattern"
ls: cannot access file*.txt: No such file or directory
(There is no file named literally file*.txt.)
$ ls '$pattern'
ls: cannot access $pattern: No such file or directory
(There is no file named $pattern, either!)
In more concrete terms, anything containing a filename should usually be quoted (because filenames can contain whitespace and other shell metacharacters). Anything containing a URL should usually be quoted (because many URLs contain shell metacharacters like ? and &). Anything containing a regex should usually be quoted (ditto ditto). Anything containing significant whitespace other than single spaces between non-whitespace characters needs to be quoted (because otherwise, the shell will munge the whitespace into, effectively, single spaces, and trim any leading or trailing whitespace).
When you know that a variable can only contain a value which contains no shell metacharacters, quoting is optional. Thus, an unquoted $? is basically fine, because this variable can only ever contain a single number. However, "$?" is also correct, and recommended for general consistency and correctness (though this is my personal recommendation, not a widely recognized policy).
Values which are not variables basically follow the same rules, though you could then also escape any metacharacters instead of quoting them. For a common example, a URL with a & in it will be parsed by the shell as a background command unless the metacharacter is escaped or quoted:
$ wget
[1] wget
-bash: uack: command not found
(Of course, this also happens if the URL is in an unquoted variable.) For a static string, single quotes make the most sense, although any form of quoting or escaping works here.
wget '' # Single quotes preferred for a static string
wget "" # Double quotes work here, too (no $ or ` in the value)
wget\&uack # Backslash escape
wget'&'uack # Only the metacharacter really needs quoting
The last example also suggests another useful concept, which I like to call "seesaw quoting". If you need to mix single and double quotes, you can use them adjacent to each other. For example, the following quoted strings
'$HOME '
' where `<3'
"' is."
can be pasted together back to back, forming a single long string after tokenization and quote removal.
$ echo '$HOME '"isn't"' where `<3'"' is."
$HOME isn't where `<3' is.
This isn't awfully legible, but it's a common technique and thus good to know.
As an aside, scripts should usually not use ls for anything. To expand a wildcard, just ... use it.
$ printf '%s\n' $pattern # not ``ls -1 $pattern''
$ for file in $pattern; do # definitely, definitely not ``for file in $(ls $pattern)''
> printf 'Found file: %s\n' "$file"
> done
Found file: file1.txt
Found file: file_other.txt
(The loop is completely superfluous in the latter example; printf specifically works fine with multiple arguments. stat too. But looping over a wildcard match is a common problem, and frequently done incorrectly.)
A variable containing a list of tokens to loop over or a wildcard to expand is less frequently seen, so we sometimes abbreviate to "quote everything unless you know precisely what you are doing".
Here is a three-point formula for quotes in general:
Double quotes
In contexts where we want to suppress word splitting and globbing. Also in contexts where we want the literal to be treated as a string, not a regex.
Single quotes
In string literals where we want to suppress interpolation and special treatment of backslashes. In other words, situations where using double quotes would be inappropriate.
No quotes
In contexts where we are absolutely sure that there are no word splitting or globbing issues or we do want word splitting and globbing.
Double quotes
literal strings with whitespace ("StackOverflow rocks!", "Steve's Apple")
variable expansions ("$var", "${arr[#]}")
command substitutions ("$(ls)", "`ls`")
globs where directory path or file name part includes spaces ("/my dir/"*)
to protect single quotes ("single'quote'delimited'string")
Bash parameter expansion ("${filename##*/}")
Single quotes
command names and arguments that have whitespace in them
literal strings that need interpolation to be suppressed ( 'Really costs $$!', 'just a backslash followed by a t: \t')
to protect double quotes ('The "crux"')
regex literals that need interpolation to be suppressed
use shell quoting for literals involving special characters ($'\n\t')
use shell quoting where we need to protect several single and double quotes ($'{"table": "users", "where": "first_name"=\'Steve\'}')
No quotes
around standard numeric variables ($$, $?, $# etc.)
in arithmetic contexts like ((count++)), "${arr[idx]}", "${string:start:length}"
inside [[ ]] expression which is free from word splitting and globbing issues (this is a matter of style and opinions can vary widely)
where we want word splitting (for word in $words)
where we want globbing (for txtfile in *.txt; do ...)
where we want ~ to be interpreted as $HOME (~/"some dir" but not "~/some dir")
See also:
Difference between single and double quotes in Bash
What are the special dollar sign shell variables?
Quotes and escaping - Bash Hackers' Wiki
When is double quoting necessary?
I generally use quoted like "$var" for safe, unless I am sure that $var does not contain space.
I do use $var as a simple way to join lines:
lines="`cat multi-lines-text-file.txt`"
echo "$lines" ## multiple lines
echo $lines ## all spaces (including newlines) are zapped
Whenever the plugin for your editor tells you to.

linux bash, passing paramenters using a varible issue

I am trying to use a variable to store the parameters, here is the simple test:
sed_args="-e \"s/aaaa/bbbb/g\""
echo $sed_args`
I expected the output to be
-e "s/aaaa/bbbb/g"
but it gives:
without the "-e"
I am new to bash, any comment is welcome. Thanks, maybe this is already answered somewhere.
You need an array to construct arguments dynamically:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed_args=('-e' 's/aaaa/bbbb/g')
echo "${sed_args[#]}"
When you use the variable without double quotes, it gets word split by the shell even before echo sees the value(s). Then, the bash's builtin echo interprets -e as a parameter for itself (which is normally used to turn on interpretation of backslash escapes).
When you double quote the variable, it won't be split and will be interpreted as a single argument to echo:
echo "$sed_args"
For strings you don't control, it's safer to use printf as it doesn't take any arguments after the format string:
printf %s "$string"

How does one ‘contract’ strings to escape special characters in Bash?

There are many ways to expand an escaped string, but how can a shell command be made to take a string as an argument and escape it?
Here are some examples of different ways of expansion:
$ echo -e '\x27\\012\b34\n56\\\aa7\t8\r 9\0\0134\047'
9\'7 8
$ echo $'\x27\\012\b34\n56\\\aa7\t8\r 9\0\0134\047'
9\a7 8
$ PS1='(5)$ ' # At least tab-width - 3 long; 5 columns given typical tab-width.
(5)$ printf %b '\x27\\012\b34\n56\\\aa7\t8\r 9\0\0134\047'
Note: there's actually a tab character between the 7 and 8 above, but the markup rendering seems to break it.
Yes, all sorts of craziness in there. ;-)
Anyway, I'm looking for the reverse of such escape expansion commands. If the command was called escape, it would satisfy these properties:
$ echo -ne "$(escape "$originalString")"
Should output the verbatim value of originalString as would ‘echo -n "$originalString"’. I.e. it should be an identity.
$ escape "$(echo -ne "$escapedString")"
Should output the string escaped again, though not necessarily in the same way as before. E.g. \0134 may become \\ or vice versa.
Don't use echo -e -- it's very poorly specified in POSIX, and considered deprecated for all but the simplest uses. Bash has extensions to its printf that provide a better-supported approach:
printf -v escaped_string %q "$raw_string" you a shell-escaped string from a raw one (storing it in a variable named escaped_string), and
printf -v raw_string %b "$escaped_string" you a raw string from a backslash-escaped one, storing it in raw_string.
Note that the two escape syntaxes are not equivalent -- strings escaped with printf %q are ready for eval, rather than for printf %b.
That is, you can safely run:
eval "myvar=$escaped_string"
...when escaped_string has been created with printf %q as above.
That said: What's the use case? It's strongly preferred to handle raw strings as raw strings (using NUL terminaters when delimiting is necessary), rather than converting them to and from an escaped form.

How to echo "$x_$y" in Bash script?

It is very interesting that if you intend to display 0_1 with Bash using the code
echo "$x_$y"
then it will only display
I tried echo "$x\_$y" and it doesn't work.
How can I echo the form $x_$y? I'm going to use it on a file name string.
Because variable names are allowed to have underscores in them, the command:
echo "$x_$y"
is trying to echo ${x_} (which is probably empty in your case) followed by ${y}. The reason for this is because parameter expansion is a greedy operation - it will take as many legal characters as possible after the $ to form a variable name.
The relevant part of the bash manpage states:
The $ character introduces parameter expansion, command substitution, or arithmetic expansion.
The parameter name or symbol to be expanded may be enclosed in braces, which are optional but serve to protect the variable to be expanded from characters immediately following it which could be interpreted as part of the name.
When braces are used, the matching ending brace is the first } not escaped by a backslash or within a quoted string, and not within an embedded arithmetic expansion, command substitution, or parameter expansion.
Hence, the solution is to ensure that the _ is not treated as part of the first variable, which can be done with:
echo "${x}_${y}"
I tend to do all my bash variables like this, even standalone ones like:
echo "${x}"
since it's more explicit, and I've been bitten so many times in the past :-)
This way:
$ echo "${x}_${y}"
wrap it in curly braces:
echo "${x}_${y}"
Just to buck the trend, you can also do this:
echo $x'_'$y
You can have quoted and unquoted parts next to each other with no space between. And since ' isn't a legal character for a variable name, bash will substitute only $x. :)
