Node.js call back function on termination of a user defined function - node.js

I have a node.js app consisting of a timer calling a user defined function made up of a bunch of functions in node language. The calling script has a timer calling function mybuy() every 10 seconds; mybuy() buys crypto currencies using Binance api according trigger prices contained in a mySQL table (alarms). I would like to start mysell() (not shown , but similar to myBuy()) right after mybuy() has run its course.
How to make mysell() the callback function of mybuy()?
This the calling script:
var fs = require('fs');
var sl = require('alberto/buy');
var loop = 0;
setImmediate(() => {
// start the log
fs.appendFile('./log.txt', "\n Loop-> " + loop + "\n", function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); }
//execute the function
sl.mybuy(); // USD function; everything happens here.Can take long to finish
var myInt = setInterval(function () {
fs.appendFile('./log.txt', "Loop-> " + loop + "\n", function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); }
//execute every 10 secs
if (loop > 5) { clearInterval(myInt); } // max 6 loops for testing
}, 10000);
the UDF id here
exports.mybuy = function () {
var fs = require('fs'); // I keep a log.txt
process.stdout.write("\u001b[2J\u001b[0;0H");// clear screen
aww = (new Date()).toJSON().slice(0, 19).replace(/[-T]/, '-');
aww = aww.replace(/T/, ' ');
console.log(aww, '\n\n'); // practicing with dates
var mysql = require('mysql');
var con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "",
user: "photoban_user",
password: "xxxxxxxx",
database: "photoban_datab"
// 'added' is for never processed entries in alarms table.It will change to BOUGHT or SOLD
sql = "SELECT rec, id,coin,buy,amount_b,stat FROM alarms where stat='added' AND buy>0 order by coin";
var cnt = 0; // not used, perhaps an idea to emit an event when cnt reaches the number of rows
con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
str = "";
for (var index in result) {
str = result[index].rec + "-" + result[index].id + "-" + result[index].coin + "-" + result[index].buy + "-" + result[index].amount_b + "-" + result[index].stat;
// set up variables
coin = result[index].coin;
buy = result[index].buy;
rec = result[index].rec;
id = result[index].id;
amount = result[index].amount_b;
console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', str); // set color green. Display str
checkprice(coin, buy, rec, id, amount); //check Binance today price for the coin.The function will execute sometimes
} // end of loop
console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', str); // set color green. Display str
//check single coin price using binance api
function checkprice(coin, buy, rec, id, amount) {
const binance = require('node-binance-api')().options({
APIKEY: '<key>',
APISECRET: '<secret>',
useServerTime: true,
test: true //sandbox does not work
binance.prices(coin, (error, ticker) => {
act = "Nothing"; // default value
pricenow = ticker[coin]; // note ticker[coin]
if (pricenow < buy) {
show(id, rec, coin, buy, amount, pricenow);// Display sometimes then call book()
} else { console.log(coin, pricenow, buy, act, '\n'); }
function show(id, rec, coin, buy, amount, pricenow) {
delta = buy - pricenow; // posted trigger - today price
delta = delta.toFixed(8);
console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', coin, buy, amount, id, rec, ">BUY", delta); //display entries from alarms higher that today price
book(id, rec, coin, buy, amount, pricenow);
// dummy function to be replaced with a buy api order
function book(id, rec, coin, buy, amount, pricenow) {
const binance = require('node-binance-api')().options({
APIKEY: '<key>',
APISECRET: '<secret>',
useServerTime: true,
test: true //sandbox
console.log("Order:buy what??", coin, "amount:", amount, '\n');
/* binance.prices(coin, (error, ticker) => {
console.log("booking",coin, ticker[coin]);
}); */
update(id, rec, amount); // update mySql table. Slow but sure
function update(id, rec, amount) {
var sql = "UPDATE alarms SET stat = 'BOUGHT' ,today =
CONVERT_TZ(now(), '+00:00', '+7:00') WHERE id = "+id+" AND rec = "+rec;
con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result.affectedRows + " record updated");
// keep a log.tx
fs.appendFile('./log.txt', aww + " bought " + id + "-" + rec + "-" + amount + "\n",
function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); }
// I could check if all rows are done and raise an event? (how to do it)
} // end

To make mySell as the callback method of myBuy, invoke the myBuy method using the following structure.
myBuy(() => {
// operation of mySell method
And your myBuy method should return the callback, after perform its own operation.
exports.myBuy = function(cb) {
// operation of myBuy method
return cb; // return to the mySell method


Using node.js for-loop index in a coinbase-api callback function

I am new to node.js and i am trying to make a simple script that will connect to the coinbase-api and get the current price of whatever markets are defined in the MARKET array.
The problem i am having is that the for-loop that iterates through the array is asynchronous and the callback function is not getting the correct index value for the array.
The two main solutions i have found are to use promises or force the loop to wait. I think i need to be using promises rather than forcing the for loop to wait but honestly i have failed to implement a solution either way. I have found may example of promises but i just cant seem to figure out how to implement them into my script. I would appreciate any help.
const coinbaseModule = require('coinbase-pro');
const COINBASE_URI = '';
// const MARKET = ['BTC-USD'];
const MARKET = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-BTC'];
let askPrice = [null, null];
let averagePrice = [null, null];
let tickerCount = null;
const getCallback = (error, response, data) =>
if (error)
return console.log(error);
if ((data!=null) && (data.ask!=null) && (data.time!=null))
askPrice[tickerCount] = parseFloat(data.ask);
if (averagePrice[tickerCount]===null)
averagePrice[tickerCount] = askPrice[tickerCount];
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
averagePrice[tickerCount] = (averagePrice[tickerCount] * 1000 + askPrice[tickerCount]) / 1001;
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6) + " average price: "+ averagePrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
setInterval(() =>
publicClient = new coinbaseModule.PublicClient(COINBASE_URI);
for (tickerCount = 0; tickerCount < MARKET.length; tickerCount++)
publicClient.getProductTicker(MARKET[tickerCount], getCallback);
}, 10000);
I was able to figure out how to use promises with trial and error from the helpful examples on the Mozilla Developer Network. I am sure i am making some mistakes but at least it is working now. Another little bonus is that i was able to remove a global.
const coinbaseModule = require('coinbase-pro');
const COINBASE_URI = '';
// const MARKET = ['BTC-USD'];
const MARKET = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-BTC'];
let askPrice = [null, null];
let averagePrice = [null, null];
function getProductTicker(tickerCount) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
publicClient.getProductTicker(MARKET[tickerCount],function callback(error, response, data){
if (error)
return console.log(error);
if ((data!=null) && (data.ask!=null) && (data.time!=null))
askPrice[tickerCount] = parseFloat(data.ask);
if (averagePrice[tickerCount]===null)
averagePrice[tickerCount] = askPrice[tickerCount];
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
averagePrice[tickerCount] = (averagePrice[tickerCount] * 1000 + askPrice[tickerCount]) / 1001;
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6) + " average price: "+ averagePrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
setInterval( async () =>
publicClient = new coinbaseModule.PublicClient(COINBASE_URI);
for (var tickerCount = 0; tickerCount < MARKET.length; tickerCount++)
await getProductTicker(tickerCount);
}, 10000);

Nested Promises in node.js and pg

I am new to node and writing a small application. I haven't used a language as asynchronous as this on the server before and have myself in a bit of a pickle. I need to take a string, query a table for an id, then insert in a second table using the result, then return a string from the funtion two levels up. I have a custom dao I use for the db stuff. Here is the function where it all happens:
function generateToken(data, userId, client) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100001);
var sha256 = crypto.createHmac("sha256", random );
var token = sha256.update(data).digest("base64");
var query =
version: client.version,
subversion: client.subversion,
patch: client.patch
function(result) {
app_id: result.rows[0].id,
return "mmmm yellllo";
var ret_val = await(query);
console.log("Token return: " + ret_val);
return ret_val;
and here is the relevant part of my dao for select: = function(table, where, order_by) {
var where_clause = this.construct_where(where);
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + table + ' WHERE ' + where_clause;
if(order_by !== undefined) {
sql = sql + ' ORDER BY ' + order_by;
var result = this.pool.query(sql);
return result;
and insert:
dbo.prototype.insert= function(table, values) {
var key_list='', value_list = '';
for( var k in values)
key_list = key_list + ', ' + k;
value_list = value_list + ", '" + values[k] + "'";
// chop off comma space
key_list = key_list.substring(2);
value_list = value_list.substring(2);
var sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + '(' + key_list + ') VALUES(' + value_list + ') RETURNING id';
var result = this.pool.query(sql).catch(function(error) {
console.log("SQL:" + sql + " error:" + error);
return result;
How do unwind the double promise. I want the generateToken function to return the token variable but only after the insert query has finished.
There is a library named deasync.
And the motivation to create it was to solve the situations when
API cannot be changed to return merely a promise or demand a callback
So this is the primary and probably the only use case. Because in general Node.js should stay async.
To do the trick you basically should write a function that accepts a callback and then wrap it with deasync as follows:
var deasync = require('deasync');
//It can still take the params before the callback
var asyncGenerateToken = function (data, userId, client, callback) {
var token = 'abc';
//Async operation starts here
setTimeout(function () {
//Async operation is finished, now we can return the token
//Don't forget that the error is 1st arg, data is the 2nd
callback(null, token);
}, 1000);
var generateToken = deasync(asyncGenerateToken);
//We'll retrieve a token only after a second of waiting
var token = generateToken('my data', 'my user id', 'my client');
Hope this helps.

Proper way to make callbacks async by wrapping them using `co`?

It is 2016, Node has had nearly full ES6 support since v4, and Promises have been around since 0.12. It's time to leave callbacks in the dust IMO.
I'm working on a commander.js-based CLI util which leverages a lot of async operations - http requests and user input. I want to wrap the Commander actions in async functions so that they can be treated as promises, and also to support generators (useful for the co-prompt library I'm using for user input).
I've tried wrapping the CB with co in two ways:
.action(program => co(function* (program) {...})
.catch(err => console.log(err.stack)) );
2) program.command('myCmd').action(co.wrap(function* (program) { .. }));
The problem with 1) is that the program parameter isn't passed
The problem with 2) is that errors are swallowed...
I'd really like to get this working as it yields much nicer code in my use case - involving a lot of http requests and also waiting for user input using the co-prompt library..
Is it a better option altogether perhaps to wrap program.Command.prototype.action somehow?
I've used a bespoke version of something like co to get a db.exec function which uses yield to do database request. You can pass parameters into a generator function (I pass in a connection object - see the comment where I do it).
Here is by db.exec function that is very similar to what co does
exec(generator) {
var self = this;
var it;
debug('In db.exec iterator');
return new Promise((accept,reject) => {
debug('In db.exec Promise');
var myConnection;
var onResult = lastPromiseResult => {
debug('In db.exec onResult');
var obj =;
if (!obj.done) {
debug('db.exec Iterator NOT done yet');
} else {
if (myConnection) {
debug('db.exec released connection');
debug('db.exec Promise Resolved with value %d',obj.value);
self._connection().then(connection => {
debug('db.exec got a connection');
myConnection = connection;
it = generator(connection); //This passes it into the generator
onResult(); //starts the generator
}).catch(error => {
logger('database', 'Exec Function Error: ' + error.message);
the connection object also wraps by database connection object and provides a generator function ability to process the rows of the results from the database, but I won't post that here (although the example below is using it to process the rows).
Here is an example of using the exec function to run a sequence of sql
db.exec(function*(connection) {
if ( === ADMIN_USER) {
debug('Admin Logon'); = ADMIN_DISPLAY;
user.keys = 'A';
user.uid = 0;
let sql = 'SELECT passwordsalt FROM Admin WHERE AdminID = 0';
yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.nopass = (row[0].value === null);
} else {
user.nopass = false;
debug('Admin Password bypass ' + user.nopass.toString());
} else {
debug('Normal User Logon');
let sql = `SELECT u.UserID,PasswordSalt,DisplayName,AccessKey,l.LogID FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UserLog l ON u.userID = l.userID AND DATEDIFF(D,l.LogDate,GETDATE()) = 0
WHERE u.UserName = #username`;
let request = connection.request(sql);
let count = yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.uid = row[0].value; = row[2].value;
user.keys = (row[3].value === null) ? '' : row[3].value;
user.nopass = (row[1].value === null) ;
user.lid = (row[4].value === null) ? 0 : row[4].value;
debug('Found User with uid = %d and lid = %d, keys = %s',
user.uid, user.lid, user.keys);
if (count === 0) {
debug('Not Found User');
// couldn't find name in database
if (!user.nopass) {
debug('Need a Password');
//user has a password so we must check it
passGood = false; //assume false as we go into this
let request = connection.request('CheckPassword');
yield connection.callProcedure(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
//got a valid row means we have a valid password
passGood = true;
} else {
passGood = true;
if (!passGood) {
debug('Not a Good Pasword');
} else {
if (user.uid !== 0 && user.lid === 0) {
let sql = `INSERT INTO UserLog(UserID,LogDate,TimeOn,UserName) OUTPUT INSERTED.logID
let request = connection.request(sql);
yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.lid = row[0].value;
debug('Users Log Entry = %d',user.lid);
.catch((err) => {
logger('database','Error on logon: ' + err.message);
There is a quite simple way to do async function in Commander.js
async function run() {
/* code goes here */

How to perform mass inserts into mongodb using NodeJS

I Have to Insert about 10,00000 documents in mongodb using nodejs.
I'm generating these documents using a for loop storing them into an array before finally inserting them into mongodb.
var codeArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i<1000000; i++){
var token = strNpm.generate();
var now = moment().format('YYYYMMDD hhmmss');
var doc1 = {id:token,
db.collection('ClPromoCodeMaster').insert(codeArray, function (err, result) {
if (err){
console.log('Inserted Records - ', result.ops.length);
The problem I'm facing is mongo has an inserting limit of 16mb, so I can't insert the entire array at once.
Please suggest most optimum solutions.
The main problem is in the request size and not the document size, but it amounts to the same limitation. Bulk operations and the async library with async.whilst will handle this:
var bulk = db.collection('ClPromoCodeMaster').initializeOrderedBulkOp(),
i = 0;
function() { return i < 1000000; },
function(callback) {
var token = strNpm.generate();
var now = moment().format('YYYYMMDD hhmmss');
var doc = {
// Drain every 1000
if ( i % 1000 == 0 ) {
bulk = db.collection('ClPromoCodeMaster').initializeOrderedBulkOp();
} else {
function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
I should note that regardless there is an internal limit on bulk operations to 1000 operations per batch. You can submit in larger sizes, but the driver is just going to break these up and still submit in batches of 1000.
The 1000 is a good number to stay at though, since it is already in line with how the request will be handled, as well as being a reasonable number of things to hold in memory before draining the request queue and sending to the server.
For inserting millions of record at a time, Create node.js child process fork with MongoDb bulk api.
Child Process Creation:(index.js)
const {fork} = require("child_process");
let counter = 1;
function createProcess(data){
const worker = fork("./dbOperation");
worker.on("message", (msg) => {
console.log("Worker Message :",counter, msg);
function bulkSaveUser(records) {
const singleBatchCount = 10000; // Save 10,000 records per hit
const noOfProcess = Math.ceil(records/singleBatchCount);
let data = {};
console.log("No of Process :", noOfProcess);
for(let index = 1; index <= noOfProcess; index++) {
data.startCount = (index == 1) ? index : (((index - 1) * singleBatchCount) + 1);
data.endCount = index * singleBatchCount;
DB Operation (dbOperation.js)
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Collection Name
const collectionName = "";
// DB Connection String
const connString = "";
process.on("message", (msg) => {
console.log("Initialize Child Process", msg)
const {startCount, endCount} = msg;
inputStudents(startCount, endCount);
function initConnection() {
return new Promise(function(r, e) {
MongoClient.connect(connString, function(err, db) {
if (err) e(err)
function inputStudents(startCount, endCount) {
let bulkData = [];
for(let index = startCount; index <= endCount; index++ ){
var types = ['exam', 'quiz', 'homework', 'homework'];
let scores = []
// and each class has 4 grades
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
// there are 500 different classes that they can take
class_id = Math.floor(Math.random()*501); // get a class id between 0 and 500
record = {'student_id':index, 'scores':scores, 'class_id':class_id};
bulkData.push({ insertOne : { "document" : record } })
.then((db) => {
const studentDb = db.db("student");
const collection = studentDb.collection(colName)
console.log("Bulk Data :", bulkData.length);
collection.bulkWrite(bulkData, function(err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
//console.log("Connected Successfully",res);
process.send("Saved Successfully");
.catch((err) => { console.log("Err :", err) });
Sample project to insert millions of record in mongodb using child process fork

Is it possible to build a dynamic task list in nodejs Async (waterfall, series, etc...)

I am pulling information from some collections in mongo that contain node and edge data. First i must get the node so i can grab its edges. Once i have a list of edges i then go back out and grab more nodes (etc.. based on a depth value). The following code is an loose example of how i am attempting to use async.waterfall and the task list.
Initially i have only a single task but once i make my first query i add to the task array. Unfortunately this does not seem to register with async and it does not continue to process the tasks i am adding.
Is there a better way to do this?
var async = require('async')
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var _ = requrie('underscore')
var Client = this.Mongo.connect(/*path to mongo*/)
var Node = mongoose.Schema({
id : String,
graph_id : String
var Edge = mongoose.Schema({
id : String,
source_id : String,
destination_id : String
var Nodes = Client.model('myNode', Node)
var Edges = Client.model('myEdge', Edge)
var funcs = []
var round = 1
var depth = 2
var query = {
node : {
id : '12345'
edge : {
id : '12345'
var addTask = function(Nodes, Edges, query, round, depth) {
return function(callback) {
queryData(Nodes, Edges, query, function(err, node_list) {
if(depth > round) {
function_array.push(addTask(Nodes, Edges, query, round, depth))
var queryData = function(Nodes, Edges, query, cb) {
function(callback) {
Nodes.find(query.node, function(err, nodes) {
var node_keys =, function(node) {
callback(null, nodes, node_keys)
function(nodes, node_keys, callback) {
query.edge.$or = [ {'source_id' : {$in:node_keys}}, {'destination_id' : {$in:node_keys}} ]
Edges.find(query.edge, function(err, edges) {
var edge_keys =, function(edge) {
if(edge['_doc']['source_id'] != {
return edge['_doc']['source_id']
} else {
return edge['_doc']['destination_id']
callback(null, nodes, edges, node_keys, edge_keys)
], function(err, nodes, edges, node_keys, edge_keys) {
// update the results object then...
cb(null, _.uniq(edge_keys)
var function_array = []
function_array.push(addTask(Nodes, Edges, query, round, depth))
async.waterfall(function_array, function(err) {
//this should have run more than just the initial task but does not
--------------------- UPDATE ---------------------------
So after playing around with trying to get Async waterfall or series to do this by adding trailing functions I decided to switch to using async.whilst and am now happy with the solution.
function GraphObject() {
this.function_array = []
GraphObject.prototype.doStuff = function() {
this.runTasks(function(err) {
console.log('done with all tasks')
GraphObject.prototype.buildFunction = function(times) {
return function(cb) {
if(times != 0) {
this.function_array.push(this.buildFunction(times - 1))
GraphObject.prototype.runTasks = function(cb) {
var tasks_run = 0
return this.function_array.length > 0
function(callback) {
var func = this.function_array.shift(), function(err) {
function(err) {
console.log('runTasks ran '+tasks_run+' tasks')
if(err) {
A task in your function_array can only add a new task to the array provided it is NOT the last task in the array.
In your case, your function_array contained only 1 task. That task itself cannot add additional tasks since it's the last task.
The solution is to have 2 tasks in the array. A startTask to bootstrap the process, and a finalTask that is more of a dummy task. In that case,
function_array = [startTask, finalTask];
Then startTask would add taskA, taskB will add task C and eventually
function_array = [startTask, taskA, taskB, taskC, finalTask];
The sample code below that illustrates the concepts.
var async = require('async');
var max = 6;
var nodeTask = function(taskId, value, callback){
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
console.log("From Node Task %d: %d", taskId, r);
// add an edge task
if (taskId < max) {
function_array.splice(function_array.length-1, 0, edgeTask);
callback(null, taskId + 1, value + r);
var edgeTask = function(taskId, value, callback){
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
console.log("From Edge Task %d: %d", taskId, r);
// add a node task
if (taskId < max) {
function_array.splice(function_array.length-1, 0, nodeTask);
callback(null, taskId + 1, value + r);
var startTask = function(callback) {
function_array.splice(function_array.length-1, 0, nodeTask);
callback(null, 1, 0);
var finalTask = function(taskId, value, callback) {
callback(null, value);
var function_array = [startTask, finalTask];
async.waterfall(function_array, function (err, result) {
console.log("Sum is ", result);
