writing data into cassandra at ceratin interval - apache-spark

I am doing some kind of processing in spark and want to implement a functionality that regardless of the processing which is running I want to schedule a timer(at an interval of 5 minutes) which will persist some data into Cassandra( or let`s say any other source)
To make it more easy to understand ,it can sound like two task running in parallel,one is keeping track of 5 min interval which will write into Cassandra and other is doing all the processing which I have told it to do.
Its like I am doing processing on the streaming data and then I have cached the output of that processing in spark as temp table and this cached table is used somewhere again in spark script but only after some interval I want to persist in Cassandra.
Any sort of help is appreciated

There are two APIs you can use:
1- Spark Streaming and use mapWithState function: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-programming-guide.html
In this case, you can set a 5min timeout for mapWithState and write the output to
2- Spark Structured Streaming and mapGroupsWithState/flatMapGroupsWithState function:
It gives you better flexibility to set the timeout (you can use both event time or processing time). Drawback is the API is very new and support for Cassandra is limited.


HBase batch loading with speed control cause of slow consumer

We need to load a big part of data from HBase using Spark.
Then we put it into Kafka and read by consumer. But consumer is too slow
At the same time Kafka memory is not enough to keep all scan result.
Our key contain ...yyyy.MM.dd, and now we load 30 days in one Spark job, using operator filter.
But we cant split job to many jobs, (30 jobs filtering each day), cause then each job will have to scan all HBase, and it will make summary scan to slow.
Now we launch Spark job with 100 threads, but we cant make speed slower by set less threads (for example 7 threads). Cause Kafka is used by third hands developers, that make Kafka sometimes too busy to keep any data. So, we need to control HBase scan speed, checking all time is there a memory in Kafka to store our data
We try to save scan result before load to Kafka into some place, for example in ORC files in hdfs, but scan result make many little files, it is problem to group them by memory (or there is a way, if you know please tell me how?), and store into hdfs little files bad. And merging such a files is very expensive operation and spend a lot of time that will make total time too slow
Sugess solutions:
Maybe it is possible to store scan result in hdfs by spark, by set some special flag in filter operator and then run 30 spark jobs to select data from saved result and put each result to Kafka when it possible
Maybe there is some existed mechanism in spark to stop and continue launched jobs
Maybe there is some existed mechanism in spark to separate result by batches (without control to stop and continue loading)
Maybe there is some existed mechanism in spark to separate result by batches (with control to stop and continue loading by external condition)
Maybe when Kafka will throw an exception (that there is no place to store data), there is some backpressure mechanism in spark that will stop scan for some time if there some exceptions appear in execution (but i guess that there is will be limited retry of restarting to execute operator, is it possible to set restart operation forever, if it is a real solution?). But better to keep some free place in Kafka, and not to wait untill it will be overloaded
Do using PageFilter in HBase (but i guess that it is hard to realize), or other solutions variants? And i guess that there is too many objects in memory to use PageFilter
This https://github.com/hortonworks-spark/shc/issues/108 will not help, we already use filter
Any ideas would be helpful

Spark Structured Streaming - Streaming data joined with static data which will be refreshed every 5 mins

For spark structured streaming job one input is coming from a kafka topic while second input is a file (which will be refreshed every 5 mins by a python API). I need to join these 2 inputs and write to a kafka topic.
The issue I am facing is when second input file is being refreshed and spark streaming job is reading the file at the same time I get the error below:
File file:/home/hduser/code/new/collect_ip1/part-00163-55e17a3c-f524-4dac-89a4-b9e12f1a79df-c000.csv does not exist
It is possible the underlying files have been updated. You can explicitly invalidate the cache in Spark by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved.
Any help will be appreciated.
Use HBase as your store for static. It is more work for sure but allows for concurrent updating.
Where I work, all Spark Streaming uses HBase for lookup of data. Far faster. What if you have a 100M customers for a microbatch of 10k records? I know it was a lot of work initially.
See https://medium.com/#anchitsharma1994/hbase-lookup-in-spark-streaming-acafe28cb0dc
If you have a small static ref table, then static join is fine, but you also have updating, causing issues.

5 Minutes Spark Batch Job vs Streaming Job

I am trying to figure out what should be a better approach.
I have a Spark Batch Job which is scheduled to run every 5 mints and it takes 2-3 mints to execute.
Since Spark 2.0 have added support for dynamic allocation spark.streaming.dynamicAllocation.enabled, Is it a good idea to make its a streaming job which pulls data from source every 5 mints?
What are things I should keep in mind while choosing between streaming/batch job?
Spark Streaming is an outdated technology. Its successor is Structured Streaming.
If you do processing every 5 mins so you do batch processing. You can use the Structured Streaming framework and trigger it every 5 mins to imitate batch processing, but I usually wouldn't do that.
Structured Streaming has a lot more limitations than normal Spark. For example you can only write to Kafka or to a file, or else you need to implement the sink by yourself using Foreach sink. Also if you use a File sink then you cannot update it, but only append to it. Also there are operations that are not supported in Structured Streaming and there are actions that you cannot perform unless you do an aggrigation before.
I might use Structured Straming for batch processing if I read from or write to Kafka because they work well together and everything is pre-implemented. Another advantage of using Structured Streaming is that you automatically continue reading from the place you stopped.
For more information refer to Structured Streaming Programming Guide.
Deciding between streaming vs. batch, one needs to look into various factors. I am listing some below and based on your use case, you can decide which is more suitable.
1) Input Data Characteristics - Continuous input vs batch input
If input data is arriving in batch, use batch processing.
Else if input data is arriving continuously, stream processing may be more useful. Consider other factors to reach to a conclusion.
2) Output Latency
If required latency of output is very less, consider stream processing.
Else if latency of output does not matter, choose batch processing.
3) Batch size (time)
A general rule of thumb is use batch processing if the batch size > 1 min otherwise stream processing is required. This is because trigerring/spawning of batch process adds latency to overall processing time.
4) Resource Usage
What's the usage pattern of resources in your cluster ?
Are there more batch jobs which execute when other batch jobs are done ? Having more than one batch jobs running one after other and are using cluster respurces optimally. Then having batch jobs is better option.
Batch job runs at it's schedule time and resources in cluster are idle after that. Consider running streaming job if data is arriving continuously, less resources may be required for processing and output will become available with less latency.
There are other things to consider - Replay, Manageability (Streaming is more complex), Existing skill of team etc.
Regarding spark.streaming.dynamicAllocation.enabled, I would avoid using it because if the rate of input varies a lot, executors will be killed and created very frequently which would add to latency.

Alternate to recursively Running Spark-submit jobs

Below is the scenario I would need suggestions on,
Data ingestion is done through Nifi into Hive tables.
Spark program would have to perform ETL operations and complex joins on the data in Hive.
Since the data ingested from Nifi is continuous streaming, I would like the Spark jobs to run every 1 or 2 mins on the ingested data.
Which is the best option to use?
Trigger spark-submit jobs every 1 min using a scheduler?
How do we reduce the over head and time lag in submitting the job recursively to the spark cluster? Is there a better way to run a single program recursively?
Run a spark streaming job?
Can spark-streaming job get triggered automatically every 1 min and process the data from hive? [Can Spark-Streaming be triggered only time based?]
Is there any other efficient mechanism to handle such scenario?
Thanks in Advance
If you need something that runs every minute you better use spark-streaming and not batch.
You may want to get the data directly from kafka and not from hive table, since it is faster.
As for your questions what is better batch / stream. You can think of spark streaming as micro batch process that runs every "batch interval".
Read this : https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-programming-guide.html

Keeping only small window of output data in Spark Structured Streaming

I am interested in using Spark Structured Streaming for real-time data processing using data from for example last ~24hours of running, however I am not able to find correct solution for this problem.
Some useful information about entire situation:
Data is constantly flowing all the time as an input for Spark so stream is active 24/7
Spark does some actions and then writes some data to files(eg. parquet)
Watermarking is used to reduce state size
Someone wants to work on only most recent data returned from Spark Structured Streaming(for example all data from last 24 hours) to have a quick view on what happened in last time and for further very specific analysis.
From what I understand, watermarking helps managing state size so Spark does not hold entire data about the state. This is a good thing and solves one problem with 24/7 running.
The other problem is output data. Currently Spark appends the data and nothing else, this makes it grow bigger and bigger. Using memory sink for testing it creates memory problems. I didn't try it with file sink because it creates one file for each record(ugh) so there's a risk of using all available inodes in system extremely quickly. I can create one file per window with file sink.
So my question is:
Is it possible to force Spark Structured Streaming to delete output data after some amount of time when it is no longer needed? I want to keep output data only from for example last 24 hours. Is there any build-in solution or do I need to do it on my own? If I needed to do it on my own, wouldn't checkpoint data and spark metadata get corrupted?
Using watermarking will allow us to keep only the last 24 hours
df.withWatermark("timestamp", "24 hours") //when timestamp is your event time field
From Spark Spark doc
in Spark 2.1, we have introduced watermarking, which lets the engine
automatically track the current event time in the data and attempt to
clean up old state accordingly.
