Place a piece of a split on another line in Python? - string

I can't find a good example of the following in my textbook:
name = (input("Enter name(First Last:"))
last = name.split()
From here, I want to input the last name into another string.
How can I accomplish this task?

full_name = input("Enter name (First Last):")
first_name, last_name = full_name.split()
Split will return 2 strings here because full_name contains only one space between first and last name

After looking a little harder I figured out how input a variable into the middle of a string.
Here is the answer for i found for removing numbers from a string and inserting it to another string
<var0> = ''.join([i for i in <var1> if not i.isdigit()])
var0 = the string minus the numbers
var1 = the initial string to be changed


How to insert variable length list into string

I have what I think is a basic question in Python:
I have a list that can be variable in length and I need to insert it into a string for later use.
Formatting is simple, I just need a comma between each name up to nameN and parenthesis surrounding the names.
List = ['name1', 'name2' .... 'nameN']
string = "Their Names are <(name1 ... nameN)> and they like candy.
List = ['tom', 'jerry', 'katie']
Their Names are (tom, jerry, katie) and they like candy.
Any ideas on this? Thanks for the help!
# Create a comma-separated string with names
the_names = ', '.join(List) # 'tom, jerry, katie'
# Interpolate it into the "main" string
string = f"Their Names are ({the_names}) and they like candy."
There are numerous ways to achieve that.
You could use print + format + join similar to the example from #ForceBru.
Using format would make it compatible with both Python2 and Python3.
names_list = ['tom', 'jerry', 'katie']
Convert the list into a string with .join (in this case we are separating with commas)
names_string = ', '.join(names_list)
# names_string == "tom, katie, jerry"
# Now add one string inside the other:
string = "Their Names are ({}) and they like candy.".format(names_string)
>> Their Names are (tom, jerry, katie) and they like candy.

How to extract text between specific letters from a string in Python(3.9)?

how may I be able to take from a string in python a value that is in a given text but is inside it, it's between 2 letters that I want it to copy from inside.
"Kahoot : ID:1234567 Name:RandomUSERNAME"
I want it to receive the 1234567 and the RandomUSERNAME in 2 different variables.
a way I found to catch is to get it between the "ID:"COPYINPUT until the SPACE., "Name:"COPYINPUT until the end of the text.
How do I code this?
if I hadn't explained correctly tell me, I don't know how to ask/format this question! Sorry for any inconvenience!.
If the text always follows the same format you could just split the string. Alternatively, you could use regular expressions using the re library.
Using split:
string = "Kahoot : ID:1234567 Name:RandomUSERNAME"
string = string.split(" ")
id = string[2][3:]
name = string[3][5:]
Using re:
import re
string = "Kahoot : ID:1234567 Name:RandomUSERNAME"
id ='(?<=ID:).*?(?=\s)', string).group(0)
name ='(?<=Name:).*', string).group(0)

making a dictionary of student from space separated single line user input where name will be key and list of exam numbers will be value

Suppose I take one line space separated input as by using a string as : john 100 89 90
now from this string a dictionary is to be made as : d={'john':[100,89,90]}. Here, the numbers are to be collected in a list as integers. Basically from that input string line I want to make a student info dictionary where the name will be the key and the numbers will be exam numbers collected in a list as integers.
c=list(map(int, value.split()))
I was writing this but mistakenly written key=st[0].. but this will only take the first character j as name and rest as values so I eventually got error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ohn'
So, how can I correct it and get the exact result that I mentioned above?? I also want to know alternative method for taking space separated input like john 100 89 90 other than strings.
Your approach is correct in a way , the only addition I would like to make is , have a preset delimiter string for student input info
student_dict = {}
loop_flag = True
loop_input = "Y"
delimit = "," #### You preset delimiter
while loop_flag:
key = input("Input Student Name : ")
if key in student_dict:
print("Student already in Dictionary, continuing...."
info_str = input("Input Student Information: ")
info_list = info_str.split(delimit)
student_dict[key] = info_list
loop_input = input("Do you wish to add another student (Y/N)"
if loop_input == "N":
loop_flag = False
You can even use the space delimiter as well , but a more intuitive delimiter is suggested

how can i split a full name to first name and last name in python?

I'm a novice in python programming and i'm trying to split full name to first name and last name, can someone assist me on this ? so my example file is:
Sarah Simpson
I expect the output like this : Sarah,Simpson
You can use the split() function like so:
fullname=" Sarah Simpson"
which will give you: ['Sarah', 'Simpson']
Building on that, you can do:
print(first + ',' + last)
which would give you Sarah,Simpson with no spaces
This comes handly : nameparser 1.0.6 -
>>> from nameparser import HumanName
>>> name = "Sarah Simpson"
>>> name = HumanName(name)
>>> name.last
>>> name.first
>>> name.last+', '+name.first
'Simpson, Sarah'
you can try the .split() function which returns a list of strings after splitting by a separator. In this case the separator is a space char.
first remove leading and trailing spaces using .strip() then split by the separator.
first_name, last_name=fullname.strip().split()
Strings in Python are immutable. Create a new String to get the desired output.
You can use split() method of string class.
name = "Sarah Simpson"
split() by default splits on whitespace, and takes separator as parameter. It returns a list
["Sarah", "Simpson"]
Just concatenate the strings. For more reference
Output = "Sarah", "Simpson"
name = "Thomas Winter"
LastName = name.split()[1]
(note the parantheses on the function call split.)
split() creates a list where each element is from your original string, delimited by whitespace. You can now grab the second element using name.split()[1] or the last element using name.split()[-1]
split() is obviously the function to go for-
which can take a parameter or 0 parameter
fullname="Sarah Simpson"
ls=fullname.split(" ") #this will split by specified space
Extra Optional
And if you want the split name to be shown as a string delimited by coma, then you can use join() or replace
print(",".join(ls)) #outputs Sarah,Simpson
print(st.replace(" ",","))
Input: Sarah Simpson => suppose it is a string.
Then, to output: Sarah, Simpson. Do the following:
name_surname = "Sarah Simpson".split(" ")
to_output = name_surname[0] + ", " + name_surname[-1]
The function split is executed on a string to split it by a specified argument passed to it. Then it outputs a list of all chars or words that were split.
In your case: the string is "Sarah Simpson", so, when you execute split with the argument " " -empty space- the output will be: ["Sarah", "Simpson"].
Now, to combine the names or to access any of them, you can right the name of the list with a square brackets containing the index of the desired word to return. For example: name_surname[0] will output "Sarah" since its index is 0 in the list.

Adding a space character (" ") 2 character spaces after a period character (".")?

We have a legacy system that is exporting reports as .txt files, but in almost all instances when a date is supplied, it is after a currency denomination, and looks like this example:
25.0002/14/18 (25 bucks on feb 14th) or 287.4312/08/17.
Is there an easy way to parse for . and add a space character two spaces to the right to separate the string in Python? Any help is greatly appreciated!
The code below would add a space between the currency and the data given a string.
import re
my_file_text = "This is some text 287.4312/08/17"
new_text = re.sub("(\d+\.\d{2})(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2})", r"\1 \2", my_file_text)
'This is some text 287.43 12/08/17'
(\d+\.\d{2}): This part of the regex captures the currency in it's own group, it assumes that it will have any number of digits (>1) before the . and then only two digits after, so something like (1000.25) would be captured correctly, while (1000.205) and (.25) won't.
(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}): This part captures the date, it assumes that the day, month and year portion of the dates will always be represented using two digits each and separated by a /.
Perhaps more efficient methods, but an easy way could be:
def fix(string):
if '.' in string:
part_1, part_2 = string.split('.')
part_2_fixed = part_2[:2] + ' ' + part_2[2:]
string = part_1 + '.' + part_2_fixed
return string
In [1]: string = '25.0002/14/18'
In [2]: fix(string)
Out[2]: '25.00 02/14/18'
