Error: 5 NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found on LongRunningRecognize - node.js

I'm trying to transcribe an audio file with the node.js client Google Speech to Text and Google Cloud Function.
Unfortunately I get this error :
Error: 5 NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found
I supposed it comes from authentification problem, but i am not sure.
First, I tried without credentials assuming that GCF will use ADC (Application Default Credentials).
After, I added client_email et private_key from service account to SpeechClient options param, but it didn't work.
I added projectId and keyFilename... not better.
Maybe it isn't the good way... I have no idea !
Here is my code. Thanks for your help.
const audioFilename = 'gs://' + + '/' +;
const request = {
"config": {
"enableWordTimeOffsets": false,
"languageCode": "fr-FR",
"audio": {
"uri": audioFilename
const options = {
credentials :{
projectId: 'xxxxxx',
keyFilename: './xxxxx.json',
const client = new speech.SpeechClient(options);
.then(data => {
const response = data[0];
const operation = response;
operation.on('progress', (metadata, apiResponse) => {
// Get a Promise representation of the final result of the job
return operation.promise();
.then(data => {
const [response] = data[0];
const content = response.results
.map(result => result.alternatives[0].transcript)
console.log(`Transcription: ${content}`);
.catch(err => {


Correctly fetch authentication tokens server-side in a node.js React app hosted on Cloud Run

While not a front-end developer, I'm trying to set up a web app to show up a demo for a product. That app is based on the Sigma.js demo app demo repository.
You'll notice that this app relies on a graph which is hosted locally, which is loaded as:
/src/views/Root.tsx :
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((dataset: Dataset) => {...
// do things ....
and I wish to replace this by a call to another service which I also host on Cloud Run.
My first guess was to use the gcloud-auth-library, but I could not make it work - especially since it does not seem to support Webpack > 5 (I might be wrong here), the point here this lib introduces many problems in the app, and I thought I'd be better off trying the other way GCP suggests to handle auth tokens: by calling the Metadata server.
So I replaced the code above with:
Root.tsx :
import { getData } from "../getGraphData";
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((dataset: Dataset) => {
// do even more things!
getGraphData.js :
import { getToken } from "./tokens";
const graphProviderUrl = '<my graph provider service URL>';
export const getData = async () => {
try {
const token = await getToken();
"getGraphData.js :: getData : received token",
const request = await fetch(
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
const data = await request.json();
console.log("getGraphData.js :: getData : received graph", data);
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.log("getGraphData.js :: getData : error getting graph data", error);
return error.message;
tokens.js :
const targetAudience = '<my graph provider service base URL>'; // base URL as audience
const metadataServerAddress = ""; // use this to shortcut DNS call to
export const getToken = async () => {
if (tokenExpired()) {
const token = await getValidTokenFromServer();
sessionStorage.setItem("accessToken", token.accessToken);
sessionStorage.setItem("expirationDate", newExpirationDate());
return token.accessToken;
} else {
console.log("tokens.js 11 | token not expired");
return sessionStorage.getItem("accessToken");
const newExpirationDate = () => {
var expiration = new Date();
expiration.setHours(expiration.getHours() + 1);
return expiration;
const tokenExpired = () => {
const now =;
const expirationDate = sessionStorage.getItem("expirationDate");
const expDate = new Date(expirationDate);
if (now > expDate.getTime()) {
return true; // token expired
return false; // valid token
const getValidTokenFromServer = async () => {
// get new token from server
try {
const request = await fetch(`http://${metadataServerAddress}/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token?audience=${targetAudience}`, {
headers: {
'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'
const token = await request.json();
return token;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Issue getting new token", error.message);
I know that this kind of call will need to be done server-side. What I don't know is how to have it happen on a React + Node app. I've tried my best to integrate good practices but most questions related to this topic (request credentials through a HTTP (not HTTPS!) API call) end with answers that just say "you need to do this server-side", without providing more insight into the implementation.
There is a question with similar formulation and setting here but the single answer, no upvote and comments is a bit underwhelming. If the actual answer to the question is "you cannot ever call the metadata server from a react app and need to set up a third-party service to do so (e.g. firebase)", I'd be keen on having it said explicitly!
Please assume I have only a very superficial understanding of node.js and React!

Delivering image from S3 to React client via Context API and Express server

I'm trying to download a photo from an AWS S3 bucket via an express server to serve to a react app but I'm not having much luck. Here are my (unsuccessful) attempts so far.
The Workflow is as follows:
Client requests photo after retrieving key from database via Context API
Request sent to express server route (important so as to hide the true location from the client)
Express server route requests blob file from AWS S3 bucket
Express server parses image to base64 and serves to client
Client updates state with new image
React Client
const [profilePic, setProfilePic] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
await actions.getMediaSource(tempPhoto.key)
.then(resp => {
console.log('server resp: ', // returns ����\u0000�\u0000\b\u0006\
const url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
const blobUrl = url.createObjectURL(;
console.log("blob ", blobUrl);
setProfilePic({ ...profilePic, image : });
.catch(err => errors.push(err));
Context API - just axios wrapped into its own library
getMediaContents = async ( key ) => {
return await`http://localhost:5000/${MEDIA}/mediaitem/${key}`, "GET", null, true, this.state.accessToken, null);
Express server route
router.get("/mediaitem/:key", async (req, res, next) => {
const { key } = req.params;
// Attempt 1 was to try with s3.getObject(downloadParams).createReadStream();
const readStream = getFileStream(key);
// Attempt 2 - attempt to convert response to base 64 encoding
var data = await getFileStream(key);
var test = data.Body.toString("utf-8");
var container = '';
if ( data.Body ) {
container = data.Body.toString("utf-8");
} else {
container = undefined;
var buffer = (new Buffer.from(container));
var test = buffer.toString("base64");
require('fs').writeFileSync('../uploads', test); // it never wrote to this directory
console.log('conversion: ', test); // prints: 77+977+977+977+9AO+/vQAIBgYH - this doesn't look like base64 to me.
delete buffer;
res.status(201).json({ newTest: test });
} catch (err){
next(ApiError.internal(`Unexpected error > mediaData/:id GET -> Error: ${err.message}`));
AWS S3 Library - I made my own library for using the s3 bucket as I'll need to use more functionality later.
const getFileStream = async (fileKey) => {
const downloadParams = {
Key: fileKey,
Bucket: bucketName
// This was attempt 1's return without async in the parameter
return s3.getObject(downloadParams).createReadStream();
// Attempt 2's intention was just to wait for the promise to be fulfilled.
return await s3.getObject(downloadParams).promise();
exports.getFileStream = getFileStream;
If you've gotten this far you may have realised that I've tried a couple of things from different sources and documentation but I'm not getting any further. I would really appreciate some pointers and advice on what I'm doing wrong and what I could improve on.
If any further information is needed then just let me know.
Thanks in advance for your time!
Maybe it be useful for you, that's how i get image from S3, and process image on server
Create temporary directory
createTmpDir(): Promise<string> {
return mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'tmp-'));
Gets the file
readStream(path: string) {
return this.s3
Bucket: this.awsConfig.bucketName,
Key: path,
How i process file
async MainMethod(fileName){
const dir = await this.createTmpDir();
const serverPath = path.join(
await pipeline(
fs.createWriteStream(serverPath + '.jpg')
const createFile= await sharp(serverPath + '.jpg')
width: 640,
.toFile(serverPath + '.jpeg');
const imageBuffer = fs.readFileSync(serverPath + '.jpeg');
//my manipulations
fs.rmSync(dir, { recursive: true, force: true }); //delete temporary folder

Amazon Lex SDK only running one command

I am attempting to use the AWS SDK version 3 and the Lex Runtime client V2. (Documentation)
What I don't understand is why can I not reuse my client instance to send multiple commands? See the code below. I am attempting to do a basic flow of putting a session, recognizing the text, and then deleting the session. When I comment the code out to run each command individually it works. Why does my application stop after running only the first client.send command? All the documentation ends up doing is creating a new client for each command because the examples are showing multiple services being used not the same service (example)
const {
} = require("#aws-sdk/client-lex-runtime-v2");
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const sessionCustomId = "12345678";
const getLexClient = () => {
return new LexRuntimeV2Client({
credentials: new AWS.Credentials(
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
const main = async () => {
await console.log(
`******* ENV VARS *********\n\n AWS_REGION : ${process.env.AWS_REGION}\n DEWEY_ALIAS_ID : ${process.env.DEWEY_ALIAS_ID}\n DEWEY_BOT_ID : ${process.env.DEWEY_BOT_ID}\n LOCAL_ID : ${process.env.LOCALE_ID}\n\n`
/******************************* PUT SESSION ***********************************/
// a client can be shared by different commands.
const client = await getLexClient();
const putSessionCommand = new PutSessionCommand({
accept: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
botAliasId: process.env.DEWEY_ALIAS_ID,
botId: process.env.DEWEY_BOT_ID,
localeId: process.env.LOCALE_ID,
sessionState: {},
sessionId: sessionCustomId,
try {
const response = await client.send(putSessionCommand);
console.log("finished putting session\n");
var chatSessionState = response.sessionState;
} catch (err) {
"Error sending PutSessionCommand, error message: " + JSON.stringify(err)
/******************************* RECOGNIZE TEXT ***********************************/
//get new client
//var client = await getLexClient();
const recognizeTextCommand = new RecognizeTextCommand({
botAliasId: process.env.DEWEY_ALIAS_ID,
botId: process.env.DEWEY_BOT_ID,
localeId: process.env.LOCALE_ID,
sessionState: {},
sessionId: sessionCustomId,
text: "Create a case",
try {
const responseTwo = await client.send(recognizeTextCommand);
console.log("finished posting text input\n");
} catch (err) {
"Error sending RecognizeTextCommand, error message: " +
/******************************* DELETE SESSION ***********************************/
const deleteSessionCommand = new DeleteSessionCommand({
botAliasId: process.env.DEWEY_ALIAS_ID,
botId: process.env.DEWEY_BOT_ID,
localeId: process.env.LOCALE_ID,
sessionId: sessionCustomId,
try {
const responseThree = await client.send(deleteSessionCommand);
console.log("finished deleting session\n");
} catch (err) {
"Error sending DeletingSession, error message: " + JSON.stringify(err)

Firebase db.ref is not a function (node.js)

Can someone please tell me what is wrong in my code before I go back to MongoDB?
Project is in Node.js (Next.js)
This is how I set firebase (it works for authentication with Google Login for instance):
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
const credentials = {
const firebase = initializeApp(credentials);
export default firebase;
then this is my api js file where it throws error "db.ref" is not a function:
import firebase from '#/firebase/firebase'
import { getDatabase, ref, onValue, update, child, orderByChild, equalTo, once } from "firebase/database"
export default async (req, res) => {
const db = getDatabase(firebase);
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const body = req.body
const playlistTracks = body.playlist
const playlistName =
const uid = body.uid
const data = ...
var ref = db.ref().child('users');
ref.child(uid).orderByChild('n').equalTo(playlistName).once("child_added", function(snapshot) {
let listId = snapshot.key;
db.ref("users/" + uid + "/" + listId).update(data);
res.send({ risp : 'ok' })
realtime database structure is:
- users
- <user uid>
- <playlist uid>
c: []
n: "playlist name"
so I'm trying to first retrieve the correct playlist by it's name ("n" value) comparing all "n" with the name of the given playlist, then I'd need to update (overwrite) it with my object (data)
So I found the other methods Web version 9 (modular) in the documentation, as suggested by Frank van Puffelen below, but it now thorws a error
#firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: Exception was thrown by user
callback. Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they
are sent to the client
My code now is like this:
try {
const myQuery = query(ref(db, 'users/' + uid), orderByChild('n'), equalTo(playlistName));
onChildAdded(myQuery, (data) => {
let listId = data.key;
const updates = {};
updates["users/" + uid + "/" + listId] = dataToUpdate;
update(ref(db), updates);
}, {
onlyOnce: true
res.send({ risp : 'ok' })
} catch (e) {
also tried like this, but it's the same error:
const myQuery = query(ref(db, 'users/' + uid), orderByChild('n'), equalTo(playlistName));
onChildAdded(myQuery, (data) => {
let listId = data.key;
update(ref(db, "users/" + uid + "/" + listId), dataToUpdate)
.then(() => {
res.send({ risp: 'ok' })
.catch((error) => {
}, {
onlyOnce: true
You're using the new modular API, so can't use namespaced accessors like db.ref() anymore. Instead use ref(db, 'users').
I highly recommend keeping the documentation handy while upgrading this code to the new API version, as it has example of the modular and namespaced API side by side. The upgrade guide is probably also a worthwhile read).

Google Cloud Tasks: How to update a tasks time to live?

I have created a Firebase app where a user can insert a Firestore document. When this document is created a timestamp is added so that it can be automatically deleted after x amount of time, by a cloud function.
After the document is created, a http/onCreate cloud function is triggered successfully, and it creates a cloud task. Which then deletes the document on the scheduled time.
export const onCreatePost = functions
.onCreate(async (snapshot) => {
const data = as ExpirationDocData;
// Box creation timestamp.
const { timestamp } = data;
// The path of the firebase document('/myCollection/{docId}').
const docPath = snapshot.ref.path;
await scheduleCloudTask(timestamp, docPath)
.then(() => {
console.log('onCreate: cloud task created successfully.');
.catch((error) => {
export const scheduleCloudTask = async (timestamp: number, docPath: string) => {
// Convert timestamp to seconds.
const timestampToSeconds = timestamp / 1000;
// Doc time to live in seconds
const documentLifeTime = 20;
const expirationAtSeconds = timestampToSeconds + documentLifeTime;
// The Firebase project ID.
const project = 'my-project';
// Cloud Tasks -> firestore time to life queue.
const queue = 'my-queue';
const queuePath: string = tasksClient.queuePath(project, region, queue);
// The url to the callback function.
// That gets envoked by Google Cloud tasks when the deadline is reached.
const url = `https://${region}-${project}`;
const payload: ExpirationTaskPayload = { docPath };
// Google cloud IAM & ADMIN principle account.
const serviceAccountEmail = '';
// Configuration for the Cloud Task
const task = {
httpRequest: {
httpMethod: 'POST',
oidcToken: {
body: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString('base64'),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
scheduleTime: {
seconds: expirationAtSeconds,
await tasksClient.createTask({
parent: queuePath,
export const callbackFn = functions
.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
const payload = req.body as ExpirationTaskPayload;
try {
await admin.firestore().doc(payload.docPath).delete();
} catch (error) {
The user can also extend the time to live for the document. When that happens the timestamp is successfully updated in the Firestore document, and a http/onUpdate cloud function runs like expected.
Like shown below I tried to update the cloud tasks "time to live", by calling again
the scheduleCloudTask function. Which obviously does not work and I guess just creates another task for the document.
export const onDocTimestampUpdate = functions
.onUpdate(async (change, context) => {
const before = as ExpirationDocData;
const after = as ExpirationDocData;
if (before.timestamp < after.timestamp) {
const docPath = change.before.ref.path;
await scheduleCloudTask(after.timestamp, docPath)
.then((res) => {
console.log('onUpdate: cloud task created successfully.');
.catch((error) => {
} else return;
I have not been able to find documentation or examples where an updateTask() or a similar method is used to update an existing task.
Should I use the deleteTask() method and then use the createTask() method and create a new task after the documents timestamp is updated?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, that's how you have to do it. There is no API to update a task.
