Using Cron job for php-fpm restart - cron

I used this command in ssh as root user and works well
/usr/bin/systemctl reload php-fpm
But in cron job it won't work


run sh script to stop and restart nginx as root from crontab?

I need a script to run a bash script that stops nginx dows a bunch of other stuff and then starts nginx
the crontab looks like this
5 10 * * 0 sh ~/runnow/
and I edited the crontab well logged in as root.
the script runs fine however the lines for stop and start of nginx give the error service not found.
echo "Stopping Nginx"
service nginx-sp stop
Stopping Nginx
/root/run/ 2: /root/run/ service: not found
if I manually run the script logged on as root it runs fine.
my thought is that crontab is not being run as root but searching for that it seems if you exited your crontab when logged in as root with crontab -e it should be run as root. and it must be since I am using ~/run/ to run the script and the real path is /root/run/
so... im lost....
As cyrus pointed ...
use which to find service path in this way:
which service
Then add full path in your script.

Cron job not auto runs inside a Docker container

I have a LAMP container with supervisor.
I add a simple cron
* * * * * root /bin/date >> /var/log/cron.log
from my Dockerfile
ADD ./crons/test /etc/cron.d/test
RUN chmod 0777 /etc/cron.d/test
I start cron via supervisor with a supervisor-cron.conf like this:
command=/bin/bash -c "cron -f"
Cron starts fine and stays up and running. The strange thing is that no cronjob is running automatically [as it should] but when I execute docker exec lamp crontab /etc/cron.d/test the cron job starts and works as expected.
Am I missing something? Everywhere I have read that cron jobs are executed automatically by cron.
I solved it.
I tried both setting them up in /etc/crontab and /etc/cron.d/ .
Cron didn’t auto-start the cron jobs .
However, when I run docker exec lamp crontab /etc/cron.d/my_cronjob_file all played nice. This made me suspicious , and then I read this . So, after adding my_cronjob_file in the container [in the dockerfile] I added RUN crontab /etc/cron.d/my_cronjob_file . This essentially ‘installs’ the cronjob to the crontab table. [I don’t know the internals of cron/tab but that’s the gist I understood.] .
After that , the cron service comes up by supervisor and the cronjob runs like a charm.
This can be solved with the bash file, due to the layered architecture of the Docker, cron service doesn't get initiated with RUN/CMD/ENTRYPOINT commands.
Simply add a bash file which will initiate the cron and other services (if required)
FROM gradle:6.5.1-jdk11 AS build
# apt
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install cron
# Setup cron to run every minute to print (you can add/update your cron here)
RUN touch /var/log/cron-1.log
RUN (crontab -l ; echo "* * * * * echo testing cron.... >> /var/log/cron-1.log 2>&1") | crontab
RUN chmod +x
CMD ["bash",""]
service cron start & tail -f /var/log/cron-2.log
If any other service is also required to run along with cron then add that service with & in the same command, for example: /opt/wildfly/bin/ & service cron start & tail -f /var/log/cron-2.log
Once you will get into the docker container there you can see that testing cron.... will be getting printed every minute in file: /var/log/cron-1.log

restart cron service script with non root user aix

I need to make a batch that restart cron service on aix system,but it must be done with non root user??
I need to do so because in aix you must restart cron service when modifying crontab file, in order to accepts the new changes..
Best regards,
Use the crontab command to submit the updated cron file. It will signal crond to reload/reset.

Starting a service (upstart) from a shell script, from a cron job

I'm trying to use a cron job to call a healthcheck script I've written to check the status of a web app (api) I've written (a url call doesn't suffice to test full functionality, hence the custom healthcheck). The healthcheck app has several endpoints which are called from a shell script (see below), and this script restarts the bigger web app we are checking. Naturally, I'm having trouble.
How it works:
1) cron job runs every 60s
2) healthcheck script is run by cron job
3) healthcheck script checks url, if url returns non-200 response, it stops and start a service
What works:
1) I can run the script ( as the ec2-user
2) I can run the script as root
3) The cron job calls the script and it runs, but it doesn't stop/start the service (I can see this by watching /tmp/crontest.txt and ps aux).
It totally seems like a permissions issue or some very basic linux thing that I'm not aware of.
The log when I run as root or ec2-user (/tmp/crontest.txt):
Fri Nov 23 00:28:54 UTC 2012 api not running, restarting service!
api start/running, process 1939 <--- it restarts the service properly!
The log when the cron job runs:
Fri Nov 23 00:27:01 UTC 2012 api not running, restarting service! <--- no restart
Cron file (in /etc/cron.d):
# Call the healthcheck every 60s
* * * * * root /srv/checkout/healthcheck/ >> /tmp/crontest.txt
Upstart script (/etc/init/healthcheck.conf)- this is for the healthcheck app, which provides endpoints which we call from the shell script
description "healthcheck"
author "me"
env USER=ec2-user
start on started network
stop on stopping network
# We run our process as a non-root user
# Upstart user guide, 11.43.2 (
exec su -s /bin/sh -c "NODE_ENV=production /usr/local/bin/node /srv/checkout/healthcheck/app.js" $USER
end script
Shell script permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 529 Nov 23 00:16 /srv/checkout/healthcheck/
Shell script (
echo `date`
status_code=`curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" $API_URL`
if [ 200 -ne $status_code ]; then
echo " api not running, restarting service!"
stop api
start api
Add path to start/stop command to your script:
or your full path to start and stop commands:
/sbin/stop api
you can check path to them using whereis:
$ whereis start
Answer found in another question!
Basically the cron jobs operate in a limited environment, so in 'start [service]', the start command is not found!
Modifying the script to look like so makes it work:

cron job on plesk

So far I have tried:
php -q /var/www/vhosts/
php -f /var/www/vhosts/
But none of them are working on plesk
What is wrong in my cron job command?
I want to run cron.php every 5 minutes.
