Efficient way to iterate collection objects in Groovy 2.x? - groovy

What is the best and fastest way to iterate over Collection objects in Groovy. I know there are several Groovy collection utility methods. But they use closures which are slow.

The final result in your specific case might be different, however benchmarking 5 different iteration variants available for Groovy shows that old Java for-each loop is the most efficient one. Take a look at the following example where we iterate over 100 millions of elements and we calculate the total sum of these numbers in the very imperative way:
#Grab(group='org.gperfutils', module='gbench', version='0.4.3-groovy-2.4')
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import java.util.function.Consumer
def numbers = (1..100_000_000)
def r = benchmark {
'numbers.each {}' {
final AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong()
numbers.each { number -> result.addAndGet(number) }
'for (int i = 0 ...)' {
final AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong()
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {
'for-each' {
final AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong()
for (int number : numbers) {
'stream + closure' {
final AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong()
numbers.stream().forEach { number -> result.addAndGet(number) }
'stream + anonymous class' {
final AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong()
numbers.stream().forEach(new Consumer<Integer>() {
void accept(Integer number) {
This is just a simple example where we try to benchmark the cost of iteration over a collection, no matter what the operation executed for every element from collection is (all variants use the same operation to give the most accurate results). And here are results (time measurements are expressed in nanoseconds):
* Groovy: 2.4.12
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.181-b15, Oracle Corporation)
* JRE: 1.8.0_181
* Total Memory: 236 MB
* Maximum Memory: 3497 MB
* OS: Linux (4.18.9-100.fc27.x86_64, amd64)
* Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec)
* CPU Time Measurement: On
WARNING: Timed out waiting for "numbers.each {}" to be stable
user system cpu real
numbers.each {} 7139971394 11352278 7151323672 7246652176
for (int i = 0 ...) 6349924690 5159703 6355084393 6447856898
for-each 3449977333 826138 3450803471 3497716359
stream + closure 8199975894 193599 8200169493 8307968464
stream + anonymous class 3599977808 3218956 3603196764 3653224857
Java's for-each is as fast as Stream + anonymous class (Groovy 2.x does not allow using lambda expressions).
The old for (int i = 0; ... is almost twice slower comparing to for-each - most probably because there is an additional effort of returning a value from the array at given index.
Groovy's each method is a little bit faster then stream + closure variant, and both are more than twice slower comparing to the fastest one.
It's important to run benchmarks for a specific use case to get the most accurate answer. For instance, Stream API will be most probably the best choice if there are some other operations applied next to the iteration (filtering, mapping etc.). For simple iterations from the first to the last element of a given collection choosing old Java for-each might give the best results, because it does not produce much overhead.
Also - the size of collection matters. For instance, if we use the above example but instead of iterating over 100 millions of elements we would iterate over 100k elements, then the slowest variant would cost 0.82 ms versus 0.38 ms. If you build a system where every nanosecond matters then you have to pick the most efficient solution. But if you build a simple CRUD application then it doesn't matter if iteration over a collection takes 0.82 or 0.38 milliseconds - the cost of database connection is at least 50 times bigger, so saving approximately 0.44 milliseconds would not make any impact.
// Results for iterating over 100k elements
* Groovy: 2.4.12
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.181-b15, Oracle Corporation)
* JRE: 1.8.0_181
* Total Memory: 236 MB
* Maximum Memory: 3497 MB
* OS: Linux (4.18.9-100.fc27.x86_64, amd64)
* Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec)
* CPU Time Measurement: On
user system cpu real
numbers.each {} 717422 0 717422 722944
for (int i = 0 ...) 593016 0 593016 600860
for-each 381976 0 381976 387252
stream + closure 811506 5884 817390 827333
stream + anonymous class 408662 1183 409845 416381
UPDATE: Dynamic invocation vs static compilation
There is also one more factor worth taking into account - static compilation. Below you can find results for 10 millions element collection iterations benchmark:
* Groovy: 2.4.12
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.181-b15, Oracle Corporation)
* JRE: 1.8.0_181
* Total Memory: 236 MB
* Maximum Memory: 3497 MB
* OS: Linux (4.18.10-100.fc27.x86_64, amd64)
* Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec)
* CPU Time Measurement: On
user system cpu real
Dynamic each {} 727357070 0 727357070 731017063
Static each {} 141425428 344969 141770397 143447395
Dynamic for-each 369991296 619640 370610936 375825211
Static for-each 92998379 27666 93026045 93904478
Dynamic for (int i = 0; ...) 679991895 1492518 681484413 690961227
Static for (int i = 0; ...) 173188913 0 173188913 175396602
As you can see turning on static compilation (with #CompileStatic class annotation for instance) is a game changer. Of course Java for-each is still the most efficient, however its static variant is almost 4 times faster than the dynamic one. Static Groovy each {} is faster 5 times faster than the dynamic each {}. And static for loop is also 4 times faster then the dynamic for loop.
Conclusion - for 10 millions elements static numbers.each {} takes 143 milliseconds while static for-each takes 93 milliseconds for the same size collection. It means that for collection of size 100k static numbers.each {} will cost 0.14 ms and static for-each will take 0.09 ms approximately. Both are very fast and the real difference starts when the size of collection explodes to +100 millions of elements.
Java stream from Java compiled class
And to give you a perspective - here is Java class with stream().forEach() on 10 millions of elements for a comparison:
Java stream.forEach() 87271350 160988 87432338 88563305
Just a little bit faster than statically compiled for-each in Groovy code.


string vs integer as map key for memory utilization in golang?

I have a below read function which is called by multiple go routines to read s3 files and it populates two concurrent map as shown below.
During server startup, it calls read function below to populate two concurrent map.
And also periodically every 30 seconds, it calls read function again to read new s3 files and populate two concurrent map again with some new data.
So basically at a given state of time during the whole lifecycle of this app, both my concurrent map have some data and also periodically being updated too.
func (r *clientRepository) read(file string, bucket string) error {
var err error
//... read s3 file
for {
rows, err := pr.ReadByNumber(r.cfg.RowsToRead)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
if len(rows) <= 0 {
byteSlice, err := json.Marshal(rows)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
var productRows []ParquetData
err = json.Unmarshal(byteSlice, &productRows)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
for i := range productRows {
var flatProduct definitions.CustomerInfo
err = r.ConvertData(spn, &productRows[i], &flatProduct)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
// populate first concurrent map here
r.products.Set(strconv.FormatInt(flatProduct.ProductId, 10), &flatProduct)
for _, catalogId := range flatProduct.Catalogs {
strCatalogId := strconv.FormatInt(int64(catalogId), 10)
// upsert second concurrent map here
r.productCatalog.Upsert(strCatalogId, flatProduct.ProductId, func(exists bool, valueInMap interface{}, newValue interface{}) interface{} {
productID := newValue.(int64)
if valueInMap == nil {
return map[int64]struct{}{productID: {}}
oldIDs := valueInMap.(map[int64]struct{})
// value is irrelevant, no need to check if key exists
oldIDs[productID] = struct{}{}
return oldIDs
return nil
In above code flatProduct.ProductId and strCatalogId are integer but I am converting them into string bcoz concurrent map works with string only. And then I have below three functions which is used by my main application threads to get data from the concurrent map populated above.
func (r *clientRepository) GetProductMap() *cmap.ConcurrentMap {
return r.products
func (r *clientRepository) GetProductCatalogMap() *cmap.ConcurrentMap {
return r.productCatalog
func (r *clientRepository) GetProductData(pid string) *definitions.CustomerInfo {
pd, ok := r.products.Get(pid)
if ok {
return pd.(*definitions.CustomerInfo)
return nil
I have a use case where I need to populate map from multiple go routines and then read data from those maps from bunch of main application threads so it needs to be thread safe and it should be fast enough as well without much locking.
Problem Statement
I am dealing with lots of data like 30-40 GB worth of data from all these files which I am reading into memory. I am using concurrent map here which solves most of my concurrency issues but the key for the concurrent map is string and it doesn't have any implementation where key can be integer. In my case key is just a product id which can be int32 so is it worth it storing all those product id's as string in this concurrent map? I think string allocation takes more memory compare to storing all those keys as integer? At least it does in c/c++ so I am assuming it should be same case here in golang too.
Is there anything I can to improve here w.r.t map usage so that I can reduce memory utilization plus I don't lose performance as well while reading data from these maps from main threads?
I am using concurrent map from this repo which doesn't have implementation for key as integer.
I am trying to use cmap_int in my code to try it out.
type clientRepo struct {
customers *cmap.ConcurrentMap
customersCatalog *cmap.ConcurrentMap
func NewClientRepository(logger log.Logger) (ClientRepository, error) {
// ....
customers := cmap.New[string]()
customersCatalog := cmap.New[string]()
r := &clientRepo{
customers: &customers,
customersCatalog: &customersCatalog,
// ....
return r, nil
But I am getting error as:
Cannot use '&products' (type *ConcurrentMap[V]) as the type *cmap.ConcurrentMap
What I need to change in my clientRepo struct so that it can work with new version of concurrent map which uses generics?
I don't know the implementation details of concurrent map in Go, but if it's using a string as a key I'm guessing that behind the scenes it's storing both the string and a hash of the string (which will be used for actual indexing operations).
That is going to be something of a memory hog, and there'll be nothing that can be done about that as concurrent map uses only strings for key.
If there were some sort of map that did use integers, it'd likely be using hashes of those integers anyway. A smooth hash distribution is a necessary feature for good and uniform lookup performance, in the event that key data itself is not uniformly distributed. It's almost like you need a very simple map implementation!
I'm wondering if a simple array would do, if your product ID's fit within 32bits (or can be munged to do so, or down to some other acceptable integer length). Yes, that way you'd have a large amount of memory allocated, possibly with large tracts unused. However, indexing is super-rapid, and the OS's virtual memory subsystem would ensure that areas of the array that you don't index aren't swapped in. Caveat - I'm thinking very much in terms of C and fixed-size objects here - less so Go - so this may be a bogus suggestion.
To persevere, so long as there's nothing about the array that implies initialisation-on-allocation (e.g. in C the array wouldn't get initialised by the compiler), allocation doesn't automatically mean it's all in memory, all at once, and only the most commonly used areas of the array will be in RAM courtesy of the OS's virtual memory subsystem.
You could have a map of arrays, where each array covered a range of product Ids. This would be close to the same effect, trading off storage of hashes and strings against storage of null references. If product ids are clumped in some sort of structured way, this could work well.
Also, just a thought, and I'm showing a total lack of knowledge of Go here. Does Go store objects by reference? In which case wouldn't an array of objects actually be an array of references (so, fixed in size) and the actual objects allocated only as needed (ie a lot of the array is null references)? That doesn't sound good for my one big array suggestion...
The library you use is relatively simple and you may just replace all string into int32 (and modify the hashing function) and it will still work fine.
I ran a tiny (and not that rigorous) benchmark against the replaced version:
$ go test -bench=. -benchtime=10x -benchmem
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: maps
BenchmarkCMapAlloc-4 10 174272711 ns/op 49009948 B/op 33873 allocs/op
BenchmarkCMapAllocSS-4 10 369259624 ns/op 102535456 B/op 1082125 allocs/op
BenchmarkCMapUpdateAlloc-4 10 114794162 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCMapUpdateAllocSS-4 10 192165246 ns/op 16777216 B/op 1048576 allocs/op
BenchmarkCMap-4 10 1193068438 ns/op 5065 B/op 41 allocs/op
BenchmarkCMapSS-4 10 2195078437 ns/op 536874022 B/op 33554471 allocs/op
Benchmarks with a SS suffix is the original string version. So using integers as keys takes less memory and runs faster, as anyone would expect. The string version allocates about 50 bytes more each insertion. (This is not the actual memory usage though.)
Basically, a string in go is just a struct:
type stringStruct struct {
str unsafe.Pointer
len int
So on a 64-bit machine, it takes at least 8 bytes (pointer) + 8 bytes (length) + len(underlying bytes) bytes to store a string. Turning it into a int32 or int64 will definitely save memory. However, I assume that CustomerInfo and the catalog sets takes the most memory and I don't think there will be a great improvement.
(By the way, tuning the SHARD_COUNT in the library might also help a bit.)

Different memory allocations in linux and windows?

I have a tree (T*Tree: binary tree with many elements in the node) implemented in C++.
I want to insert around 5,000,000 integer values in it (let's say from 1 till 5,000,000). The tree size should be around 8 * 5,000,000 byte or 41MB in memory (according to my implementation which is reasonable).
When I display the size of the tree(in my program by calculating the size of every node), it is 41MB as normal. However when I checked in Windows 32bit>>"Task Manager" I found the memory taken is 732MB!!
I checked that there is no extra malloc in my code. Even after I freed the tree by traversing from node to node and deleting them(and the keys inside) the size in "Task Manager" becomes 513MB only!!
After that I compiled same code in Linux Ubuntu 32bit(virtual machine on another PC) and ran the program. Again tree size does not change in my program i.e. 41MB as normal, but in "System Monitor" memory is 230MB and when freeing the tree nodes in my program the memory in "System Monitor" remains same 230MB.
And in both Windows and Linux if I freed & reinitialized the tree and insert again 5,000,0000 integer values, the memory is increased by double like if the previous space is not freed and used somewhere (which I am not able to find where).
The question:
1) why are those huge memory differences in Windows and Linux although the code & input data is same?
2) why freeing the Tree nodes doesn't reduce the memory to some reasonable value like 10MB.
code: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByKaCojxzNa9dEt6cEJNeDI4eXc
below are some snippets:
typedef struct Keylist {
unsigned int k;
struct Keylist *next_ptr;
typedef struct Keylist Keylist;
typedef struct TstarTreeNode {
//Binary Node specific
struct TstarTreeNode *left;
struct TstarTreeNode *right;
//Bool rightVisitedDuringInsert;
//AVL Node specific
int height;
//T Node specific
int length; //length of keys array for easy locating
struct Keylist *keys; //later you deal with it like one dimentional array
int max; //max key
int min; //min key
//T* Node specific
struct TstarTreeNode *successor;
typedef struct TstarTreeNode TstarTreeNode;
* *
* Define a structure for binary trees. *
* *
typedef struct TstarTree {
int size; //number of element(not number of nodes) in a tree
int MinCount; //Min Count of elements in a Node
int MaxCount; //Max Count of elements in a Node
TstarTreeNode *root;
//Provide functions for comarison elements and destroying elements
int (*compare)(int key1, int key2); //// -1 smaller, 0 equal, 1 bigger
int (*inRange)(int key, int min, int max); // -1 smaller, 0 in range, 1 bigger
} ;
typedef struct TstarTree TstarTree;
Insert function of the tree uses dynamic allocation i.e. malloc.
according to what "John Zwinck" pointed out (thanks John), I have two things now:
1) The huge memory taken in Windows was because of the compiling options in Visual Studio, which I think enabled debugging and a lot of extra things. When I compiled in Windows using Cygwin without that options i.e. "gcc main.c tstarTree.c -o main" I got same result as in Linux. The size now in Windows>>"Task Manager" becomes 230MB
2) If OS is 64bit then let's see how the size is calculated (as John said and as I modified):
5 million unsigned int k. 20 MB.
5 million 4-byte pads (after k to align next_ptr). 20 MB.
5 million 8-byte next_ptr. 40 MB.
5 million times the overhead of malloc(). I think for 64bit OS it is 32 bytes each (according to John provided link). so 160 MB.
N TstarTreeNodes, each of which is 48 bytes in the full code.
N times the overhead of malloc() (I think, 32 bytes each).
N is the number of nodes. I have a resulting balanced complete tree of height 16 so I assume the number of nodes are 2^17-1. so the last two items become 6.2MB(i.e. 2^17 * 48) + 4.1MB(i.e. 2^17 * 32) =10MB
So the total is: 20+20+40+160+10= 250MB which is somehow reasonable and close to 230MB.
However I have Windows/Linux 32bit it will be (I think):
5 million unsigned int k. 20 MB.
5 million 4-byte next_ptr. 20 MB.
5 million times the overhead of malloc(). I think for 32bit OS it is 16 bytes each. so 80 MB.
N TstarTreeNodes, each of which is 32 bytes in the full code.
N times the overhead of malloc() (I think, 16 bytes each).
N is the number of nodes. I have a resulting balanced complete tree of height 16 so I assume the number of nodes are 2^17-1. so the last two items become 4.1MB(i.e. 2^17 * 32) + 2MB(i.e. 2^17 * 16) =6MB
So the total is: 20+20+80+6= 126MB it is a little far from 230MB which I get in "Task Manager" (if you know why please tell me?)
Currently the remaining important question is, why isn't the tree freed from memory when I am freeing all the nodes and keys in the tree using this code:
void freekeys(struct Keylist ** keys){
if ((*keys) == NULL)
(*keys)->next_ptr = NULL;
(*keys) = NULL;
void freeTree(struct TstarTreeNode ** tree){
if ((*tree) == NULL)
(*tree)->keys = NULL;
(*tree)->left = NULL;
(*tree)->right = NULL;
(*tree)->successor = NULL;
(*tree) = NULL;
and in main():
TstarTree * tree;
The tree is working perfectly (insert, update, delete, lookup, display...) but when trying to free the tree from memory nothing changed in its size
You say your data takes:
8 * 5,000,000 byte or 41MB in memory
But that is not correct. Looking at your code there are two main structures:
struct Keylist {
unsigned int k;
Keylist *next_ptr;
struct TstarTreeNode {
TstarTreeNode *left, *right;
Keylist *keys;
TstarTreeNode *successor;
Let's say we have 5 million integers to store, as in your example. What will we need?
5 million unsigned int k. 20 MB.
5 million 4-byte pads (after k to align next_ptr). 20 MB.
5 million 8-byte next_ptr. 40 MB.
5 million times the overhead of malloc(). Likely 16 bytes each. 80 MB.
N TstarTreeNodes, each of which is 48 bytes in the full code.
N times the overhead of malloc() (again, 16 bytes each).
If N is 500,000 (for example, I don't know the real value but you do), those last two items add up to 32 MB. That brings the total to at least 192 MB as a bare minimum. Therefore, seeing 230 MB of memory usage in Linux is not surprising.
Some systems, especially when optimization is not fully enabled at build time, will add more bookkeeping and debugging information to each block allocated with malloc(). Are you building with optimization fully enabled?
One way you can save a lot of overhead is to stop using Keylist and just store the integers in plain arrays (created with malloc(), but only one per TstarTreeNode).

NodeJS, Promises and performance

My question is about performance in my NodeJS app...
If my program run 12 iteration of 1.250.000 each = 15.000.000 iterations all together - it takes dedicated servers at Amazon the following time to process:
r3.large: 2 vCPU, 6.5 ECU, 15 GB memory --> 123 minutes
4.8xlarge: 36 vCPU, 132 ECU, 60 GB memory --> 102 minutes
I have some code similair to the code below...
for(var i=0; i<12; i++){
function2(); // Iterates over a collection - which contains data split up in intervals - by date intervals. This function is actually also recursive - due to the fact - that is run through the data many time (MAX 50-100 times) - due to different intervals sizes...
return new Promise{
for(var i=0; i<1.250.000; i++){
return new Promise{
function3(); // This function simple iterate through all possible combinations - and call function3 - with all given values/combinations
return new Promise{ // This function simple make some calculations based on the given values/combination - and then return the result to function2 - which in the end - decides which result/combination was the best...
This is equal to 0.411 millisecond / 441 microseconds pér iteration!
When i look at performance and memory usage in the taskbar... the CPU is not running at 100% - but more like 50%...the entire time?
The memory usage starts very low - but KEEPS growing in GB - every minute until the process is done - BUT the (allocated) memory is first released when i press CTRL+C in the Windows CMD... so its like the NodeJS garbage collection doesn't not work optimal - or may be its simple the design of the code again...
When i execute the app i use the memory opt like:
node --max-old-space-size="50000" server.js
PLEASE tell me every thing you thing i can do - to make my program FASTER!
Thank you all - so much!
It's not that the garbage collector doesn't work optimally but that it doesn't work at all - you don't give it any chance to.
When developing the tco module that does tail call optimization in Node i noticed a strange thing. It seemed to leak memory and I didn't know why. It turned out that it was because of few console.log()
calls in various places that I used for testing to see what's going on because seeing a result of recursive call millions levels deep took some time so I wanted to see something while it was doing it.
Your example is pretty similar to that.
Remember that Node is single-threaded. When your computations run, nothing else can - including the GC. Your code is completely synchronous and blocking - even though it's generating millions of promises in a blocking manner. It is blocking because it never reaches the event loop.
Consider this example:
var a = 0, b = 10000000;
function numbers() {
while (a < b) {
console.log("Number " + a++);
It's pretty simple - you want to print 10 million numbers. But when you run it it behaves very strangely - for example it prints numbers up to some point, and then it stops for several seconds, then it keeps going or maybe starts trashing if you're using swap, or maybe gives you this error that I just got right after seeing the Number 8486:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
What's going on here is that the main thread is blocked in a synchronous loop where it keeps creating objects but the GC has no chance to release them.
For such long running tasks you need to divide your work and get into the event loop once in a while.
Here is how you can fix this problem:
var a = 0, b = 10000000;
function numbers() {
var i = 0;
while (a < b && i++ < 100) {
console.log("Number " + a++);
if (a < b) setImmediate(numbers);
It does the same - it prints numbers from a to b but in bunches of 100 and then it schedules itself to continue at the end of the event loop.
Output of $(which time) -v node numbers1.js 2>&1 | egrep 'Maximum resident|FATAL'
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 1495968
It used 1.5GB of memory and crashed.
Output of $(which time) -v node numbers2.js 2>&1 | egrep 'Maximum resident|FATAL'
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 56404
It used 56MB of memory and finished.
See also those answers:
How to write non-blocking async function in Express request handler
How node.js server serve next request, if current request have huge computation?
Maximum call stack size exceeded in nodejs
Node; Q Promise delay
How to avoid jimp blocking the code node.js

why does a a nodejs array shift/push loop run 1000x slower above array length 87369?

Why is the speed of nodejs array shift/push operations not linear in the size of the array? There is a dramatic knee at 87370 that completely crushes the system.
Try this, first with 87369 elements in q, then with 87370. (Or, on a 64-bit system, try 85983 and 85984.) For me, the former runs in .05 seconds; the latter, in 80 seconds -- 1600 times slower. (observed on 32-bit debian linux with node v0.10.29)
q = [];
// preload the queue with some data
for (i=0; i<87369; i++) q.push({});
// fetch oldest waiting item and push new item
for (i=0; i<100000; i++) {
if (i%10000 === 0) process.stdout.write(".");
64-bit debian linux v0.10.29 crawls starting at 85984 and runs in .06 / 56 seconds. Node v0.11.13 has similar breakpoints, but at different array sizes.
Shift is a very slow operation for arrays as you need to move all the elements but V8 is able to use a trick to perform it fast when the array contents fit in a page (1mb).
Empty arrays start with 4 slots and as you keep pushing, it will resize the array using formula 1.5 * (old length + 1) + 16.
var j = 4;
while (j < 87369) {
j = (j + 1) + Math.floor(j / 2) + 16
So your array size ends up actually being 124517 items which makes it too large.
You can actually preallocate your array just to the right size and it should be able to fast shift again:
var q = new Array(87369); // Fits in a page so fast shift is possible
// preload the queue with some data
for (i=0; i<87369; i++) q[i] = {};
If you need larger than that, use the right data structure
I started digging into the v8 sources, but I still don't understand it.
I instrumented deps/v8/src/builtins.cc:MoveElemens (called from Builtin_ArrayShift, which implements the shift with a memmove), and it clearly shows the slowdown: only 1000 shifts per second because each one takes 1ms:
AR: at 1417982255.050970: MoveElements sec = 0.000809
AR: at 1417982255.052314: MoveElements sec = 0.001341
AR: at 1417982255.053542: MoveElements sec = 0.001224
AR: at 1417982255.054360: MoveElements sec = 0.000815
AR: at 1417982255.055684: MoveElements sec = 0.001321
AR: at 1417982255.056501: MoveElements sec = 0.000814
of which the memmove is 0.000040 seconds, the bulk is the heap->RecordWrites (deps/v8/src/heap-inl.h):
void Heap::RecordWrites(Address address, int start, int len) {
if (!InNewSpace(address)) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
store_buffer_.Mark(address + start + i * kPointerSize);
which is (store-buffer-inl.h)
void StoreBuffer::Mark(Address addr) {
Address* top = reinterpret_cast<Address*>(heap_->store_buffer_top());
*top++ = addr;
if ((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(top) & kStoreBufferOverflowBit) != 0) {
ASSERT(top == limit_);
} else {
ASSERT(top < limit_);
when the code is running slow, there are runs of shift/push ops followed by runs of 5-6 calls to Compact() for every MoveElements. When it's running fast, MoveElements isn't called until a handful of times at the end, and just a single compaction when it finishes.
I'm guessing memory compaction might be thrashing, but it's not falling in place for me yet.
Edit: forget that last edit about output buffering artifacts, I was filtering duplicates.
this bug had been reported to google, who closed it without studying the issue.
When shifting out and calling tasks (functions) from a queue (array)
the GC(?) is stalling for an inordinate length of time.
114467 shifts is OK
114468 shifts is problematic, symptoms occur
the response:
he GC has nothing to do with this, and nothing is stalling either.
Array.shift() is an expensive operation, as it requires all array
elements to be moved. For most areas of the heap, V8 has implemented a
special trick to hide this cost: it simply bumps the pointer to the
beginning of the object by one, effectively cutting off the first
element. However, when an array is so large that it must be placed in
"large object space", this trick cannot be applied as object starts
must be aligned, so on every .shift() operation all elements must
actually be moved in memory.
I'm not sure there's a whole lot we can do about this. If you want a
"Queue" object in JavaScript with guaranteed O(1) complexity for
.enqueue() and .dequeue() operations, you may want to implement your
Edit: I just caught the subtle "all elements must be moved" part -- is RecordWrites not GC but an actual element copy then? The memmove of the array contents is 0.04 milliseconds. The RecordWrites loop is 96% of the 1.1 ms runtime.
Edit: if "aligned" means the first object must be at first address, that's what memmove does. What is RecordWrites?

Performance decrease with threaded implementation

I implemented a small program in C to calculate PI using a Monte Carlo method (mainly because of personal interest and training). After having implemented the basic code structure, I added a command-line option allowing to execute the calculations threaded.
I expected major speed ups, but I got disappointed. The command-line synopsis should be clear. The final number of iterations made to approximate PI is the product of the number of -iterations and -threads passed via the command-line. Leaving -threads blank defaults it to 1 thread resulting in execution in the main thread.
The tests below are tested with 80 Million iterations in total.
On Windows 7 64Bit (Intel Core2Duo Machine):
Compiled using Cygwin GCC 4.5.3: gcc-4 pi.c -o pi.exe -O3
On Ubuntu/Linaro 12.04 (8Core AMD):
Compiled using GCC 4.6.3: gcc pi.c -lm -lpthread -O3 -o pi
On Windows, the threaded version is a few milliseconds faster than the un-threaded. I expected a better performance, to be honest. On Linux, ew! What the heck? Why does it take even 2000% longer? Of course this is depending much on the implementation, so here it goes. An excerpt after the command-line argument parsing was done and the calculation is started:
// Begin computation.
clock_t t_start, t_delta;
double pi = 0;
if (args.threads == 1) {
t_start = clock();
pi = pi_mc(args.iterations);
t_delta = clock() - t_start;
else {
pthread_t* threads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * args.threads);
if (!threads) {
return alloc_failed();
struct PIThreadData* values = malloc(sizeof(struct PIThreadData) * args.threads);
if (!values) {
return alloc_failed();
t_start = clock();
for (i=0; i < args.threads; i++) {
values[i].iterations = args.iterations;
values[i].out = 0.0;
pthread_create(threads + i, NULL, pi_mc_threaded, values + i);
for (i=0; i < args.threads; i++) {
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
pi += values[i].out;
t_delta = clock() - t_start;
threads = NULL;
values = NULL;
pi /= (double) args.threads;
While pi_mc_threaded() is implemented as:
struct PIThreadData {
int iterations;
double out;
void* pi_mc_threaded(void* ptr) {
struct PIThreadData* data = ptr;
data->out = pi_mc(data->iterations);
You can find the full source code at http://pastebin.com/jptBTgwr.
Why is this? Why this extreme difference on Linux? I expected the anmount of time taken to calculate to be at least 3/4 of the original time. It would of course be possible that I simply made wrong use of the pthread library. A clarifcation on how to do correct in this case would be very nice.
The problem is that in glibc's implementation, rand() calls __random(), and that
long int
__random ()
int32_t retval;
__libc_lock_lock (lock);
(void) __random_r (&unsafe_state, &retval);
__libc_lock_unlock (lock);
return retval;
locks around each call to the function __random_r that does the actual work.
Thus, as soon as you have more than one thread using rand(), you make each thread wait for the other(s) on almost every call to rand(). Directly using random_r() with your own buffers in each thread should be much faster.
Performance and threading is a black art. The answer depends on the specifics of the compiler and libraries used to do threading, how well the kernel handles it, etc. Basically, if your libraries for *nix are not efficient in switching, moving objects around etc, threading will in fact, be slower . THis is one of the reasons a lot us doing thread work now work with JVM or JVM-like languages. We can trust the runtime JVM's behavior -- it's overall speed may vary with platform, but it's consistent on that platform. In addition, you may have some hidden wait/race conditions that you uncovered just due to timing that may not show up on Windows.
If you are in a position to change your language, consider Scala or D. Scala is the actor driven model successor to Java, and D, the successor to C. Both languages show their roots -- if you can write in C, D should be no problem. Both languages however, implement the actor model. NO MORE THREAD POOLS, NO MORE RACE CONDITIONS ETC!!!!!!
For comparison, I just tried your app on Windows Vista, compiled with Borland C++, and the 2 thread version performed nearly twice as fast as the single thread.
pi.exe -iterations 20000000 -stats -threads 1
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 12.511000 sec
Threads: Main
pi.exe -iterations 10000000 -stats -threads 2
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 6.584000 sec
Threads: 2
That's compiled against the thread-safe run-time library. Using the single thread library, both versions run at twice their thread-safe speed.
pi.exe -iterations 20000000 -stats -threads 1
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 6.458000 sec
Threads: Main
pi.exe -iterations 10000000 -stats -threads 2
Number of iterations: 20000000
Method: Monte Carlo
Evaluation time: 3.978000 sec
Threads: 2
So the 2 thread version is still twice as fast, but the 1 thread version with the single thread library is actually faster than the 2 thread version on the thread-safe library.
Looking at Borland's rand implementation, they use thread local storage for the seed in the thread-safe implementation, so it's not going to have the same negative impact on threaded code as glibc's lock, but the thread-safe implementation will obviously be slower than the single thread implementation.
The bottom line though, is that your compiler's rand implementation is probably the main performance issue in both cases.
I've just tried replacing your rand_01 calls with inline implementations of Borland's rand function using a local variable for the seed, and the results are consistently twice as fast in the 2 thread case.
The updated code looks like this:
#define MULTIPLIER 0x015a4e35L
#define INCREMENT 1
double pi_mc(int iterations) {
unsigned seed = 1;
long long inner = 0;
long long outer = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i < iterations; i++) {
double x = ((int)(seed >> 16) & 0x7fff) / (double) RAND_MAX;
double y = ((int)(seed >> 16) & 0x7fff) / (double) RAND_MAX;
double d = sqrt(pow(x, 2.0) + pow(y, 2.0));
if (d <= 1.0) {
else {
return ((double) inner / (double) iterations) * 4;
I don't know how good that is as rand implementations go, but it's worth at least trying on Linux to see whether it makes a difference to the performance.
