Group By Sum & Sort several workbooks contained within a file - excel

My Goal: I have a file (F) that contains several workbooks, each workbook has the same format and are around 40k rows.
the form of each workbooks is as follows:
I want to get this final output within a master worbook which contains one sheet per looped workbook (contained in F).
I know that a pivot table does very well the job. But I want it automatic and I have many files within F ...
What would be your strategy, would you still use pivot table and do a sort of loop for each files? Would you use SQL, other idea ...?
Many thanks for your feedback and approach on that.

I would at least give it a try. This went really fast to create and gives you an idea of the ability of power pivot. You can see how I arrange the Rows and Columns to the right in the PivotTable Fields.
So Power Pivot!


How to search across multiple excels for values and summarize to one excel workbook

I have 1000 excel workbooks and I have to summarize data in one excel workbook. Each workbook consists of data of one property (id of property, region, market value etc.) In the summary workbook I want to insert in a column the id of property and automatically search across the file of workbooks and insert the value for its region, market value etc.
I am going to first assume that there is some structure to the workbooks you are discussing, for example all market value workbooks are the same but only the data is different. it would also be great if they were in different folders and if they were named in a consistent way.
This is only an example with links to different content that will help solve your problem. Your question is too vague and does not provide me with specific enough information to provide exact solution.
Combining records.
Merge Records.
Pivot Table Slicer for summary reports.
Your best bet would be to use the power query feature to combine data from workbooks inside a folder
From DATA TAB -> Select GET DATA drop down from Get & Transform ribbon -> From File -> From Folder.
You should be able to combine all the workbooks in folder If your problem is simple.
If each workbook has multiple pages of info and the pages differ then you will need to create a custom function in power query to handle this issue.
If workbooks are all in one folder then you will need to run power query multiple times per condition and use a filter with power query assuming that the files have some kind of organized naming convention.
Once you have combined files and cleaned up the data you should be able to combine the records.
You will do this using the power query feature merge feature.
From DATA TAB -> Select GET DATA drop down from Get & Transform ribbon -> Combine Queries -> Merge.
Once records are all merged you should be able to have your final table and use a pivot table to give you the option to select ID with filters or pivot table slicers so that you can have the summary report by ID going across all the workbooks like you wanted.
If anything is unclear please provide more info so i can help you specifically

Excel 2010: Automatically combine multiple tables into one dataset

I thought there would be a simple way of doing this, but unfortunately I have not come across one. My company has an Excel workbook with 12 sheets (1 for each month), into which I enter sales data as accounts are written. I reformatted each month's data into tables, thinking that this would provide an easy reference to gather the data into a pivot table that joins all the months and would be updated as I enter data; however, a pivot table based on multiple sets of data allows highly limited manipulation.
So what I want to do is create a new table that is automatically populated as I enter data in any of the 12 current tables, to combine them into a master listing. I have tried doing a query, but when I try to set up the data sources, it doesn't recognize my tables. I tried Power Query, but I couldn't get it to update the data as I updated the source. Consolidate also was not a useful feature, as it required all the data to be somehow calculated, and my columns need to simply be copied over, not summed or averaged.
As you can probably tell from my explanations and terminology, I'm no Excel expert. I don't know what VBA even is, let alone know how to use it, but I've seen it mentioned a lot, so I figure at some point in my life I should learn it.
Is there a formula or some other Excel 2010 feature that can automatically copy all of this data onto one running list, and keep it updating as I enter data in the source tables? It would have to run automatically.
I believe your end goal is to have a pivot table which consolidates data from each of the individual 12 sheets/tables and not really to have the intermediate "single running list which is an aggregation of all the 12 sheets".
If so, I suggest to create an Excel Pivot table directly based upon the 'Multiple consolidation ranges'.
To start, create a new spreadsheet and select a cell (say A3) and use the click sequence Alt+D+P, this will bring up the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, and proceed further using the third option - 'Mulitple consolidation ranges'.
I will have to refer you to the below site for a detailed step by step instructions on the above:
Please be aware that the Difficulty level for this solution is Medium, suggest you to bookmark the solution from maintainability reasons, in case you choose to implement it.

Merge and sort data from multiple tabs to a single "Master" tab in Excel

Our company was using Google Sheets for the last several months and we had a system working great, but are now transitioning to Excel.
The tab in the Google Sheet where all the data is merged and sorted is called MASTER TEST and is found here
In Google Sheet we used formula:
=query({Data1, Data2, Data3},"Select Col1, ... where Col1 is not null order by Col1")
Data is merged: {Data1, Data2, Data3} is data from multiple tabs.
The result is merged and sorted data. How can I make the same report in Excel?
Basically, every call we receive is logged in a spreadsheet in a tab unique to each representative. We have a CURRENT WEEK tab which is supposed to hold a static version of all the calls received by every rep, sorted by date. In Sheets this was done with a =query() formula, but Excel does not seem to support such a thing.
I tried using Data>From Other Sources>From Microsoft Query but frankly this does not work since it only grabs the data from columns with data validation and gets very slow and breaks with too much data.
Pivot Tables in Excel VS query in Google Sheet
I suggest you using Pivot Tables, or Pivot Query in Excel. Here's some explanations:
Pivot Tables in Excel can handle big data very fast, query in Google Sheets can't do this
but query is more flexible and it refreshes simultaneously.
So if you are willing to work with data in excel, it may be harder to set your report. Sorting is easy task for Pivot Tables, but merging data from multiple tabs is not so easy.
Merging data
The goal in your case is to merge data from multiple tabs in excel. You can make it in two ways:
Use VBA to collect data into single tab.
Use Pivot Tables. Here's tutorial on how to accomplish this.
And still the best way for data manipulating is to use single tab for all your data.

Restrict sorting to defined range for Excel

I need to distribute about 100 spreadsheets to different users, and get their feedback on each row.
I have say 120 columns by 2,000 rows, and that's 240,000 cells.
I want to lock down these 240,000 cells, so any sorting on the sheet does not happen unless the sorting is applied to the full 240,000 cells.... this is to prevent unexperienced users from selecting only a few columns or a few cells and apply the sorting, and corrupt the data. Anyone with best practice on this? I am afraid I will get fired if I do not find a solution... thanks to you all, gurus.
Embed a pivot table and use some slicers to automate the sorting. Link to the data on another sheet and then hide that sheet so the actual data cannot be directly accessed. If you have SharePoint, publish the workbook and just enable the one sheet with your "UI" on it by way of Browser Options in the backstage.

creating a series of MS Excel graphs with identical properties for a series of tables with different data but same data types

I have a series of table in Excel worksheets, all of them holds same data types, one table for one item, and how some values changed over time in each table column.
I want to create a excel graph/chart for each of this table, with same formatting, only the data should be different.
When I copy each from single graph to create many, the table link doesn't change and I have to do that manually, which is difficult because there are number of tables.
Is there any better solution? Thank you
The dirtiest solution is to simply use VBA to automate these changes.
I finally copied and pasted the same graphs for each table, undo the old links and linked each table separately. I was looking for a easier way than this because even this is difficult with number of tables increasing. Thank you.
