Packages that are not updated when running meteor - node.js

I alter some code in a package at
The thing is , after I alter the code and run “meteor” in the command line the changes are not implemented, I even deleted the whole package mentioned before and run the app and it was like … nothing happened, it’s like the application have some sort of a cache of the packages that he doesn’t have to go to that path to get them , instead it uses what it had from it before.
Can anyone please explain this to me ? What’s happening here ?

The correct way of "changing" a package is to git clone the package from git (or otherwise retrieve it's source) into either a project internal /packages folder or a project external folder (requires environment variable METOER_PACKAGE_DIRS).
If the package is, as in your case, a Meteor internal package, you can also copy only the package into your project and even add it to your versioning.
In this package you then apply your changes. It will be used in favor of the atmosphere package.
A good practice is to also increment the package version, so it is known for everyone that a custom version is in use.
Why you should not change packages inside the users \Users\...\.meteor installation packages folder?
This is the path to packages, that will be used as defaults for every new meteor project you create. Deep changes can create deep damage to your projects since changing a package will apply to all dependent projects.
Think also about project specific customization. The above described method will allow this, too.


Importing Go packages locally rather than remotely

In a node.js project, I'm using Go for a critical part of it that node isn't adequate enough to handle. I want to split the Go code into a sockets package and a main package, with sockets containing required structs/interfaces for the main package to run. The problem I'm having is that from what I can gather from Go's documentation, I can only use external packages like sockets remotely from github/gopkg. I don't want to split the repository for the project into one containing the Go code and one containing node's. How can I make the sockets package available for main to import locally while making it possible to rebuild the binaries for the two packages if any updates to their source code are made?
Edit: importing the packages is no longer an issue, but rebuilding packages on update still remains
It happens the same to my team too and we end up using vendor it's pretty easy to manage all the external packages. So, whoever checkout your repo will have all the packages inside vendor.
Understanding and using the vendor folder
And Please refer this site lots of other option out there too:
Golang Package Management Tools

Does every git branch of an NPM project have different node_modules dependencies?

I assume that when developing an NPM project, that every git branch (or whatever version control system you use) probably points to a different set of node_modules on the filesystem. Is that true? How does that work? Does it pose any problems for diskspace etc?
Or perhaps, since node_modules is most commonly .gitignore'd, then the node_modules files are shared between Git branches? Again, how would/does that work?
*Note that Node.js / NPM is fundamentally different than other platforms/languages since dependencies are typically stored locally to a proejct rather than in some central location on a machine.
By convention, one should not add any files, libraries or binaries which can be generated or pulled in from an external source. This includes things like node_modules; since that is made readily available* once you do npm install, there's no reason or incentive** to want to put that into your source control. At worst, it will also bloat your repository, filling your diffs with things you simply don't control and don't necessarily want to review.
I would not expect different Git branches of an NPM project to contain different node_modules folders. I'd only expect the one node_modules folder, and if a branch gave me fits about dependencies, I'd look to reinstall the dependencies (and note it down to be sure that something else hadn't gone awry).
As an addendum, any files or folders in .gitignore are simply not indexed or tracked by Git. If the contents of those files or folders change, Git is none the wiser. This also means, when switching between branches, the contents of the files or folders in .gitignore remain the same.
*: Provided that the library you're using isn't suddenly yanked. Or the repository is not impacted by a colossal DDoS.
**: There may be some incentive to do this given that the reliability of certain NPM packages hasn't been 100% this year, but that's a team and architecture-driven decision, and I doubt that placing it into source control is the most ideal and convenient way to deal with it.
There are two schools of thought, and both have merit.
1) Never check in node_modules and rebuild on deploy/install
The approach relies heavily on NPM and the connectivity of your deploy environment. node_modules are downloaded and installed (and/or compiled) each time the deploy is run.
Your repository is much smaller.
NPM modules are installed in the environment they will run on.
Tied to 3rd party for sources - Go read about that whole left-pad thing. If one dependency cannot be downloaded, your entire build system is hung out to dry. "Cranky and paranoid old timers" will cite this as the reason to check everything in (or run your own private NPM somewhere).
Branch management - Like you mentioned in the question, some branches might not have the same dependencies. Dev1 adds a new features and used a new package. Now Dev2 runs the dev branch or whatever, and everything is broken and they need to know to npm install the new package. More subtle is the case where a npm package is version changed (now you need npm update as npm install will say nothing has changed), or where their node_modules are upgraded to work on "new feature 10" but they need to clear everything out to "downgrade" to go fix "prior bug 43". If you are in active development with a team of more than 2-3, watch out for this one.
Build Time - If it is a concern, it takes a little longer to download and install everything. Or a lot longer.
2) Always check in everything you can
This approach includes node_modules as part of the repo.
Not dependent on 3rd party sources. You have what you need to run. You code can live on its own forever, and it does not matter if npm is down or a repo is deleted.
Branches are independent, so new features from Dev1 are auto included when Dev2 switches to that branch
Deploy time is shorter because not much needs to be installed.
Repository is much larger. Clones of code take longer as there are many more files.
Pull Requests need extra care. If a package is updated (or installed) along with core code, the PR is a mess and sometimes unintelligible. "500 files changed", but really you updated a package and changed two lines of core code. It can help to break down into two PRs - one that is is a mess (the package update) and one that is actually reviewable (the core code change). Again, be prepared for this one. The packages will not change too often, but your code review takes a little longer (or a little more care) when they do.
OS Dependent Packages can break. Basically anything that is installed/compiled with gyp can be OS dependent (among others). Most packages are "pure JS" and, being just scripts, run everywhere. Imagine all your devs run and test on OSX while you deploy to Linux, you cannot check in those packages that were compiled on a MAC because they will not run on Linux. An odd workaround for this is to define most packages as "dev dependencies" (--save-dev) and the ones that need compiled as normal ("production", --save), then you run npm install --production so the dev dependencies are not installed (and are already present), but the others are.
It depends. (Don't you hate hearing that all the time? : )
Depending on your team and your concerns, you might go either approach. Both have their merits, and you will decide which is more beneficial to you. Both have drawbacks as well, so be aware of those before you get bit!
Personally I ignore .node_modules but I have different package.json in different branch and when I switch I reinstall the dependencies
Two branches having different set of node modules is in scenario where one branch is in development phase and other is your production branch. In such cases development branch will have more node modules than production. If I am not wrong any other scenario might get you in trouble.
Pushing node_modules to remote version control repository is bad practice hence just rely on npm install whenever you clone a branch or pull the code to download any new node module added to package.json.
Apparently, since you don't have your node_modules in your actual repository, you need to install node modules again and each branch might have its own requirement, as you might update your server.js with new dependency and you also need to make sure you have these newly added node dependencies in your production server as well.

"Fody not properly installed" error exception. (Xamarin.forms)

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL Project)
Today, I added new three solution packages named SVG.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions, SVG.Forms.Plugin.iOS, SVG.Forms.Plugin.Android on workspace that downloaded from github.
I have used realm for Xamarin.
But After I added new packages, "Realms.RealmException has been thrown".
Message is "Fody not properly installed. allbX.Baby is a RealmObject but has not been woven."
Is it Fody's problem or Realm's or new packages'(SGV Control)?
And could you let me know how to solve it?
Better Answer
The check which is delivering that message is because Fody is not running.
So, they may have a RealmObject in their component but Fody doesn't get run building in your solution so weaving doesn't occur.
The easiest fix is to just use NuGet to add Fody to your main application project. That should install it in the right place for the solution.
NuGet manages dependencies so if a package relies on Realm, it will go on in turn and install Realm. Realm itself relies on Fody, for example, so will in turn trigger a Fody installation.
You can manually install Realm but it is a little fiddly, having to add a couple of lines to your csproj to specify imports. We have chosen to only document installation via NuGet at this stage.
If you want to manually add Realm to another solution without using NuGet, I suggest you take a new clean solution, save a copy, and diff with the changes made to that solution by adding Realm via NuGet. You will then see the lines to copy into your existing solution.

How to deal with local package dependencies in nodejs with npm

How should we deal with local packages that are a dependency in other local packages?
For simplicities sake, say we have the follow packages
api - express application
people - a package to deal with people
data-access - a package that deals with data access
And then the dependencies are
api depends on people
people depends on data-access
Currently we have these dependencies setup as file dependencies.
I.e. api package.json would have
"dependencies": {
"people": "file:../people"
Trouble with this is that we're finding it a PITA when we make updates to one package and want those changes in the other packages that depend on it.
The options we have thought of are:
npm install - but this won't overwrite previously installed packages if changes are made, so we have to delete the old one from the node_modules directory and re-run npm install... which can be niggly if the package dependency is deep.
npm link - we're not sold on the idea because it doesn't survive version control... Just thinking about it now, maybe we have some kind of local build script that would run the npm link commands for us... this way it could survive version control. Would that be a grunt job?
grunt - we haven't dived too deep into this one yet, but it feels like a good direction. A little bit of googling we came accross this:
So, what option would work best for our situation?
Are there other options that we haven't thought of yet?
Ps. we're a .NET shop doing a PoC in node, so assume we know nothing!
Pps. if you strongly believe we're setting up our project incorrectly and we shouldn't have smaller individual packages, let me know in the comments with a link to some reading on the subject.
So, I agree that going with 'many small packages' is usually a good idea. Check out if you haven't already.
That said, in specific answer to your question I'd say your best bet is to consider mainly how you want to maintain them.
If the 'subcomponents' are all just parts of your app (as, for example, data-access implies), then I'd keep them in the same folder structure, not map them in package.json at all, and just require them where you need them. In this case, everything versions together and is part of the same git repository.
If you really want to or need to keep them all in separate git repositories, then you can do npm link, but to be honest I've found it more useful to just use the URL syntax in package.json:
dependencies: {
"people" : "git://"
Then, when you want to explicitly update one of your dependencies, you just have to bump the version number in your package.json and run npm install again.

Project references v NuGet dependencies

I am in the process of introducing NuGet into our software dev process, both for external binaries (eg Moq, NUnit) and for internal library projects containing shared functionality.
TeamCity is producing NuGet packages from our internal library projects, and publishing them to a local repository. My modified solution files use the local repository for accessing the NuGet packages.
Consider the following source code solutions:
Company.Interfaces.sln builds Company.Interfaces.
Company.Common.sln contains a reference to Company.Interfaces via its NuGet package, and builds Company.Common., with Company.Interfaces. included as a dependency.
The Company.DataAccess.sln uses the Company.Common nupkg to add
Company.Interfaces and Company.Common as references. It builds
Company.DataAccess., including Company.Common. as a dependent component.
Company.Product.A is a website solution that contains references to all three library projects (added by selecting the
Company.DataAccess NuGet package).
If there is a source code change to Company.Interfaces, do I always need to renumber and rebuild the intermediate packages (Company.Common and Company.DataAccess) and update the packages in Company.Product.A?
Or does that depend on whether the source code change was
a bug fix, or
a new feature, or
a breaking change?
In reality, I have 8 levels of dependent library packages. Is there tooling support for updating an entire tree of packages, should that be necessary?
I know about Semantic Versioning.
We are using VS2012, C#4.0, TeamCity 7.1.5.
It is a good idea to update everything on each check-in, in order to test it early.
What you're describing can be easily managed using artifact dependencies ( and "Finish Build" build triggers (or even solely "Nuget Dependency Trigger").
We wrote our own build configuration on the base project (would be Company.Interfaces.sln in this case) which builds and updates the whole tree in one go. It checks in updated packages.config files and .nuspec files along the way. I can't say how much of a time-saver this ended up being for us, even if it might sound like overkill at the beginning.
One thing to watch out for: the script we wrote checks in the files even if the chain fails somewhere in between, to give us the chance of fixing it on our local machine, check in the fix and restart the publishing.
