Sequential processing within a Spark batch - apache-spark

I have a question about sequential processing within a Spark batch. Here is a stylized version of the question I am trying to get answer on to keep it simple.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Simple Dataframe Processing")
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
// For implicit conversions like converting RDDs to DataFrames
import spark.implicits._
val df ="devices.json")
// Displays the content of the DataFrame to stdout
// +-------------------------+
// | device-guid| Operation|
// +----+-------+-------------
// |1234 | Add 3 |
// |1234 | Sub 3 |
// |1234 | Add 2 |
// |1234 | Sub 2 |
// |1234 | Add 1 |
// |1234 | Sub 1 |
// +----+-------+------------+
//I have a Database with one table with following columns
// device-guid (primary key) result
//I would like to take df and for each row in the df do a update operation to a single DB row, Adding or removing number as described in Operation column
//So the result I am expecting at the end of this in the DB is a single row with
// device-guid result
// 1234 0
df.foreach { row =>
UpdateDB(row) //Update the DB with the row's Operation.
//Actual method not shown
Let us say I run this in a spark cluster with YARN with 5 executors with 2 core each across 5 worker nodes.
What in Spark guarantees that the UpdateDB operation is scheduled and executed in sequence of the rows in the dataframe and not EVER scheduled and executed in parallel?
i.e I always want to get answer of 0 in result column in my DB.
The question in the larger sense is 'what guarantees sequential processing of operations on a dataframe even with multiple executors and cores'?
Can you point me Spark document that indicates that these tasks will be processed in sequence?
Is there any Spark property that need to be set for this to work?

The question in the larger sense is 'what guarantees sequential processing of operations on a dataframe even with multiple executors and cores'?
Nothing, with exception to having no parallelism at all, either through having only a single partition.
A single core might have a similar effect, but keep not guarantee specific order of chunks.
If you really need sequential processing then you're using a wrong tool for a job.


Caching in spark before diverging the flow

I have a basic question regarding working with Spark DataFrame.
Consider the following piece of pseudo code:
val df1 = // Lazy Read from csv and create dataframe
val df2 = // Filter df1 on some condition
val df3 = // Group by on df2 on certain columns
val df4 = // Join df3 with some other df
val subdf1 = // All records from df4 where id < 0
val subdf2 = // All records from df4 where id > 0
* Then some more operations on subdf1 and subdf2 which won't trigger spark evaluation yet*
// Write out subdf1
// Write out subdf2
Suppose I start of with main dataframe df1(which I lazy read from the CSV), do some operations on this dataframe (filter, groupby, join) and then comes a point where I split this datframe based on a condition (for eg, id > 0 and id < 0). Then I further proceed to operate on these sub dataframes(let us name these subdf1, subdf2) and ultimately write out both the sub dataframes.
Notice that the write function is the only command that triggers the spark evaluation and rest of the functions(filter, groupby, join) result in lazy evaluations.
Now when I write out subdf1, I am clear that lazy evaluation kicks in and all the statements are evaluated starting from reading of CSV to create df1.
My question comes when we start writing out subdf2. Does spark understand the divergence in code at df4 and store this dataframe when command for writing out subdf1 was encountered? Or will it again start from the first line of creating df1 and re-evaluate all the intermediary dataframes?
If so, is it a good idea to cache the dataframe df4(Assuming I have sufficient memory)?
I'm using scala spark if that matters.
Any help would be appreciated.
No, Spark cannot infer that from your code. It will start all over again. To confirm this, you can do subdf1.explain() and subdf2.explain() and you should see that both dataframes have query plans that start right from the beginning where df1 was read.
So you're right that you should cache df4 to avoid redoing all the computations starting from df1, if you have enough memory. And of course, remember to unpersist by doing df4.unpersist() at the end if you no longer need df4 for any further computations.

How to read data from a csv file as a stream

I have the following table:
United States Romania 15
United States Croatia 1
United States Ireland 344
Egypt United States 15
The table is represented as a Dataset.
scala> dataDS
res187: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[FlightData] = [DEST_COUNTRY_NAME: string, ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME: string ... 1 more field]
I am able to sort the entries as a batch process.
scala> dataDS.sort(col("count")).show(100);
I now want to try if I can do the same using streaming. To do this, I suppose I will have to read the file as a stream.
scala> val staticSchema = dataDS.schema;
staticSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(DEST_COUNTRY_NAME,StringType,true), StructField(ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME,StringType,true), StructField(count,IntegerType,true))
scala> val dataStream = spark.
| readStream.
| schema(staticSchema).
| option("header","true").
| csv("data/flight-data/csv/2015-summary.csv");
dataStream: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [DEST_COUNTRY_NAME: string, ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME: string ... 1 more field]
scala> dataStream.isStreaming;
res245: Boolean = true
But I am not able to progress further w.r.t. how to read the data as a stream.
I have executed the sort transformation` process
scala> dataStream.sort(col("count"));
res246: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [DEST_COUNTRY_NAME: string, ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME: string ... 1 more field]
I suppose now I should use Dataset's writeStream method. I ran the following two commands but both returned errors.
scala> dataStream.sort(col("count")).writeStream.
| format("memory").
| queryName("sorted_data").
| outputMode("complete").
| start();
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Complete output mode not supported when there are no streaming aggregations on streaming DataFrames/Datasets;;
and this one
scala> dataStream.sort(col("count")).writeStream.
| format("memory").
| queryName("sorted_data").
| outputMode("append").
| start();
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Sorting is not supported on streaming DataFrames/Datasets, unless it is on aggregated DataFrame/Dataset in Complete output mode;;
From the errors, it seems I should be aggregating (group) data but I thought I don't need to do it as I can run any batch operation as a stream.
How can I understand how to sort data which arrives as a stream?
Unfortunately what the error messages tell you is accurate.
Sorting is supported only in complete mode (i.e. when each window returns complete dataset).
Complete mode requires aggregation (otherwise it would require unbounded memory - Why does Complete output mode require aggregation?)
The point you make:
but I thought I don't need to do it as I can run any batch operation as a stream.
is not without merit, but it misses a fundamental point, that Structured Streaming is not tightly bound to micro-batching.
One could easily come up with some unscalable hack
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
.withColumn("time", window(current_timestamp, "5 minute")) // Some time window
.withWatermark("time", "0 seconds") // Immediate watermark
.agg(sort_array(collect_list(struct($"count", $"DEST_COUNTRY_NAME", $"ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME"))).as("data"))
.withColumn("data", explode($"data"))
.select( _*)

pyspark df.count() taking a very long time (or not working at all)

I have the following code that is simply doing some joins and then outputting the data;
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, struct
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast
conf = SparkConf()
conf.set('spark.logConf', 'true')
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.config(conf=conf) \
.appName("Generate Parameters") \
df1 ="/location/mydata")
df1 =[c for c in df1.columns if c in ['sender','receiver','ccc,'cc','pr']])
df2 ="/location/mydata2")
cond1 = [(df1.sender == df2._c1) | (df1.receiver == df2._c1)]
df3 = df1.join(broadcast(df2), cond1)
df3 =[c for c in df3.columns if c in['sender','receiver','ccc','cc','pr']])
df1 is 1,862,412,799 rows and df2 is 8679 rows
when I then call;
It just seems to sit there with the following
[Stage 33:> (0 + 200) / 200]
Assumptions for this answer:
df1 is the dataframe containing 1,862,412,799 rows.
df2 is the dataframe containing 8679 rows.
df1.count() returns a value quickly (as per your comment)
There may be three areas where the slowdown is occurring:
The imbalance of data sizes (1,862,412,799 vs 8679):
Although spark is amazing at handling large quantities of data, it doesn't deal well with very small sets. If not specifically set, Spark attempts to partition your data into multiple parts and on small files this can be excessively high in comparison to the actual amount of data each part has. I recommend trying to use the following and see if it improves speed.
df2 ="/location/mydata2")
df2 = df2.repartition(2)
Note: The number 2 here is just an estimated number, based on how many partitions would suit the amount of rows that are in that set.
Broadcast Cost:
The delay in the count may be due to the actual broadcast step. Your data is being saved and copied to every node within your cluster before the join, this all happening together once count() is called. Depending on your infrastructure, this could take some time. If the above repartition doesn't work, try removing the broadcast call. If that ends up being the delay, it may be good to confirm that there are no bottlenecks within your cluster or if it's necessary.
Unexpected Merge Explosion
I do not imply that this is an issue, but it is always good to check that the merge condition you have set is not creating unexpected duplicates. It is a possibility that this may be happening and creating the slow down you are experiencing when actioning the processing of df3.

Overwrite Hive table with Spark SQL [duplicate]

I have a test table in MySQL with id and name like below:
| id | name |
| 1 | Name1 |
| 2 | Name2 |
| 3 | Name3 |
I am using Spark DataFrame to read this data (using JDBC) and modifying the data like this
Dataset<Row> modified = sparkSession.sql("select id, concat(name,' - new') as name from test");
"test", connectionProperties);
But my problem is, if I give overwrite mode, it drops the previous table and creates a new table but not inserting any data.
I tried the same program by reading from a csv file (same data as test table) and overwriting. That worked for me.
Am I missing something here ?
Thank You!
The problem is in your code. Because you overwrite a table from which you're trying to read you effectively obliterate all data before Spark can actually access it.
Remember that Spark is lazy. When you create a Dataset Spark fetches required metadata, but doesn't load the data. So there is no magic cache which will preserve original content. Data will be loaded when it is actually required. Here it is when you execute write action and when you start writing there is no more data to be fetched.
What you need is something like this:
Create a Dataset.
Apply required transformations and write data to an intermediate MySQL table.
TRUNCATE the original input and INSERT INTO ... SELECT from the intermediate table or DROP the original table and RENAME intermediate table.
Alternative, but less favorable approach, would be:
Create a Dataset.
Apply required transformations and write data to a persistent Spark table (df.write.saveAsTable(...) or equivalent)
TRUNCATE the original input.
Read data back and save (spark.table(...).write.jdbc(...))
Drop Spark table.
We cannot stress enough that using Spark cache / persist is not the way to go. Even in with the conservative StorageLevel (MEMORY_AND_DISK_2 / MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2) cached data can be lost (node failures), leading to silent correctness errors.
I believe all the steps above are unnecessary. Here's what you need to do:
Create a dataset A like val A ="....")
Read the table to be updated, as dataframe B. Make sure enable caching is enabled for dataframe B. val B ="mytable").cache
Force a count on B - this will force execution and cache the table depending on the chosen StorageLevel - B.count
Now, you can do a transformation like val C = A.union(B)
And, then write C back to the database like C.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).jdbc("mytable")
Reading and writing to same table.
cols_df = df_2.columns
broad_cast_var = spark_context.broadcast(df_2.collect())
df_3 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(broad_cast_var.value, cols_df)
Reading and writing to same table with some modification.
cols_df = df_2.columns
broad_cast_var = spark_context.broadcast(df_2.collect())
def update_x(x):
y = (x[0] + 311, *x[1:])
return y
rdd_2_1 = spark_context.parallelize(broad_cast_var.value).map(update_x)
df_3 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd_2_1, cols_df)

Spark streaming data sharing between batches

Spark streaming processes the data in micro batches.
Each interval data is processed in parallel using RDDs with out any data sharing between each interval.
But my use case needs to share the data between intervals.
Consider the Network WordCount example which produces the count of all words received in that interval.
How would I produce following word count ?
Relative count for the words "hadoop" and "spark" with the previous interval count
Normal word count for all other words.
Note: UpdateStateByKey does the Stateful processing but this applies function on every record instead of particular records.
So, UpdateStateByKey doesn't fit for this requirement.
consider the following example
Sample Input with Hadoop and Spark on Hadoop
hadoop 2
sample 1
input 1
with 1
and 1
spark 1
on 1
Another Sample Input with Hadoop and Spark on Hadoop and another hadoop another spark spark
another 3
hadoop 1
spark 2
and 2
sample 1
input 1
with 1
on 1
1st interval gives the normal word count of all words.
In the 2nd interval hadoop occurred 3 times but the output should be 1 (3-2)
Spark occurred 3 times but the output should be 2 (3-1)
For all other words it should give the normal word count.
So, while processing 2nd Interval data, it should have the 1st interval's word count of hadoop and spark
This is a simple example with illustration.
In actual use case, fields that need data sharing are part of the RDD element(RDD) and huge no of values needs to be tracked.
i.e, in this example like hadoop and spark keywords nearly 100k keywords to be tracked.
Similar usecases in Apache Storm:
Distributed caching in storm
Storm TransactionalWords
This is possible by "remembering" the last RDD received and using a left join to merge that data with the next streaming batch. We make use of streamingContext.remember to enable RDDs produced by the streaming process to be kept for the time we need them.
We make use of the fact that dstream.transform is an operation that executes on the driver and therefore we have access to all local object definitions. In particular we want to update the mutable reference to the last RDD with the required value on each batch.
Probably a piece of code makes that idea more clear:
// configure the streaming context to remember the RDDs produced
// choose at least 2x the time of the streaming interval
ssc.remember(xx Seconds)
// Initialize the "currentData" with an empty RDD of the expected type
var currentData: RDD[(String, Int)] = sparkContext.emptyRDD
// classic word count
val w1dstream = => (elem,1))
val count = w1dstream.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// Here's the key to make this work. Look how we update the value of the last RDD after using it.
val diffCount = count.transform{ rdd =>
val interestingKeys = Set("hadoop", "spark")
val interesting = rdd.filter{case (k,v) => interestingKeys(k)}
val countDiff = rdd.leftOuterJoin(currentData).map{case (k,(v1,v2)) => (k,v1-v2.getOrElse(0))}
currentData = interesting
