limiting number of parallel request to cassandra db in nodejs - node.js

I currently parsing a file and getting its data in order tu push them in my db. To do that I made an array of query and I execute them through a loop.
The problem is that I'm limited to 2048 parallel requests.
This is the code I made:
const ImportClient = require("./scripts/import_client_leasing")
const InsertDb = require("./scripts/insertDb")
const cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');
const databaseConfig = require('./config/database.json');
const authProvider = new cassandra.auth.PlainTextAuthProvider(databaseConfig.cassandra.username, databaseConfig.cassandra.password);
const db = new cassandra.Client({
contactPoints: databaseConfig.cassandra.contactPoints,
authProvider: authProvider
ImportClient.clientLeasingImport().then(queries => { // this function parse the data and return an array of query
return InsertDb.Clients(db, queries); //inserting in the database returns something when all the promises are done
}).then(result => {
return db.shutdown(function (err, result) {});
}).then(result => {
}).catch(error => {
insertDb.js =>
module.exports = {
Clients: function (db, queries) {
DB = db;
return insertClients(queries);
function insertClients(queries) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let promisesArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
promisesArray.push(new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
DB.execute(queries[i], function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
Promise.all(promisesArray).then((result) => {
}).catch((error) => {
I tried multiple things, like adding an await function thats set a timout in my for loop every x seconds (but it doesn't work because i'm already in a promise), i also tried with p-queue and p-limit but it doesn't seems to work either.
I'm kinda stuck here, I'm think I'm missing something trivial but I don't really get what.

When submitting several requests in parallel (execute() function uses asynchronous execution), you end up queueing at one of the different levels: on the driver side, on the network stack or on the server side. Excessive queueing affects the total time it takes each operation to complete. You should limit the amount of simultaneous requests at any time, also known as concurrency level, to get high throughput and low latency.
When thinking about implementing it in your code, you should consider launching a fixed amount of asynchronous executions, using your concurrency level as a cap and only adding new operations once executions within that cap completed.
Here is an example on how to limit the amount of concurrent executions when processing items in a loop:
In a nutshell:
// Launch in parallel n async operations (n being the concurrency level)
for (let i = 0; i < concurrencyLevel; i++) {
promises[i] = executeOneAtATime();
// ...
async function executeOneAtATime() {
// ...
// Execute queries asynchronously in sequence
while (counter++ < totalLength) {;
await client.execute(query, params, options);

Ok, so I found a workaround to reach my goal.
I wrote in a file all my queries
const fs = require('fs')
fs.appendFileSync('my_file.cql', queries[i] + "\n");
and i then used
child_process.exec("cqls --file my_file", function(err, stdout, stderr){})"
to insert in cassandra all my queries


How to make a function wait for data to appear in the DB? NodeJS

I am facing a peculiar situation.
I have a backend system (nodejs) which is being called by FE (pretty standard :) ). This endpoint (nodejs) needs to call another system (external) and get the data it produces and return them to the FE. Until now it all might seem pretty usual but here comes the catch.
The external system has async processing and therefore responds to my request immediately but is still processing data (saves them in a DB) and I have to get those data from DB and return them to the FE.
And here goes the question: what is the best (efficient) way of doing it? It usually takes a couple of seconds only and I am very hesitant of making a loop inside the function and for the data to appear in the DB.
Another way would be to have the external system call an endpoint at the end of the processing (if possible - would need to check that with the partner) and wait in the original function until that endpoint is called (not sure exactly how to implement that - so if there is any documentation, article, tutorial, ... would appreciate it very much if you could share guys)
thx for the ideas!
I can give you an example that checks the Database and waits for a while if it can't find a record. And I made a fake database connection for example to work.
// Mocking starts
ObjectID = () => {};
const db = {
collection: {
find: () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Mock like no record found
setTimeout(() => { console.log('No record found!'); resolve(false) }, 1500);
// Mocking ends
const STANDBY_TIME = 1000; // 1 sec
const RETRY = 5; // Retry 5 times
const test = async () => {
let haveFound = false;
let i = 0;
while (i < RETRY && !haveFound) {
// Check the database
haveFound = await checkDb();
// If no record found, increment the loop count
const checkDb = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(async () => {
record = await db.collection.find({ _id: ObjectID("12345") });
// Check whether you've found or not the record
if (record) return resolve(true);

Batching and Queuing API calls in Node

I am hitting an API that takes in addresses and gives me back GPS coordinates. The API only accepts a single address, but it can handle 50 live connections at any given time. I am trying to build a function that will send 50 requests, wait until they all return and send 50 more. Or send 50 request and send the next one as a previous is returned. Below is the code I have been working with, but I am stuck.
One issue is in batchFunct. The for loop sends all the API calls, doesn’t wait for them to come back, then runs the if statement before updating returned. This makes since considering the asynchronicity of Node. I tried to put an await on the API call, but that seemingly stops all the async process (anyone have clarification on this) and effectively makes it send the requests one at a time.
Any advice on adapting this code or on finding a better way of batching and queuing API requests?
const array = ['address1', 'address2', 'address3', 'address4', '...', 'addressN']
function batchFunc(array) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var returned = 1
for (let ele of array) {
apiCall(ele).then(resp => { //if but an await here it will send one at a time
if (returned == array.length) {
async function batchCall(array) {
while (array.length > 0) {
let batchArray = []
if (array.length > 50) {
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
array.splice(0, 1)
} else {
batchArray = array
array = []
let result = await batchFunc(batchArray);
I ended up using the async.queue, but I am still very interested in any other solutions.
const array = ['address1', 'address2', 'address3', 'address4', 'address5', 'address6']
function asyncTime(value) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
apiCall(ele).then(resp => {
function test(array) {
var q = async.queue(async function(task, callback) {
console.log(await asyncTime(task))
if(callback) callback()
}, 3);
q.push(array, function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('finished processing item');

AWS Lambda function that executes 5000+ promises to AWS SQS is extremely unreliable

I'm writing a Node AWS Lambda function that queries around 5,000 items from my DB and sends them via messages into an AWS SQS queue.
My local environment involves me running my lambda with AWS SAM local, and emulating AWS SQS with GoAWS.
An example skeleton of my Lambda is:
async run() {
try {
const accounts = await this.getAccountsFromDB();
const results = await this.writeAccountsIntoQueue(accounts);
return 'I\'ve written: ' + results + ' messages into SQS';
} catch (e) {
console.log('Caught error running job: ');
return e;
There are no performance issues with my getAccountsFromDB() function and it runs almost instantly, returning me an array of 5,000 accounts.
My writeAccountsIntoQueue function looks like:
async writeAccountsIntoQueue(accounts) {
// Extract the sqsClient and queueUrl from the class
const { sqsClient, queueUrl } = this;
try {
// Create array of functions to concurrenctly call later
let promises = => async () => await sqsClient.sendMessage({
QueueUrl: queueUrl,
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(acc),
DelaySeconds: 10,
// Invoke the functions concurrently, using helper function `eachLimit`
let writtenMessages = await eachLimit(promises, 3);
return writtenMessages;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error writing accounts into queue');
return e;
My helper, eachLimit looks like:
async function eachLimit (funcs, limit) {
let rest = funcs.slice(limit);
await Promise.all(
funcs.slice(0, limit).map(
async (func) => {
await func();
while (rest.length) {
await rest.shift()();
To the best of my understanding, it should be limiting concurrent executions to limit.
Additionally, I've wrapped the AWS SDK SQS client to return an object with a sendMessage function that looks like:
sendMessage(params) {
const { client } = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.sendMessage(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error sending message');
return reject(err);
return resolve(data);
So nothing fancy there, just Promisifying a callback.
I've got my lambda set up to timeout after 300 seconds, and the lambda always times out, and if it doesn't it ends abruptly and misses some final logging that should go on, which makes me thing it may even be erroring somewhere, silently. When I check the SQS queue I'm missing around 1,000 entries.
I can see a couple of issues in your code,
let promises = => async () => await sqsClient.sendMessage({
QueueUrl: queueUrl,
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(acc),
DelaySeconds: 10,
You're abusing async / await. Always bear in mind await will wait until your promise is resolved before continuing with the next one, in this case whenever you map the array promises and call each function item it will wait for the promise wrapped by that function before continuing, which is bad. Since you're only interested in getting the promises back, you could simply do this instead:
const promises = => () => sqsClient.sendMessage({
QueueUrl: queueUrl,
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(acc),
DelaySeconds: 10,
Now, for the second part, your eachLimit implementation looks wrong and very verbose, I've refactored it with help of es6-promise-pool to handle the concurrency limit for you:
const PromisePool = require('es6-promise-pool')
function eachLimit(promiseFuncs, limit) {
const promiseProducer = function () {
while(promiseFuncs.length) {
const promiseFunc = promiseFuncs.shift();
return promiseFunc();
return null;
const pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, limit)
const poolPromise = pool.start();
return poolPromise;
Lastly, but very important, have a look at SQS Limits, SQS FIFO has up to 300 sends / sec. Since you are processing 5k items, you could probably up your concurrency limit to 5k / (300 + 50) , approx 15. The 50 could be any positive number, just to move away from the limit a bit.
Also, considering using SendMessageBatch which you could have much more throughput and reach 3k sends / sec.
As I suggested above, using sendMessageBatch the throughput is much better, so I've refactored the code mapping your promises to support sendMessageBatch:
function chunkArray(myArray, chunk_size){
var index = 0;
var arrayLength = myArray.length;
var tempArray = [];
for (index = 0; index < arrayLength; index += chunk_size) {
myChunk = myArray.slice(index, index+chunk_size);
return tempArray;
const groupedAccounts = chunkArray(accounts, 10);
const promiseFuncs = => {
const messages =,i) => {
return {
Id: `pos_${i}`,
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(acc),
DelaySeconds: 10
return () => sqsClient.sendMessageBatch({
Entries: messages,
QueueUrl: queueUrl
Then you can call eachLimit as usual:
const result = await eachLimit(promiseFuncs, 3);
The difference now is every promise processed will send a batch of messages of size n (10 in the example above).

NodeJs delay each promise within Promise.all()

I'm trying to update a tool that was created a while ago which uses nodejs (I am not a JS developer, so I'm trying to piece the code together) and am getting stuck at the last hurdle.
The new functionality will take in a swagger .json definition, compare the endpoints against the matching API Gateway on the AWS Service, using the 'aws-sdk' SDK for JS and then updates the Gateway accordingly.
The code runs fine on a small definition file (about 15 endpoints) but as soon as I give it a bigger one, I start getting tons of TooManyRequestsException errors.
I understand that this is due to my calls to the API Gateway service being too quick and a delay / pause is needed. This is where I am stuck
I have tried adding;
a delay() to each promise being returned
running a setTimeout() in each promise
adding a delay to the Promise.all and Promise.mapSeries
Currently my code loops through each endpoint within the definition and then adds the response of each promise to a promise array:
promises.push(getMethodResponse(resourceMethod, value, apiName, resourcePath));
Once the loop is finished I run this:
return Promise.all(promises)
.catch((err) => {
I have tried the same with a mapSeries (no luck).
It looks like the functions within the (getMethodResponse promise) are run immediately and hence, no matter what type of delay I add they all still just execute. My suspicious is that the I need to make (getMethodResponse) return a function and then use mapSeries but I cant get this to work either.
Code I tried:
Wrapped the getMethodResponse in this:
return function(value){}
Then added this after the loop (and within the loop - no difference):
Promise.mapSeries(function (promises) {
return 'a'();
}).then(function (results) {
console.log('result', results);
Also tried many other suggestions:
Any suggestions please?
As request, some additional code to try pin-point the issue.
The code currently working with a small set of endpoints (within the Swagger file):
module.exports = (apiName, externalUrl) => {
return getSwaggerFromHttp(externalUrl)
.then((swagger) => {
let paths = swagger.paths;
let resourcePath = '';
let resourceMethod = '';
let promises = [];
_.each(paths, function (value, key) {
resourcePath = key;
_.each(value, function (value, key) {
resourceMethod = key;
let statusList = [];
_.each(value.responses, function (value, key) {
if (key >= 200 && key <= 204) {
_.each(statusList, function (value, key) { //Only for 200-201 range
//Working with small set
promises.push(getMethodResponse(resourceMethod, value, apiName, resourcePath))
//Working with small set
return Promise.all(promises)
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
I have since tried adding this in place of the return Promise.all():, function() {
// awaits for returned promises as well.
},{concurrency: 5})
.then(function() {
return console.log("y");
Results of this spits out something like this (it's the same for each endpoint, there are many):
Error: TooManyRequestsException: Too Many Requests
Error: TooManyRequestsException: Too Many Requests
Error: TooManyRequestsException: Too Many Requests
The AWS SDK is being called 3 times within each promise, the functions of which are (get initiated from the getMethodResponse() function):
return apigateway.getResourcesAsync(resourceParams)
apigateway.getMethodAsync(params, function (err, data) {}
The typical AWS SDK documentation state that this is typical behaviour for when too many consecutive calls are made (too fast). I've had a similar issue in the past which was resolved by simply adding a .delay(500) into the code being called;
Something like:
return apigateway.updateModelAsync(updateModelParams)
.tap(() => logger.verbose(`Updated model ${}`))
.tap(() => bar.tick())
I thought in the name of thorough-ness, to include my entire .js file.
'use strict';
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
let apigateway, lambda;
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const R = require('ramda');
const logger = require('../logger');
const config = require('../config/default');
const helpers = require('../library/helpers');
const winston = require('winston');
const request = require('request');
const _ = require('lodash');
const region = 'ap-southeast-2';
const methodLib = require('../aws/methods');
const emitter = require('../library/emitter');
emitter.on('updateRegion', (region) => {
region = region;
AWS.config.update({ region: region });
apigateway = new AWS.APIGateway({ apiVersion: '2015-07-09' });
function getSwaggerFromHttp(externalUrl) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: externalUrl,
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
}, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) {
let result = JSON.parse(body);
Deletes a method response
function deleteMethodResponse(httpMethod, resourceId, restApiId, statusCode, resourcePath) {
let methodResponseParams = {
httpMethod: httpMethod,
resourceId: resourceId,
restApiId: restApiId,
statusCode: statusCode
return apigateway.deleteMethodResponseAsync(methodResponseParams)
.tap(() => logger.verbose(`Method response ${statusCode} deleted for path: ${resourcePath}`))
.error((e) => {
return console.log(`Error deleting Method Response ${httpMethod} not found on resource path: ${resourcePath} (resourceId: ${resourceId})`); // an error occurred
logger.error('Error: ' + e.stack)
Deletes an integration response
function deleteIntegrationResponse(httpMethod, resourceId, restApiId, statusCode, resourcePath) {
let methodResponseParams = {
httpMethod: httpMethod,
resourceId: resourceId,
restApiId: restApiId,
statusCode: statusCode
return apigateway.deleteIntegrationResponseAsync(methodResponseParams)
.tap(() => logger.verbose(`Integration response ${statusCode} deleted for path ${resourcePath}`))
.error((e) => {
return console.log(`Error deleting Integration Response ${httpMethod} not found on resource path: ${resourcePath} (resourceId: ${resourceId})`); // an error occurred
logger.error('Error: ' + e.stack)
Get Resource
function getMethodResponse(httpMethod, statusCode, apiName, resourcePath) {
let params = {
httpMethod: httpMethod.toUpperCase(),
resourceId: '',
restApiId: ''
return getResourceDetails(apiName, resourcePath)
.error((e) => {
logger.unimportant('Error: ' + e.stack)
.then((result) => {
//Only run the comparrison of models if the resourceId (from the url passed in) is found within the AWS Gateway
if (result) {
params.resourceId = result.resourceId
params.restApiId = result.apiId
var awsMethodResponses = [];
try {
apigateway.getMethodAsync(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
if (err.statusCode == 404) {
return console.log(`Method ${params.httpMethod} not found on resource path: ${resourcePath} (resourceId: ${params.resourceId})`); // an error occurred
console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else {
if (data) {
_.each(data.methodResponses, function (value, key) {
if (key >= 200 && key <= 204) {
awsMethodResponses = _.pull(awsMethodResponses, statusCode); //List of items not found within the Gateway - to be removed.
_.each(awsMethodResponses, function (value, key) {
if (data.methodResponses[value].responseModels) {
var existingModel = data.methodResponses[value].responseModels['application/json']; //Check if there is currently a model attached to the resource / method about to be deleted
methodLib.updateResponseAssociation(params.httpMethod, params.resourceId, params.restApiId, statusCode, existingModel); //Associate this model to the same resource / method, under the new response status
deleteMethodResponse(params.httpMethod, params.resourceId, params.restApiId, value, resourcePath)
deleteIntegrationResponse(params.httpMethod, params.resourceId, params.restApiId, value, resourcePath)
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Error: ${err}`);
catch (e) {
console.log(`getMethodAsync failed, Error: ${e}`);
function getResourceDetails(apiName, resourcePath) {
let resourceExpr = new RegExp(resourcePath + '$', 'i');
let result = {
apiId: '',
resourceId: '',
path: ''
return helpers.apiByName(apiName, AWS.config.region)
.then(apiId => {
result.apiId = apiId;
let resourceParams = {
restApiId: apiId,
limit: config.awsGetResourceLimit,
return apigateway.getResourcesAsync(resourceParams)
.filter(R.pipe(R.prop('path'), R.test(resourceExpr)))
.then([R.prop('path'), R.prop('id')])
.then(returnedObj => {
if ( {
result.path = returnedObj.path;
result.resourceId =;
logger.unimportant(`ApiId: ${result.apiId} | ResourceId: ${result.resourceId} | Path: ${result.path}`);
return result;
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Error: ${err} on API: ${apiName} Resource: ${resourcePath}`);
function delay(t) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, t)
module.exports = (apiName, externalUrl) => {
return getSwaggerFromHttp(externalUrl)
.then((swagger) => {
let paths = swagger.paths;
let resourcePath = '';
let resourceMethod = '';
let promises = [];
_.each(paths, function (value, key) {
resourcePath = key;
_.each(value, function (value, key) {
resourceMethod = key;
let statusList = [];
_.each(value.responses, function (value, key) {
if (key >= 200 && key <= 204) {
_.each(statusList, function (value, key) { //Only for 200-201 range
promises.push(getMethodResponse(resourceMethod, value, apiName, resourcePath))
//Working with small set
return Promise.all(promises)
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
You apparently have a misunderstanding about what Promise.all() and do.
All Promise.all() does is keep track of a whole array of promises to tell you when the async operations they represent are all done (or one returns an error). When you pass it an array of promises (as you are doing), ALL those async operations have already been started in parallel. So, if you're trying to limit how many async operations are in flight at the same time, it's already too late at that point. So, Promise.all() by itself won't help you control how many are running at once in any way.
I've also noticed since, that it seems this line promises.push(getMethodResponse(resourceMethod, value, apiName, resourcePath)) is actually executing promises and not simply adding them to the array. Seems like the last Promise.all() doesn't actually do much.
Yep, when you execute promises.push(getMethodResponse()), you are calling getMethodResponse() immediately right then. That starts the async operation immediately. That function then returns a promise and Promise.all() will monitor that promise (along with all the other ones you put in the array) to tell you when they are all done. That's all Promise.all() does. It monitors operations you've already started. To keep the max number of requests in flight at the same time below some threshold, you have to NOT START the async operations all at once like you are doing. Promise.all() does not do that for you.
For Bluebird's to help you at all, you have to pass it an array of DATA, not promises. When you pass it an array of promises that represent async operations that you've already started, it can do no more than Promise.all() can do. But, if you pass it an array of data and a callback function that can then initiate an async operation for each element of data in the array, THEN it can help you when you use the concurrency option.
Your code is pretty complex so I will illustrate with a simple web scraper that wants to read a large list of URLs, but for memory considerations, only process 20 at a time.
const rp = require('request-promise');
let urls = [...]; // large array of URLs to process, function(url) {
return rp(url).then(function(data) {
// process scraped data here
return someValue;
}, {concurrency: 20}).then(function(results) {
// process array of results here
}).catch(function(err) {
// error here
In this example, hopefully you can see that an array of data items are being passed into (not an array of promises). This, then allows to manage how/when the array is processed and, in this case, it will use the concurrency: 20 setting to make sure that no more than 20 requests are in flight at the same time.
Your effort to use was passing an array of promises, which does not help you since the promises represent async operations that have already been started:, function() {
Then, in addition, you really need to figure out what exactly causes the TooManyRequestsException error by either reading documentation on the target API that exhibits this or by doing a whole bunch of testing because there can be a variety of things that might cause this and without knowing exactly what you need to control, it just takes a lot of wild guesses to try to figure out what might work. The most common things that an API might detect are:
Simultaneous requests from the same account or source.
Requests per unit of time from the same account or source (such as request per second).
The concurrency operation in will easily help you with the first option, but will not necessarily help you with the second option as you can limit to a low number of simultaneous requests and still exceed a requests per second limit. The second needs some actual time control. Inserting delay() statements will sometimes work, but even that is not a very direct method of managing it and will either lead to inconsistent control (something that works sometimes, but not other times) or sub-optimal control (limiting yourself to something far below what you can actually use).
To manage to a request per second limit, you need some actual time control with a rate limiting library or actual rate limiting logic in your own code.
Here's an example of a scheme for limiting the number of requests per second you are making: How to Manage Requests to Stay Below Rate Limiting.

NodeJS, promises, streams - processing large CSV files

I need to build a function for processing large CSV files for use in a call. Given the potential sizes of the file, I'd like to use streaming.
This function should accept a stream (a CSV file) and a function (that processes the chunks from the stream) and return a promise when the file is read to end (resolved) or errors (rejected).
So, I start with:
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var promise = require('bluebird');
var csv = require('csv');
var stream = require('stream');
var pgp = require('pg-promise')({promiseLib: promise});
api.parsers.processCsvStream = function(passedStream, processor) {
var parser = csv.parse(passedStream, {trim: true});
// use readable or data event?
parser.on('readable', function() {
// call processor, which may be async
// how do I throttle the amount of promises generated
var db = pgp(api.config.mailroom.fileMakerDbConfig);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
parser.on('end', resolve);
parser.on('error', reject);
Now, I have two inter-related issues:
I need to throttle the actual amount of data being processed, so as to not create memory pressures.
The function passed as the processor param is going to often be async, such as saving the contents of the file to the db via a library that is promise-based (right now: pg-promise). As such, it will create a promise in memory and move on, repeatedly.
The pg-promise library has functions to manage this, like page(), but I'm not able to wrap my ahead around how to mix stream event handlers with these promise methods. Right now, I return a promise in the handler for readable section after each read(), which means I create a huge amount of promised database operations and eventually fault out because I hit a process memory limit.
Does anyone have a working example of this that I can use as a jumping point?
UPDATE: Probably more than one way to skin the cat, but this works:
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var promise = require('bluebird');
var csv = require('csv');
var stream = require('stream');
var pgp = require('pg-promise')({promiseLib: promise});
api.parsers.processCsvStream = function(passedStream, processor) {
// some checks trimmed out for example
var db = pgp(api.config.mailroom.fileMakerDbConfig);
var parser = csv.parse(passedStream, {trim: true});
var readDataFromStream = function(index, data, delay) {
var records = [];
var record;
do {
record =;
if(record != null)
} while(record != null && (records.length < api.config.mailroom.fileParserConcurrency))
return records;
var processData = function(index, data, delay) {
console.log('processData(' + index + ') > data: ', data);
parser.on('readable', function() {
db.task(function(tsk) {, processData);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
parser.on('end', resolve);
parser.on('error', reject);
Anyone sees a potential problem with this approach?
You might want to look at promise-streams
var ps = require('promise-streams');
.pipe(csv.parse({trim: true}))
.pipe({concurrent: 4}, row => processRowDataWhichMightBeAsyncAndReturnPromise(row)))
.wait().then(_ => {
console.log("All done!");
Works with backpressure and everything.
Find below a complete application that correctly executes the same kind of task as you want: It reads a file as a stream, parses it as a CSV and inserts each row into the database.
const fs = require('fs');
const promise = require('bluebird');
const csv = require('csv-parse');
const pgp = require('pg-promise')({promiseLib: promise});
const cn = "postgres://postgres:password#localhost:5432/test_db";
const rs = fs.createReadStream('primes.csv');
const db = pgp(cn);
function receiver(_, data) {
function source(index) {
if (index < data.length) {
// here we insert just the first column value that contains a prime number;
return this.none('insert into primes values($1)', data[index][0]);
return this.sequence(source);
db.task(t => {
return, rs.pipe(csv()), receiver);
.then(data => {
console.log('DATA:', data);
.catch(error => {
console.log('ERROR:', error);
Note that the only thing I changed: using library csv-parse instead of csv, as a better alternative.
Added use of method from the spex library, which properly serves a Readable stream for use with promises.
I found a slightly better way of doing the same thing; with more control. This is a minimal skeleton with precise parallelism control. With parallel value as one all records are processed in sequence without having the entire file in memory, we can increase parallel value for faster processing.
const csv = require('csv');
const csvParser = require('csv-parser')
const fs = require('fs');
const readStream = fs.createReadStream('IN');
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('OUT');
const transform = csv.transform({ parallel: 1 }, (record, done) => {
asyncTask(...) // return Promise
.then(result => {
// ... do something when success
return done(null, record);
}, (err) => {
// ... do something when error
return done(null, record);
This allows doing an async task for each record.
To return a promise instead we can return with an empty promise, and complete it when stream finishes.
.on('end',function() {
//do something wiht csvData
So to say you don't want streaming but some kind of data chunks? ;-)
Do you know
I think the simplest approach without changing your architecture would be some kind of promise pool. e.g.
