I need an explanation of who the string inside the Matching = "..." rule is supposed to look.
I see only a few examples on docs.servicestack.com:
[Route("/users/{Id}", Matches = "**/{int}")]
[Route("/{UserId}/profile", Matches = #"{int}/**")]
[Route("/feed", Matches = "IsAuthenticated")]
and a few more.
I tried:
[Route("/myservice/bookings/{SearchString}", Matches = "**/{string}", Verbs = "GET")]
public class SearchAddress : IReturn<SearchAddressResponse>
public string SearchString { get; set; }
but I got:
: 'Unknown Matches Rule '**/{string}' in Route
I might add that this rule worked fine:
[Route(/myservice/bookings/{BookingId}", Matches = "**/{int}", Verbs = "GET")]
public class GetBooking: IReturn<GetBookingResponse>
[ApiMember(IsRequired = true)]
public uint BookingId { get; set; }
I have
/myservice/bookings/{SearchString} // a string to search for bookings
/myservice/bookings/{BookingId} // an Int for a specific booking
and I thought I could differentiate between them use the Matches rule. However, I'm not sure what rules I have to play with, or why one works and the other doesn't.
Please see the docs on registering Custom Matching Rules, if you’re not using a built-in rule you need to register the implementation in Config.RequestRules.
I am creating a endpoint that accepts multiple parameters. I was wondering what the proper way of doing this in ServiceStack is, as I know that the routes can be defined like this:
But does not that mean that EquipmentIds has to be defined before ManufacturerIds and ColourIds, otherwise the API will interpret it incorrectly?
I would like to specify the parameters I use, and then not include the rest when they are not used.
A unclean url would then look like this ?EquipmentIds=1&ColourIds=1
I found the following solution, but this one was from 2011
Multiple Optional Parameters with ServiceStack.Net.
Is there a new solution for this, or is that still the proper way of doing things?
The URL should be a "resource identifier" where any Query String arguments are modifiers to that resource request.
So you shouldn't put complex types in the /path/info which are unlikely to form part of Resource Identifier for that route.
Your route should be self-describing as to what it's a resource identifier of. Stuffing a an anonymous bunch of ids in the URL doesn't make it a clean URL, it still needs to be semantically correct and self-describing at what the different path components contain.
It's hard to know the right Route to use when it's not clear what Service this is used for, but if this was a Car Search Service the appropriate URL would be something like:
Just as when you use a Search Service like Google, they don't try to pack everything in the route, which is only used to identify you're making a search request. Everything else including the search query is added to the query string, e.g;
Which in ServiceStack would just be defined as:
public class SearchCars
public List<int> EquipmentIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ManufacturerIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ColourIds { get; set; }
Or it can be easily auto implemented in AutoQuery with:
public class SearchCars : QueryDb<Car>
public List<int> EquipmentIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ManufacturerIds { get; set; }
public List<int> ColourIds { get; set; }
I have a custom content type built through the UI (e.g. not via a module) that has a couple of fields on it, one of which is a ContentItemPicker. I managed to get everything with the front-end working for this with the exception of finding the friendly URL off of the ContentItem from the Model's collection of items. I'm seeing some examples where I'm supposed to use Url.ImageDisplayUrl([ContentItem]), but that gives me this error: 'System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper' has no applicable method named 'ItemDisplayUrl' but appears to have an extension method by that name. Extension methods cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or calling the extension method without the extension method syntax.
My using statements at the top are as follows:
#using Orchard.ContentPicker.Fields
#using Orchard.Utility.Extensions;
#using System.Linq
#using Orchard.ContentManagement;
#using Orchard.Mvc.Html;
#using Orchard.Utility.Extensions;
I'd assume I'm missing something with those, but can't seem to figure out what. The way I'm building out my view is below, and the URL I am trying to get is off of tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.NavigationItem:
/** #Model.Items is a collection of my custom content types that were created through the UI **/
foreach (var tab in #Model.Items)
var t = new SliderTab
DisplayOrder = tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.DisplayOrder.Value,
ButtonText = tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.ButtonText.Value,
Description = tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.Description.Value,
ImageUrl = tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.Image.Url,
Title = tab.ContentItem.TitlePart.Title,
ContentItem = tab.ContentItem,
TabText = tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.TabText.Value
/** HomepageTab is the custom content type created in the Orchard UI which has a ContentPickerField associated with it. The name on that is NavigationItem, so I just need the friendly URL off of a ContentPickerField's associated ContentItem **/
if (tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.NavigationItem != null && tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.NavigationItem.Ids != null)
//this is way, super hacky - getting the actual friendly URL would be better
t.NavigateUrl = "/Contents/Item/Display/" + tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.NavigationItem.Ids[0];
** Edit **
I have a class declaration for HomepageTab at the top which does not correlate to the tab.ContentItem.HomepageTag as that is dynamic off the ContentItem property. It is structured like this:
public class HomepageTab
public dynamic DisplayOrder { get; set; }
public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string ButtonText { get; set; }
public dynamic ContentItem { get; set; }
public string TabText { get; set; }
public string NavigateUrl { get; set; }
public string TabId
get { return "t" + this.DisplayOrder.ToString(); }
tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.NavigationItem is your content item picker field, but expressed this way, it's a dynamic object, so the compiler can get all sorts of confused if you try to use it without casting it. So first I'd recommend casting:
var pickerField = tab.ContentItem.HomepageTab.NavigationItem as ContentPickerField;
if (pickerField != null) {
Then you can get the first and only item in the field (caution, we're likely causing a select N+1 issue here, see below):
var firstItem = pickerField.ContentItems.FirstOrDefault();
Finally, we can ask for the display URL for that item:
if (firstItem != null) {
var url = Url.ItemDisplayUrl(firstItem);
This should work just fine. Be careful however: as I said above, getting the collection of items for each tab may trigger one new database query per tab, degrading performance. To avoid that problem, you could pre-fetch the related content items with a technique similar to what I describe in this post: https://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/speeding-up-pages-with-lots-of-media-content-items
Instead of pre-fetching images, what you'd do here is first get a list of all the related ids (that's free, those ids come stored in the fields, which are stored with the content items you already have). Then you'd build a local cache of ids to items using a GetMany. And finally you'd use that cache instead of the ContentItems collection to look-up items from the ids.
I hope this makes sense.
This code works fine.
using (ContextDB db = new ContextDB())
var custAcct = (from c in db.CustAccts
select new
But this one doesn't
public class CustAcct
public int AcctNo { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
using (ContextDB db = new ContextDB())
CustAcct custAcct = (from c in db.CustAccts
select new
It returns this error:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to 'EMailReader.Models.CustAcct'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
I used Google, found many related topics but still couldn't put it to work using the available solutions
I just need to return data to a strong typed model.
After more research I found this solution bellow, but I wonder why I cannot retrieve directly in the list from LinqToSql.
List<CustAcct> temp = new List<CustAcct>();
IEnumerable<dynamic> items = custAcct;
foreach (var item in items)
temp.Add(new CustAcct()
AcctNo = item.AcctNo,
Company = item.Company,
UserName = item.UserName,
You are re defining those properties by creating new Class. And this will override LINQ2SQL generated class.
Just change "public class CustAcct" to "public partial class CustAcct".
This will solve your problem, and you do not need to define those properties again. Remove those from your class. Those will be automatically create for you.
If you can just post your class, and I will change it for you.
I'm trying to create set of service stack routes that have wildcards in it.
I can't change it as the Url to respond to are defined by another product.
It seems as soon as service stack sees the * in the route, it eats everything to the end of the path?
So all of these example urls seem to get routed as the Catalogue Request, not the View Request in the second case
Is it possible to make the smart routing literal weighting detect literals after wildcards?
I guess when its hits a wildcard going left to right, it has to jump to resolving right to left back to the wildcard, and the wildcard is what remains?
For example
public class ViewRequest
public string Folder { get; set }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class CatalogRequest
public string Folder { get; set }
Is it possible to make the smart routing literal weighting detect literals after wildcards?
No. The wildcard must be the last element on the route, which matches the remaining part of the PathInfo into the selected variable, e.g:
This is Valid:
public class CatalogRequest { ... }
This is not:
public class ViewRequest { ... }
In your service you can still use the value in your service and call a different service based on that logic, e.g:
public object Get(CatalogRequest request)
if (request.Folder.SplitOnLast('/').Last() == "View")
using (var service = base.ResolveService<ViewService>())
return service.Get(request.TranslateTo<ViewRequest>());
here are my entities:
public abstract class ResourceBase
int Id { get; set; }
public Guid ResourceId { get; set; }
public virtual Resource Resource { get; set; }
public class Resource
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public class Message : ResourceBase
public string Text { get; set; }
And then my query is something like this:
var msgs = messages.Where(x=>x.Id == someRangeOfIds).Include(m=>m.Resource).Select(x => new
message = x,
replyCount = msgs.Count(msg => msg.Id = magicNumber)
I am running this with proxy creation disabled, and the result is all the messages BUT with all the Resource properties as NULL. I checked the database and the Resources with matching Guids are there.
I drastically simplified my real life scenario for illustration purposes, but I think you'll find you can reproduce the issue with just this.
Entity Framework 5 handles inherited properties well (by flattening the inheritence tree and including all the properties as columns for the entity table).
The reason this query didn't work was due to the projection after the include. Unfortunately, the include statement only really works when you are returning entities. Although, I did see mention of a solution which is tricky and involves invoking the "include" after the shape of the return data is specified... If anyone has more information on this please reply.
The solution I came up with was to just rephrase the query so I get all messages in one query, and then in another trip to the database another query that gets all the reply counts.
2 round trips when it really should only be 1.