NotesException: Unknown or unsupported object type in Vector - xpages

I'm trying to add new names to the address book programmatically but I'm getting the following error:
[TypeError] Exception occurred calling method NotesDocument.replaceItemValue(string, Array)
Unknown or unsupported object type in Vector
Code snippet below:
var addressBook = session.getDatabase("","names.nsf");
var gView:NotesView = addressBook.getView("($VIMGroups)");
var gDoc:NotesDocument = gView.getDocumentByKey("groupName", true);
var newg:java.util.Vector = [];
var mems:java.util.Vector = new Array(gDoc.getItemValue('Members'));
var newNames:java.util.Vector = new Array(getComponent("NewMems").getValue());
gDoc.replaceItemValue("Members", newg);;
Adding a single user works fine, but then it does not save users in the required canonical format below:
CN=John Doe/O=Org
Instead it is saved in the original format below:
John Doe/Org
I look forward to your suggestions. Thanks.

You can't store an Array in a field. Make newg a java.util.Vector instead and integrate with that.
For OpenNTF Domino API the team wrote a lot of code to auto-convert to Vectors, which may cover Arrays.

Don't use an Array (which is a JS thing). Initialize it as a Vector.
var newg:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vectory();
Then look up the Vector methods to see how to add to that vector. Not sure if you will have to convert the names using the Name method but I would store them as "CN=Joe Smith/O=Test Org" to be sure you got the right format.

I was able to solve the issue using a forloop to loop through the list and push it into a newly created array. Using the forloop seems to make the difference.
var newg = [];
var group = new Array(getComponent("NewMems").getValue()), lenGA = group.length;
for(i = 0; i < lenGA; i++){
gDoc.replaceItemValue("Members", newg);;
An explanation about this behaviour will be appreciated.


NODE.JS: iterating over an array of objects, creating a new key if it does not exist

I am iterating over a collection of data, in my case, an array of objects. Here is a sample of 2 data points from it:
violation_id: '211315',
inspection_id: '268804',
violation_category: 'Garbage and Refuse',
violation_date: '2012-03-22 0:00',
violation_date_closed: '',
violation_type: 'Refuse Accumulation' },
violation_id: '214351',
inspection_id: '273183',
violation_category: 'Building Conditions',
violation_date: '2012-05-01 0:00',
violation_date_closed: '2012-04-17 0:00',
violation_type: 'Mold or Mildew' }
I need to create a new array of objects from this, one for each "violation_category" property. If Violation category already exists in the new array I am creating, i simply add the information to that existing category object (instead of having two "building conditions" objects for example, I would just add to an existing one).
However, I am having trouble assigning to the existing object if the current one exists (it's easy to check if it does not, but not the other way around). This is what am attempting to do currently:
if (violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName) {
violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName.violations = results[i].violation_id; = results[i].violation_date;
violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName.closed =
} else {
category.violations = results[i].violation_id; = results[i].violation_date;
category.closed = results[i].violation_date_closed;
In first condition, if this category (key) exists, I simply add to it, and in the second condition, this is where I am struggling. Any help appreciated. Thanks guys.
Just add an empty object to the key if there no object there :
violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName = violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName || {};
And only then, add the data you want to the object.
violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName.violations = results[i].violation_id; = results[i].violation_date;
violationCategory.uniqueCategoryName.closed =
No condition needed.
Good luck!
Assuming that you have an input variable which is an array of objects, where the objects are looking like the objects of the question, you can generate your output like this:
var output = {};
for (var item of input) {
if (!output[item.violation_category]) output[item.violation_category] = [];
Of course you might customize it like you want.

Haxe - use string as variable name with DynamicAccess

I am trying to use a string ('npcName') as a variable name. So far I have tried casting dialogMap into a DynamicAccess object, but it gives me the error 'Invalid array access' when I try this:
var npcName:String = 'TestNPC';
var casted = (cast Registry.dialogMap:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>);
var tempname = casted[root.npcName[0].message];
'dialogMap' is an empty map which I want to fill like so:
Registry.dialogMap['message'] = root.npcName[0].message;
How can I use npcName, a string, in the above line of code? Is there a way to transform the string into something usable? Any help would be appreciated.
The haxe.DynamicAccess doesn't have array access (like map[key]), but is an abstract type for working with anonymous structures that are intended to hold collections of objects by the string key. It is designed to work with map.get(key) and map.set(key). It is basically a nicer wrapper around Reflect.field and Reflect.setField and does some safety checks with Reflect.hasField.
var variable = "my_key";
var value = 123;
var dynamicMap = new haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>();
dynamicMap.set(variable, value);
I'm noticing you are doing very much cast and dynamic, so untyped code, which is a bit of contradiction in a typed language. What is the actual type of dialogMap?
Not sure you are aware of it but, Haxe has its own maps, which are fully typed, so you don't need casts.
var map = new Map<String, Int>();
map[variable] = value;
I think this article helps understanding how to work with dynamic (untyped) objects.
Tip; for testing such small functionalities you can doodle around on the try.haxe site :
Hope this helps, otherwise here is some relevant documentation:

CouchDB "[Circular]" when writing to an array

In CouchDB, I am writing to an array and keep getting the message "[Circular]". I am using Node.js to create the data to be written like this.
Say I have an two email objects in the same document in CouchDB:
unverifiedEmail = [{"address":"","dateAdded":"1389215329484"}]
verifiedEmail = []
Now in Node.js I do this before writing.
var oldData = readFromCouchDb();
var newData = oldData;
Then when I view the document in Futon I see this:
unverifiedEmail = [{"address":"","dateAdded":"1389215329484"}]
verifiedEmail = "[Circular]"
What's going on here?
I found out the issue has to do with the depth of the way to set Javascript objects equal to each other.
To solve this, I used the following code in place of the unshift above:

What is wrong in this LINQ Query, getting compile error

I have a list AllIDs:
List<IAddress> AllIDs = new List<IAddress>();
I want to do substring operation on a member field AddressId based on a character "_".
I am using below LINQ query but getting compilation error:
AllIDs= AllIDs.Where(s => s.AddressId.Length >= s.AddressId.IndexOf("_"))
.Select(s => s.AddressId.Substring(s.AddressId.IndexOf("_")))
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<MyCompany.Common.Users.IAddress>'
AllIDs is a list of IAddress but you are selecting a string. The compiler is complaining it cannot convert a List<string> to a List<IAddress>. Did you mean the following instead?
var substrings = AllIDs.Where(...).Select(...).ToList();
If you want to put them back into Address objects (assuming you have an Address class in addition to your IAddress interface), you can do something like this (assuming the constructor for Address is in place):
AllIDs = AllIDs.Where(...).Select(new Address(s.AddressID.Substring(s.AddressID.IndexOf("_")))).ToList();
You should also look at using query syntax for LINQ instead of method syntax, it can clean up and improve the readability of a lot of queries like this. Your original (unmodified) query is roughly equivalent to this:
var substrings = from a in AllIDs
let id = a.AddressId
let idx = id.IndexOf("_")
where id.Length >= idx
select id.Substring(idx);
Though this is really just a style thing, and this compiles to the same thing as the original. One slight difference is that you only have to call String.IndexOf() one per entry, instead of twice per entry. let is your friend.
Maybe this?
var boundable =
from s id in AllIDs
where s.AddressId.Length >= s.AddressId.IndexOf("_")
select new { AddressId = s.AddressId.Substring(s.AddressId.IndexOf("_")) };
boundable = boundable.ToList();

Enterprise Keyword not updating in SharePoint 2010

Any idea how to inject values to the Enterprise Keywords column of a List / Doc Lib Item using code?
Tried the following, it didn't give any error, but that column wouldn't update, while the Title did.
using (var site = new SPSite("http://testweb"))
using (var web = site.OpenWeb("testsite1"))
var list = web.Lists["testlist1"];
var item = list.AddItem();
item["Title"] = string.Format("Injected from code on {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString());
item["Enterprise Keywords"] = "1;#Opera|4eed0518-9676-4afc-be20-9027b3b69e42";
In this code, Opera keyword has been added previously, I've checked it against the TaxonomyHiddenList list as well using code to extract the correct ID and IdForTerm (the GUID).
What am I missing here?
To add a taxonomy field value the approach is a little bit different. Please try:
TaxonomyField entKeyword = (TaxonomyField)item.Fields["Enterprise Keywords"];
TaxonomyFieldValue term = new TaxonomyFieldValue("1;#Opera|4eed0518-9676-4afc-be20-9027b3b69e42");
in stead of:
item["Enterprise Keywords"] = "1;#Opera|4eed0518-9676-4afc-be20-9027b3b69e42";
