I am building the pollers based on the data from the database. Mainly file pollers.
Does Spring integration provide any way to monitor the flows via the spring admin /actuator?
If yes, is there any example?
Well, need to understand what you mean with the monitor.
There is an /integrationgraph since Spring Boot 2.1 endpoint to show all the integration components in the application context as a JSON graph. You have enable it explicitly though: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.0.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready-endpoints-exposing-endpoints.
There is also an endpoint for metrics to obtain: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.0.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready-metrics-meter
Is there a way to check whether Spring Cloud data flow (streams) microservice is up and running by using Python?
I would also want to (un)deploy microservice.
Is it possible?
You can use this REST API guide to understand what REST endpoints you can use to specify operations against Spring Cloud Data Flow (start/stop the stream/task for instance).
Thinking to use Spring Integration for dynamic Inbound / Outbound configuration. There can be 'n' number of customers using our system, each of them will have their own inbound FTP / webservice configuration to pull files for processing into our system. Likewise after processing each of those customers can have outbound FTP / webservice configuration where the reports (end result) need to be pushed. Is spring integration appropriate for such cases? if yes, can you please suggest or point to any of the examples. Webservice includes both REST and SOAP.
Also, instead of polling at fixed interval, can each customer have their own cron expression as to when to pull the files during Inbound?
Your use-case looks fully as an appropriate for the Spring Cloud Data Flow.
Each customer will configure a stream with desired options for each module.
Otherwise your question looks very broad and it has a big chance to be closed here.
See the dynamic ftp sample (XML configuration). This is outbound; see the readme for some links about doing it the same way for inbound.
See this answer - mail inbound adapters using Java Config
And the Dynamic TCP example using the Java DSL dynamic flow registration.
Dynamic WebService inbound is a bit more tricky because you have to register the new endpoints
Hi I am using spring integration to call 6 webservices.I have below implementation.
1.4 Rest service call(Calling rest services using Service Activator).And these service call are made parallely using task executor.
2.2 SOAP services using out bound gate way.I have Interceptor implementation for adding headers.This service calls will be made after above 4 rest call was done.And implemented FaultResolver interface to catch saop Fault.
My question is I want log all the external service request/response for both success and failure scenarios.What is the best approach to achieve this without performance hit in spring integration.
I have a question about the use of the Azure Management Api. The architecture of the single responssabilidade Api predicts domain to perform the functions of the business area. See image structure.
enter image description here
1. I wonder if the Azure Api Management operates as a management or I have the possibility of using it as a Geteway add results of many APIs in one (
orchestrating) and available to the client that made the request?
2. The responsability to gather this data is the Web Application?
3. Is there a pattern?
Azure API management can do both, it started as a management tool, but has received some updates so it can act as a gateway as well.
Read about the different API managment policies you can create here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/api-management-policy-reference/
Or take a look at the advanced policies, with the control flow and the send request
For an example of sending requests to gather information from multiple sources see this:
A program fetches the data from database and send to JMS queue using Spring Integration and call the POST rest service.
Now the question is if we use HTTP:INBOUND ADAPTER to call the rest service, we may need to use through the servlet container. But i don't a war file application. I need another feasible approach where we call the REST service from Spring Integration,as my program is a standalone program.
Not at this time; we are looking at various options for a stand-alone ReST solution.