rename output files with iteration number and input with gnu parallel - gnu

I have a list of files (data1.txt, ... ,data6.txt) and I want to run the same commands on them 3 times as example. I am using gnu parallel
I want as output files: 1data1.txt, 2data1.txt, 3data1.txt, ... , 2data6.txt, 3data6.txt.
I tried:
for i in $(seq 3); do parallel -j 8 'myCommand data{}.txt > results/out/{$i}data{}.txt' ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6; done
but my output files are : {}data1.txt, ...., {}data6.txt
I've tried different possibilities but I don't have the expected results

Use GNU Parallel's feature of making combinations:
parallel -j 8 myCommand data{2}.txt '>' results/out/{1}data{2}.txt' ::: 1 2 3 ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6
If your CPU has 8 threads you can leave out -j8. This is a good idea, if you later are going to run it on a bigger system.
You can also use --results (requires version >20170222):
parallel --results results/out/{1}data{2}.txt myCommand data{2}.txt ::: 1 2 3 ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6 >/dev/null


Merge one-line texts into a data-frame with basic ubuntu shell commands

I have let's say two files Input1.txt and Input2.txt. Each of them is a text file containing a single line of 5 numbers separated by a tab.
For instance Input1.txt is
1 2 3 4 5
and Input2.txt is
6 7 8 9 10
The output that I desire is Output.txt :
Input1 1 2 3 4 5
Input2 6 7 8 9 10
So I want to merge the files in a table with an extra first column containing the names of the original files. Obviously I have more than 2 files (actually 1000) and I would like to make it with a for loop. You can assume that all my files are named as Input*.txt with * between 1 and 1000 and that they are all in the same directory.
I know how to do it with R, but I would like to make it with a basic line of commands in the ubuntu shell. Is it feasible ? Thanks for any help.
Assuming the line in Input1.txt, Input2.txt, etc. is terminated with a newline character, you can use
for i in Input*.txt
printf "%s " "$i"
cat "$i"
done > Output.txt
The result is
Input1.txt 1 2 3 4 5
Input2.txt 6 7 8 9 10
If you want to get Input1 etc. without .txt you can use
printf "%s " "${i%.txt}"

Count occurrence of numbers in linux

I have a .txt file with 25,000 lines. Each line there is a number from 1 to 20. I want to compute the total occurrence of each number in the file. I don't know should I use grep or awk and how to use it. And I'm worried about I got confused with 1 and 11, which both contain 1's. Thank you very much for helping!
I was trying but this would double count my numbers.
grep -o '1' degreeDistirbution.txt | wc -l
With grep you can match the beginning and end of a line with '^' and '$' respectively. For the whole thing I'll use an array, but to illustrate this point I'll just use one variable:
one="$(grep -c "^1$" ./$inputfile)"
then we put that together with the magic of bash loops and loop through all the numbers with a while like so:
while [[ $i -le 20 ]]
arr[i]="$(grep -c "^$i$" ./$inputfile)"
if you like you can of course use a for as well
An easier method is:
sort -n file | uniq -c
Which will count the occurrences of each number in the sorted file and display the results like:
$ sort -n dat/twenty.txt | uniq -c
3 1
3 2
3 3
4 4
4 5
4 6
4 7
4 8
4 9
4 10
4 11
3 12
2 13
2 14
4 15
4 16
4 17
2 18
2 19
2 20
Showing I have 3 ones, 3 twos, etc.. in the sample file.

Sort range Linux

everyone. I have some questions about sorting in bash. I am working with Ubuntu 14.04 .
The first question is: why if I have file some.txt with this content:
b 8
b 9
a 8
a 9
And when I type this :
sort -n -k 2 some.txt
the result will be:
a 8
b 8
a 9
b 9
which means that the file is sorted first to the second field and after that to the first field, but I thought that is will stay stable i.e.
b 8
a 8
Maybe if two rows are equal it is applied lexicographical sort or what ?
The second question is: why the following doesn`t working:
sort -n -k 1,2 try.txt
The file try.txt is like this:
8 2
8 11
8 0
8 5
9 2
9 0
The third question is not actally for sorting, but it appears when I try to do this:
sort blank.txt > blank.txt
After this the blank.txt file is empty. Why is that ?
Apparently GNU sort is not stable by default: add the -s option
Finally, as a last resort when all keys compare equal, sort compares entire lines as if no ordering options other than --reverse (-r) were specified. The --stable (-s) option disables this last-resort comparison so that lines in which all fields compare equal are left in their original relative order.
There's no way to answer your question if you don't show the text file
Redirections are handled by the shell before handing off control to the program. The > redirection will truncate the file if it exists. After that, you are giving an empty file to sort
for #2, you don't actually explain what's not working. Expanding your sample data, this happens
$ cat try.txt
8 2
8 11
9 2
9 0
11 11
11 2
$ cat try.txt
8 2
8 11
9 2
9 0
11 11
11 2
I assume you want to know why the 2nd column is not sorted numerically. Let's go back to the sed manual:
Sort numerically. The number begins each line and consists of ...
Looks like using -n only sorts the first column numerically. After some trial and error, I found this combination that sorts each column numerically:
$ sort -k1,1n -k2,2n try.txt
8 2
8 11
9 0
9 2
11 2
11 11

missing number from two squence

How do I findout missing number from two sequence using bash script
from example I have file which contain following data
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 5
2 1
2 3
2 5
output : missing numbers are
1 4
2 2
2 4
This awk one-liner gives the requested output for the specified input:
$ awk '$2!=l2+1&&$1==l1{for(i=l2+1;i<$2;i++)print l1,i}{l1=$1;l2=$2}' file
1 4
2 2
2 4
a solution using grep:
printf "%s\n" {1..2}" "{1..5} | grep -vf file

how to random lines in txt with bash

I have a txt file with some lines such as:
now I want to random lines and print it to another txt file for example:
and so on...
could any body help me?
I am new in bash scripting
You could use shuf (a part of GNU coreutils).
shuf inputfile > outfile
For example:
$ seq 10 | shuf
There is an option for that
sort -R /your/file.txt
-R, --random-sort
sort by random hash of keys
Iterate over the file, outputting each line with a certain probability (in this example, with roughly a 10% chance for each line:
while read line; do
if (( RANDOM % 10 == 0 )); then
echo "$line"
done < file.txt
(I say "roughly", because the value of RANDOM ranges between 0 and 32767. As such, there are slightly more values that will produce a remainder of 0-7 than there are that will produce a remainder of 8 or 9 when divided by 10. Other probabilities are have similar problems; you can fine-tune the expression to be more precise, but I leave that as an exercise to the reader.)
For less fortunates systems without GNU utils like BSD/OSX you can use this code:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do
sed $n'q;d' file
