Module.exports: is not a constructor error - node.js

Can someone explain why the first export throws a is not a constructor error, while the second export works?
// Throws a `is not a constructor` error
module.exports = {
Person: function () {
// Works
class Person {
this.firstname = '';
this.lastname = '';
module.exports = Person;
// Usage:
const Person = require("person");
let person = new Person();

Because the first time you actually export an object containing a property:
module.exports = { /*...*/ };
And you can't construct that object. However you could get the Person property and construct that:
const Person = require("person").Person;
new Person();
You could also destructure the imported object:
const { Person } = require("person");
new Person();
... but that only makes sense if there are other things exported there otherwise I would go with v2.


How to access parent query arguments in GraphQL and Nestjs execution context

Let's say we have a bookshop and an author entity, to show the author their earnings stat, we want to check if the authenticated user is indeed the author themselves. So we have:
#ResolveField(() => [Eearning], { name: 'earnings' })
async getEarnings(
#Parent() author: Author,
#GqlUser() user: User,
) {
if ( !==
throw new UnauthorizedException(
'Each author can only view their own data',
// rest of the function implementation
We could query this:
query {
author(id: "2bd79-6d7f-76a332b06b") {
earnings {
Now imagine we want to use a custom Guard instead of that if statement. Something like below:
export class AutherGuard implements CanActivate {
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
const ctx = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
// const artistId = ?
How can I access the id argument given to the author query when AutherGuard is used for the getEarnings handler?
Not sure how documented is that but the parent object can be accessed through the getRoot method:
const gqlContext = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
const root = gqlContext.getRoot();
const authorId =;
In fact, we have a helper function that we use like this:
export function getArgs(context: ExecutionContext): any {
if (context.getType<GqlContextType>() === "graphql") {
const gqlContext = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
return { ...gqlContext.getArgs(), $parent: gqlContext.getRoot() };
} else if (context.getType() === "http") {
return context.switchToHttp().getRequest().params;
const args = getArgs(context);
const authorId = _.get(args, "$");

How to pass a child Interface to a parent class?

I have this:
import {GenericController} from './_genericController';
interface Response {
id : number,
code: string,
name: string,
type: string,
long: number,
lat: number
const fields = ['code','name','type','long','lat'];
class LocationController extends GenericController{
tableName:string = 'location';
fields:Array<any> = fields;
const locationController = new LocationController();
const get = async (req, res) => {
await locationController._get(req, res);
export {get};
interface Response {
id : number
export class GenericController{
tableName:string = '';
fields:Array<any> = [];
_get = async (req, res) => {
const id = req.body['id'];
const send = async () => {
const resp : Array<Response> = await db(this.tableName).select(this.fields).where('id', id)
if (resp[0] === undefined) {
// some error handling
await send();
}catch (error){
// some error handling
What I want to do is to pass the Response interface from LocationController to the GenericController parent, so that the response is typed accurately depending on how the child class has defined it. Clearly it doesn't work like this since the interface is defined outside of the class so the parent has no idea about the Response interface in the LocationController.ts file.
I've tried passing interface as an argument in the constructor, that doesn't work. So is there a way I can make this happen? I feel like I'm missing something really simple.
Typically, generics are used in a situation like this. Here's how I'd do it:
interface Response {
id: number;
// Note the generic parameter <R extends Response>
export class GenericController<R extends Response> {
tableName: string = "";
fields: Array<any> = [];
_get = async (req, res) => {
try {
const id = req.body["id"];
const send = async () => {
// The array is now properly typed. You don't know the exact type,
// but you do know the constraint - R is some type of `Response`
let resp: Array<R> = await db(this.tableName).select(this.fields).where("id", id);
if (resp[0] === undefined) {
// some error handling
await send();
} catch (error) {
// some error handling
import { GenericController } from "./_genericController";
interface Response {
id: number;
code: string;
name: string;
type: string;
long: number;
lat: number;
const fields = ["code", "name", "type", "long", "lat"];
// Here we tell the GenericController exactly what type of Response it's going to get
class LocationController extends GenericController<Response> {
tableName: string = "location";
fields: Array<any> = fields;
const locationController = new LocationController();
const get = async (req, res) => {
await locationController._get(req, res);
export { get };
If this is not enough and you wish to somehow know the exact response type you're going to get, I believe the only way is a manual check. For example:
import { LocationResponse } from './locationController';
// ... stuff
// Manual runtime type check
if (this.tableName === 'location') {
// Manual cast
resp = resp as Array<LocationResponse>
// ...
You could also check the form of resp[0] (if (resp[0].hasOwnProperty('code')) { ... }) and cast accordingly. There are also nicer ways to write this, but the basic idea remains the same.
Generally, a properly written class should be unaware of any classes that inherit from it. Putting child-class-specific logic into your generic controller is a code smell. Though as always, it all depends on a particular situation.

NodeJS: how to implement repository pattern

I would like to implement the Repository pattern in my NodeJS app, but I'm running into troubles with circular requires (I guess...).
How I'm trying to implement it:
PersonRepository class with methods: getAll, getById, create, update, delete
Person class with methods: init, createAccount, showRelations, addRelation,
First of all: Is my repository pattern design correct?
My classes:
const PersonModel = require('./model');
const Person = require('./person');
class PersonRepository {
constructor() {
this._persons = new Set();
getAll( cb ) { // To Do: convert to promise
let results = new Set();
PersonModel.find({}, 'firstName lastName', (err, people) => {
if (err) {
people.forEach((person, index) => {
let foundPerson = new Person(person._id.toString(), person.firstName, person.lastName,, person.birthday);
this._persons = results;
if (cb) cb(this._persons);
getById(id) {
return PersonModel.findOne({ _id: id });
getByEmail(email) {
throw new Error("Method not implemented");
create( person ) {
throw new Error("Method not implemented");
update ( person ) {
throw new Error("Method not implemented");
delete ( person ) {
throw new Error("Method not implemented");
module.exports = new PersonRepository();
const PersonModel = require('./model');
const personRepository = require('./personRepository');
class Person {
constructor(personId, first, last, email, birthday) {
this._id = personId ? personId : undefined;
this._firstName = first ? first : undefined;
this._lastName = last ? last : undefined;
this._email = email ? email : undefined;
this._birthday = birthday ? new Date(birthday) : undefined;
this._relations = new Map();
init() { // Get all data from database
module.exports = Person;
console.log("--- GET ALL : results--- ");
personRepository.getAll( (persons) => {
for (let person of persons) {
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
console.log("--- INIT : results--- ");
var personInit = new Person("59c18a9029ef510012312995");
console.log("before init");
console.log("after init");
When running the "Get all" test (without the INIT tests), it works.
When I add the INIT tests, I get the error:
TypeError: personRepository.getById is not a function
at Person.init
How can I prevent this from happening?
- Change the way I require my modules?
- Change my design? (eg. don't require Person class in personRepository and just create a Set of ids in "getAll" instead of a Set of persons)
- Other ideas?
Thanks for helping me! I'm trying to solve this for hours now...
Solved it myself. The problem was a circular dependency between the 2 modules. Problem is fixed by moving the requires after the module.exports.

sequelize ORM asynchronous method calls

How can I call methods asynchronously in sequelize ORM? (because I have to use returned value inside other methods).
var User = require('./user.model');
class UserDao {
constructor() {}
insert(user) {
var pk;
User.sync({ force: false }).then(() => {
User.create(user).then(function(user) {
console.log('Entry successful from dao: ' +
//return generated pk
pk =;
console.log('ID: ' + pk);
return pk;
class UserDaoTest {
constructor() {
this.userDao = new UserDao(); = new UtilsObject();
all CRUD method calls
testAll() {
insert method
testInsert() {
// composite form
var user = {
name: 'nisha',
email: '',
phoneNo: 8978,
picUrl: 'nisha',
description: 'SI',
status: 'active',
waitingTime: 10,
rating: 7
calling insert user with above data
var pk = this.userDao.insert(user);
console.log('pk value: ' + pk);
//var obj1 = this.userDao.readById(pk);
console.log('obj1 value: ' + user);
testReadById(obj1) {
var obj2 = this.userDao.readById(obj1);, obj2);
export default UserDaoTest;
Here in user.test.js, in testInsert() method want to get the value of pk which is returned from insert() method of user.dao.js, but right now I am getting pk value as undefined.
Use a promise chain.
Suppose you need to get an entry for a particular user & do some operations on it.
.then((user) => {
// Do something with user.
You shouldn't be calling methods synchronously, NodeJs is not designed this way. It works with callbacks or promises.
Your code won't work because it is async code.
Watch the famous Youtube video about the event loop
But in short, if you will run the following example, which is like your code but without your logic:
var User = require('./user.model');
class UserDao {
constructor() {}
insert(user) {
var pk;
User.sync({ force: false }).then(() => {
pk = 123;
return pk;
The variable pk will be undefined and your console will look like this:
If you want it to work, you should "wait" for the async functions like this:
var User = require('./user.model');
class UserDao {
constructor() {}
// #return Promise
insert(user) {
return User.sync({ force: false }).then(() => {
return User.create(user)
}).then((user) => {
console.log('Entry successful from dao: ' + JSON.stringify(user));
And when you use it:
class UserDaoTest {
constructor() {
this.userDao = new UserDao(); = new UtilsObject();
all CRUD method calls
testAll() {
// if testInsert and testUpdate can run simultaneously you can keep it like this.
// Otherwise, use Promise.then as well
insert method
testInsert() {
var user = {
// ...
calling insert user with above data
this.userDao.insert(user).then((userId) => {
}).then(done); // Where done is a function to let you test framework that you async code is done
export default UserDaoTest;
Another way of doing that is using the new async and await. That way you will get a code which is more readable and maintainable.
You can read more here

Pass 'this' to a class variable inside constructor

I am interested, how to pass this to a class variable inside a constructor of a parent, so I could use parents methods and access other variables of the parent and call their methods?
Here is my parent class:
var async = require('async');
var Rater = require('./rater')
var Similars = require('./similars')
var Suggestions = require('./suggestions');
module.exports = class Engine {
constructor() {
this.likes = new Rater(this,'likes');
this.dislikes = new Rater(this,'dislikes');
this.similars = new Similars(this);
this.suggestions = new Suggestions(this);
And here is the example of usage and where is get the following error:
Cannot read property 'engine' of undefined
at --\\classes\rater.js:89:19
module.exports = class Rater {
constructor(engine,kind) {
this.type = kind;
this.engine = engine;
if(kind == 'likes') //database schemes
this.db = Likes_db;
else if(kind == 'dislikes')
this.db = Dislikes_db;
else if(kind == 'similars')
this.db = Similars_db;
else if(kind == 'suggestions')
this.db = Suggestions_db;
//other methods
remove(user,item,done) {
this.db.remove({user: user,item: item},(err) => {
return done(err);
function(done) {
this.engine.similars.update(user,done); //error-cant enter the method
function(done) {
],function(done) {
It has nothing to do with the constructor.
The problem appears because you are using a regular function as the callback and the context switches (you get another this in there).
Use an arrow function instead to keep the same context.
(done) => {
this.engine.similars.update(user,done); //error-cant enter the method
(done) => {
],function(done) {
Simply doing this works fine:
class Rather {
constructor(engine: Engine) {
class Engine {
constructor() {
new Rather(this);
method() {
new Engine();
You can see a working example here.
Note: As an OOP design decision though this is not very clean, you are introducing a cyclic dependency. Try going injection or at least introduce an interface to separate the 2 classes.
Try to define a _this var and then give it to parameter:
module.exports = class Engine {
var _this = this, _constructor = (<any>this).constructor;
constructor() {
this.likes = new Rater(_this,'likes');
this.dislikes = new Rater(_this,'dislikes');
this.similars = new Similars(_this);
this.suggestions = new Suggestions(_this);
