Cannot create flutter project in android studio - android-studio

"Flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart.exe" is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.

It sounds like dart.exe isn't installed correctly. First try reinstalling flutter sdk and restarting your computer. If it still doesn't work, make sure the path "Flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/" directory is part of your PATH variable.

In my case, the dart.exe got delete somehow, so it worked after I got the file back to where it suppose to be.


'tsc' is not recognized as an internal or external command on Windows when installed globally

I've seen bunch of 'tsc' is not recognized as an internal or external command issues here on StackOverflow but none of them could help me solve my problem.
I've installed typescript globally with:
npm install -g typescript
There are tsc and tsc.cmd files in C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm directory. So %AppData%\npm\tsc --version command works.
I've got C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm directory in my user's PATH.
More, when I run where tsc command in arbitrary directory, I get:
C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop>where tsc
However, when I simply try to run tsc, I got:
'tsc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Exactly the same problem occurs with grunt and uglifyjs.
I managed to solve this problem.
C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm indeed was in user's PATH variable. I also have system variable called Path (yes, just first letter is uppercased) and there was no C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\npm in there.
When I added it to system's Path, it finally started to work.
Not sure that this is ok that two of my path variables have different names (in terms of cases). Also not sure that this situation led to problems.
Would be glad if someone could clarify this.
Try installing the linux console for windows the cygwin console., And run the command tsc from that console, I know it does not change much but sometimes I have solved many problems with that console.

Cannot run node.js program in command prompt

Arch-noobie here. When I try to run a node.js program in windows command prompt by stating its location, it will invariably say "[stated location] is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
In all answers to similar questions, in all node.js manuals, it is assumed you can just run a node.js file by calling it from its location. There will always be the suggestion of trying some "hello world" example BEFORE establishing a server and so on.
Even if I clean the command prompt with "prompt $ cmd", and then write the whole location manually, I get the same message.
Can anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance.
By default, your node.js should be installed in C:\Program Files\nodejs location. Check for it.
Next, look for environment variables to be set at C:\Program Files\nodejs\bin
You can follow this link to check for the PATH and environment variables.
Then, restart your system. It should start working.
make sure you are typing node NOT npm

How to specify $HOME folder on visual studio code debugger

In our team, we use visual studio code (macOS, linux) for nodejs debugging.
As we work with several version of node, we need to specify the runtimeExecutable path in launch.json file. That works well.
However, we need to automate the generation of this file (launch.json), and for that we need to specify the home folder (~). Does someone know how to specify it ? I tryed ~, $HOME, ${HOME}, but none of these seems to work.
Thank you,
Try ${env:HOME}. See for a list of the allowed substitution vars, and how they work.

Cannot run 'phonegap' command on Win 7

I've just installed phonegap on Windows 7, following the instructions on their website. However, whenever I try to run a simple 'phonegap' command, I get the error:
'phonegap' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I put the phonegap path at the enviroment variables 'PATH' but that didn't do anything at all.
I've also made sure WSH was enabled, but still nothing works.
Am I missing something?
It may just be that the path has not been updated (Have you restarted your machine?)
Alternatively, you can copy the path onto the clipboard, then in a cmd window, do the following:
set path=%path%;<Your path here>
Which will include it in your path for the current session only.
Figured this out...I accidenatlly deleted some nodeJS variables while adding ant and java pathes. Had to reinstall node to realize this.

Adding blackberry10 platform in cordova(3.0.0) is showing "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting"

I had installed blackberry 10 required software.
Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting.
I'm having the same problem. It works when I specify android but not when I specify blackberry10.
As pointed out by Ludivoc above, node is in my path. My command sequence is:
mydir>cordova create test com.example.test Test
mydir>cd test
mydir\test>cordova platform add android
mydir\test>cordova platform add blackberry10
[Error: node cannot be found in path. Aborting.
mydir\test>where node
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
I have also verified that the bbndk is in my path:
mydir\test>where blackberry-signer
FWIW, I'm running Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
It seems to me that this problem is specific to the cordova scripts for blackberry10 and not to the node installation.
SOLVED: I've had some luck with this problem and there is an answer posted on my thread at The thread actually discusses another problem, but I was able to get this one solved as well (I think:-)). Essentially, you have to make some edits to the init.bat file at C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin
We had the same problem and managed to fix it.
The first problem "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting." is related to a file called check_reqs.bat which can be found in the .cordova dir, normally situated in your users home eg. C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat
This script tries to check for some files using a variable called %CORDOVA_NODE% e.g.
if not exist "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node.exe" (
No matter what I do, this variable is NEVER set when I call cordova so I just set it by hand
SET %CORDOVA_NODE%=somepath_dont_use_quotes
You might also have to adjust %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS%, on one of our machines it worked, on one it didn't, I was NOT in the mood figuring out why.
The same CORDOVA_NODE issue has to be fixed in your build.bat situated at
Last but not least we had a problem in packager.js. There is a logger used in there which gives an error whenever the packager tries to call it so we just put it under comments.
I know this is a little bit of a hack us the %CORDOVA variables should be taken from your system but as those paths shouldn't change we are h appy with the solution.
Open the check_reqs.bat file under C:\Users.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat and:
replace %CORDOVA_NODE% with your path to nodejs, mine is C:\Program Files\nodejs.
Then repalce %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS% with the path the blackberry sdk, mine is: C:\bbndk\host_10_2_0_15\win32\x86\usr\bin.
Finally replace the last line "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %* by "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %*
It works for me
I believe you would get this error if 1) you have not installed node.js or 2) you have installed node.js but not yet added it to your system path.
These two pages provide further detail that may be helpful:
If you install nodejs in the default location, it should be installed in a location that is already in the system path on MacOS
i have updated cordova to 3.2.0,now everything is working fine in win7.
Thank you all
Have u downloaded the Blackberry SDK. You have install the blackberry sdk manually from blackberry's website. only then u can use it in phonegap.
This error occurs in C:\Users\{username}\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\{version}\bin\init.bat
The fix for me was to add a new environment variable:
Value: C:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BB10 WebWorks SDK\cordova-blackberry\bin\dependencies\bb-tools\bin
Your path might not be the exact same. If you can't find it do a search for blackberry-nativepackager.bat and the folder that contains that is the directory you need to set as the value.
