Android Studio app for beta testing on Play Store - android-studio

What all is required to upload Android Studio app for beta testing on Play Store? Will I need the google developer account, screenshots of the app and detail about the app ?

You will need all the things you listed above and more. Here is a website that can help you with beta testing: Set up an open, closed, or internal test

Yes, you must need developer account(20$ approx.), screenshot of your app.
Rest of the things like available country, beta testers etc...., will be configured later with your account.


Can I use Android Studio emulator to test Google in-app purchase when I publish to Internal test track?

I know I nned test the Google in-app purchase of an app in a real mobile phone.
Can I use Android Studio emulator to test Google in-app purchase when I publish the app to Internal test track of Google Play?
Yes, it is no different than with a physical device.
Just make sure your emulator is running an Android OS with Play Services. You can then open Play Store on it, log in with your Google Account (the one in the Internal test track) and then you can test the in-app purchase.
You can learn more about how to test this here. Relevant steps for setting up a device (including an emulator) can be found here.

Why don't virtual devices on android studio start up

I want to use the DJI SDK Mobile SDK to fly a drone.
SO,I use the DJI Developer site ( integrate android studio projects.
However, even if the program is entered according to the site, "Hello, world" is not displayed on the virtual device.
Specifically, "import SDK Demo keep stopping." is displayed after the app starts for a moment on the virtual device.
Please help me !!!
Android Studios version : 3.5
Mobile SDKs version :4.2
I tried Android Studio with some version(ex.3.0/3.5).But, everytime "Hello, world" is not displayed on the virtual device.
Without having more details about what you've done, it is hard to say what your problem is.
HOWEVER, the SDKs require an "Application Key" to be generated via your DJI account, whereby you access a special web page that allows you to give a name to the App you propose to create, as well as a bundle identifier like : com.yourCompany.yourNewApp. After providing such basic "App" info's that DJI webpage will generate a long hexadecimal number which is your App Key. So again, without that App Key (number) being added (edited into) to your App, you will not be going anywhere. DJI uses this App Key for keeping track of all developer's Apps, and where those Apps are running.
Specifically, the DJI SDK gives an immediate error as soon as the SDK initialization is attempted, when/where attempted without a valid App Key.
So again, without more details from your problem, it is hard to say that the problem/solution (stated here) applies to you. But this certainly is a very common "newbie" or "getting started" problem.

azure mobile app quick start sample apps don't display result

I created about 6 different azure mobile app using visual studio and from portal website but none of them worked. I tried this several months ago and remember being worked but not last week.
All I am doing is create azure mobile app not mobile service and use default TodoItem data. It displays data when I put /tables/TodoItem on the url but when I download the quick start app using ios or xamarin it doesn't work. I can't figure out what the issue is. Error doesn't much make sense either. Sorry I don't have the debug error message right now from ios.

How do I get a production version of the Chromecast Sender SDK to include in my application

The Chromecast SDK download page has the following disclaimer:
"Warning: The current Google Cast SDK is a preview SDK intended for development and testing purposes only, not for production apps..."
What is the procedure for getting a version of the Chromecast Sender SDK from Google that I can include in my production app?
This is only possible for high profile apps at this point, like Netflix, HBO Go, Youtube, etc.
In early December, Google is hosting a developer event in anticipation for the upcoming release of the Google Cast SDK.
Once the SDK exists preview, I am sure the Chromecast team will make an announcement.
EDIT: Chromecast is now open to developers

Is it possible to run an Appcelerator Titanium applicatin in web browser like Flex?

Is it possible to share code between mobile and web versions of an application created with Appcelerator Titanium? I want to create a mobile application but I also want my users accessing the app using desktop Internet browser, like Flex application can be run in Flash Player or AIR. Is it possible to share code between mobile and web versions of the app?
There is a beta or pre release version of a web sdk that will support that functionality. Will try and track down the link, certain it can be found on the Appcelerator developer blog
