In my Action on Google #AOG App, based on the use input the number of items in the List is dyanmic. Can you please let me know how to generate the List Dynamically in "actions-on-google"
My Data Structure : "filteredKural" is array of objects with parameters "kuralNumber" and "tamilKural". created an itemsObject and assigned it to the List items parameter but it is not working. Can you please suggest any alternate ways through which i can generate the items value dynamically.
The below code is not working.
for (i=0; i<filteredKural.length;i++)
let keyName = `Kural ${filteredKural[i].kuralNumber}`;
itemsObject[keyName] = { title:filteredKural[i].kuralNumber, description:filteredKural[i].tamiKural};
/* console.log(itemsObject) // Output of the itemsObject
{ 'Kural 11':
{ title: '11',description:'வான்நின்று உலகம் வழங்கி வருதலால் தான்அமிழ்தம் என்றுணரற் பாற்று.' },
'Kural 12':
{ title: '12',description:'துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பாய துப்பாக்கித் துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பாய தூஉம் மழை.' },
'Kural 13':
{ title: '13',description:'விண்இன்று பொய்ப்பின் விரிநீர் வியனுலகத்து உள்நின்று உடற்றும் பசி.' },
'Kural 14':
{ title: '14',description: 'ஏரின் உழாஅர் உழவர் புயல்என்னும் வாரி வளங்குன்றிக் கால்.' },
'Kural 15':
{ title: '15',description:'கெடுப்பதூஉம் கெட்டார்க்குச் சார்வாய்மற் றாங்கே எடுப்பதூஉம் எல்லாம் மழை.' },
conv.ask('The list of Kural');
conv.ask ( new List ({
title: 'kural List',
items : itemsObject, // this is not working
`Given the following document inside a collection card: I have to update the whole data value for a particular id in staticCard
"staticCards": [
You need to determine the index of the array element, which isn't straightforward if you want to match one of the object attributes instead of the whole object. POSITION() is not an option in this case, but you can solve it with a subquery. Then you can use REPLACE_NTH() to set a new value. Finally, you need to update the respective top-level attribute.
LET pos = FIRST(FOR i IN 0..LENGTH(doc.dynamicCards)-1
FILTER doc.dynamicCards[i].id == 127
LET new = REPLACE_NTH(doc.dynamicCards, pos, { id: 128, search: "", data: [] })
UPDATE doc WITH { dynamicCards: new } IN coll
How to save the multipeople picker values in sharepoint list using angularjs and rest api?
and costruct your metadata in this way
var taskProperties = {
'__metadata' : { 'type': 'SP.Data.TasksListItem' },
'Title': 'Order approval',
'AssignedToId' : { 'results': [10] }
For inserting multiple values to person or group column, we have to specify the ids of people or group.
var taskProperties = {
__metadata: { "type": "SP.Data.TasksListItem" },
Title: "Order approval",
AssignedToId: { 'results': [11,22] }
Trying to get Select2 to remove an item and figure out why it keeps adding a new tag on update.
Using Select2.JS V3.5
Followed ActiveAdmin / Select2 example
When I try to delete an item, it does not remove it. It also ends up combining the tag list to a new STRING creating a new tag. i.e. If I have ["play", "doe"] and I update another field, it creates a new tag called "play doe" resulting in ["play", "doe", "play doe"]. This continues every time I update.
Here's my JS code
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.3
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.tagselect').each(function() {
var placeholder, saved, url;
placeholder = $(this).data('placeholder');
url = $(this).data('url');
saved = $(this).data('saved');
tags: true,
placeholder: placeholder,
minimumInputLength: 3,
allowClear: true,
multiple: true,
debug: true,
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
saved && callback(saved);
ajax: {
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: function(term) {
return {
q: term
results: function(data) {
return {
results: data
createSearchChoice: function(term, data) {
if ($(data).filter((function() {
return this.text.localeCompare(term) === 0;
})).length === 0) {
return {
id: term,
text: term
adding the block in my model, fixes the formtastic bug where all tags where coming in as a flat string vs a comma separated string. Monkey Patch for now.
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def tag_list
Faced with a problem at work with ExtJS
There is such a code - a new class (view)
Ext.define('FormApp.view.ElementContainer', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
alias: 'widget.elemcontainer',
initComponent: function() {
this.items = [{
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'middle'
items: [
{ xtype: 'component',
html: ' Поиск  '},
{ xtype: 'textfield',
width: 495,
name: 'search'
{ xtype:'component',
html:'  '},
{ xtype: 'button',
text: 'Найти',
width: 80,
action: 'searchTreeData'}
Then in the controller I write code like this to get the value of the textfield
Ext.define('FormApp.controller.ControlOne', {
extend: '',
views: ['ElementContainer', 'TreeView'],
init: function() {
'elemcontainer button[action=searchTreeData]': {
click: this.searchTree
'elemcontainer textfield[name=search]':{change: this.str}
searchTree: function(searchStr) {
var dat = Ext.widget('elemcontainer');
var str = dat.down('textfield').getValue();
alert (str.getValue());
str: function()
I can not get the value of a text field in extJS
How to access the elements to get their values?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my clumsy English
The problem is that by using Ext.widget(...) in searchTree(), you're creating a new instance of the class (be sure to check the docs), rather than getting the of the component that already exists.
Another issue is that str is already the "value" of the textfield, so calling getValue() on str.getValue() won't get you very far either.
So a few suggestions:
Update you searchTree method to pass the correct arguments. Since this method is getting called on the click event of a button, the arguments will be those of the click event for Ext.button.Button : searchTree( btn, e, opts ) {...}
Once you have the correct arguments being passed to searchTree(), you can then use the component selector methods to get the existing instance of the container. For example, since the button is already a descendant of the container, you can do the following to get the correct instance of the component:
var ctr = btn.up( "elemcontainer" )
And now that you have the correct instance of the container, you can again use one of the component selector methods to find the textfield:
var str = ctr.down( 'textfield' ).getValue()
I have several records of the same type that I want to show on the screen. I thought about creating several panels that will print the data of each record. I chose this solution because data structure is too complex to be printed in a simple grid. Here is a simplified example of that structure :
label: 'myLabel',
attr1: 'value1',
attr2: 'value2'
startValidityDate: oneDay,
endValidityDate: anotherDay
I try to add dynamically nested panels in my current panel :
var myStore = new{
id: 'myStore',
restful: true,
idProperty: 'OID',
root: 'tbas',
proxy: myProxy,
reader: myReader,
autoLoad: false,
listeners: {
'load': function(data){
var records = data.getRange();
var currStore = null;
for(var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
currStore = new Ext.Panel({
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: I18nManager.get('label_ttbaUI_label'),
name: 'tbaLabel',
value: records[i].data.tbaLabel
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: I18nManager.get('label_ttbaUI_label'),
name: 'tbaOid',
value: records[i].data.tbaoid
var recordList = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'recordList',
renderTo: 'recordPart',
title: I18nManager.get('label_ttbaUI_selected_tariffs')
In the firebug console, the UI objects seems to be ok.
My problem is that the recordList elements are not visible
I can see that they exist in the FB console, but they are not well printed on the screen.
Did I forgot something that make the elements hidden ? or bad printed ?
I'm sure that it is a CSS problem, some trouble with ext-all.css : when I remove the content of that CSS, I can see my fields
There must be something wrong in the way I wrote the code so that it causes the render problem WDYT ???