How do I utilize certificates/auth with web-grpc? - node.js

I am working with grpc-web, essentially trying to port a working server side vanilla grpc/node example to the browser. My existing node client example connects to the grpc service like so.
var services = require('./my_services_grpc_pb');
var grpc = require('grpc');
var secureClient = new services.MyServicesServiceClient(
(host + ":" + port),
That seems to do what I want. However, when I try to include the line
var grpc = require('grpc');
And then bundle my code with webpack, I get an error "cannot resolve child_process". I did a bit of googling and found that child_process does not work in the browser. I'm in a bit of a bind now, because the code examples that I saw on the web-grpc-tutorial do not seem show how to establish a secure connection. They look like this
var echoService = new EchoServiceClient('http://localhost:8080');
How would I go about passing certs to the call/establishing a secure channel?

There is an example of using grpc-web with TLS here: There's a section on how to use certs. You do not have to use GKE if you don't need to.

Related based server is inaccessalbe to socket connections, but the troubleshooting link works

Pretty much, my server lets me access <the server URL>/ (which is the troubleshooting step in the docs), but it doesn't let me connect to the websocket normally.
This happens when I try to connect to the websocket in postman:
Here is my code:
let server = require('http').createServer()
const io = require('')(server)
console.log('init complete')
I've rewritten this using multiple tutorials online to MAKE SURE it's right, but no matter what I follow it just doesn't work.

NodeJS Secure Websockets will not attach to https

I'm going insane trying to get a super basic wss:// functioning in NodeJS for the last 2 days. I've tried quite a few methods and libraries but I can't seem to get the websocket server attached to an https instance. I have no problem leveraging regular old http and attaching it to that instance. I don't get any errors in my debug console.
I've created both self-style type certs (Create Key + CA, create CSR,
sign it, use new server cert), and (Create Key + self-signed Cert,
use them).
I've tried disabling TLS verification via env var:
I've tried both ws, and websocket libraries and many different combos
of basic ws creation vs server attaching methods.
I've built a VM of Ubuntu 21.04, installed dependencies and vscode
just to rule out my OS. Same issue here.
Tried using node versions 14 + 16.
:Package Deps:
"websocket": "^1.0.34",
"ws": "^8.0.0"
const fs = require('fs');
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const https = require('https');
const server = new https.createServer({
key: fs.readFileSync('./config/certs/key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('./config/certs/cert.pem')
// const http = require('http');
// const server = new http.createServer();
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({server});
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
console.log('received: %s', message);
ws.send('hello from server!, the time is: ' + timestamp());
//Helper function to create a timestamp
function timestamp() {
return (new Date)
.replace(/z|t/gi, ' ')
//Start the server
I'm suspecting some underlying compatibility issues between node and dependencies or something...Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm not too familiar with debugging internal modules so if there are some command line switches I should add to node/nodemon please let me know. I have --inspect and --trace-warnings enabled at the very least.
I just figured it out and as usual it was something simple and overlooked. I've been using Firefox with the Weasel client add-on to test websockets. I had imported my self-signed cert along with the root CA cert I had created into Firefox. Even though it was imported, I still had to navigate to the HTTPS url and acknowledge the wonderful yellow border popup. As soon as I clicked on "Accept risk and continue" I tabbed over to Weasel and it established a connection to wss://localhost:3000 with no problems.
Even though the cert is whitelisted I still receive the warning page and have to acknowledge it. Next time I'll try a different client like one built in another language (Python, .NET...). Never would have thought it to be a browser issue but it makes sense with the way ssl/tls works.

Node.js and - Certificate is invalid

I'm having trouble connecting my chat application to Node.js server running on Ubuntu 16.04. The problem seems to be the ssl certificate which have been generated using 'letsencrypt'.
I have successfully connected to my Node.js server using a openssl certificate - this however only works in my Chrome browser.
Here is my code for the Node.js part.:
let fs = require('fs');
let https = require('https');
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('./file.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('./file.crt')
let server = https.createServer(options);
let io = require('')(server);
let Redis = require('ioredis');
let redis = new Redis();
redis.on('message', function (channel, message) {
message = JSON.parse(message);
io.emit(channel + ':' + message.event,;
The error code I'm getting from my browser is.:
My guess is that for some odd reason the certificates I have obtained is not following a standard of some sorts, so the browser discards the response.
For what I can gather around the web about this problem - the solution should be using a certificate from 'letsencrypt' and/or multiple variations of.:
var options = { ... };
And I do believe I have tried every possible combination.
If I open my website in two windows, one in Edge and one in Chrome, I can succesfully send a message from Edge to Chrome - the message will however not be shown in Edge as it should.
Thanks in advance for any detail that may put me back on track!
The answer was rather simple. To be sure you can use your certificate you can use the diagnostic tool found on
For the connection from client to my Node.js end I stated the IP on the client side - and that will not do when using a certificate which have been created with the public domain. So I changed the IP on the client side from the IP to the public domain and it worked!

Is it possible to browserify the "tedious" module so that the nodejs program can be run in the browser?

I'm a beginner to Node.js and I'm currently building a Node.js program that accesses and queries a Microsoft Azure SQL database with the "tedious" module (see code below) and puts the data onto a html webpage. I want to run this code in a browser so I used browserify to bundle the modules together. However, when this code is run in Google Chrome, the following error is returned: require is not defined. Is there a fix? Is it even possible to use the tedious module in Chrome? If it isn't possible, do I need to use an intermediate server between the Node.js application and the webpage?
var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
var config = {
userName: 'hackmatch',
password: 'hackvalley123!',
server: '',
options: {encrypt: true, database: 'AdventureWorks'}
var connection = new Connection(config);
connection.on('connect', function(err) {
// If no error, then good to proceed.
var Request = require('tedious').Request;
var TYPES = require('tedious').TYPES;
Thanks in advance for your help! :)
No. This module can only be used in Node.
tedious depends on the node.js net module to make a connection to the database server. This module has no equivalent on the browser, as web pages cannot make arbitrary network connections.
Even if it were possible to use this module in the browser, it'd be a terrible idea. You'd be allowing anyone on your web site to connect directly to your SQL server and run SQL queries. This can only end badly.

Connecting to 1.x manually using websockets, capacity testing

I am working with a nodejs express server which uses to communicate an iOS client, and am having a little trouble trying to test how many clients can connect and exchange data at any one time.
My goal is to be able to run a script which connects to with thousands of different sessions, as well as send and receive data to understand our system's scale. Currently we are using a single dyno on Heroku but will likely be considering other options on AWS soon.
I have found code which should do what I am trying to do for earlier versions of, such as this, but have had issues since it seems v1.x has a very different handshake protocol. I tried out using the package, but trying to connect multiple times only simulates use of one session, I need to simulate many in independent users.
I have been picking apart the code, but have only gotten so far as creating a connection - I am stuck on the sending data part. If anyone has any knowledge or could point to some written resources on how data is sent between a client and a server, it would help me out a lot.
Here's what I have so far:
var needle = require('needle'),
WebSocket = require('ws'),
BASE_URL = 'url-to-socket-host:5002';
var connectionNo = 0;
needle.get('http://' + BASE_URL + '/', function (err, resp) {
// parse the sid
var resp = JSON.parse(resp.body.toString().substring(5, resp.body.toString().length));
// use the sid to connect using websockets
var url = 'ws://' + BASE_URL + '/' + resp.sid;
console.log(connectionNo + ' with sid: ' + resp.sid);
var socket = new WebSocket(url, void(0), {
agent: false
socket.on('open', function () {
console.log('Websocket connected: ' + connectionNo);
// I don't understand how to send data to the server here,
// from looking at the source code it should use some kind
// of binary encoding, any ideas?
socket.on('message', function (msg) {
I will continue deconstructing the code but if anyone has any clues or recourses that may help, let me know. Thanks.
I ended up setting for using the npm package which has the ability to connect to a new session on every connection. I found an example benchmark in this issue.
There is not so much need for me to manually connect to using pure websockets and HTTP, but thanks to Yannik for pointing out the parser in use. The spec of the inner workings of v1.x can be found here.
The problem my reside in the fact that you are not using in your client code. You have imported ('ws') which is another module whose docs are here:
You probably want to ws.send('something');. When you receive a message in ws, it also comes with an object with a property indicating whether it is binary data or not. If it is, you will need to concatenate the chunks incrementally. There is a canonical way to do this which you can find via google. But it looks a little like this:
var message;
socketConnection.on('data', function(chunk){ message += chunk});
