repeated add/remove results in memory leak - memory-leaks

I have a use case where I repeatedly fetch data from the server and display it using cytoscape. For this, I just have a single cy object and I repeatedly remove and add the elements. This happens once every second or two. I notice the browser memory growing with time. The documentation says "Though the elements specified to this function are removed from the graph, they may still exist in memory"
So, do I need to do anything with the collection returned by calling remove? How do I ensure memory is cleared.

Well javascript is already a garbage collected language, so it will drop all of your references to your nodes eventually. If you remove nodes from the graph and you don't have any references to it, then the garbage collector will clean it up ... eventually :)
Due to the fact that these memory leaks exists, my educated guess is, that there may be some internal entanglement with a global scope or sth like that which prevents elements to be discarded before the whole graph is reinitialized (maybe try that?).


Clips multiple EnvEval queries invalidate previous result objects?

I had a another strange problem that I solved already. But I'm not sure I just luckily fixed it or I really understand what's going on. So basically I have perform a query on my facts via:
DATA_OBJECT decay_tree_fact_list;
std::stringstream clips_query;
clips_query << "(find-all-facts ((?f DecayTree)) TRUE)";
EnvEval(clips_environment_, clips_query.str().c_str(), &decay_tree_fact_list);
Then I go through the list of facts and retrieve the needed information. There I also make another "subquery" for each of the found facts above in the following way
DATA_OBJECT spin_quantum_number_fact_list;
std::stringstream clips_query;
clips_query << "(find-fact ((?f SpinQuantumNumber)) (= ?f:unique_id "
<< spin_quantum_number_unique_id << "))";
EnvEval(clips_environment_, clips_query.str().c_str(),
This all works fine for the first DecayTree fact, no matter at which position I start, but for the next one it crashes, because the fact address is bogus. I traced the problem down to the subquery I make. So what I did to solve the problem was to save all the DecayTree fact addresses in a vector and then process that. Since I could not find any information about my theory so far I wanted to ask here.
So my question is quite simple, and would be: If I perform two queries, after each other, does the retrieved information of the first query get invalidated as soon as I call the second query?
The EnvEval function should be marked in the documentation as triggering garbage collection, but it is not. CLIPS internally represents string, integers, floats, and other primitives similar to other languages (such as Java) which allow instances of classes such as String, Integer, and Float. As these values are dynamically created, they need to be subject to garbage collection when they are no longer used. Internally CLIPS uses reference counts to determine whether these values are referenced, but when these values are returned to a user's code it is not possible to know if they are referenced without some action from the user's code.
When you call EnvEval, the value it returns is exempt from garbage collection. It is not exempt the next time EnvEval is called. So if you immediately process the value returned or save it (i.e. allocate storage for a string and copy the value from CLIPS or save the fact addresses from a multifield in an array), then you don't need to worry about the value returned by CLIPS being garbage collected by a subsequent EnvEval call.
If you want to execute a series of EnvEval calls (or other CLIPS function which may trigger garbage collection) without having to worry about values being garbage collected, wrap the calls within EnvIncrementGCLocks/EnvDecrementGCLocks
... Your Calls ...
Garbage collection for all the values returned to your code will be temporarily disabled while you make the calls and then when you finish by calling EnvDecrementGCLocks the values will be garbage collected.
There's some additional information on garbage collection in section 1.4 of the Advanced Programming Guide.

Garbage collect certain object

Is is possible to garbage collect a certain object in Pharo?
E.g. I know that certain object is not (should be not) referenced by any other object. And it takes a lot of space. Does it make sense to just run general garbage collect on system? Or it is possible to remove from heap just specific object/tree
Smalltalk garbage collectors can't garbage-collect just a single object.
There are two basic techniques used - generation scavenging and mark and sweep. Generation scavenging works on new and relatively new objects by copying the used objects into another unused space and ignoring all the garbage. Objects that get copied a lot of times are moved to "old space". Old space is garbage collected by a mark and sweep algorithm. This algorithm loops through all Smalltalk objects and marks them as "unmarked". It then traverses through all accessible objects and marks them as "marked". In the final sweep, anything that's still marked as "unmarked" is freed.
There's no way to run either algorithm on a single object.
No, it does not makes sense, and is not possible.
Also it does not make sense to manually run the garbage collector (which you can do, of course)... system should run gc when needed and you will get that space back.
The whole purpose of a gc is that you do not have to take care about that.
I think you're looking for a reference list.
(i.e. which object is keeping your object not garbage collected).
Might be a Global variable somewhere. Something in a class variable....

dart, how to find memory leaks?

I am trying to use the Observatory tab in dartium dev tools, to find a memory leak in my framework. I have made a test program here which should be viewable in js or dart. My goal is to find out where references are holding on to Massive objects, which are just wrappers around a List<double> with a million doubles in it. If I click New Client I get a new client view on the right, if I generate a bunch of Massive objects and refresh the observatory tools I see that double now takes up most of the app memory usage. If I then delete the Massive objects and wait 5 seconds for the frameworks remote garbage collection to run, then refresh the observatory tab, the doubles still occupy the same amount of memory even though they should have been GC'd (I click the GC button on the observatoy tab to, I assume, force the GC to run.) If I keep creating and deleting Massive objects in the app eventually the page crashes, typically after around 28 Massive objects have been created. My problem is finding out how to use the tools to find out where the Massive objects are still having references hold on to them. Is it possible to get find references to objects in the dev tools?
I have fixed the memory leak in the test app I link too and describe above, therefore following the instructions above will not result in recreating the memory leak.
I'm currently investigating a memory leak myself. What's missing in the observatory is a way the chain from the root to the leaking object. I'm not sure if there is already an issue open for it, though. Feel free to open a new one.

is there a way to access to NodeJS (V8) GC reference counts?

so i've implemented an experimental cache for my memory-hungry app, and thrown a heap into the mix so i can easily get the least accessed objects once the cache outgrows a certain limit—the idea is to purge the cache from objects that are likely not re-used any time soon and if so, retrieve them from the database.
so far, so fine, except there may be objects that have not yet been written to the database and should not be purged. i can handle that by setting a 'dirty' bit, no problem. but there is another source of problems: what if there are still valid references to a given, cached object lurking around somewhere? this may lead to a situation where function f holds a reference A to an object with an ID of xxx, which then gets purged from cache, and then another function g requests an object with the same ID of xxx, but gets another reference B, distinct from A. so far i'm building my software on the assumption that there should only ever be a single instance of any persisted object with a given ID (maybe that's stupid?).
my guess so far is that i could profit from a garbage-collection-related method like gc.get_reference_count( value )—checking that and knowing any count above 1 (since value is in the cache) means some closure is still holding on to value, so it should not be purged.
i haven't found anything useful in this direction. does the problem in general call for another solution?

How does the Garbage Collector decide when to kill objects held by WeakReferences?

I have an object, which I believe is held only by a WeakReference. I've traced its reference holders using SOS and SOSEX, and both confirm that this is the case (I'm not an SOS expert, so I could be wrong on this point).
The standard explanation of WeakReferences is that the GC ignores them when doing its sweeps. Nonetheless, my object survives an invocation to GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced).
Is it possible for an object that is only referenced with a WeakReference to survive that collection? Is there an even more thorough collection that I can force? Or, should I re-visit my belief that the only references to the object are weak?
Update and Conclusion
The root cause was that there was a reference on the stack that was locking the object. It is unclear why neither SOS nor SOSEX was showing that reference. User error is always a possibility.
In the course of diagnosing the root cause, I did do several experiments that demonstrated that WeakReferences to 2nd generation objects can stick around a surprisingly long time. However, a WRd 2nd gen object will not survive GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced).
As per wikipedia "An object referenced only by weak references is considered unreachable (or "weakly reachable") and so may be collected at any time. Weak references are used to avoid keeping memory referenced by unneeded objects"
I am not sure if your case is about weak references...
Try calling GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() right after GC.Collect().
Another possible option: don't ever use a WeakReference for any purpose. In the wild, I've only ever seen them used as a mechanism for lowering an application's memory footprint (i.e. a form of caching). As the mighty MSDN says:
Avoid using weak references as an
automatic solution to memory
management problems. Instead, develop
an effective caching policy for
handling your application's objects.
I recommend you to check for the "other" references to the weakly referenced objects. Because, if there is another reference still alive, the objects won't be GCed.
Weakly referenced objects do get removed by garbage collection.
I've had the pleasure of debugging event systems where events were not getting fired... It turned out to be because the subscriber was only weakly referenced and so after some eventual random delay the GC would eventually collect it. At which point the UI stopped updating. :)
Yes it is possible. If the WeakReference is located in another generation than the one being collected, for example, if it is in the 2nd Generation, and the GC only does a Gen 0 collection; it will survive. It should not survive a full 2nd Gen collection that completes and where all finalizers run, however.
