Repeating a loop with linked variables - excel

I have three sets of variables a1-a5, b1-b5, c1-c5 (5 variables per set).
a1, b1, and c1 are linked and need to be used together in a loop. What I am trying to do is something along the lines of
Do While
' Loop using variables a1,b1,c1
I want to then repeat this loop with a2,b2,c2, etc.
So within my loop I am searching for the position of string a1 within a range specified elsewhere - let's call that Pos.
I then add a2 (a number) to Pos.
a3 is another number used elsewhere in the loop.
a2 and a3 change depending on what the string in a1 is, hence having to use them together.
I'm fairly new to VBA so the simpler the better!

#Stefan Fidlschuster i dont fully understand you question but i believe that this will help:
Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim Address As Range
Dim A1Value As String
Dim Pos As Range
Dim A2Addition As Integer
With wsTest
Set Pos = .Columns("F:F") '<= Search area (In the example is column F)
For i = 1 To 5
A1Value = .Range("A" & i).Value '<= Value in cell A1
Set Address = Pos.Find(What:=A1Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
A2Addition = Address.Row + .Range("B" & i).Value
Next i
End With
End Sub

If you want to group variables together and loop, you can use Type.
Type abc
a As String
b As Long
c As Long
End Type
Sub test()
Dim abcs(1 To 5) As abc, abci As abc
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 5
abci = abcs(i)
' Use abci.a, abci.b, abci.c here
Next i
End Sub
But that said, it's hard to understand what you're trying to do and you should post some example data.

Use arrays
Dim a(1 To 5) As Long 'define your desired type if not Long
Dim b(1 To 5) As Long
Dim c(1 To 5) As Long
Do While x
a(1) = 5
b(1) = 10
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 5
a(i) = i * 2
b(i) = i * 3
Next i


Fill cells with values from another sheet using For Loop VBA

I have a set of information in the same column (H27:O27) in one sheet ("P1-FR1") and would like to paste individual values to another sheet (AQ6:AX6) ("Übersicht GESAMT")
I'm trying to use a For loop but the values just copy one after the other (in the same cell) instead of copying one in each cell. This is my code:
Sub CopyValues()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim Wert As Long
For i = 8 To 14
Wert = Sheets("P1-FR1").Cells(27, i)
For j = 43 To 50
Sheets("Übersicht GESAMT").Cells(6, j) = Wert
Next j
Next i
End Sub
You don't need a double For loop in this case at all. A simple .Value copy will work. The code below shows two examples with different ways to accomplish what you want. (TIP: it always helps me to be VERY clear on how I name the variables, it helps to keep track of where all the data is coming and going)
Option Explicit
Sub CopyTheValues()
Dim datenQuelle As Range
Dim datenZiel As Range
Set datenQuelle = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("P1-FR1").Range("H27:O27")
Set datenZiel = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Übersicht GESAMT").Range("AQ6:AX6")
'--- method 1 - works because the ranges are the same size and shape
datenZiel.Value = datenQuelle.Value
'--- method 2 - for loops
' index starts at 1 because the Range is defined above
' (and we don't care what rows/columns are used)
Dim j As Long
For j = 1 To datenQuelle.Columns.Count
datenZiel.Cells(1, j).Value = datenQuelle.Cells(1, j).Value
Next i
End Sub
Copying By Assignment
Option Explicit
Sub CopyValuesNoLoop()
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Übersicht GESAMT").Range("AQ6:AX6").Value _
= ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("P1-FR1").Range("H27:O27").Value
End Sub
Sub CopyValuesQuickFix()
Dim j As Long: j = 43
Dim i As Long
For i = 8 To 14
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Übersicht GESAMT").Cells(6, j).Value _
= ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("P1-FR1").Cells(27, i).Value
j = j + 1
Next i
End Sub
The nesting of the for loops is causing your issue. It is causing each cell from the first sheet to be copied to all cells on the second sheet.
You only need one loop to perform the copy. Something like this should work.
Sub CopyValues()
Dim i As Long
For i = 8 To 15
Sheets("Übersicht GESAMT").Cells(6,i+35) = Sheets("P1-FR1").Cells(27,i)
Next i
End Sub

Formula inserted by code in string array is not calculating

I have a problem that formulas are not recalculated if I add them in one step from a string field.
My point is to add various complex formula calculations in one step to multiple columns.
None of this works:
automatically calculated formulas are switched on
I've tried
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General" - doesnt work
I've tried
Application.Volatile - doesnt work Recording text to columns and
assign cells to "general"
Sub AddActualsSum2()
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("XXXX")
Call ProtectSheet(ws, False)
Dim r, s, monthRange, monthRange01, monthRangeDynamic As Range
Dim MonthLock, i, LockActuals As Integer
Dim c As String
Dim StartActualsDate, PlanDate As Date
Set monthRange = Range("_ActualsY02M01:_ActualsY02M12")
Set monthRangeDynamic = Range("_ActualsSumMonthY2")
Dim varData(1 To 12) As String
Call ProtectSheet(ws, False)
For i = 1 To 12
varData(i) = "=1+2"
Debug.Print "Format: " & monthRange(1).NumberFormat
Debug.Print "Value: " & monthRange(1).Value
Debug.Print "Formula: " & monthRange(1).Formula
monthRange.Formula = varData
End Sub
The result is that the formula = 1 + 2 is everywhere
after clicking in the formula line, the formula is already calculated correctly.
When writing the array as a block, Excel treats the values are strings (which they are), rather than formulae.
Put the formula writing inside the loop, like
For i = 1 To 12
varData(i) = "=1+2"
monthRange.Cells(i, 1).Formula = varData(i)
Also, your variable declarations are wrong. VBA requires each variable to have a type, otherwise they are Variants by default. For example:
Dim MonthLock, i, LockActuals As Integer
Should be:
Dim MonthLock As Range, i As Integer, LockActuals As Integer

VBA is stepping around my for loop without executing it

I'm trying to make a unique ID for each sample in a variable length data set. to do this I want to use part of two strings of data called the Name and Sample Type. I want i to go down each row in the column and take the pieces of each string and put them together, however when I step through the loop it never goes into my loop, only around it. can someone tell me why?
setlastrow = Sheets("Data").Range("b5000").End(xlUp).Row
setlastcol = Sheets("Data").Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'this is still assuming that row 5 has the header in it
colname = Rows(5).Find("Name", LookAt:=xlWhole).Column ' this can be repeated for any other columns we want to asign values to. These variables will make the rest of this much easier
colSampleText = Rows(5).Find("Sample Text", LookAt:=xlWhole).Column
For i = 6 To lastrow
Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(i, 1)) = workbookfunction.if(workbookfunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(6, colname), Cells(i, colname)), Cells(i, colname)) < 10, "0", "") & workbookfunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(6, colname), Cells(i, colname)), Cells(i, colname) & "-" & Left(Cells(i, colSampleText), 5))
'this should find the unique identifying infomation for each sample and analyte
Next i
There are two major errors in your code - plus a minor one. One is structural. You declare non of the variables you use. It's like saying, "Since I don't know how to drive I might as well close my eyes as we speed along". It's not without logic but does little toward getting you to where you want to go.
The other is in the mix-up between the worksheet function you want VBA to execute and the one you wish to assign to a cell to be executed by Excel. Writing a complex formula to a cell is more difficult than getting VBA to calculate a complex formula. For the method, if you want to create a formula in VBA you should assign it to a string first, like MyFormula = "=COUNTIF(D6:D12, "MyName")" and then, after testing it, assign that string to the cell's Formula property, like Cells(R, ClmName).Formula = MyFormula". In the code below I chose to let VBA do the calculating. Since it isn't entirely clear what you want (faulty code is never a good way to show what you intend!) please revise it. It's easier in VBA than in a worksheet function.
Private Sub Test()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastClm As Long
Dim ClmName As Long ' R use "col" for color, "clm" for column
Dim ClmSampleText As Long
Dim CountRng As Range
Dim Output As Variant
Dim R As Long ' R use R for row, C for column
LastRow = Sheets("Data").Range("b5000").End(xlUp).Row
' this is still assuming that row 5 has the header in it
LastClm = Sheets("Data").Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' this can be repeated for any other columns we want to asign values to.
' These variables will make the rest of this much easier
ClmName = Rows(5).Find("Name", LookAt:=xlWhole).Column
ClmSampleText = Rows(5).Find("Sample Text", LookAt:=xlWhole).Column
For R = 6 To LastRow
'this should find the unique identifying infomation for each sample and analyte
Set CountRng = Range(Cells(6, ClmName), Cells(R, ClmName))
Output = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(CountRng, Cells(R, ClmName).Value)
If Output < 10 Then Output = 0
Cells(R, 1).Value = CStr(Output) & "-" & Left(Cells(R, ClmSampleText).Value, 5)
Next R
End Sub
The "minor" mistake stems from your lack of understanding of the Cell object. A cell is a Range. It has many properties, like Cell.Row and Cell.Column or Cell.Address, and other properties like Cell.Value or Cell.Formula. The Value property is the default. Therefore Cell is the same as Cell.Value BUT not always. In this example, by not thinking of Cell.Value you also overlooked Cell.Formula, and by placing Cell into a WorksheetFunction you confused VBA as to what you meant, Cell the Value or Cell the Range. With all participants confused the outcome was predictable.
The recommendation is to always write Cell.Value when you mean the cell's value and use Cell alone only if you mean the range.
You have an error with the end part of your For...Next statement.
From the code you have posted, LastRow is not explicitly declared anywhere, so when you run your code, LastRow is created as Type Variant with a default Empty value.
Consider this code:
Sub LoopTest()
Dim DeclaredVariable As Long
Dim i As Long
DeclaredVariable = 10
For i = 1 To UnDeclaredVariable
Debug.Print i & " UnDeclaredVariable"
Next i
For i = 1 To DeclaredVariable
Debug.Print i & " DeclaredVariable"
Next i
End Sub
The output in the immidiate window would be:
1 DeclaredVariable
2 DeclaredVariable
3 DeclaredVariable
4 DeclaredVariable
5 DeclaredVariable
6 DeclaredVariable
7 DeclaredVariable
8 DeclaredVariable
9 DeclaredVariable
10 DeclaredVariable
This shows us that the loop for the UnDeclaredVariable has not been entered - AND this is due to the fact the end part of the For...Next loop is Empty (The default value of a Variant data type) so there is no defined end for the loop to iterate to.
NB To be more precise, the issue is that the UnDeclaredVariable has no (numeric) value assigned to it - if you assign a value to a variable that is undeclared it becomes a data type Variant/<Type of data you assigned to it> for example UnDeclaredVariable = 10 makes it a Variant/Intigertype .
The reason why it steps over the loop and doesn't throw an error is because you don't have Option Explicit at the top of your code module (or Tools > Options > "Require Variable Declaration" checked) which means the code can still run with undeclared variables (this includes if you spell a declared variable incorrectly).
If you add Option Explicit to the top of your code module:
Option Explicit
Sub LoopTest()
Dim DeclaredVariable As Long
Dim i As Long
DeclaredVariable = 10
For i = 1 To UnDeclaredVariable
Debug.Print i & " UnDeclaredVariable"
Next i
For i = 1 To DeclaredVariable
Debug.Print i & " DeclaredVariable"
Next i
End Sub
You would get the following error:
Compile Error:
Variable not defined
This is a fantastic example of why Option Explicit is an important declaration to make in all code modules.
Here is a variation of your code; I've modified your code to set your two columns using Find, loop through each cel in the range(using the current row), set varcnt to count the number of matches, defined the first 5 letters of value in the Sample Text column as str, and used a basic If statement to write the combined the unique ID into the first column.
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = ws.Range("b5000").End(xlUp).Row
Dim dataCol As Long: dataCol = ws.Range("A5:J5").Find(What:="Name", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).Column
Dim smplTextCol As Long: smplTextCol = ws.Range("A5:J5").Find(What:="Sample Text", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).Column
For Each cel In ws.Range(ws.Cells(6, dataCol), ws.Cells(lRow, dataCol))
Dim varcnt As Long: varcnt = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range(ws.Cells(6, dataCol), ws.Cells(cel.Row, dataCol)), ws.Cells(cel.Row, dataCol).Value)
Dim str As String: str = Left(ws.Cells(cel.Row, smplTextCol).Value, 5)
If varcnt < "4" Then
ws.Cells(cel.Row, 1).Value = "0" & "-" & str
ws.Cells(cel.Row, 1).Value = "" & "-" & str
End If
Next cel

how can I insert a condition "if it contains" to search for a specific letter in VBA?

I want to count how many times appear the parameters CA, CU and CH, in an excel that looks like this:
I have tried to use the following code, but as the cells don't contain only the parameter I am searching for, it doesn't work:
Sub ContarOV()
Dim cont As Variant
Dim sumaCA As Variant
Dim sumaCU As Variant
Dim sumaCH As Variant
sumaCA = 0
sumaCU = 0
sumaCH = 0
For cont = 3 To 12
If Cells(cont, 2) = ("CA") Then
sumaCA = sumaCA + 1
End If
If Cells(cont, 2) = ("CU") Then
sumaCU = sumaCU + 1
End If
If Cells(cont, 2) = ("CH") Then
sumaCH = sumaCH + 1
End If
Next cont
End Sub
As per #BigBen, I would try to avoid any iteration. What about one of the following options (assuming your data sits from A2:A?):
Sub Test()
Dim lr As Long, x As Long
Dim arr As Variant
Dim rng As Range
With Sheet1 'Change according to your sheets CodeName
'Get last used row
lr = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Get data into memory for method 1
arr = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A" & lr).Value)
'Create range object for method 2
Set rng = .Range("A2:A" & lr)
'Method 1: Count values with FILTER
Debug.Print UBound(Filter(arr, "CA")) + 1
Debug.Print UBound(Filter(arr, "CU")) + 1
Debug.Print UBound(Filter(arr, "CH")) + 1
'Method 2: Count values with COUNTIF
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "CA*")
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "CU*")
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "CH*")
End With
End Sub
Btw, I would give sumaCA and your other variables a meaningfull data type, Long in this case.
You can use InStr() to return the position of the desired characters in the string. This would look something like If Not InStr(1, Cells(cont,2).Text, "CH") = 0 Then, but looping through strings is generally a slow process. Unless you have a specific need for looping, I like BigBen's answer a lot better than I like looping with InStr().

Compare a cell with column A and write X if Matches in Column B

I have been trying to find something that can help me online but no luck. I am trying to compare a value in column A with a value in Cell E1 and if match I want to put an X in column B next to the match in Column A.
here is my code I go so far:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim a As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Range
Dim y As Range
a = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
i = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E1")
x = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:a")
y = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:a")
'For Each cell In y
'if y = i then
'print "X" in column B next to the value
'MsgBox (i)
End Sub
thanks for your help in advance
There are a few things here that are worth mentioning. When you want to specify a range using .Range you have to specify the columns on both sides of the : ; furthermore, it takes a string. This means that what you're passing is "B1:a" which doesn't make sense to the computer because it doesn't know you want it to use the value of a instead of the letter. You need to pass "B1:B" & a to the .Range. What this does is concatenate the value you found in the variable a to the string so it appears as one string to the computer.
I personally think it's easier to take all of the values as a column vector instead of dimming the x's as a range because it makes the iteration a little easier. Instead of keeping track of what row I'm on, Counter will always tell me where I am since I'm just moving down a single column. As an added bonus, this reduces the times you access the worksheet which helps speed up your macro.
Although it's commented out, it's worth noting that the loop at the bottom of your sub wouldn't work because you haven't properly closed off the if or the for.
I'm not sure what you intended this for, but it's never a bad idea to use meaningful names so you can look back on your code and figure it out without too much effort. For example, I've renamed your a variable to lastrow which at a glance describes what value it stores.
Below your code that I've altered
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim Criteria As Long
Dim x() As Variant
Dim Counter As Long
lastrow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Criteria = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E1").Value
x = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B" & lastrow).value
For Counter = 1 To UBound(x)
If x(Counter,1) = Criteria Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Counter, "B").Value = "X"
End If
Next Counter
MsgBox (Criteria)
End Sub
I little bit different approach. This find the last row in column A.
I also included if you want to match by wildcard, i.e. you want to find 45 in 645.
Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange()
Dim lrow As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim i As String
Dim Val As String
lrow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Find last row
i = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E1") 'Set cell where compare value is
For a = 1 To lrow 'Loop from row 1 to last row in column A
Val = Cells(a, "A").Value 'Set value to compare in Column A
'If Val Like "*" & i & "*" Then 'Use this if you want to find 45 in 645, so wildcard
If Val = i Then 'Exact match
Cells(a, "B").Value = "X" 'Put X in column B
End If
Next a
MsgBox "Match Criteria: " & (i)
End Sub
