OctoberCMS, comparing a record string to a string - twig

I'm attempting to clean up my Titles in my October CMS Project and I'm running into an issue.
I have a set of pages set to be "Singles" and thus have the title [category]-single which is not great.
So to that end I'm trying to use the [x] in [y] function in twig for an if function as follows;
{% else if ('single' in this.page.baseFileName) %}
<title>[formatted title]</title>
{% else %}
this doesn't help and throws an "Unexpected token "name" of value "if" ("end of statement block" expected)." exception.
No variation I can think of (bracketing out the record pointer, for example) and I'm reaching an impasse on this.
Any help?

it seems you are adding extraspace to else if just remove it and use elseif
{% elseif ('single' in this.page.baseFileName) %}
{# ^ use like this #}
<title>[formatted title]</title>
{% else %}
docs : https://twig.symfony.com/doc/2.x/tags/if.html
if any doubt please comment.


If statement with string length check

I'm trying to check if a string is empty in a twig template but I don't understand this behaviour. I want to show a textarea element when the condition is met. Here's the code:
{% if item.payload.customizationText|length == 0 %}
<textarea class="customization-text">{{ item.payload.customizationText|trim }}</textarea>
{% endif %}
It always shows the textarea, whether the string has something in it or not. Am I missing something?
It's in shopware 6 by the way and the dump() fuction throws an error because it's undefined.
Also, this expression just outputs the string. Is the length expression not available?
{{ item.payload.customizationText|length }}
I believe there is a mistake in the question. It does not make sense to print the variable, only if it is empty.
If you want to show the text area in case the customizationText has some contents, you should use this:
{% if item.payload.customizationText|trim|length %}
<textarea class="customization-text">{{ item.payload.customizationText|trim }}</textarea>
{% endif %}
You can try it.
{% if item.payload.customizationText is defined and item.payload.customizationText is empty %}
<textarea class="customization-text">{{ item.payload.customizationText|trim }}</textarea>
{% endif %}

Displaying a link in a Twig temple

It seems easy, but I encounter a weird behavior.
In a twig file :
{% set my_html = 'Hello world' %}
{{- true is not same as(false) ? (true is same as(false) ? ('1'~my_html)|raw : ('2'~my_html)|raw) -}}
The printed part is ('2'~my_html)|raw and it works fine : I see a real link.
Output is :
2Hello world
Now, it works only because I apply the raw filter to ('1'~my_html)... Try this :
{% set my_html = 'Hello world' %}
{{- true is not same as(false) ? (true is same as(false) ? ('1'~my_html) : ('2'~my_html)|raw) -}}
And it will display : 2Hello world
I don't understand why I need to apply a filter on something else to get the expected result ? Is it a bug ?
This is a documented behavior of the raw filter. I quote the note from that page:
Be careful when using the raw filter inside expressions:
{% autoescape %}
{% set hello = '<strong>Hello</strong>' %}
{% set hola = '<strong>Hola</strong>' %}
{{ false ? '<strong>Hola</strong>' : hello|raw }}
does not render the same as
{{ false ? hola : hello|raw }}
but renders the same as
{{ (false ? hola : hello)|raw }} {% endautoescape %}
The first ternary statement is not escaped: hello is marked as being
safe and Twig does not escape static values (see escape). In the
second ternary statement, even if hello is marked as safe, hola
remains unsafe and so is the whole expression. The third ternary
statement is marked as safe and the result is not escaped.
And a comment on a github issue clarifies that the concatenation operator marks your string as unsafe. So in your case
{% set my_html = '<' %}
{# ('1'~my_html) is not safe, so the whole expression is not #}
{{ false
? ('1'~my_html)
: ('2'~my_html)|raw
includes two strings: a safe one, ('2'~my_html)|raw) and an unsafe one, ('1'~my_html) (because it does not apply the raw filter), so as the note from raw documentation says, the whole expression stays unsafe and autoescaping is applied. But in the other case when both strings are marked safe, the whole expression becomes safe and the autoesaping is not applied:
{% set my_html = '<' %}
{# now both strings are safe, so is the whole expression #}
{{ false
? ('1'~my_html)|raw
: ('2'~my_html)|raw
This is not a bug but, due to the fact the default settings of twig will autoescape variables.
You can read more about it in the documentation.

"Illegal offset type in isset or empty" when using a Twig macro

Using Grav v1.3.8 (running on PHP 5.6.30), I'm currently getting a Server error ("Illegal offset type in isset or empty") when trying to render a Twig template that is using a macro.
What's interesting is that this only happens when I use the macro by itself. As soon as I append a filter, like trim, everything works as expected.
The (shortened) macro file, helpers.twig:
{% macro ascii(str) %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ str|replace({
'Á': 'A',
'À': 'A',
'Â': 'A',
'Ã': 'A',
'ƒ': 'f'
{% endspaceless %}
{% endmacro ascii %}
The template (MCVE):
{% import 'macros/helpers.twig' as helpers %}
{% set img = helpers.ascii('günter-berger.jpg') %}
{% if page.media[img] is defined %}
<img src="{{ page.media[img].url }}">
{% endif %}
This will produce the error. I narrowed it down to the if line. Apparently, the macro is working fine, but the condition will throw an error if fed the output of it, unfiltered. Adding any filter, like trim or lower, will get it to work again.
In other words, these work:
{% if page.media['günter-berger.jpg'] is defined %}
{% if page.media[helpers.ascii('günter-berger.jpg')|trim] is defined %}
But this will throw an error:
{% if page.media[helpers.ascii('günter-berger.jpg')] is defined %}
However, trying the same thing on twigfiddle, all three seem to work there.
Maybe an issue with Grav? Can someone point out any possible causes?
I forgot this, but a macro does not return a string but instead returns an instance of a Twig_Markup
{% set test = macro.ascii('Ghünter.jpg') %}
{{ dump(test) }}
Output : object(Twig_Markup)#10679 (2) { ["content":protected]=> string(11) "Ghunter.jpg" ["charset":protected]=> string(5) "UTF-8" }
Because the return type is an object you get this notification as you can't use objects as index. By using a filter on this instance, the magic method __toString method will be called, causing it to return a string, thus making it useable as index for an array
The only was to bypass this, would be writing a filter instead of a macro

Twig Access Array Index?

Is it possible to directly access an array index from within a Twig template?
Here's my setup, using Silex:
return $app['twig']->render('template', array('numbers' => array('one', 'two', 'three')));
so can I do something like this?
Just before posting this I realized, that's exactly what you can do, but as I didn't find the answer anywhere in the docs or google (correct me if I'm wrong), I've posted this anyway.
The answer of Adam, is correct, only to make it clear and improve,
you can have access directly to array index
{{ myArray[0] }}
if you need to access in a loop
{% set arrayOfItems = ['ZERO', 'ONE'] %}
{% set myArray = ['APPLE', 'ORANGE'] %}
{% for oneItem in arrayOfItems %}
<p>{{ oneItem }} equals {{ myArray[loop.index0] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
in this example I used an array inside a non related loop so the result is:
Thats actually something what doesnt work for me when using Twig with shopware 6.
I try to access an object like
{{ page.cart.lineItems.elements[0].quantity }}
what will lead into a parsing error of the Twig Template
I can use
{{ page.cart.lineItems.elements | first }}
to get the first Element, but dont know how i can then access a property of this first element

Does Twig allow assignments in conditions and how?

As per title, does Twig allow assignments in conditional and how? I know that not all people like these assignments but sometimes they can be very helpful.
{% if (name = attribute(mappings, property)) is defined %}
{% else %}
{% set attrs = attrs|merge(['%s="%s"'|format(name, value)]) %}
{% endif %}
...is not working and gives me and error:
An opened parenthesis is not properly closed. Unexpected token
"operator" of value "=" ("punctuation" expected with value ")") in
::tooltips.html.twig at line 29.
Your twig error is because of this line
{% if (name = attribute(mappings, property)) is defined %}
Twig doesn't like assignment-in-condition expressions, and personally neither do I, it's just a lazy shortcut and the potential issues isn't worth saving a few keystrokes.
But I have to now admit that I'm confused by what this is supposed to do. You're attempting to capture the result of attribute(mappings, property) into name but if that fails, only then do you do something using name, but by then name won't have a value unless it's been defined elsewhere in the template.
