Acess Attributes from WX Forms - python-3.x

Given the following code Gist
I'm trying to use attributes from my parent class , but i can't access then.
src = BluTools.sourceFile.GetValue()
dest = BluTools.destFile.GetValue()
codigo_empresa = BluTools.codigo_empresa.GetValue()
codigo_deposito = BluTools.codigo_deposito.GetValue()
data = BluTools.data_inicio.GetValue()
But give-me error :
AttributeError: 'BluTools' object has no attribute 'sourceFile'

You need to read up on how classes work in Python. You do not normally access attributes by calling the class directly. You need to either create an instance of the class:
blue = BluTools()
Or in your case, use self instead of BluTools
src = self.sourceFile.GetValue()
dest = self.destFile.GetValue()
codigo_empresa = self.codigo_empresa.GetValue()
codigo_deposito = self.codigo_deposito.GetValue()
data = self.data_inicio.GetValue()


Create XML with Jats prefix (etree)

I have to create this node following this model
<jats:abstract>The abstract
I already set the namespaces:
MY_NAMESPACES={'xsi': '', None: '', 'jats': '', 'fr': ''}
attr_xsi = etree.QName("", "schemaLocation")
root = etree.Element('doi_batch', {attr_xsi: ""}, nsmap=MY_NAMESPACES, version="4.4.2")
But I don't know how to call the jats namespace from that. Following this example Create XML files which have tags with prefix (python and lxml) I created this:
jats = "" #
jats_namespace = {"jats": jats}
abstract = etree.SubElement(article, "{" + jats + "}" + "abstract").text = "the abstract"
But what I get is
<ns0:abstract xmlns:ns0="">the abstract</ns0:abstract>
I know this is wrong, but how can I call the jats namespace set before?

How to add multiple fields' reference to "unique_together" error message

I have a model with multiple fields being checked for uniqueness:
class AudQuestionList(BaseTimeStampModel):
aud_ques_list_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True,...
aud_ques_list_num = models.CharField(max_length=26,...
aud_ques_list_doc_type = models.ForeignKey(DocType,...
short_text = models.CharField(max_length=55,...
aud_scope_standards = models.ForeignKey(ScopeStandard, ...
aud_freqency = models.ForeignKey(AuditFrequency, ...
aud_process = models.ForeignKey(AuditProcesses, ...
unique_together = [['aud_scope_standards', 'aud_freqency', 'aud_process',],]
My model form is as described below:
class CreateAudQuestionListForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = AudQuestionList
fields = ('aud_ques_list_doc_type', 'aud_scope_standards', 'aud_freqency', 'aud_process', 'short_text', ...
def validate_unique(self):
except ValidationError:
self._update_errors({'aud_scope_standards': _('Record exists for the combination of key values.')})
The scenario works perfectly well, only that the field names (labels) itself are missing from the message.
Is there a way to add the field names to the message above, say something like:
Record exists for the combination of key fields + %(field_labels)s.

Python PonyORM One to one mapping

I am trying to create a one-to-one mapping using Pony ORM.
class ApplierIngress(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
ticket_number = orm.Required(str)
username = orm.Required(str)
status = orm.Required(str)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
class ApplierResult(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.Required(ApplierIngress)
result = orm.Required(orm.LongStr)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
It throws error while generating the mapping
pony.orm.core.ERDiagramError: Reverse attribute for ApplierResult.correlation_id not found
I want correlation_id in ApplierResult table be the foreign key referencing to correlation_id in ApplierIngress table
Please let me know what am I doing wrong?
As error said you need to specify reverse attribute. Entities is not just Tables.
class ApplierIngress(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
ticket_number = orm.Required(str)
username = orm.Required(str)
status = orm.Required(str)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
result_id = orm.Optional('ApplierResult') # this attribute should be added
class ApplierResult(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.Required(ApplierIngress)
result = orm.Required(orm.LongStr)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
Since this class is not yet declared you should use it as string or lambda
result_id = orm.Optional('ApplierResult')
result_id = orm.Optional(lambda: ApplierResult)
See here

How to disable anti-aliasing in QGIS export (pyqgis)

I'm trying to save a print layout as BMP in QGIS through python code, but want to turn of antialiasing and can't seem to figure out how to do it
def saveImage(self, layout, filename="defaultexport", extension=".bmp"):
"""Saves given layout as an image"""
filefolder = get_save_location()
filepath = os.path.join(filefolder, filename + extension)
if not os.path.isdir(filefolder):
exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)
context = QgsLayoutRenderContext(layout)
context.setFlag(context.FlagAntialiasing, False)
export_settings = exporter.ImageExportSettings()
export_settings.generateWorldFile = False
export_settings.dpi = 25
export_settings.flags = context.FlagAntialiasing
result = exporter.exportToImage(filepath, export_settings)
Is what I have. I have no idea what I'm doing with the QgsLayoutRenderContext, but it's about the only thing that seemed like it might do it. Saving manually and turning of the AA setting in save dialog works fine, but I need to do it through pyqgis
Revisting this project knowing some more Python and PyQt5 stuff this was an easy one
exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)
context = QgsLayoutRenderContext(layout)
context.setFlag(context.FlagAntialiasing, False)
export_settings = exporter.ImageExportSettings()
export_settings.generateWorldFile = False
export_settings.dpi = 25
export_settings.flags = context.flags()
result = exporter.exportToImage(self.filepath, export_settings)
Needed to use context.flags()

Get values from properties file using Groovy

How to get values from properties file using Groovy?
I require to have a property file (.properties) which would have file names as key, and their destination path as the value. I will need the key to be resolved at runtime, depending on file that needs to be moved.
So far I am able to load the properties it seems but can't "get" the value from the loaded properties.
I referred to the thread : groovy: How to access to properties file? and following is the code snippet i have so far
def props = new Properties();
File propFile =
new File('D:/XX/XX_Batch/XX_BATCH_COMMON/src/main/resources/')
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(props)
def ant = new AntBuilder()
def list = ant.fileScanner {
fileset(dir:getSrcPath()) {
for (f in list) {
def key =
def destn = new File(config['a'])
the properties file has the following entries for now :
Correct values are returned if I look up using either props.getProperty('a')
Also tried the code: notation
But as soon as switch to using the variable "key", as in config[key] it returns --> [:]
I am new to groovy, can't say what am i missing here.
It looks to me you complicate things too much.
Here's a simple example that should do the job:
For given file:
This code runs fine:
Properties properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File('')
propertiesFile.withInputStream {
def runtimeString = 'a'
assert properties."$runtimeString" == '1'
assert properties.b == '2'
Unless File is necessary, and if the file to be loaded is in src/main/resources or src/test/resources folder or in classpath, getResource() is another way to solve it.
def properties = new Properties()
//both leading / and no / is fine
this.getClass().getResource( '/' ).withInputStream {
//then: "access the properties"
Had a similar problem, we solved it with:
def content = readFile ''
Properties properties = new Properties()
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes());
def runtimeString = 'SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR'
echo properties."$runtimeString"
SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR = properties."$runtimeString"
Just in case...
If a property key contains dot (.) then remember to put the key in quotes.
properties file:
a.x = 1
Properties properties ...
println properties."a.x"
Properties properties = new Properties()
properties.load(new File("path/to/").newReader())
Just another way of doing it. Use this if it works for you. :)
Properties properties = new Properties()
//loading property file
File propertiesFile = new File(this.class.getResource('').getPath())
propertiesFile.withInputStream {
//Accessing the value from property file
With static method extension:
Properties.metaClass.static.fromFile =
{file -> new Properties().with{new File(file).withInputStream it.&load;it}}
def properties = Properties.fromFile('')
Groovy for getting value of property from "" by giving key.
Example- For finding value of this property's key is "mail.smtp.server"
In V5
configurationService = ctx.getBean("configurationService")
String value = configurationService.getConfiguration().getString("mail.smtp.server","")
In 1905
configurationService = spring.getBean("configurationService")
String value = configurationService.getConfiguration().getString("mail.smtp.server","")
