What happens to registered users if I change the Active Directory App that my webapp uses for authentication? - azure

I have a webapp that authenticates users using Active Directory OAuth 2.0 with a request like this (skipped some querystrings):
If I'm not mistaken, that is the Implicit Grant Flow and it had been working fine until now that the login started returning a 302 with message:
The solution to this is to edit the App Manifest in Active Directory inside the Azure Portal, but the thing is I don't have access to that App Registration and don't even know who the owner of the app is. I can't even find it searching in All Apps.
So I was thinking just registering a new app in the same AD and tenant and then just change my webapp to request the auth to the new clientID. My question is what happens to all the users that were already registered and does this solution affect them?

Your uses will be effected in the sense that they will have to re-grant the permission for the app to act on their behalf.
If you have set the Enterprise application to only allow a preset of users you will need to make sure these users are set against the enterprise application - however this is not turned on by default and any user can authenticate against the application.


Azure AD restrict users to login if not assigned to aplication without user assignement

We want to use Azure AD as the authentication mechanism for our project. To do that, in our organization Azure AD, i have registered an application for our project, added the SPA redirect URI. Added the internal users into the same enterprise application by using Add Users/Groups. Since the frontend app is based on React, we are using #azure/msal-react for authentication and using org AD tenatid and the respective clientid in authConfig.js file with scope as User.Read. Here i am using loginRedirect to start the login process on load of application.
As we are using org Azure AD, there are other applications as well created by other developers. I want to restrict login of other internal users to access this application. I was trying to use User Assignment required as Yes to achieve that, but in that case it is asking for "Need Admin Approval" which we don't want. As for big organization, Global Admin/Application Admin/Cloud Admin will be in different timezone and user shouldn't wait to get the approval from them.
So is there any way i can restrict other internal users to access the application and show them unauthorized page when trying to access the application. Only allocated users would be able to login to the application.
Please suggest. If you need anymore info, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
To get rid of "Need Admin Approval" screen, please follow below steps:
Make sure you have "Global Admin Role" to change user settings in Azure active directory.
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Go to Enterprise Applications -> Click on User Settings -> Admin Consent Requests. Set ‘Users can request admin consent to apps they are unable to consent to’ to “No”.
Make sure to Grant admin consent for the required api permissions you added to your application.
After granting it, it should be like below:
I have tried in my environment, I was able to login to the application without waiting for Admin approval.
AFAIK, to restrict other internal users to access the application and show them unauthorized page when trying to access the application try making use of conditional access policies.
To know how to do that in detail, Make use of below references:
c# - iOS authentication with Azure AD - Stack Overflow.

Give user permession with Azure AD

I have an already deployed application on azure app service which uses azure AD for authentication and authorization.
Unfortunately the developer who worked on it is no longer available
i got access to all Azure resources and source code but i cant figure out how can i add my azure account as one of the users to the app (i can login but its an empty view for me unlike what it used to be with the developer access).
Also i find the app registered on Azure AD and i am an owner there but still with no right access.
When i try to login localy from the frontend it say
Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and
cannot access the application '[some numbers] in that tenant. The
account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a
different account.
Would appreciate any help and many thanks in advance.
I can login but it’s an empty view for me unlike what it used to be
with the developer access
This is because your backend application is enabled with Azure AD Authentication.
After you sign in to your front-end application, you still can't access the data from the back-end app, because the back-end app now requires Azure Active Directory sign-in from the front-end app
To access the application, follow the below steps:
Grant the front-end access to the back end
Configure App Service to return a usable token
Use the token in your code
You can refer Enable authentication and authorization for front-end app in Authenticate users E2E - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs for the detailed steps

Azure AD app - client secret connected with user

please, is here any way how to make relationship between applicaiton in Azure AD and User with client secret.
My use case. User ask for token with client secret(as deamon) and call my web api and a verify this token. Token is valid but there is no information about user who call it or who registered app. User gets token via API (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow#get-a-token)
When user ask for token interactive everything is ok.
I tried to use a information about who created app, but Azure AD does not set it when user is administrator.
Is there any way how to use deamon which will be connected with some user?
Is there anywhere i can save this relationship in azure AD?
My idea, every user who wanted use my web api as deamon create his application and connect to mine web api, which use his app for verification. Relationship between app creator and user can be enough. but when i delete user and he has still client secret, he can access. I dont want to use his username and password because it will be saved on different computers and it is not save enough.
If you have more questions, dont hesitate to ask!
Thank you for any idea.
For scenarios, such as this one, your application should have an App Role with the allowedMemeberTypes having Application and as mentioned in the docs, this will show up as an application permission to other apps.
So the consumers of your API will have to add this application permission to their daemon app (which requires admin consent). This will trigger a flow internally that creates a Service Principal (like a user persona of the application) and adds that as a user to your application (you should be able to see it listed under Enterprise Applications > (Your API) > Users and Groups).
When you want to deny this daemon access to your API, you will just have to revoke the admin consent provided at first.
I believe you could even automate this process by using the Microsoft Graph APIs.

Identical Azure apps do not work in different tenants

I use Azure apps to sign users in to a web app and a desktop app. I also query for user information via Microsoft Graphs /user/ endpoint.
So we have to apps registered in Azure; one is a web app / api with permissions to sign users in and read all user profiles from graph. The other is a native app with permissions to the first app, and permissions to sign users in.
In one tenant, this works fine. However in the other tenant the web api har permissions to sign users in, but Graph declines access to the /users/ endpoint due to insufficient privileges. The error is: Authorization_RequestDenied, Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
However the exact same privileges work fine in another tenant. In the faulty tenant we get a token from graph but when we use the token on the user endpoint it throws the insufficient priv. error.
Signing in users via the desktop app (we use owin) works in one tenant but in the faulty one it sais that app tenant.onmicrosoft.com/guid does not exist in tenant.onmicrosoft.com
The app uri is correct in the settings and the app has the same privileges in both tenants.
We tried recreating the apps since this has solved similiar issues when developing things like this before. This time it doesnt seem to work however. Now I'm at my wits end here. Could there be some other issue blocking here?
The faulty tenant is part of a multi-tenant. However we only poll for users in one tenant as of now.
The apps have also been given consent by an admin via the azure portal. What am I missing here? How should i proceed with trying to fix this error?
Edit: I added a new directory in my tenant and it does not work in this new directory. Same error as with our clients tenant.
Working token for directory A:
non working token for directory B:
You need to receive Admin Consent for an administrator of the tenant. I'm assuming that because this happens when hitting /users, you've requested either User.Read.All or User.ReadWrite.All. Both of these require Admin Consent before a normal user can authenticate and provide User Consent.
I wrote an article a while back that you might find this helpful here: User vs Admin Consent. The examples target the v2 Endpoint while it sounds like you're using v1. That said, the same consent models and workflow apply to both v1 and v2.

Native App Auth Flow in Azure Active Directory

I have a React Native app, calling an Azure Api App authenticated with Azure Active Directory, where the associated app in App Registrations is of type Native.
I have tried using a Web app / API application type (multi tenant). I switched away from that though, because I thought I wouldn't have to provide a client_secret. That didn't work, but I prefer that way, since I can control which tenants have access to my api.
I currently get a code by displaying https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize... in a webview where the user signs in and consents. I then try and get an access_token from aad - haven't successfully gotten an access_token without storing the client_secret in the app.
Every user of the app is registered in an Azure Active Directory tenant on another account - the app is not public, so I manage users.
All the authentication flows I have looked at don't seem like they fit my criteria though. I'm obviously not the first with this problem in Azure so I need need someone to tell me where I'm going wrong. Thanks :)
