Spy on imported function - node.js

I want to spy on a function that is executed as soon as the file is required. In the example below I want to spy on bar. I have the following files.
import {bar} from 'third-party-lib';
const foo = bar()
import * as thirdParty from 'third-party-lib';
describe('test', () => {
let barStub: SinonStub;
beforeEach(() => {
barStub = sinon.stub(thridParty, 'bar')
it('should work', () => {
The stubing does not work. I think it is a timing issue. Bar gets stubed after it has been executed. The example above works if I wrap the first line in a function and execute that function in my test. But that is not what I want. Anybody an idea on how to stub such methods?

In this matter, we can use proxyquire to stub that third party lib as below:
import * as thirdParty from 'third-party-lib';
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
const barStub: SinonStub = sinon.stub();
proxyquire('./your-source-file', {
'third-party-lib': { bar: barStub }
describe('test', () => {
it('should work', () => {
Hope it helps

I think your problem is you are never importing the file where you are doing const foo = bar(). You are just importing bar, thats all! Try importing or requiring your file inside the it block! That should trigger bar() and so, the test should pass!
it('should work', () => {
const foo = require(‘your_foo_file’)


Unmock function after mockimplementation

I'm having a bit of trouble unmocking a function.
I first mock it and now I can't unmock it
class myClass {
static check(v1,v2) {
return v1 > v2;
static async getinfo(v1,v2) {
if (this.check(v1,v2)) {
return await get('api.google.com');
return [];
describe('Testing myClass', () => {
describe('testing processing', () => {
it('should return result', () => {
const mockPatch = jest.fn().mockImplementation((version, solution) => false);
myClass.check = mockCheck;
try {
const result = await myClass.getinfo(1,2);
}catch(e) {
throw e;
describe('Testing check', () => {
it('should return true', () => {
I already try with
beforeEach(() => {myClass.check.mockRestore()})
Is there anyway I can solve this? I read all the jest doc and i couldn't find anything
Methods should never be mocked by reassigning them, there is no way how Jest could restore their original implementation this way.
This should always be done with spyOn:
jest.spyOn(myClass, 'check').mockReturnValue(false)
This way a method can be restored with restoreMock or restoreAllMocks. This should be preferably enabled globally in Jest configuration.
I'm assuming that what you're hoping to do is to mock an implementation for use in a specific test, but then have your other tests function without the mocking.
If so, I think you could use the module mocking strategy in conjunction with mockReturnValueOnce.
Be sure to import your module at the top of your tests, then to call jest.mock with the same path. After that, you should be able to call myClass.check.mockReturnValueOnce, and it will be mocked until the next time it is called. After that, it will function normally 👍

spyOn #react-native-firebase/analytics methods

Basically, I want to make sure the methods of analytics are called with certain properties but so far it is not working:
Cannot spy the logAppOpen property because it is not a function; undefined given instead
the library is successfully mocked since I can see console log out of my jest.fn():
jest.mock('#react-native-firebase/analytics', () => {
return () => ({
logAppOpen: jest.fn(() => console.log('mocked fun called')), //===>shown correctly
My class is:
import analytics from '#react-native-firebase/analytics';
export default class GA {
appStarted = async () =>{
console.log('appStarted called'); //==> showing
await analytics().logAppOpen();
my test:
it("should log app starting", async () =>{
const spy = jest.spyOn(analytics, 'logAppOpen') //===>FAILS HERE
congst ga = new GA();
await ga.appStarted();
but in my test: console.log(analytics) does show an empty object {}
It's analytics().logAppOpen() while jest.spyOn tries to spy on analytics.logAppOpen which doesn't exist.
For lazily evaluated spied functions it's easier to expose them as variables:
const mockLogAppOpen = jest.fn();
jest.mock('#react-native-firebase/analytics', () => {
return jest.fn()
.mockReturnValue({ logAppOpen: mockLogAppOpen });
This way it can be accessed for call assertions. There's no need for jest.spyOn for a function that is already a spy.

How to use resetMocks:true with module factory mocks

I would like to mock imported modules while keeping my unit tests independent of each other.
Setting resetMocks:true in my Jest config file means that behaviour set up using module factory mocking is lost (issue). Setting up module mocks in any other way doesn't work (issue).
Changing to resetMocks:false couples the unit tests and makes the order they are executed matter, which goes against unit testing best practices.
I have tried calling jest.mock('./a', () => {/* implementation */}) inside beforeEach() and at the top of test(). I have also tried to use a reference to a jest.fn() inside the module factory mock and then call .mockImplementation() on that reference.
Minimum demonstration:
// greeter.ts
export class Greeter {
sayHello(): string {
return 'hello world!';
// module-mocking.spec.ts
import { Greeter } from "./greeter";
jest.mock('./greeter', () => ({
Greeter: jest.fn(() => ({ sayHello: () => 'goodbye world!' }))
test('mocked module behaviour should exist', () => {
const result = new Greeter().sayHello();
expect(result).toEqual('goodbye world!');
This test fails with the error:
TypeError: (intermediate value).sayHello is not a function
Moving the jest.mock() inside beforeEach() or into test() results in:
Expected: "goodbye world!" Received: "hello world!"
I managed to work around this by using require instead of import. The question still remains for ES6 imports.
// module-mocking.spec.ts
const greeter = require("./greeter");
let mockGreeter: any;
beforeEach(() => {
mockGreeter = { sayHello: () => 'goodbye world!' };
greeter.Greeter = jest.fn(() => mockGreeter);
test('mocked module behaviour should exist', () => {
const result = new Greeter().sayHello();
expect(result).toEqual('goodbye world!');

reusable const for various tests with mocha/chai

I'm running a serie of tests using mocha/chai.
I try to keep those tests as simple as possible so they are easy to read. That's why I'm using a lot of it() declarations.
For each one of those tests I'm using the same const.
Instead of re-declaring it each time I'd like to declare it just once and be done with it.
describe('#getLastAchievements', async function (): Promise<void> {
it("should return an array", async function (): Promise<void> {
const lastAch: any[] = await achievementsServiceFunctions.getLastAchievements(idAdmin, 3);
it('should not be empty', async function (): Promise<void> {
const lastAch: Object[] = await achievementsServiceFunctions.getLastAchievements(idAdmin, 3);
I tried declaring my const in various ways but everytime the tests don't run or the conts is undefined. Here is what I tried:
-declaring it before the it()
-declaring it in a before() function
-declaring it in a anonymous function then including the it() inside this function
-declaring it outside the describe() function
Is there a way to declare this const just once to re-use it for various tests?
You can declare stuff in beforeEach if they are the same for every it().
describe('myTest', () => {
let foo;
beforeEach(() => {
foo = new Foo();
it('test 1', () => {
//do something with foo
it('test 2', () => {
//do something with foo

Accessing .mock property of an automocked function

I have this code:
import * as a from 'a-a';
describe('a-a', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
const x = await a.x(1); // Calls the mock
console.log(x); // 1
console.log(a.x.mock) // Undefined
The mock function is:
export async function x(data) {
console.log('HERE'); // this is printed
return data;
The mock of the module is in the __mocks__ directory.
The a.x() calls the mocked function, but a.x.mock is undefined.
How is that possible? Where is the .mock property?
So, after some investigation I found out that the functions declared in the __mocks__ directory aren't wrapped by jest.fn() by default.
Personally I find the thing a bit confusing.
So you can do both
function x(data) {
return cache;
jest.mock('a-a', () => ({x: x}))
if you do everything in the same file, or
and then in the __mocks__/a-a.js file
export const x = jest.fn(async (data) => {
return cache;
