Displaying rational numbers using Mathjax - mathjax

Do you know why when I write:
It shows it as a fraction (1 is above 2). But when I write:
\begin{align} 10x &= 5 \\ x &= 1/2 \end{align}
It shows the 1/2 as written (next to each other).
(I use Mathjax)

The first form uses the AsciiMath preprocessor:
By default, the asciimath2jax preprocessor defines the back-tick (`)
as the delimiters for mathematics in AsciiMath format.
The latter uses the LaTex preprocessor syntax, and therefore you must write something like this:
\begin{align} 10x &= 5 \\ x &= \frac{1}{2} \end{align}


How is Prolog `shift`/`reset` like other languages?

I found an example of shift-reset delimited continuations in Haskell here:
resetT $ do
x <- shiftT $ \esc -> do
lift $ esc 1
lift $ esc 2
return 0
zulu x
This will:
Perform alfa
Perform bravo
Perform charlie
Bind x to 1, and thus perform zulu 1
Fall off the end of resetT, and jump back to just after esc 1
Perform delta
Bind x to 2, and thus perform zulu 2
Fall off the end of resetT, and jump back to just after esc 2
Escape from the resetT, causing it to yield 0
I can't figure out how to write the equivalent code using SWI-Prolog's shift/1 and reset/3.
The code below is my attempt. The output is the same, but it seems messy and backwards, and I feel like I'm misusing Ball to get something similar to the esc 1 and esc 2 in the Haskell example. Also, I am not sure what to do with return 0.
% not sure about this...
example :-
reset(step, ball(X), Cont),
( writeln("charlie"), X=1, call(Cont), fail
; writeln("delta"), X=2, call(Cont)).
step :-
format("zulu ~w~n", X).
I'm rather confused: Scheme/Haskell/ML-style shift-reset and Prolog shift-reset seem almost like entirely different things! For example, you pass a lambda into Haskell's shiftT but you do not pass a goal into Prolog's shift/1.
Where is the Prolog equivalent of Haskell's \esc -> ... esc 1 or return 0? And where is the Haskell equivalent of Prolog's Ball or call(Cont)?
I feel that a "proper" port of the Haskell example above would answer these questions.
The reset and shift operators originally come from Danvy; Filinski,1990. “Abstracting Control”. The corresponding interfaces in Haskell Control.Monad.Trans.Cont conform to the original semantics, except for some type restrictions. The delimited continuation interfaces in SWI-Prolog are not exactly the original reset and shift. They are more closely related to Felleisen,1988's prompt and control or Sitaram’s fcontrol and run operators.
Usually, it is not difficult to translate delimited continuation programs from Haskell to Prolog. The difficulty in your example is that it calls the same continuation esc twice with different values. For example,
example :-
reset(step, ball(X), Cont),
X=1, call(Cont),
X=2, call(Cont).
After the first call(Cont), X is already bound to 1, you cannot rebind it to 2.
TomSchrijvers' advice is to create copies of the continuation with fresh unification variables using copy_term/2 (yes, continuations are also terms in SWI-Prolog!), so the Prolog equivalent of your example is
example(X) :-
reset(step, Ball, Cont),
copy_term(Cont+Ball, Cont1+Ball1),
copy_term(Cont+Ball, Cont2+Ball2),
ball(X1) = Ball1,
X1=1, reset(Cont1, _, _),
ball(X2) = Ball2,
X2=2, reset(Cont2, _, _),
step :-
format("zulu ~w~n", X),
?- example(X).
zulu 1
zulu 2
X = 0.
More detail discussion, see https://swi-prolog.discourse.group/t/naming-clarification-about-delimited-continuation-reset-3-and-shift-1
Pitty the CW631 paper here:
doesn’t show Felleisen prompt/control implemented with difference list rules:
/* Vanilla conjunction list solve/1 extended to control/3 */
control([], none, []).
control([prompt(A)|B], A, B).
control([control(L, P, Q)|B], X, Y) :- control(L, P, Q), control(B, X, Y).
control([A|B], X, Y) :- rule(A,C,B), control(C, X, Y).
Its quite fast, since it does nothing with the continuation, just takes it as is,
which I suppose is the spirit of Felleisen. Here the good ole shift/reset:
/* SWI-Prolog 8.5.14 */
?- time(run_state(fib(25), 0, S)).
% 2,306,455 inferences, 0.453 CPU in 0.499 seconds (91% CPU, 5090108 Lips)
S = 121393 .
And here the prompt/control:
/* SWI-Prolog 8.5.14 */
?- time(control([run_state([fib(25)],0,S)],_,_)).
% 3,641,788 inferences, 0.891 CPU in 0.980 seconds (91% CPU, 4089025 Lips)
S = 121393 .
/* Jekejeke Prolog 1.5.4, only 512 MB allocated, JDK 16 */
?- time(control([run_state([fib(25)],0,S)],_,_)).
% Threads 1,656 ms, GC 404 ms, Up 2,086 ms (Current 08/23/22 04:19:56)
S = 121393
The test case is here:

Multiple value-formats in a formatted string

Is it possible to combine more than one colon-format-string?
val = 2.123
print(f'This is a float-value with one digit: {val:.1f} and balanced to right with {val:>10}')
so, something like {val:.1f:>10}?
Refer to Format Specification Mini Language . You were just off with the order, f'{val:>10.1f}' works for this specific example.
> is align, 10 is width, .1 is precision and f is type.

Changing printing format for fractions using sympy and PythonTex

Below is a minimal working problem, of what I am working on.
The file is a standard LaTeX file using sympy within pythontex, where I want to change
how sympy displays fractions.
Concretely I would like to make the following changes, but have been struggling:
How can I make sympy display the full, and not inline version of it's fractions for some of its fractions? In particular I would like the last fraction 1/5 to instead be displayed in full.
eg. \fraction{1}{5}
In the expression for the derivative, I have simplified the results, but I struggle to substitute the variable x with the fraction a/b. Whenever I substitute this expression into the fraction it fully simplifies the expression, which is not what I want. I just want to replace x with the fraction a/b (in this case 2/3 or 1/3 depending on the seed).
Below I have attached two images displaying what my code produces, and what I would like it to display. Do note that this is also stated in the two bullets above
Current output
Desired output
import math
from sympy import *
from random import randint, seed
\paragraph{Oppgave 3}
a, b = randint(1,2), 3
ab = Rational(a,b)
pressure_num = lambda x: 1-x
pressure_denom = lambda x: 1+x
def pressure(x):
return (1-x)/(1+x)
pressure_ab = Rational(pressure_num(ab),pressure_denom(ab))
x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
pressure_derivative = simplify(diff(pressure(x), x))
pressure_derivative_ab = pressure_derivative.xreplace({ x : Rational(a,b)})
The partial pressure of some reaction is given as
print(r"\qquad \text{for} \ 0 \leq \zeta \leq 1.")
\item Evaluate $\rho(\py{a}/\py{b})$. Give a physical interpretation of your
= \frac{1-(\py{ab})}{1+\py{ab}}
= \frac{\py{pressure_num(ab)}}{\py{pressure_denom(ab)}}
\cdot \frac{\py{b}}{\py{b}}
= \py{pressure_ab}
The derivative is given as
Whenever I substitute this expression into the fraction it fully simplifies the expression, which is not what I want. I just want to replace x with the fraction a/b (in this case 2/3 or 1/3 depending on the seed).
It's possible to do this, if we use a with expression to temporarily disable evaluation for that code block, and then we use two dummy variables in order to represent the fraction, and finally we do the substitution with numerical values.
So the following line in your code:
pressure_derivative_ab = pressure_derivative.xreplace({ x : Rational(a,b)})
can be changed to:
with evaluate(False):
pressure_derivative_ab = pressure_derivative.subs(x,a1/b1).subs({a1: a,b1: b})
The expressions pressure_derivative and pressure_derivative_ab after this are:
How can I make sympy display the full, and not inline version of it's fractions for some of its fractions? In particular I would like the last fraction 1/5 to instead be displayed in full. eg. \fraction{1}{5}
For this, you only need to change this line:
= \py{pressure_ab}
into this line:
= \py{latex(pressure_ab)}
Because we want pythontex to use the sympy latex printer, instead of the ascii printer.
To summarize, the changes between the original code and the modified code can be viewed here.
All the code in this post is also available in this repo.

What happens if I dont specify the size and base format for unknown state x in Verilog/SystemVerilog?

As stated in the title, what happens if I do something like
Signal1 = 'x;
as opposed to something like
Signal1 = 4'bxxxx;
Are there any difference? Note that I have previously declared Signal1 as
reg[3:0] Signal1;
This difference is if/when you change the width of Signal1 to be more than 4 bits and forget to change 4'bxxxx, you are going to silently get 0 padding. 'x, 'z, '0, and '0 are all fill literals that expand to width of whatever context they are in.
This is only applicable to SystemVerilog, not Verilog.

Verilog shift extending result?

We have the following line of code and we know that regF is 16 bits long, regD is 8 bits long and regE is 8 bits long, regC is 3 bits long and assumed unsigned:
regF <= regF + ( ( regD << regC ) & { 16{ regE [ regC ]} }) ;
My question is : will the shift regD << regC assume that the result is 8 bits or will it extended to 16 bits because of the bitwise & with the 16 bit vector?
The shift sub-expression itself has a width of 8 bits; the bit width of a shift is always the bit width of the left operand (see table 5-22 in the 2005 LRM).
However, things get more complicated after that. The shift sub-expression appears as an operand of the & operator. The bit length of the & expression is the bit-length of the largest of the 2 operands; in this case, 16 bits.
This sub-expression now appears as an operand of the + expression; the result width of this expression is again the maximum width of the two operands of the +, which is again 16.
We now have an assignment. This is not technically an operand, but the same rules are used; in this case, the LHS is also 16 bits, so the size of the RHS is unaffected.
We now know that the overall expression size is 16 bits; this size is propagated back down to the operands, except the 'self-determined' operands. The only self-determined operand here is the RHS of the shift expression (regC), which isn't extended.
The signedness of the expressions is now determined. Propagation happens in the same way. The overall effect here, since we have at least one unsigned operand, is that the expression is unsigned, and all operands are coerced to unsigned. So, all (non-self-determined) operands are coerced to unsigned 16-bit before any operation is actually carried out.
So, in other words, the shift sub-expression actually ends up as a 16-bit shift, even though it appears to be 8-bit at first sight. Note that it's not 16-bit because the RHS of the & is 16-bit, but because the entire sizing process - the width propagation up the expression - came up with an answer of 16. If you'd assigned to an 18-bit reg, instead of the 16-bit regF, then your shift would have been extended to 18 bits.
This is all very complicated and non-intuitive, at least if you have any experience of mainstream languages. It's explained (more or less) in sections 5.4 and 5.5 of the 2005 LRM. If you want any advice, then never write expressions like this. Write defensively - break everything down to individual sub-expressions, and then combine the sub-expressions.
