What math operations does this abstraction of expression support? - haskell

A famous Haskell book has an exercise (spoiler alert) that asks to write functor, applicative and monad instances for a simplified data type of mathematical expressions. And no, this is not my homework for a course.
The following typechecks:
data Expr a = Var a | Val Int | Add (Expr a) (Expr a) deriving Show
instance Functor Expr where
fmap f (Var x) = Var $ f x
fmap f (Add e1 e2) = Add (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap _ (Val x) = Val x
instance Applicative Expr where
pure x = Var x
(Val x) <*> _ = Val x
(Var f) <*> e = f <$> e
(Add f g) <*> e = Add (f <*> e) (g <*> e)
instance Monad Expr where
return = pure
(Val x) >>= _ = Val x
(Var x) >>= f = f x
(Add e1 e2) >>= f = Add (e1 >>= f) (e2 >>= f)
However, the last part of the question asks to explain what bind does in this case, with an example. I think an even better question would be: what kinds of useful operations can you do with these abstractions? So I started to consider this, with the following expression:
expr :: Expr Char
expr = Add (Add (Var 'x') (Var 'y')) (Add (Var 'x') (Val 1))
The functor instance allows me to substitute a different name for a variable:
λ> (\v -> if v == 'x' then 't' else v) <$> expr
Add (Add (Var 't') (Var 'y')) (Add (Var 't') (Val 1))
But using it to substitute values for variables doesn't really seem to work:
λ> (\v -> if v == 'x' then 2 else 3) <$> expr
Add (Add (Var 2) (Var 3)) (Add (Var 2) (Val 1))
Here, however, the monad comes to the rescue:
λ> expr >>= (\v -> Val (if v == 'x' then 2 else 3))
Add (Add (Val 2) (Val 3)) (Add (Val 2) (Val 1))
With the help of the monad, it seems even possible to substitute expressions for a variable, here t+2 is substituted for x:
λ> expr >>= (\v -> if v == 'x' then Add (Var 't') (Val 2) else pure v)
Add (Add (Add (Var 't') (Val 2)) (Var 'y')) (Add (Add (Var 't') (Val 2)) (Val 1))
But what else? What would be meaningful uses of the applicative? What other useful operations could we do with the monad?

The applicative instance corresponds to substituting for variables where the Expr-level structure of the substitution doesn't depend on the variable. For example, if you were processing this expression in the context of a linear programming problem and wanted to replace each variable Var 'x' with a sum of two variables, one which is always positive and one which is always negative, you could write:
> import Control.Applicative
> expr <**> Add (Var (:"pos")) (Var (:"neg"))
Add (Add (Add (Var "xpos") (Var "xneg"))
(Add (Var "ypos") (Var "yneg")))
(Add (Add (Var "xpos") (Var "xneg")) (Val 1))
The key here is that every variable is replaced with the same template Add (Var "_pos") (Var "_neg") where the new variables in the template have names that can depend on the original variable name. That's what makes this operation applicative.
As an aside, note that substituting a Val Int for each Var Char isn't an applicative operation unless the same value is substituted for each variable -- the value of the Int is part of the Expr-level structure and can't depend on the variable name.
Because the monad instance can replace variables with an Expr that depends on the variable name, it can perform more general substitutions.
Ultimately, the Functor instance allows you to change variable names, the Monad instance allows you to substitute variables with arbitrary expressions, and the Applicative instance provides a limited sort of template substitution that just isn't very interesting or useful for this particular data structure.
That's really all they can do, though there is one generalization that you touched on with your failed attempt to use the Functor instance to substitute values. These instances can change the type from Expr Char to some other Expr b. For example, if you were compiling an expression to a bytecode that referenced variables by memory pointers, then suddenly variable "renaming" via the Functor becomes a little more interesting:
type Location = Int
symtab :: [(Char, Int)]
symtab = [('x', 4096), ('y', 4100)] -- memory addresses
> fmap (fromJust . flip lookup symtab) expr
Add (Add (Var 4096) (Var 4100)) (Add (Var 4096) (Val 1))

Substitution is pretty much what bind does, but that's a pretty useful tool. For instance you can make a function that eliminates all variables by lookups in an [(a,Int)] (and an extra Int as default value if the variable is not in the list).
I suppose the Monad instance could be made to do other stuff, for instance if it simplifies the expression when it rebuilds Add's (so Add (Val x) (Val y) is reduced to Val (x+y)), the function I mentioned above would always reduce the result to (Val n). Not sure you want to do that though.
The Applicative instance does not let you do anything you can not already do with the Monad instance (prove this by implementing <*> using >>= and pure).


Haskell: How to define my custom math data type recursively (stop infinite recursion)

I'm defining a custom data type to help me with my calculus for a project. I have defined this data type as follows:
data Math a =
Add (Math a) (Math a)
| Mult (Math a) (Math a)
| Cos (Math a)
| Sin (Math a)
| Log (Math a)
| Exp (Math a)
| Const a
| Var Char
deriving Show
I am creating a function called eval that partially evaluates a mathematical expression for me. This is what I have:
eval (Const a) = (Const a)
eval (Var a) = (Var a)
eval (Add (Const a) (Const b)) = eval (Const (a+b))
eval (Add (Var a) b) = eval (Add (Var a) (eval b))
eval (Add a (Var b)) = eval (Add (eval a) (Var b))
eval (Add a b) = eval (Add (eval a) (eval b))
eval (Mult (Const a) (Const b)) = (Const (a*b))
eval (Mult a (Var b)) = (Mult (eval a) (Var b))
eval (Mult (Var a) b) = (Mult (Var a) (eval b))
eval (Mult a b) = eval (Mult (eval a) (eval b))
eval (Cos (Const a)) = (Const (cos(a)))
eval (Cos (Var a)) = (Cos (Var a))
eval (Cos a) = eval (Cos (eval a))
eval (Sin (Const a)) = (Const (sin(a)))
eval (Sin (Var a)) = (Sin (Var a))
eval (Sin a) = eval (Sin (eval a))
eval (Log (Const a)) = (Const (log(a)))
eval (Log (Var a)) = (Log (Var a))
eval (Log a) = eval (Log (eval a))
eval (Exp (Const a)) = (Const (exp(a)))
eval (Exp (Var a)) = (Exp (Var a))
This works fine for the most part. For instance, eval (Mult ((Const 4)) (Add (Cos (Const (0))) (Log (Const 1)))) results in (Const 4.0)
My problem arises whenever I have a variable added with two constants:
eval (Add (Const 4) (Add (Const 4) (Var 'x'))) gives me infinite recursion. I have determined that the issue is because I call eval on eval (Add a b) = eval (Add (eval a) (eval b)). If I make this line, eval (Add a b) = (Add (eval a) (eval b)), I stop the infinite recursion, but I am no longer simplifying my answers: Add (Const 4.0) (Add (Const 4.0) (Var 'x')) results in the exact same Add (Const 4.0) (Add (Const 4.0) (Var 'x')). How do I get something like Add (Const 8.0) (Var 'x') instead?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Your problem is that you don't treat expressions that are already simplified any differently than those that aren't. You keep calling eval until both operands are constants and if that never happens, you never terminate. The most simple problematic input would be Add (Var "x") (Const 5). Such an input should end the recursion and just return itself. But instead it will keep calling eval on the same input:
eval (Add (Var "x") (Const 5))
= eval (Add (Var "x") (eval (Const 5)))
= eval (Add (Var "x") (Const 5))
= eval (Add (Var "x") (eval (Const 5)))
= ... ad infinitum
In general the way to avoid this kind of problem in the first place, i.e. to make it obvious when you're missing a base case, is to structure your function in such a way that all recursive cases of your function call itself only with sub-expressions of the argument expression.
In this case that could be achieved by evaluating the operands first and then constant-folding the result without another recursive call. That would look like this:
eval (Add a b) =
case (eval a, eval b) of
(Const x, Const y) => Const (x+y)
(x, y) => Add x y
Here the only recursive calls are eval a and eval b where a and b are subexpressions of the original expression. This guarantees termination because if all cases follow this rule, you'll eventually reach expressions that have no subexpressions, meaning the recursion must terminate.

Trying to create a function that maps another function into a function list

compose :: [(u -> t)] -> ((u -> t) -> (u->y)) -> [(u->y)]
compose [] _ = []
compose l f = map f l
Im trying to create a function that receive a list of functions and maps another function over the elements of this lists.
compose [(+2),(+3)] (+1) = [(+3),(+4)]
thats the message the console shows me when i try to run this code
*Main> (compose [(+2)] (+1))
No instance for (Show (t0 -> t0)) arising from a use of `print'
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
There isn't a way to intelligently convert a function to a string, which is what the error message you see here is saying. There isn't a Show instance for functions, and you need a Show instance to see output in GHCi. When you create a function in Haskell the compiler turns it into low level commands, you don't have the original function definition preserved in metadata or anything. You wouldn't be able to see (+1) . (+2) become (+3), it just isn't how Haskell functions work.
Instead you could assign it to a name:
> let fs = compose [(+2)] (+1)
Then apply values to it
> map ($ 10) fs
If you want to be able to turn something like (+2) and (+1) into (+3), you'll need to create your own data type. This means that the functions you can represent are severely limited in what they can do unless you define very generic behavior. For simple functions on Ints, you could do
data ArithFunc
= Add Int
| Subtract Int
| Multiply Int
| ModBy Int
| Abs
| Negate
| Compose ArithFunc ArithFunc
deriving (Eq, Show)
Then you could write a custom compose operator:
toFunction :: ArithFunc -> (Int -> Int)
toFunction (Add x) = (+x)
toFunction (Subtract x) = subtract x
toFunction (Multiply x) = (*x)
toFunction (ModBy x) = (`mod` x)
toFunction Abs = abs
toFunction Negate = negate
toFunction (Compose f1 f2) = toFunction f1 . toFunction f2
infixr 9 #
(#) :: ArithFunc -> ArithFunc -> ArithFunc
f1 # f2 = simplify $ Compose f1 f2
infixr 0 $$
($$) :: ArithFunc -> Int -> Int
f $$ x = toFunction f x
simplify (Compose (Add x) (Add y)) = Add (x + y)
simplify (Compose (Add x) (Subtract y)) = Add (x - y)
-- Continue adding simplification rules as desired
compose :: [ArithFunc] -> (ArithFunc -> ArithFunc) -> [ArithFunc]
compose l f = map (simplify . f) l
Then you could write
> compose [Add 2] (Add 1)
[Add 3]
> map ($$ 10) $ compose [Add 2] (Add 1)
And this solution is of no where near complete, you would really need to define simplify in such a way that it continues to simplify nested Compose constructs until no change was made, there needs to be more rules for simplification, there are other operations that could be represented, resulting in a larger number of simplification rules needed, and more. All of this work above is just to do this sort of thing with a limited set of numeric computations on Ints only, imagine expanding this to work for all types in general. This is why Haskell chooses a simpler route of storing the function definition less literally, and why you therefore can't show a function.

How to evaluate expressions in Haskell

I understand how to create and evaluate a simple data-type Expr. For example like this:
data Expr = Lit Int | Add Expr Expr | Sub Expr Expr | [...]
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Lit x) = x
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
eval (Sub x y) = eval x - eval y
So here is my question: How can I add Variables to this Expr type, which should be evaluated for its assigned value? It should look like this:
data Expr = Var Char | Lit Int | Add Expr Expr [...]
type Assignment = Char -> Int
eval :: Expr -> Assignment -> Int
How do I have to do my eval function now for (Var Char) and (Add Expr Expr)? I think I figured out the easiest, how to do it for Lit already.
eval (Lit x) _ = x
For (Var Char) I tried a lot, but I cant get an Int out of an Assignment.. Thought It would work like this:
eval (Var x) (varname number) = number
Well if you model your enviroment as
type Env = Char -> Int
Then all you have is
eval (Var c) env = env c
But this isn't really "correct". For one, what happens with unbound variables? So perhaps a more accurate type is
type Env = Char -> Maybe Int
emptyEnv = const Nothing
And now we can see whether a variable is unbound
eval (Var c) env = maybe handleUnboundCase id (env c)
And now we can use handleUnboundCase to do something like assign a default value, blow up the program, or make monkeys climb out of your ears.
The final question to ask is "how are variables bound?". If you where looking for a "let" statement like we have in Haskell, then we can use a trick known as HOAS (higher order abstract syntax).
data Exp = ... | Let Exp (Exp -> Exp)
The HOAS bit is that (Exp -> Exp). Essentially we use Haskell's name-binding to implement our languages. Now to evaluate a let expression we do
eval (Let val body) = body val
This let's us dodge Var and Assignment by relying on Haskell to resolve the variable name.
An example let statement in this style might be
Let 1 $ \x -> x + x
-- let x = 1 in x + x
The biggest downside here is that modelling mutability is a royal pain, but this was already the case when relying on the Assignment type vs a concrete map.
You need to apply your Assignment function to the variable name to get the Int:
eval (Var x) f = f x
This works because f :: Char -> Int and x:: Char, so you can just do f x to get an Int.
Pleasingly this will work across a collection of variable names.
ass :: Assignment
ass 'a' = 1
ass 'b' = 2
meaning that
eval ((Add (Var 'a') (Var 'b')) ass
= eval (Var 'a') ass + eval (Var 'b') ass
= ass 'a' + ass 'b'
= 1 + 2
= 3
Pass the assignment functions through to other calls of eval
You need to keep passing the assignment function around until you get integers:
eval (Add x y) f = eval x f + eval y f
Different order?
If you're allowed to change the types, it seems more logical to me to put the assignment function first and the data second:
eval :: Assignment -> Expr -> Int
eval f (Var x) = f x
eval f (Add x y) = eval f x + eval f y
...but I guess you can think of it as a constant expression with varying variables (feels imperative)rather than a constant set of values across a range of expressions (feels like referential transparency).
I would recommend using Map from Data.Map instead. You could implement it something like
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M -- A lot of conflicts with Prelude
-- Used to map operations through Maybe
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
data Expr
= Var Char
| Lit Int
| Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
type Assignment = Map Char Int
eval :: Expr -> Assignment -> Maybe Int
eval (Lit x) _ = Just x
eval (Add x y) vars = liftM2 (+) (eval x vars) (eval y vars)
eval (Sub x y) vars = liftM2 (-) (eval x vars) (eval y vars)
eval (Mul x y) vars = liftM2 (*) (eval x vars) (eval y vars)
eval (Var x) vars = M.lookup x vars
But this looks clunky, and we'd have to keep using liftM2 op every time we added an operation. Let's clean it up a bit with some helpers
(|+|), (|-|), (|*|) :: (Monad m, Num a) => m a -> m a -> m a
(|+|) = liftM2 (+)
(|-|) = liftM2 (-)
(|*|) = liftM2 (*)
infixl 6 |+|, |-|
infixl 7 |*|
eval :: Expr -> Assignment -> Maybe Int
eval (Lit x) _ = return x -- Use generic return instead of explicit Just
eval (Add x y) vars = eval x vars |+| eval y vars
eval (Sub x y) vars = eval x vars |-| eval y vars
eval (Mul x y) vars = eval x vars |*| eval y vars
eval (Var x) vars = M.lookup x vars
That's a better, but we still have to pass around the vars everywhere, this is ugly to me. Instead, we can use the ReaderT monad from the mtl package. The ReaderT monad (and the non-transformer Reader) is a very simple monad, it exposes a function ask that returns the value you pass in when it's run, where all you can do is "read" this value, and is usually used for running an application with static configuration. In this case, our "config" is an Assignment.
This is where the liftM2 operators really come in handy
-- This is a long type signature, let's make an alias
type ExprM a = ReaderT Assignment Maybe a
-- Eval still has the same signature
eval :: Expr -> Assignment -> Maybe Int
eval expr vars = runReaderT (evalM expr) vars
-- evalM is essentially our old eval function
evalM :: Expr -> ExprM Int
evalM (Lit x) = return x
evalM (Add x y) = evalM x |+| evalM y
evalM (Sub x y) = evalM x |-| evalM y
evalM (Mul x y) = evalM x |*| evalM y
evalM (Var x) = do
vars <- ask -- Get the static "configuration" that is our list of vars
lift $ M.lookup x vars
-- or just
-- evalM (Var x) = ask >>= lift . M.lookup x
The only thing that we really changed was that we have to do a bit extra whenever we encounter a Var x, and we removed the vars parameter. I think this makes evalM very elegant, since we only access the Assignment when we need it, and we don't even have to worry about failure, it's completely taken care of by the Monad instance for Maybe. There isn't a single line of error handling logic in this entire algorithm, yet it will gracefully return Nothing if a variable name is not present in the Assignment.
Also, consider if later you wanted to switch to Doubles and add division, but you also want to return an error code so you can determine if there was a divide by 0 error or a lookup error. Instead of Maybe Double, you could use Either ErrorCode Double where
data ErrorCode
= VarUndefinedError
| DivideByZeroError
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
Then you could write this module as
data Expr
= Var Char
| Lit Double
| Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
type Assignment = Map Char Double
data ErrorCode
= VarUndefinedError
| DivideByZeroError
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
type ExprM a = ReaderT Assignment (Either ErrorCode) a
eval :: Expr -> Assignment -> Either ErrorCode Double
eval expr vars = runReaderT (evalM expr) vars
throw :: ErrorCode -> ExprM a
throw = lift . Left
evalM :: Expr -> ExprM Double
evalM (Lit x) = return x
evalM (Add x y) = evalM x |+| evalM y
evalM (Sub x y) = evalM x |-| evalM y
evalM (Mul x y) = evalM x |*| evalM y
evalM (Div x y) = do
x' <- evalM x
y' <- evalM y
if y' == 0
then throw DivideByZeroError
else return $ x' / y'
evalM (Var x) = do
vars <- ask
maybe (throw VarUndefinedError) return $ M.lookup x vars
Now we do have explicit error handling, but it isn't bad, and we've been able to use maybe to avoid explicitly matching on Just and Nothing.
This is a lot more information than you really need to solve this problem, I just wanted to present an alternative solution that uses the monadic properties of Maybe and Either to provide easy error handling and use ReaderT to clean up that noise of passing an Assignment argument around everywhere.

Why doesn't this lambda calculus reducer reduce succ 0 to 1?

data Term = Var Integer
| Apply Term Term
| Lambda Term
deriving (Eq, Show)
sub :: Term -> Integer -> Term -> Term
sub e v r = case e of
Var x -> if x == v then r else e
Apply m1 m2 -> Apply (sub m1 v r) (sub m2 v r)
Lambda t -> Lambda (sub t (v + 1) r)
beta :: Term -> Term
beta t = case t of
Apply (Lambda e) e' -> sub e 0 e'
otherwise -> t
eta :: Term -> Term
eta t = case t of
Lambda (Apply f (Var 0)) -> f
otherwise -> t
reduce :: Term -> Term
reduce t = if t == t'
then t
else reduce t'
where t' = beta . eta $ t
I tried:
let zero = Lambda $ Lambda $ Var 0
let succ = Lambda $ Lambda $ Lambda $ Apply (Var 1) $ (Apply (Apply (Var 2) (Var 1)) (Var 0))
reduce (Apply succ zero)
In GHCi, but it didn't seem to give me the expression for one (Lambda (Lambda (Apply (Var 1) (Var 0)) that I'm looking for. Instead it gives me:
Lambda (Lambda (Apply (Var 1) (Apply (Apply (Lambda (Lambda (Var 0))) (Var 1)) (Var 0))))
The variables are encoded not by name, but by how many lambdas you need to walk outwards to get the parameter.
Your reducer, in common with the way lambda calculus is normally evaluated, doesn't reduce inside Lambda terms - it only removes top-level redexes. The result it produces should be equivalent to one, in that if you apply both to the same arguments you will get the same result, but not syntactically identical.

Conversion from lambda term to combinatorial term

Suppose there are some data types to express lambda and combinatorial terms:
data Lam α = Var α -- v
| Abs α (Lam α) -- λv . e1
| App (Lam α) (Lam α) -- e1 e2
deriving (Eq, Show)
infixl 0 :#
data SKI α = V α -- x
| SKI α :# SKI α -- e1 e2
| I -- I
| K -- K
| S -- S
deriving (Eq, Show)
There is also a function to get a list of lambda term's free variables:
fv ∷ Eq α ⇒ Lam α → [α]
fv (Var v) = [v]
fv (Abs x e) = filter (/= x) $ fv e
fv (App e1 e2) = fv e1 ++ fv e2
To convert lambda term to combinatorial term abstract elimination rules could be usefull:
convert ∷ Eq α ⇒ Lam α → SKI α
1) T[x] => x
convert (Var x) = V x
2) T[(E₁ E₂)] => (T[E₁] T[E₂])
convert (App e1 e2) = (convert e1) :# (convert e2)
3) T[λx.E] => (K T[E]) (if x does not occur free in E)
convert (Abs x e) | x `notElem` fv e = K :# (convert e)
4) T[λx.x] => I
convert (Abs x (Var y)) = if x == y then I else K :# V y
5) T[λx.λy.E] => T[λx.T[λy.E]] (if x occurs free in E)
convert (Abs x (Abs y e)) | x `elem` fv e = convert (Abs x (convert (Abs y e)))
6) T[λx.(E₁ E₂)] => (S T[λx.E₁] T[λx.E₂])
convert (Abs x (App y z)) = S :# (convert (Abs x y)) :# (convert (Abs x z))
convert _ = error ":["
This definition is not valid because of 5):
Couldn't match expected type `Lam α' with actual type `SKI α'
In the return type of a call of `convert'
In the second argument of `Abs', namely `(convert (Abs y e))'
In the first argument of `convert', namely
`(Abs x (convert (Abs y e)))'
So, what I have now is:
> convert $ Abs "x" $ Abs "y" $ App (Var "y") (Var "x")
*** Exception: :[
What I want is (hope I calculate it right):
> convert $ Abs "x" $ Abs "y" $ App (Var "y") (Var "x")
S :# (S (KS) (S (KK) I)) (S (KK) I)
If lambda term and combinatorial term have a different types of expression, how 5) could be formulated right?
Let's consider the equation T[λx.λy.E] => T[λx.T[λy.E]].
We know the result of T[λy.E] is an SKI expression. Since it has been produced by one of the cases 3, 4 or 6, it is either I or an application (:#).
Thus the outer T in T[λx.T[λy.E]] must be one of the cases 3 or 6. You can perform this case analysis in the code. I'm sorry but I don't have the time to write it out.
Here it's better to have a common data type for combinators and lambda expressions. Notice that your types already have significant overlap (Var, App), and it doesn't hurt to have combinators in lambda expressions.
The only possibility we want to eliminate is having lambda abstractions in combinator terms. We can forbid them using indexed types.
In the following code the type of a term is parameterised by the number of nested lambda abstractions in that term. The convert function returns Term Z a, where Z means zero, so there are no lambda abstractions in the returned term.
For more information about singleton types (which are used a bit here), see the paper Dependently Typed Programming with Singletons.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, GADTs, TypeOperators,
ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
data Nat = Z | Inc Nat
data SNat :: Nat -> * where
SZ :: SNat Z
SInc :: NatSingleton n => SNat n -> SNat (Inc n)
class NatSingleton (a :: Nat) where
sing :: SNat a
instance NatSingleton Z where sing = SZ
instance NatSingleton a => NatSingleton (Inc a) where sing = SInc sing
type family Max (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Nat
type instance Max Z a = a
type instance Max a Z = a
type instance Max (Inc a) (Inc b) = Inc (Max a b)
data Term (l :: Nat) a where
Var :: a -> Term Z a
Abs :: NatSingleton l => a -> Term l a -> Term (Inc l) a
App :: (NatSingleton l1, NatSingleton l2)
=> Term l1 a -> Term l2 a -> Term (Max l1 l2) a
I :: Term Z a
K :: Term Z a
S :: Term Z a
fv :: Eq a => Term l a -> [a]
fv (Var v) = [v]
fv (Abs x e) = filter (/= x) $ fv e
fv (App e1 e2) = fv e1 ++ fv e2
fv _ = []
eliminateLambda :: (Eq a, NatSingleton l) => Term (Inc l) a -> Term l a
eliminateLambda t =
case t of
Abs x t ->
case t of
Var y
| y == x -> I
| otherwise -> App K (Var y)
Abs {} -> Abs x $ eliminateLambda t
App a b -> S `App` (eliminateLambda $ Abs x a)
`App` (eliminateLambda $ Abs x b)
App a b -> eliminateLambdaApp a b
:: forall a l1 l2 l .
(Eq a, Max l1 l2 ~ Inc l,
NatSingleton l1,
NatSingleton l2)
=> Term l1 a -> Term l2 a -> Term l a
eliminateLambdaApp a b =
case (sing :: SNat l1, sing :: SNat l2) of
(SInc _, SZ ) -> App (eliminateLambda a) b
(SZ , SInc _) -> App a (eliminateLambda b)
(SInc _, SInc _) -> App (eliminateLambda a) (eliminateLambda b)
convert :: forall a l . Eq a => NatSingleton l => Term l a -> Term Z a
convert t =
case sing :: SNat l of
SZ -> t
SInc _ -> convert $ eliminateLambda t
The key insight is that S, K and I are just constant Lam terms, in the same way that 1, 2 and 3 are constant Ints. It would be pretty easy to make rule 5 type-check by making an inverse to the 'convert' function:
nvert :: SKI a -> Lam a
nvert S = Abs "x" (Abs "y" (Abs "z" (App (App (Var "x") (Var "z")) (App (Var "y") (Var "z")))))
nvert K = Abs "x" (Abs "y" (Var "x"))
nvert I = Abs "x" (Var "x")
nvert (V x) = Var x
nvert (x :# y) = App (nvert x) (nvert y)
Now we can use 'nvert' to make rule 5 type-check:
convert (Abs x (Abs y e)) | x `elem` fv e = convert (Abs x (nvert (convert (Abs y e))))
We can see that the left and the right are identical (we'll ignore the guard), except that 'Abs y e' on the left is replaced by 'nvert (convert (Abs y e))' on the right. Since 'convert' and 'nvert' are each others' inverse, we can always replace any Lam 'x' with 'nvert (convert x)' and likewise we can always replace any SKI 'x' with 'convert (nvert x)', so this is a valid equation.
Unfortunately, while it's a valid equation it's not a useful function definition because it won't cause the computation to progress: we'll just convert 'Abs y e' back and forth forever!
To break this loop we can replace the call to 'nvert' with a 'reminder' that we should do it later. We do this by adding a new constructor to Lam:
data Lam a = Var a -- v
| Abs a (Lam a) -- \v . e1
| App (Lam a) (Lam a) -- e1 e2
| Com (SKI a) -- Reminder to COMe back later and nvert
deriving (Eq, Show)
Now rule 5 uses this reminder instead of 'nvert':
convert (Abs x (Abs y e)) | x `elem` fv e = convert (Abs x (Com (convert (Abs y e))))
Now we need to make good our promise to come back, by making a separate rule to replace reminders with actual calls to 'nvert', like this:
convert (Com c) = convert (nvert c)
Now we can finally break the loop: we know that 'convert (nvert c)' is always identical to 'c', so we can replace the above line with this:
convert (Com c) = c
Notice that our final definition of 'convert' doesn't actually use 'nvert' at all! It's still a handy function though, since other functions involving Lam can use it to handle the new 'Com' case.
You've probably noticed that I've actually named this constructor 'Com' because it's just a wrapped-up COMbinator, but I thought it would be more informative to take a slightly longer route than just saying "wrap up your SKIs in Lams" :)
If you're wondering why I called that function "nvert", see http://unapologetic.wordpress.com/2007/05/31/duality-terminology/ :)
Warbo is right, combinators are constant lambda terms, consequently the conversion function is
T[ ]:L -> C with L the set of lambda terms and C that of combinatory terms and with C ⊂ L .
So there is no typing problem for the rule T[λx.λy.E] => T[λx.T[λy.E]]
Here an implementation in Scala.
