Parsing arithmetic expression with Haskell Parsec - haskell

I'm writing a arithmetic parser to treat expressions like "1+2-3". I use this blog post as reference. To treat left associativity and precedence, I write a parser with Parsec according to this BNF (from blog post).
<exp> ::= <term> { ("+" | "-") <term> }
<term> ::= <factor> { ("*" | "/") <factor> }
<factor> ::= "(" <exp> ")" | <unary_op> <factor> | <int>
This is my parser code.
parseExp :: Parser Exp
parseExp = do
t1 <- parseTerm
loop t1
where termSuffix t1 = do
op <- lexeme $ oneOf "+-"
t2 <- parseTerm
case op of
'+' -> termSuffix (Binary Plus t1 t2)
'-' -> termSuffix (Binary Minus t1 t2)
loop t = termSuffix t <|> return t
parseTerm :: Parser Exp
parseTerm = do
f1 <- parseFactor
loop f1
where factorSuffix f1 = do
op <- lexeme $ oneOf "*/"
f2 <- parseFactor
case op of
'*' -> factorSuffix (Binary Mul f1 f2)
'/' -> factorSuffix (Binary Div f1 f2)
loop t = factorSuffix t <|> return t
parseFactor :: Parser Exp
parseFactor = parseConst <|> parseParen <|> parseUnary
parseParen = do
void $ lexeme $ char '('
e <- parseExp
void $ lexeme $ char ')'
return e
parseUnary :: Parser Exp
parseUnary = do
op <- lexeme $ oneOf "!~-"
f <- parseFactor
case op of
'!' -> return $ Unary LogNeg f
'~' -> return $ Unary BitCompl f
'-' -> return $ Unary ArithNeg f
parseConst :: Parser Exp
parseConst = do
i <- many1 digit
return (Const $ read i)
I also used this tutorial code as reference. tutorial
simpleExpr7 :: Parser SimpleExpr
simpleExpr7 = do
-- first parse a term
e <- term7
-- then see if it is followed by an '+ expr' suffix
maybeAddSuffix e
-- this function takes an expression, and parses a
-- '+ expr' suffix, returning an Add expression
-- it recursively calls itself via the maybeAddSuffix function
addSuffix e0 = do
void $ lexeme $ char '+'
e1 <- term7
maybeAddSuffix (Add e0 e1)
-- this is the wrapper for addSuffix, which adapts it so that if
-- addSuffix fails, it returns just the original expression
maybeAddSuffix e = addSuffix e <|> return e
My code doesn't work. This code works like this.
*Main CodeGen Parser> parseWithEof parseExp "-2"
Right (Unary ArithNeg (Const 2))
*Main CodeGen Parser> parseWithEof parseExp "(2)"
Right (Const 2)
*Main CodeGen Parser> parseWithEof parseExp "-!(((2)))"
Right (Unary ArithNeg (Unary LogNeg (Const 2)))
*Main CodeGen Parser> parseWithEof parseExp "1+2"
Left (line 1, column 4):
unexpected end of input
expecting digit
*Main CodeGen Parser> parseWithEof parseExp "1+2+3"
Left (line 1, column 6):
unexpected end of input
expecting digit
*Main CodeGen Parser> parseWithEof parseExp "1+2*3"
Left (line 1, column 6):
unexpected end of input
expecting digit
I can't understand why this results unexpected end of input.

Consider parsing 1+2. In parseExp this parses 1 into t1 = Const 1 and then enters the loop loop (Const 1). The loop tries the first alternative termSuffix (Const 1) which succesfully parses the operator +, the next term t2 = Const 2, and then loops back into termSuffix (Binary Plus (Const 1) (Const 2)) which expects either a + or -. The parse fails. Instead of looping back into termSuffix, you should loop back into loop to allow a single term after the first +:
parseExp :: Parser Exp
parseExp = do
t1 <- parseTerm
loop t1
where termSuffix t1 = do
op <- lexeme $ oneOf "+-"
t2 <- parseTerm
case op of
-- *** use `loop` here, not `termSuffix` ***
'+' -> loop (Binary Plus t1 t2)
'-' -> loop (Binary Minus t1 t2)
loop t = termSuffix t <|> return t
After making a similar change to parseTerm, your test cases all work fine.


Adding infix operator to expression parser

I'm trying to add a parser for infix operators to a simple expressions parser. I have already looked at the documentation and at this question, but it seems like I am missing something.
import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as Expr
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec
data Expr = Number Integer
| Op Expr Expr
| Boolean Bool
instance Show Expr where
show (Op l r) = "(+ " ++ (show l) ++ " " ++ (show r) ++ ")"
show (Number r) = show r
show (Boolean b) = show b
parens = Tokens.parens haskell
reserved = Tokens.reservedOp haskell
infix_ operator func =
Expr.Infix (spaces >> reserved operator >> spaces >> return func) Expr.AssocLeft
infixOp =
Expr.buildExpressionParser table parser
table = [[infix_ "+" Op]]
number :: Parser Expr
number =
do num <- many1 digit
return $ Number $ read num
bool :: Parser Expr
bool = (string "true" >> return (Boolean True)) <|> (string "false" >> return (Boolean False))
parser = parens infixOp <|> number <|> bool
run = Text.Parsec.runParser parser () ""
This parser is able to parse expressions like 1, false, (1 + 2), (1 + false), but not 1 + 2 (it's parsed as 1). If I try to change the parser to parens infixOp <|> infixOp <|> number <|> bool, it get stuck.
What should i change in order to parse expressions like 1 + 2 without parenthesis?
You have to run the infixOp parser at the top level like this:
run = Text.Parsec.runParser infixOp () ""
Otherwise the your infix expressions can only be parsed when occuring in parentheses.
The attempt to use parens infixOp <|> infixOp <|> number <|> bool most likely gets stuck because it loops: parser tries to parse using infixOp, which tries to parse using parse and so on...
These tutorial might help you getting started with parsec (they did for me):

Creating an Interpreter in Haskell

So, I need to write a function evalS :: Statement -> Store -> Store that takes as input a statement and a store and returns a possibly modified store.
The following case has been given to me:
evalS w#(While e s1) s = case (evalE e s) of
(BoolVal True,s') -> let s'' = evalS s1 s' in evalS w s''
(BoolVal False,s') -> s'
_ -> error "Condition must be a BoolVal
And I need to write:
evalS Skip s = ...
evalS (Expr e) s = ...
evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = ...
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = ...
In the If case, if e evaluates to a non-boolean value, I need to throw an error using the error function.
Sample input/output:
> run stmtParser "x=1+1" evalS
fromList [("x",2)]
> run stmtParser "x = 2; x = x + 3" evalS
fromList [("x",5)]
> run stmtParser "if true then x = 1 else x = 2 end" evalS
fromList [("x",1)]
> run stmtParser "x=2; y=x + 3; if y < 4 then z = true else z = false end" evalS
fromList [("x",2),("y",5),("z",false)]
> run stmtParser "x = 1; while x < 3 do x = x + 1 end" evalS
fromList [("x",3)]
> run stmtParser "x = 1 ; y = 1; while x < 5 do x = x + 1 ; y = y * x end" evalS
fromList [("x",5),("y",120)]
Code for stmtParser:
-- Sequence of statements
stmtParser :: Parser Statement
stmtParser = stmtParser1 `chainl1` (P.semi lexer >> return Sequence)
-- Single statements
stmtParser1 :: Parser Statement
stmtParser1 = (Expr <$> exprParser)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "if"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "then"
the <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "else"
els <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (If cond the els)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "while"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "do"
body <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (While cond body)
I am not sure if I need to use evalE in this problem or not. I have written it in a previous problem. The signature for evalE is evalE :: Expression -> Store -> (Value, Store) and asked me to write:
evalE (Var x) s = ...
evalE (Val v) s = ...
evalE (Assignment x e) s = ...
I have done the above, already.
evalS Skip s = show s -- I am assuming that since Skip returns an empty String, I just need to return an empty String.
evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = evalS s1 >> evalS s2 -- sequence1 then sequence2. I am not quite sure what to do with the s.
evalS (Expr e) s = ... Not sure what to do, here.
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = do
x <- evalE e
case x of
BoolVal True -> evalS s1
BoolVal False -> evalS s2
I am having trouble writing the above statements.
For reference, here is the entire skeleton that was given to me to work with:
-- Necessary imports
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),liftA,liftA2)
import Data.Map
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
--------- AST Nodes ---------
-- Variables are identified by their name as string
type Variable = String
-- Values are either integers or booleans
data Value = IntVal Int -- Integer value
| BoolVal Bool -- Boolean value
-- Expressions are variables, literal values, unary and binary operations
data Expression = Var Variable -- e.g. x
| Val Value -- e.g. 2
| BinOp Op Expression Expression -- e.g. x + 3
| Assignment Variable Expression -- e.g. x = 3
-- Statements are expressions, conditionals, while loops and sequences
data Statement = Expr Expression -- e.g. x = 23
| If Expression Statement Statement -- if e then s1 else s2 end
| While Expression Statement -- while e do s end
| Sequence Statement Statement -- s1; s2
| Skip -- no-op
-- All binary operations
data Op = Plus -- + :: Int -> Int -> Int
| Minus -- - :: Int -> Int -> Int
| Times -- * :: Int -> Int -> Int
| GreaterThan -- > :: Int -> Int -> Bool
| Equals -- == :: Int -> Int -> Bool
| LessThan -- < :: Int -> Int -> Bool
-- The `Store` is an associative map from `Variable` to `Value` representing the memory
type Store = Map Variable Value
--------- Parser ---------
-- The Lexer
lexer = P.makeTokenParser (emptyDef {
P.identStart = letter,
P.identLetter = alphaNum,
P.reservedOpNames = ["+", "-", "*", "!", ">", "=", "==", "<"],
P.reservedNames = ["true", "false", "if", "in", "then", "else", "while", "end", "to", "do", "for"]
-- The Parser
-- Number literals
numberParser :: Parser Value
numberParser = (IntVal . fromIntegral) <$> P.natural lexer
-- Boolean literals
boolParser :: Parser Value
boolParser = (P.reserved lexer "true" >> return (BoolVal True))
<|> (P.reserved lexer "false" >> return (BoolVal False))
-- Literals and Variables
valueParser :: Parser Expression
valueParser = Val <$> (numberParser <|> boolParser)
<|> Var <$> P.identifier lexer
-- -- Expressions
exprParser :: Parser Expression
exprParser = liftA2 Assignment
(try (P.identifier lexer >>= (\v ->
P.reservedOp lexer "=" >> return v)))
<|> buildExpressionParser table valueParser
where table = [[Infix (op "*" (BinOp Times)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "+" (BinOp Plus)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "-" (BinOp Minus)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op ">" (BinOp GreaterThan)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "==" (BinOp Equals)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "<" (BinOp LessThan)) AssocLeft]]
op name node = (P.reservedOp lexer name) >> return node
-- Sequence of statements
stmtParser :: Parser Statement
stmtParser = stmtParser1 `chainl1` (P.semi lexer >> return Sequence)
-- Single statements
stmtParser1 :: Parser Statement
stmtParser1 = (Expr <$> exprParser)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "if"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "then"
the <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "else"
els <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (If cond the els)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "while"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "do"
body <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (While cond body)
-------- Helper functions --------
-- Lift primitive operations on IntVal and BoolVal values
liftIII :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Value -> Value -> Value
liftIII f (IntVal x) (IntVal y) = IntVal $ f x y
liftIIB :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Value -> Value -> Value
liftIIB f (IntVal x) (IntVal y) = BoolVal $ f x y
-- Apply the correct primitive operator for the given Op value
applyOp :: Op -> Value -> Value -> Value
applyOp Plus = liftIII (+)
applyOp Minus = liftIII (-)
applyOp Times = liftIII (*)
applyOp GreaterThan = liftIIB (>)
applyOp Equals = liftIIB (==)
applyOp LessThan = liftIIB (<)
-- Parse and print (pp) the given WHILE programs
pp :: String -> IO ()
pp input = case (parse stmtParser "" input) of
Left err -> print err
Right x -> print x
-- Parse and run the given WHILE programs
run :: (Show v) => (Parser n) -> String -> (n -> Store -> v) -> IO ()
run parser input eval = case (parse parser "" input) of
Left err -> print err
Right x -> print (eval x empty)
It's a little difficult to answer your question, because you didn't actually ask one. Let me just pick out a few of the things that you've said, in order to give you a few clues.
I am not sure if I need to use evalE in this problem or not. I have written it in a previous problem. The signature for evalE is evalE :: Expression -> Store -> (Value, Store)
evalS (Expr e) s = ... Not sure what to do, here.
What does it mean to execute a statement which consists of an expression? If it has something to do with evaluating the expression, then the fact that you have an expression evaluator available might help with "what to do, here".
Next, compare the code you've been given for "while" (which contains a fine example of a sensible thing to do with an expression, by the way)...
evalS w#(While e s1) s = case (evalE e s) of`
(BoolVal True,s') -> let s'' = evalS s1 s' in evalS w s''
(BoolVal False,s') -> s'
_ -> error "Condition must be a BoolVal"
...and compare it with your code for "if"
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = do
x <- evalE e
case x of
BoolVal True -> evalS s1
BoolVal False -> evalS s2
Your code is in a rather different style — the "monadic" style. Where are you getting that from? It would make sense if the types of the evaluators were something like
evalE :: Expression -> State Store Value
evalS :: Statement -> State Store ()
The monadic style is a very nice way to thread the mutating store through the evaluation process without talking about it too much. E.g., your x <- evalE e means "let x be the result of evaluating e (quietly receiving the initial store and passing along the resulting store)". It's a good way to work which I expect you'll explore in due course.
But those aren't the types you've been given, and the monadic style is not appropriate. You have
evalE :: Expression -> Store -> (Value, Store)
evalS :: Statement -> Store -> Store
and the example code threads the store explicitly. Look again
evalS w#(While e s1) s = case (evalE e s) of`
(BoolVal True,s') -> let s'' = evalS s1 s' in evalS w s''
(BoolVal False,s') -> s'
_ -> error "Condition must be a BoolVal"
See? evalS receives its initial store, s, explicitly, and uses it explicitly in evalE e s. The resulting new store is called s' in both case branches. If the loop is over, then s' is given back as the final store. Otherwise, s' is used as the store for one pass through the loop body, s1, and the store s'' resulting from that is used for the next time around the loop, w.
Your code will need to be similarly explicit in the way it names and uses the store at each stage of evaluation. Let's walk through.
evalS Skip s = show s -- I am assuming that since Skip returns an empty String, I just need to return an empty String.
You assume incorrectly. The evalS function does not return a String, empty or otherwise: it returns a Store. Now, which Store? Your initial store is s: how will the store after "skip" relate to s?
evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = evalS s1 >> evalS s2 -- sequence1 then sequence2. I am not quite sure what to do with the s.
Again, that's a monadic approach which does not fit with this question. You need to thread the store, intially s, through the process of evaluating statements s1 and s2 in sequence. The "while" case has a good example of how to do something like that.
evalS (Expr e) s = ... Not sure what to do, here.
Again, the "while" example shows you one way to extract a value and an updated store by evaluating an expression. Food for thought, isn't it?
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = ...
Now "if" starts out by evaluating a condition, rather a lot like "while", no?
So, my advice amounts to this:
drop the monadic style code for now, but come back to it later when it's appropriate;
read the example implementation of "while" and understand how it treats expressions and sequences of statements, passing the store explicitly;
deploy the similar techniques to implement the other constructs.
The person who set the question has been kind enough to give you code which gives an example of everything you will need. Please reciprocate that kindness by comprehending and then taking the hint!
Since this looks as homework I'll just provide a few small hints, leaving the real work for you.
I am not sure if I need to use evalE in this problem or not.
Yes, you'll have to. In your language, an expression e modifies the store and returns a value: you can tell that from evalE returning a pair (Value,Store)
By comparison, the statement Expr e modifies the store without returning a value. To obtain the latter (statement evaluation) from the former (expression) all you need to do is to throw away what you do not need.
About your attempt:
evalS Skip s = show s -- I am assuming that since Skip returns an empty String, I just need to return an empty String.
Why a string? Does evalS return strings? If not, what it returns? You are doing far more work than you have to, here.
evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = evalS s1 >> evalS s2 -- sequence1 then sequence2. I am not quite sure what to do with the s.
OK, the idea is right but the code is not. Forget about monads and >>, just think about the stores. You make two recursive calls evalS s1 and evalS s2: these look wrong because evalS expects two arguments (statement and store), and you only provide one.
And -- before you try it -- no, passing s to both of them would still be wrong. In which store is the first statement evaluated? What about the second?
evalS (Expr e) s = ... Not sure what to do, here.
See the discussion above.
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = do
x <- evalE e
case x of
BoolVal True -> evalS s1
BoolVal False -> evalS s2
Avoid monad-related operations, do and <-. There might be a way to use those to solve this task, but I'd not recommend to try that path to a beginner.
You can use let if you want to name intermediate results.
evalE takes two arguments, not one. Mind that it returns a pair, not a value. evalS takes two arguments.

datatype conversion without using buildExpressionParser

I am stuck at a point in converting a expression entered by the user to my own datatype
I did it using biuldExpressionParser , but using simple parser and recursion I did as follows
openBrace = char '('
closeBrace :: GenParser Char st Char
closeBrace = char ')'
bracketExpr = do
spaces >> openBrace
expr <- expressionParser
spaces >> closeBrace
return expr
bracketExpr will return the entered expression in my own datatype
to convert it into my datatype I did for negation,if expression is a number or a variable as follows:
expressionParser = negate1
<|> number
<|> variable
--<|> addition
<?> "simple expression"
negate1 :: Parser Expr
negate1 = do{ char '-'
;ds <- number
;return (ExprNeg (ds) )
<?> "negate"
variable :: Parser Expr
variable = do{ ds<- many1 (letter <|> digit)
; return (ExprVar ds)}
<?> "variable"
number :: Parser Expr
number = do{ ds<- many1 digit
; return (ExprNum (read ds))}
<?> "number"
To do the same for addtion I tried by seperating the expression using sepBy but I am encountering several issues.
If the extered expreesion is 1+2
Then I should getExprAdd (ExprNum 1) (ExprNum 2)
I am unable to proceed further from here .Help would be great.
Thank you.
If you want to be writing a parser with parser combinators you need to think in terms of high-level rules first. Here's a skeleton parser in Parsec; it does not 100% meet your needs because all of the operators are same-precedence and right-associative, whereas you probably want different precedences and left-associativity. Still, this is the basic way to write a parser:
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Data.Char (isDigit)
-- basic data type
data Expr = Op Char Expr Expr | N Integer deriving (Show)
type Parser x = Parsec String () x
-- reverse-sequenced >>, used to implement `parenthesized` and `whitespaced`
(<<) :: Monad m => m x -> m y -> m x
mx << my = mx >>= \x -> my >> return x
infixl 1 <<
parenthesized :: Parser e -> Parser e
parenthesized e = char '(' >> e << char ')'
whitespaced :: Parser e -> Parser e
whitespaced e = spaces >> e << spaces
number :: Parser Expr
number = do
c <- oneOf "123456789" -- leading 0's can be reserved for octal/hexadecimal
cs <- many digit
return (N (read (c:cs)))
operator :: Parser Expr
operator = do
e1 <- expr_no_op
o <- whitespaced (oneOf "+*/-")
e2 <- expression
return (Op o e1 e2)
expr_no_op :: Parser Expr
expr_no_op = whitespaced (try number <|> parenthesized expression)
expression :: Parser Expr
expression = whitespaced (try operator <|> try number <|> parenthesized expression)
Notice that you define tokens (above, just 'number') and then combine them with a "try this <|> try that <|> otherwise..." syntax. Notice also that you have to stop operator from taking an expression as its first argument otherwise you'll get a operator -> expression -> operator loop in the parsing. This is called "left factoring."

Parsec permutation parser with separators

I want to parse assembly programs. I have a fixed format for parsing an assembly address: [ register + offset + label ] I implemented parsers for registers, offsets and labels. Now I want to create a parser which parses the whole address.
The combinations I want to accept:
[register + offset]
[register + label]
[offset + label]
[register + offset + label]
And what I don't want to accept:
[register offset]
[register + ]
Of course the simple solution is to have something like:
choice $ try (parseRegister >>= \r -> Address (Just r) Nothing Nothing)
<|> try ...
But it is ugly and does not scale well with more types of elements. So I'm looking for a cleaner solution.
If you reorder your table, you see it’s a series of choices:
[register + offset + label]
[register + offset ]
[register + label]
[register ]
[ offset + label]
[ offset ]
[ label]
The grammar for which might be written:
address = '[' (register ('+' offset-label)? | offset-label) ']'
offset-label = offset ('+' label)? | label
Which in Applicative style is pretty straightforward, made only slightly noisy by wrapping everything in constructors:
parseAddress :: Parser Address
parseAddress = do
(register, (offset, label)) <- between (char '[') (char ']') parseRegisterOffsetLabel
return $ Address register offset label
parseRegisterOffsetLabel :: Parser (Maybe Register, (Maybe Offset, Maybe Label))
parseRegisterOffsetLabel = choice
[ (,)
<$> (Just <$> parseRegister)
<*> option (Nothing, Nothing) (char '+' *> parseOffsetLabel)
, (,) Nothing <$> parseOffsetLabel
parseOffsetLabel :: Parser (Maybe Offset, Maybe Label)
parseOffsetLabel = choice
[ (,)
<$> (Just <$> parseOffset)
<*> option Nothing (char '+' *> (Just <$> parseLabel))
, (,) Nothing . Just <$> parseLabel
If we add a couple of utility functions:
plus :: Parser a -> Parser a
plus x = char '+' *> x
just :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
just = fmap Just
We can clean up these implementations a bit:
parseRegisterOffsetLabel = choice
[ (,)
<$> just parseRegister
<*> option (Nothing, Nothing) (plus parseOffsetLabel)
, (,) Nothing <$> parseOffsetLabel
parseOffsetLabel = choice
[ (,)
<$> just parseOffset
<*> option Nothing (plus (just parseLabel))
, (,) Nothing <$> just parseLabel
Then factor out the repetition, giving us a decent final solution:
parseChain begin def rest = choice
[ (,) <$> just begin <*> option def (plus rest)
, (,) Nothing <$> rest
parseRegisterOffsetLabel = parseChain
parseRegister (Nothing, Nothing) parseOffsetLabel
parseOffsetLabel = parseChain
parseOffset Nothing (just parseLabel)
I’ll let you take care of whitespace around + and inside [].
Something like that:
parsePlus = many1 (char ' ') >> char '+' >> many1 (char ' ')
parseRegisterModified = parsePlus >> parseOffsetLabel
parseOffsetModified = parsePlus >> parseLabel
parseRegister' = do
Address r _ _ <- parseRegister
optionMaybe parseRegisterModified >>=
return $ maybe
(Address r Nothing Nothing)
(\Address _ o l -> Address r o l)
parseOffset' = do
Address _ o _ <- parseOffset
optionMaybe parseOffsetModified >>=
return $ maybe
(Address Nothing o Nothing)
(\Address _ _ l -> Address Nothing o l)
parseOffsetLabel = try parseOffset' <|> parseLabel
parseAddress =
try parseRegister'
<|> parseOffset'
<|> parseLabel
I've been looking for something like that and found
Control.Applicative.Permutation from action-permutations. Though my case may scale independently from low-level platform.
In your case might look like
operand = do
(r, o, l) <- runPermsSep (char '+') $ (,,)
<$> maybeAtom register
<*> maybeAtom offset
<*> maybeAtom label
-- backtrack on inappropriate combination
when (null $ catMaybes [r, o, l]) . fail $ "operand expected"
return (r, o, l)
Note that you actually want optional permutation parser that requires at least one optional element to be present which makes your wanted parsers combinator pretty specific.
You could have more elegant solution using Monoids and sepBy1.
But it allows to write [register + register] (in our case adding them both)
parsePlus = many1 (char ' ') >> char '+' >> many1 (char ' ')
parseAddress1 =
try parseRegister
<|> parseOffset
<|> parseLabel
parseAddress = sepBy1 parsePlus parseAddress1 >>= return . mconcat
instance Monoid Address where
mempty = Address Nothing Nothing Nothing
Address r o l `mappend` Address r' o' l' =
Address (r `mappendA` r') (o `mappendA` o') (l `mappendA` l')
a `mappendA` a' = fmap getSum $ fmap Sum a `mappend` fmap Sum a'
Choosing Monoid (Sum a, First a, Last a) for r o l, we change the behavior:
Sum adds each other, First chooses first one, Last chooses the last one
... where
a `mappendA` a' = getFirst $ First a `mappend` First a'

Haskell parsec parsing to maybe

Just a simple question that I cannot solve.
I want to parse a string as either a String or a Maybe Double, where an empty string or an "n/a" is parsed as a Nothing. For example something like:
data Value = S String | N (Maybe Double)
value::CharParser () Value
value = val <* spaces
where val = N <$> v_number
<|> S <$> v_string
<|> N <$> v_nothing
I am having trouble with the v_nothing (and also leading and training white space).
v_number :: CharParser () (Maybe Double)
v_number = do s <- getInput
case readSigned readFloat s of
[(n, s')] -> Just n <$ setInput s'
_ -> empty
v_string :: CharParser () String
v_string = (many1 jchar)
where jchar = char '\\' *> (p_escape <|> p_unicode)
<|> satisfy (`notElem` "\"\\")
I tried all sort sorts of things for v_nothing to no avail.
Maybe something like this?
value = do skipMany space
choice $ map try [
do string "n/a" <|> (eof >> return [])
return $ N Nothing,
do d <- many digit
return $ N $ Just (read d)
-- do ...
