How to change the location of the column name in pandas? - python-3.x

Exercise 1: What are the minimum and maximum prices of each variety of wine? Create a Dataframe whose index is the variety category from the min and max thereof.
answ = pd.DataFrame()
answ['price_max_variety'] = reviews.groupby('variety').price.max()
answ['price_min_variety'] = reviews.groupby('variety').price.min()
# this is my problem
# what is this row?
I would like it to do it right. I have no idea how to make this look properly and because of the generic words can't find relevant information.

The blank grey row that you've pointed out is there to make room for the name of the DataFrame's index, which is variety. That index came from the default behaviour of df.groupby(): the grouped-by column(s) end up in the index of the resulting DataFrame.
To override this, try df.groupby('variety', as_index=False). Or, if you have a DataFrame with an index that you want to move into a column, run df.reset_index().


Multilevel index of rows of a dataframe using pandas [duplicate]

I've spent hours browsing everywhere now to try to create a multiindex from dataframe in pandas. This is the dataframe I have (posting excel sheet mockup. I do have this in pandas dataframe):
And this is what I want:
I have tried
newmulti = currentDataFrame.set_index(['user_id','account_num'])
But it returns a dataframe, not a multiindex. Also, I could not figure out how to make 'user_id' level 0 and 'account_num' level 1. I think this must be trivial but I've read so many posts, tutorials, etc. and still could not figure it out. Partly because I'm a very visual person and most posts are not. Please help!
You could simply use groupby in this case, which will create the multi-index automatically when it sums the sales along the requested columns.
df.groupby(['user_id', 'account_num', 'dates']).sales.sum().to_frame()
You should also be able to simply do this:
df.set_index(['user_id', 'account_num', 'dates'])
Although you probably want to avoid any duplicates (e.g. two or more rows with identical user_id, account_num and date values but different sales figures) by summing them, which is why I recommended using groupby.
If you need the multi-index, you can simply access viat new_df.index where new_df is the new dataframe created from either of the two operations above.
And user_id will be level 0 and account_num will be level 1.
For clarification of future users I would like to add the following:
As said by Alexander,
df.set_index(['user_id', 'account_num', 'dates'])
with a possible inplace=True does the job.
The type(df) gives
whereas type(df.index) is indeed the expected
Use pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays
lvl0 = currentDataFrame.user_id.values
lvl1 = currentDataFrame.account_num.values
midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([lvl0, lvl1], names=['level 0', 'level 1'])
There are two ways to do it, albeit not exactly like you have shown, but it works.
Say you have the following df:
0 nil one 1 NaN
1 bar one 5 5.0
2 foo two 3 8.0
3 bar three 2 1.0
4 foo two 4 2.0
5 bar two 6 NaN
1. Workaround 1:
df.set_index('A', append = True, drop = False).reorder_levels(order = [1,0]).sort_index()
This will return:
2. Workaround 2:
df.set_index(['A', 'B']).sort_index()
This will return:
The DataFrame returned by currentDataFrame.set_index(['user_id','account_num']) has it's index set to ['user_id','account_num']
newmulti.index will return the MultiIndex object.

Combine multiple rows based on Id and other column using pandas python [duplicate]

I've spent hours browsing everywhere now to try to create a multiindex from dataframe in pandas. This is the dataframe I have (posting excel sheet mockup. I do have this in pandas dataframe):
And this is what I want:
I have tried
newmulti = currentDataFrame.set_index(['user_id','account_num'])
But it returns a dataframe, not a multiindex. Also, I could not figure out how to make 'user_id' level 0 and 'account_num' level 1. I think this must be trivial but I've read so many posts, tutorials, etc. and still could not figure it out. Partly because I'm a very visual person and most posts are not. Please help!
You could simply use groupby in this case, which will create the multi-index automatically when it sums the sales along the requested columns.
df.groupby(['user_id', 'account_num', 'dates']).sales.sum().to_frame()
You should also be able to simply do this:
df.set_index(['user_id', 'account_num', 'dates'])
Although you probably want to avoid any duplicates (e.g. two or more rows with identical user_id, account_num and date values but different sales figures) by summing them, which is why I recommended using groupby.
If you need the multi-index, you can simply access viat new_df.index where new_df is the new dataframe created from either of the two operations above.
And user_id will be level 0 and account_num will be level 1.
For clarification of future users I would like to add the following:
As said by Alexander,
df.set_index(['user_id', 'account_num', 'dates'])
with a possible inplace=True does the job.
The type(df) gives
whereas type(df.index) is indeed the expected
Use pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays
lvl0 = currentDataFrame.user_id.values
lvl1 = currentDataFrame.account_num.values
midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([lvl0, lvl1], names=['level 0', 'level 1'])
There are two ways to do it, albeit not exactly like you have shown, but it works.
Say you have the following df:
0 nil one 1 NaN
1 bar one 5 5.0
2 foo two 3 8.0
3 bar three 2 1.0
4 foo two 4 2.0
5 bar two 6 NaN
1. Workaround 1:
df.set_index('A', append = True, drop = False).reorder_levels(order = [1,0]).sort_index()
This will return:
2. Workaround 2:
df.set_index(['A', 'B']).sort_index()
This will return:
The DataFrame returned by currentDataFrame.set_index(['user_id','account_num']) has it's index set to ['user_id','account_num']
newmulti.index will return the MultiIndex object.

What is the difference between interpolation and imputation?

I just learned that you can handle missing data/ NaN with imputation and interpolation, what i just found is interpolation is a type of estimation, a method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points while imputation is replacing the missing data of the mean of the column. But is there any differences more than that? When is the best practice to use each of them?
Interpolation (linear) is basically a straight line between two given points where data points between these two are missing:
Two red points are known
Blue point is missing
source: wikipedia
Oke nice explanation, but show me with data.
First of all the formula for linear interpolation is the following:
(y1-y0) / (x1-x0)
Let's say we have the three data points from the graph above:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Value':[0, np.NaN, 3]})
0 0.0
1 NaN
2 3.0
As we can see row 1 (blue point) is missing.
So following formula from above:
(3-0) / (2-0) = 1.5
If we interpolate these using the pandas method Series.interpolate:
0 0.0
1 1.5
2 3.0
Name: Value, dtype: float64
For a bigger dataset it would look as follows:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Value':[1, np.NaN, 4, np.NaN, np.NaN,7]})
0 1.0
1 NaN
2 4.0
3 NaN
4 NaN
5 7.0
0 1.0
1 2.5
2 4.0
3 5.0
4 6.0
5 7.0
Name: Value, dtype: float64
When we impute the data with the (arithmetic) mean, we follow the following formula:
sum(all points) / n
So for our second dataframe we get:
(1 + 4 + 7) / 3 = 4
So if we impute our dataframe with Series.fillna and Series.mean:
0 1.0
1 4.0
2 4.0
3 4.0
4 4.0
5 7.0
Name: Value, dtype: float64
I will answer the second part of your question i.e. when to use what.
We use both techniques depending upon the use case.
If you are given a dataset of patients with a disease (say Pneumonia) and there is a feature called body temperature. So, if there are null values for this feature then you can replace it by average value i.e. Imputation.
If you are given a dataset of the share price of a company, you know that every Saturday and Sunday are off. So those are missing values. Now, these values can be filled by the average of Friday value and Monday value i.e. Interpolation.
So, you can choose the technique depending upon the use case.

subtract values from different lines

I have a csv file that I am reading in, I have a column of numerical strings and I'm trying to get the difference between the two subsequent rows. The numbers were in depths with "ft" following the values (ex. 4.23ft), I was able to get rid of the "ft" (ex. 4.230), but can't figure out how to assign the values so I can do the math.
depth = float(depth)
'''Need to find a way to subtract next line from current line to find
rate of change over 15 minute period'''
for i, data in enumerate(depth):
while rate == 0:
rate = d1-d2
This gives me a TypeError of " 'float' object is not iterable".
when I have the "depth = float(depth)" line commented out, I only get -1 values, which I understand the issue there.
first few lines of raw data
first few lines of result data
second row first value minus second value equals first value in third row.
Since you have already stripped the "ft" part from your column and assuming you have converted the remaining part of the string to float type, I will jump into the next part directly.
If I understand what you want to achieve correctly, you can also use pandas.DataFrame.shift:
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['D1'] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
Your D1 the value from current row, D2 will be the column from D1 by performing shift operation.
df['D2'] = df['D1'].shift(-1)
Your dataframe will now look like:
D1 D2
0 1.0 2.0
1 2.0 3.0
2 3.0 4.0
3 4.0 5.0
4 5.0 NaN
In short, you have the values from the subsequent row of the current row into a new column. You can now perform subtraction/difference operation between the two columns as usual. For example:
df['D3'] = df['D1'] - df['D2']
df['D3'] = df['D1'].sub(df['D2'])

string to pandas dataframe

following the parsing of a large pdf document I end up with string in the format in python:
Company Name;(Code) at End of Month;Reason for Alteration No. of Shares;Bond Symbol, etc.; Value, etc.; after Alteration;Remarks
TANSEISHA CO.,LTD.;(9743)48,424,071;0
MEITEC CORPORATION;(9744)31,300,000;0
TKC Corporation;(9746)26,731,033;0
ASATSU-DK INC.;(9747);42,155,400;Exercise of Subscription Warrants;0;May 2013 Resolution based 1;0Shares
May 2013 Resolution based 2;0Shares
Would it be possible to transform this into a pandas dataframe as follows where the columns are delimited by the ";". So looking at the above section from the string my df should look like:
Company Name (Code) at End of Month Reason for Alteration ....
Value,etc after Alteration Remarks Shares .....
As additional problem my rows don't always have the same number of strings delimited by ";", meaning that I would need to find a way to see my columns( I don't mind setting like a dataframe with 15 columns and delete afterwards those II do no need)
This is a nice opportunity to use StringIO to make your result look like an open file handle so that you can just use pd.read_csv:
In [1]: import pandas as pd
In [2]: from StringIO import StringIO
In [3]: s = """Company Name;(Code) at End of Month;Reason for Alteration No. of Shares;Bond Symbol, etc.; Value, etc.; after Alteration;Remarks
...: Shares;Shares
...: TANSEISHA CO.,LTD.;(9743)48,424,071;0
...: MEITEC CORPORATION;(9744)31,300,000;0
...: TKC Corporation;(9746)26,731,033;0
...: ASATSU-DK INC.;(9747);42,155,400;Exercise of Subscription Warrants;0;May 2013 Resolution based 1;0Shares
...: May 2013 Resolution based 2;0Shares"""
In [4]: pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), sep=";")
Out [4]: Company Name (Code) at End of Month Reason for Alteration No. of Shares Bond Symbol, etc. Value, etc. after Alteration Remarks
0 Shares Shares NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 TANSEISHA CO.,LTD. (9743)48,424,071 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 MEITEC CORPORATION (9744)31,300,000 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 TKC Corporation (9746)26,731,033 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 ASATSU-DK INC. (9747) 42,155,400 Exercise of Subscription Warrants 0.0 May 2013 Resolution based 1 0Shares
5 May 2013 Resolution based 2 0Shares NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Note that it does look like there are some obvious data cleanup problems to tackle from here, but that should at least give you a start.
I would split your read in string into a list of list. Possibly use regex to find the beginning of each record (or at least use something that you know where it shows up, it looks like (Code) at End of Month might work) and slice your way through. Something like this:
import re
import pandas as pd
# Start your list of list off with your expected headers
mystringlist = [["Company Name",
"(Code) at End of Month",
"Reason for Alteration",
"after Alteration",
"Remarks Shares"]]
# This will be used to store the start and end indexes of each record
indexlist = []
# A recursive function to find the start location of each record. It expects a list of 1s and 0s
def find_start(thestring, startloc=0):
if startloc >=len(thestring):
foundindex = thestring.find("1",startloc)
return find_start(thestring, foundindex+1)
# Split on your delimiter
mystring = thestring.split(";")
# Use a list comprehension to make your list of 1s
# and 0s based on the location of a fixed regular expressible record
stringloc = "".join([1 if re.match(x, "\(\d+\)\d+,\d+,\d+") else 0 for x in mystring])
# Make your list of list based on found indexes
# We subtract 1 from the index position because we want the element
# that immediately precedes the element we find (it's an easier regex
# to make when it's a consistent structure.
for x in indexlist:
if mystringlist.index(x)+1 != len(indexlist):
# Turn mystring list into a data frame
mydf = pd.DataFrame(mystringlist)
