Unexpected Instance found for Alloy specification - modeling

I tried my first steps in modelling with Alloy and have come across a problem I cannot get my head around. I have the following spec:
module tour/AddressBook1
sig Name, Addr{}
sig Book {
addr: Name->lone Addr
// operation: adds a (name, address) to the Book b, resulting in b'
pred add (b, b' : Book, n:Name, a:Addr) {
b'.addr = b.addr + n->a
run add for 3 but 2 Book
So far nothing special. It is literally the example of the book 'Software abstraction' by Daniel Jackson.
It essentially models books, that have (name,address)-pairs associated with it. The add-predicate is supposed to grab a Book-instance b and create another Book-instance b' from it by adding (a potentially already existing) (name,address)-pair to it.
The first few examples found are easy and convincing but clicking through with the Next-button I end up with the following example (full view above, equivalent projection over books below)
I see two books, the starting book Book0 with two pairs (Name0, Addr2) and (Name1, Addr1). From the annotions we can also see that the add operation is going to add the new duo (Name1, Addr2). When I now look at the result book Book1 I have
{(Name0, Addr0),(Name1, Addr2)} instead of
{(Name0, Addr2),(Name1, Addr1),(Name1, Addr2)}
Why is this considered a legal instance?
(Alloy Analyzer 4.2, Build date 2012-09-25 15:54 EDT)

There are two confusing things here:
Book0 does not take part in the operation. Instead Book1 has the role of both b0 and b1.
Adding n->a to a book does not assert that this is a new address. In the instance, Book1 has this address before and after add.
This is because the operation
b'.addr = b.addr + n->a
uses set union. Broken down to a simpler example:
{1, 2} = {1} + {2}
is true. But
{1, 2} = {1, 2} + {2}
is also true. So in the original example, there is nothing that excludes n->a from already being a part of b.addr. And the Alloy Analyzer simply generates all instances that are consistent with the given constraints.
You can improve this example by adding an assertion in add:
b.addr[n] != a


Why would prime (aka ') raise an error in the following: pred add (b, b': Book, n: Name, a: Addr) { b’.addr = b.addr + n -> a }?

I have Alloy 6.1.0 running on Windows 10
I have "Software Abstractions" text by Daniel Jackson and working through book.
I am at the examples in the "Whirlwind Tour" and section 2.2 "Dynamics:
Adding Operations".
Verbatim from the book I have coded up the following:
module tour/addressBook1
sig Name, Addr {}
sig Book {
addr: Name -> lone Addr
pred show (b: Book) {
#b.addr >1
#Name.(b.addr) > 1
pred add (b,b': Book, n: Name, a: Addr) {
b'.addr = b.addr + n -> a
run add for 3 but 2 Book
Results in:
Syntax error at line 13 column 14:
There are 3 possible tokens that can appear here:
, : =
Against the prime (') in
pred add (b,b': Book, ...
I understand the version of Alloy in the book will be behind the one I am using, but surely prime is still a thing, so it isn't ituitive why I am getting this syntax error.
Is there a module I need load nowadays?
I have also jumped ahead to Figure 2.7 and just snipped the full model out, rather than use my hand coded attempts. Same error at the same point.
Good question, Asterion! As you suspected, the prime symbol is now special in Alloy 6, with the addition of the new temporal features from Electrum. So you'll need to use a different symbol to run the examples from the book. Sorry about this. It's the one cost of the lovely new temporal features.

Alloy - Dealing with unbounded universal quantifiers

Good afternoon,
I've been experiencing an issue with Alloy when dealing with unbounded universal quantifiers. As explained in Daniel Jackson's book 'Software Abstractions' (Section 5.3 'Unbounded Universal Quantifiers'), Alloy has a subtle limitation regarding universal quantifiers and assertion checking. Alloy produces spurious counterexamples in some cases, such as the next one to check that sets are closed under union (shown in the aforementioned book):
sig Set {
elements: set Element
sig Element {}
assert Closed {
all s0, s1: Set | some s2: Set |
s2.elements = s0.elements + s1.elements
check Closed for 3
Producing a counterexample such as:
Set = {(S0),(S1)}
Element = {(E0),(E1)}
s0 = {(S0)}
s1 = {(S1)}
elements = {(S0,E0), (S1,E1)}
where the analyser didn't populate Set with enough values (a missing Set atom, S2, containing the union of S0 and S1).
Two solutions to this general problem are suggested then in the book:
1) Declaring a generator axiom to force Alloy to generate all possible instances.
For example:
fact SetGenerator{
some s: Set | no s.elements
all s: Set, e: Element |
some s': Set | s'.elements = s.elements + e
This solution, however, produces a scope explosion and may also lead to inconsistencies.
2) Omitting the generator axiom and using the bounded-universal form for constraints. That is, quantified variable's bounding expression doesn't mention the names of generated signatures. However, not every assertion can be expressed in such a form.
My question is: is there any specific rule to choose any of these solutions? It isn't clear to me from the book.
No, there's no specific rule (or at least none that I've come up with). In practice, this doesn't arise very often, so I would deal with each case as it comes up. Do you have a particular example in mind?
Also, bear in mind that sometimes you can formulate your problem with a higher order quantifier (ie a quantifier over a set or relation) and in that case you can use Alloy*, an extension of Alloy that supports higher order analysis.

Alloy: using "in" and getting error "in can be used only between 2 expressions of the same arity."

Here are the signatures
one sig Library {
books: set Book,
patrons: set Patron,
circulation: Patron lone -> some Book
sig Book { }
sig Patron {
curbooks: set Book
Question ->What I want to do is : write a fact that the books currently with a patron are accounted in the library's circulation relation
fact curPatronBooksConsistent {
lone l : Library | all b : l.patrons.curbooks | b in l.circulation
Now I understand the nature of the error: in can be used only between 2 expressions of the same arity.
Left type = this/Book
Right type = this/Patron->this/Book
However I do not know how to nor can I find any examples of returning only a "set" of books that are associated with the library.circulation. I realize this is not a set but a relationship so how do I express that in Alloy?
all the books belonging to the patrons e.g. all p.curbooks are mapped in the l.circulation?
Thank you all in advance.
Welcome to Stack Overflow. You say
However I do not know how to nor can I find any examples of returning only a "set" of books that are associated with the library.circulation.
Look again at discussions of the dot (join) operator; you should find plenty of examples. The relation circulation is a ternary relation Library -> Patron -> Book. Your expression l.circulation performs a join and reduces the arity, producing a relation Patron -> Book.
How do you get a relation of the form Patron -> Book down to a set of books?
One obvious way is to join it to a set of Patrons with an expression like Patron.(l.circulation). That's probably not what you want -- you probably want to say that every book shown as in some patron's curbooks is checked out not just to some patron but to that particular patron.

Equality in alloy

I've got an Alloy model which contains the following :
abstract sig person{}
one sig john,Steve extends person {Gender: man}
sig man{}
fact {
all name: person, Gender: man |
name.Gender = name.Gender => person =person}
How can I make equality between two signatures?
It's not clear from your question what you want to do, and from your sample Alloy code it looks as if you may be suffering from some confusions.
First, the model you show uses the name Gender in two different ways, which is not illegal in itself but seems to suggest some confusion. (It certainly confuses the willies out of this reader.)
In the declaration for the two singleton signatures john and Steve, Gender denotes two binary relations, one holding between the signature john and the signature man, the other holding between Steve and man. To say the same thing in symbolic form, Gender denotes (a) some subset of john -> man, and (b) some subset of Steve -> man.
In the anonymous fact, however, Gender denotes a variable of type man.
Your model will be easier to understand if you find a way to rename one or the other of these. Since variable names in a quantified expression are arbitrary, your fact will mean the same thing if you reformulate it as
fact { all P : person, M : man | P.M = P.M => person = person }
If that's not what you meant to say, then you may have meant to say something like
fact { all P : person, M : man |
P.Gender = P.Gender => person = person
Renaming the variable forces you to choose one meaning or the other. This is a good thing. (It is an unfortunate fact that neither formulation is actually satisfactory in Alloy. But let's deal with one problem at a time; getting rid of the double use of the name Gender is the first step.)
A second issue is that whichever formulation of the fact you meant, it almost certainly doesn't mean what you wanted it to mean. Ignoring the specifics of the model for a moment, your fact takes the form
fact { all V1 : sig1, V2 : sig2 |
Expression = Expression => sig1 = sig1
where Expression is either V1.V2 or V1.Relation, for some Relation defined in the model. There are several things wrong here:
V1.V2 is meaningless where V1 and V2 are both names of signatures or variables ranging over given signatures: the dot operator is meaningful only if one of its arguments is the name of a relation.
If any expression E is meaningful at all, then a Boolean expression of the form E = E (for example, person.Gender = person.Gender) is true regardless of what E means. Anything denoted by E is naturally going to be equal to itself. So the conditional might as well be written
1 = 1 => person = person
For the same reason, person = person will always be true, regardless of the model: for any model instance the set of persons in the instance will be identical to the set of persons in the instance. So the conditional will always be true, and the fact won't actually impose any constraint on instances of the model.
It's not clear how best to help you move forward. Perhaps one way to start would be to ask yourself which of the following statements you are trying to capture in your model.
There is a set of persons.
Some persons are males (have gender = 'man'). Others are not males.
John is a male individual.
Steve is a male individual.
John and Steve are distinct individuals.
If x and y are individuals with the same gender, then x and y are the same individual. I.e. no two individuals have the same gender.
Note that these statements cannot all be true at the same time. (If that's not obvious, you might do worse than try to figure out why. Alloy can be helpful in that effort.)
Good luck.

Have an object in one set or another, but not both?

This is homework and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. I am using Alloy to model a library. Here are the definitions of the objects:
sig Library {
patrons : set Person,
on_shelves : set Book,
sig Book {
authors : set Person,
loaned_to : set Person,
sig Person{}
Then we need to have to have a fact that states, every book is either on the shelf, or taken out by a patron. However, they cannot be in both places.
// Every book must either be loaned to a patron or
// on the shelves.
fact AllBooksLoanedOrOnShelves {}
I have tried this...
fact AllBooksLoanedOrOnShelves {
some b : Book {
one b.loaned_to =>
no (b & Library.on_shelves)
b in Library.on_shelves
But it's not working... the books always are on the shelves. want to say, "For every book, if it is not being loaned, it is on the shelf. Otherwise, it's out."
Corrections, examples, and hints are greatly appreciated.
If every book must be either on loan to someone or on the shelves, then (a) no book will be both on loan and on the shelves (assuming you mean that "or" as exclusive), so the intersection of the onloan set and the onshelf set will be empty, and (b) the set of books will be equal to the union of the onloan and onshelf sets.
The set of books on loan at any time is the domain of the loaned_to relation. The set of books on the shelf in a given library L is the value of L.onshelves; the set of books on the shelves in all known libraries is Library.onshelves.
So you might say
fact in_or_out_not_both {
no Library.onshelves & loaned_to.Person
fact all_books_in_or_out {
Book = Library.onshelves + loaned_to.Person
Or you might need to say slightly different things, depending on just what you mean. Note that these constraints don't say that a book on loan must be on loan to a single borrower.
Your fact is wrong. You want to say something for all books (not "some"). And that something is basically an XOR.
Here's one that works:
fact AllBooksLoanedOrOnShelves{
all b : Book|
(b in Library.on_shelves and no p:Person | p in b.loaned_to)
(not b in Library.on_shelves and one p:Person | p in b.loaned_to)
Ok correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the fact you're after:
fact {
disj[Library.on_shelves, Person.~loaned_to]
And a little explanation. Library.on_shelves is the set of books on the right side of the on_shelves relation, i.e. all the books that are on the shelves. ~loaned_to is the reverse relation of type Person -> Book and Person.~loaned_to is the set of books loaned to any person.
The disj predicate declares that the two sets have no common atoms (disjoint sets).
I am not very familiar with Alloy.
But I think this or something similar would work.
Every book is either on the shelves or is loaned to a a patron.
fact AllBooksLoanedOrOnShelves {
all b: Book | b in Library.on_shelves || b.loaned_to in Library.patrons
This question is 6 years old now, but I'm learning Alloy, and I wanted to offer my take on a solution.
fact AllBooksLoanedOrOnShelves {
no (Library.on_shelves & loaned_to.Person)
This can be read as "the intersection of the set of books that are on shelves and the set of books that are loaned out, is empty".
