Imgur application registration link invalid? - imgur

I am trying to register my application on Imgur in order to obtain the client_id and client_secret as according to the documentation, but the link provided in the docs only redirects me to my Imgur account home page. Has the registration link been changed?

Now it should be working. I registered two apps today.


Getting profile information with Google Sign-In on web app hosted on Azure?

I have a web app hosted on Azure for which I have enabled Google Sign-In under Authentication / Authorisation section of the settings of the app. I have tested it the app and can access it after signing in with my Google account - verified with couple of users, authentication works.
Next, I want to do authorization where I need to know the email of the logged in user - how can access the profile info of a user?
Documentation I have read so far:
To configure Google Sign-In I have used this documentationf rom
To create the sign in API credentials(client id and secret), I have
used this documentation from Google. I am using OAuth2 and have
set the type to Web Application.
I have done some research and I found out that I could get profile
info using this example shown on the google documentation, but
that is given I am implementing the Sign-In UI and code which comes
with it, but in my case I have configured that in Azure and is an
in-built feature.
Is there any way, I can access user profile information (email in my case) on the application without changing the authentication method keep using Azure's in built feature to add Google sign-In?
After some more research, I found that Microsoft provides some documentation on this and can be found here.
More specifically, the email adress of the signed in user, which I was after can be fetched from header X-MS-CLIENT-PRINCIPAL-NAME.

How to specify a test account for the Instagram Basic Display API App Review

I have a webapp that wants to access a user's posts via the new Instagram Basic Display API. Everything works and I now want to go live, but I find the App Review process really hard to understand!
The App Review documentation states that you have to demonstrate in a screencast how the reviewer can log in to your app, request authentication from Instagram and then make use of the Basic Display API. I have created a test account in my webapp and provided those credentials to the app reviewers. The question is what Instagram account they are meant to connect to.
I would assume that they have their own special Instagram accounts that are pre-approved to all in-development applications. But just in case that wasn't the case, I created an Instagram Account just for this purpose and gave its test credentials to the app reviewers.
My review was just rejected, with the screenshot below given as a reason. Turns out that the reviewers did in fact try to use my test instagram account, but Instagram thought their login attempt was suspicious and wanted to confirm that they really own the account.
What am I meant to do with this? Facebook owns Instagram, and I am trying to get access to Instagram's API, but their Facebook app reviewers don't seem able to test their own Instagram Basic Display API!
The only thing I can think of is giving them access to the test account's webmail so they can unlock their own suspicious login attempt.
Is it really meant to be this difficult?]1

Azure AD B2C Social Signups Failing

I'm trying to get an AspNet Core 2.1 website to authenticate via Azure AD B2C. I've configured the Google and Microsoft Account signups in my tenant per the online instructions I found (e.g., this for Google).
But neither signup/signin option works. Links to them display on the default Azure AD B2C login page, but clicking the links triggers an error:
for Google, it causes a redirect_uri_mismatch error
for Microsoft Account, it returns a "we're experiencing technical
difficulties" error page, which has persisted for more than 24 hours,
so I doubt there's been any kind of outage
This is all occurring in a development environment, so I'm not using a publicly-registered domain (e.g., the reply uris all point back to localhost). Is that possibly the problem? If so, how do I set up the development environment correctly?
Additional Info
I solved the problem with the google identity provider.
But I'm still getting the same error with the Microsoft Account provider. However, I just noticed that there's an error message buried within the URL for the error page which doesn't get displayed on the page itself:
The first suggestion in the error message -- targeting -- doesn't work. The Microsoft Application Portal complains about a domain mismatch.
But I don't see how to apply the second suggestion, because I don't know where the redirect_uri is generated by/stored in my web app (i.e., I defined the redirect uri in the Microsoft Application Portal, but I don't see a corresponding configuration parameter in my webapp).
Ensure that you are registering the same base reply urls in your social providers, that your application is calling from B2C.
For example:
You if your app calls then the reply url in your social provider should be
However, some app examples call (notice the "te") so you therefore need to add a reply URL of
I generally add both.
Are you able to sign-up with the local email account at first?, if not this link
would be helpful which has a sample web app and the steps, once you are able to sing-up and authenticate , you can add identity providers as Google, Microsoft, Facebook etc., and then you can edit the sign-up or sign-in policies and add the identity providers of Google, Microsoft etc.,
I hope this helps, cheers!! please let me know if you face any issues
Suraj Revankar
Turns out the documentation I was following for setting up the MicrosoftAccount identity app was incorrect, or I was following the wrong instructions.
Basically, you need to redirect to
like the documentation I was originally following suggested.
Check out this question and answer for more details.

Kentico - Profile picture of user from facebook Web part

I am using Kentico built in web part "Facebook Connect Logon" on my website. I have made all the required settings for facebook in Settings application.
I have provided all the token access in the developers facebook account for the application.
The functionality is working fine, I just want to know is it possible to get the profile picture of the user from their facebook account and use it on my website?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You can use the format specified for the Facebook user image in their API.
Then use the type parameter to customise the size.

steps to create App in Microsoft account

I am trying to create an App in Microsoft account, but really struggling to get a proper links / steps etc. After research I found this link:, but it's not giving "DashBoard" option after successful login to Microsoft account, so that I can register an App.
I need to register "App" there to get AppID and Client Secret, so that I will be used these details for authentication in for Apache Oltu Spring OAuth2 example.
Also I got the
The screen I am getting after login into microsoft account, I don't see dashboard to register App.
Could anyone please provide steps to create App in Microsoft account?
You can try This is used for Non-Windows store apps. If you're looking to register a Windows store app you will need to register as an app developer at
The article you referenced includes the link for non-Windows store apps
