Azure EventHub EventProcessorHost Storage Account issue : Out of retries creating lease for partition - azure

I am trying to run the sample reading message from EventHub but getting the following error:
Sample URL:
'Out of retries creating lease for partition'
I can see a container got created under using Azure portal - Storage Explorer.
And know some message got written successfully to the eventhub I am trying to read from.
Any idea what might be causing this?
My storage account is of type "Storage (general purpose v1)"!

This seems to be an issue with the Storage Account you made.
I also stumbled upon this issue following this guide. I created the Storage Account (Account kind: "Storage (general purpose v1)", Performance: "Premium") and created a new Container (note: container access options could not be changed), I tested with the simple consumer code in the guide and it failed with the same "Out of retries creating lease for partition" error you received.
I eventually found this GitHub issue which suggested I used "Blob storage" instead. I created a new Storage Account with "Blob storage" selected as the Account Kind and it worked. Out of curiosity, I made two more Storage Accounts, one as "StorageV2 (general purpose v2)" and another as "Storage (general purpose v1)" again (note: container access options were now available). Both worked, so I was confused.
After some further playing around, I found that this is likely an issue with the Performance option (including the container access issue). Pick "Standard" with any sub option instead of "Premium". My original Storage Account was "Premium" and every following failing test was also "Premium". Also, it seems like you can never make a storage account with the same name ever again as the containers always have "Forbidden" names...


ADF Pipeline Errors - RequestContentTooLarge and InvalidContentLink

The ADF Pipeline release to the test Data Factory instance is failing with the following error as shown in the image below.
So, to overcome the above issue, I modified the pipeline by adding an additional step of Azure Blob File Copy to store the linked templates in a storage account and reference it in the pipeline to use it for the deployment. However when I made the above change I am getting another error which states InvalidContentLink: Unable to download deployment content from '***Sanitized Azure Storage Account Shared Access Signature***'. The tracking Id is 'xxxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx-xx'. Please see for usage details.
I have tried using the SAS token for both at the Container level and at the Storage Account level. I also have ensured that the agent and the storage account are under same VNets. I have also tried to remove the firewall restrictions but still it gives me the same InvalidContentLink error.
The modified pipeline with the Azure Storage Account step :
How do I resolve this issue?
InvalidContentLink: Unable to download deployment content from ' Azure Storage Account Shared Access Signature'. The tracking Id is 'xxxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx-xx'. Please see for usage details.
This error can cause because of you are trying to link which might not present in storage account.
Make sure you provide correct URl for the nested template that is accessible.
Also, if your storage account has firewall rule you can't link nested template from it.
Make sure your Storage Account, Container and Blob are publicly available. To achieve this:
Provide a Blob level Shared Access Signature URL. select the file click on"..." and then Click on Generate SAS.
refer for more understanding about nested template.

even trigger set up on blob storage fails in azure factory

I am setting up a event trigger on a blob storage v2in data factory pipeline, when i publish the pipeline I keep getting this error below, i have only set up storage recently but i cant see any thing out of place, do I need to set up even subscription in blob storage and create event from the storage itself as there are option to set up automation in there
The attempt to configure storage notifications for the provided storage account hmtest1 failed. Please ensure that your storage account meets the requirements described at The error is Failed to retrieve credentials for request=RequestUri=
{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"The received access token is not valid: at least one of the claims 'puid' or 'altsecid' or 'oid' should be present. If you are accessing as application please make sure service principal is properly created in the tenant."}}
{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"The received access token is not valid: at least one of the claims 'puid' or 'altsecid' or 'oid' should be present. If you are accessing as application please make sure service principal is properly created in the tenant."}}
AFAIK, In ADF, this error occurs when the Data factory is not registered in the Resource providers.
To resolve this, we need to register Data factory in the Resource Providers.
Go to Subscriptions->your account->Resource providers and check whether Data factory is Registered or not.
If it is showing as NotRegistered then select it and click on Register.
After successfully registered, create a new data factory workspace and check the Storage event trigger.
If it still gives the same error, register the EventGrid as well and re-check.

Azure Data Factory to Azure Blob Storage Permissions

I'm connecting ADF to blob storage v2 using a managed identity following this doc: Doc1
When it comes to test the connection with my first dataset, I am successful when I test the connection to the linkedservice. When I try by the filepath, and enter "testfolder" (which exists in the blob) it fails returning a generic forbidden error displayed at the end of this post.
However, when I opt to "browse" the folders in the dataset portal, the folder "testfolder" does show up. But when I select it, it will not show me anything within that folder.
The Data Factory managed instance is given the role of Contributor, granting full access to manage all resources. Is there some other hidden issue or possible way to narrow down the issue? My instinct is that this is something within the blob container since I can view the containers, but not their contents.
Error message:
It seems that you don't give the role of azure blob storage.
Please fellow this: IAM in azure blob storage,navigate to Role assignments and add role assignment.
2.choose role according your need and select your data factory.
3.A few minute later,you can retry to choose file path.
Hope this can help you. is failing in configuration

While doing something I got option to execute shell commands from azure portal. It required to configure first time.
In first step it is giving option of selecting Subscription & create storage. When I select required subscription & click on create storage, it is giving error:
Error: 409
{"error":{"code":"StorageAccountAlreadyTaken", "message":"The storage account named ... is already taken"}}
Can't create a storage account. Please try again.
I tried multiple times but no avail.
I opened Show advanced settings & tried to play with combinations but here using existing storage account is disabled(in advanced settings) and create storage is also disabled.
strong text
PS I have rights to create storage account on subscription, so that is not an issue.
I also face the same issue before. You need to directly edit (manually type the name) the existing storage account in the box, just ignore the using existing checkbox. It seems like a UI bug.
When you add the existing storage account on the UI, please note that the cloud shell region matches the storage account region. You can see the Supported storage regions from
Refer to the familiar threads,
Unable to open Cloud Shell because of Storage Account error
Azure Cloud shell requires storage account

Accessing Azure Storage Blob from an AKS cluster

A little context: I'm having to migrate a project from AWS, where I'm currently using ECS, to Azure, where I'll be using AKS since their ACS (ECS equivalent) is deprecated.
This is a regular Django app, with its configuration variables being fetched from a server-config.json hosted on a private S3 bucket, the EC2 instance has the correct role with S3FullAccess,
I've been looking into reproducing that same behavior but with Azure Blob Storage instead, having achieved no success whatsoever :-(.
I tried using the Service Principal concept and adding it to the AKS Cluster with Storage Blob Data Owner roles, but that doesn't seem to work. Overall it's been quite the frustrating experience - maybe I'm just having a hard time grasping the right way to use the permissions/scopes. The fact that the AKS Cluster creates its own resource group is something unfathomable - but I've attempted attaching the policies to it as well, to no avail. I then moved onto a solution indicated by Microsoft.
I managed to bind my AKS pods with the correct User Managed Identity through their indicated solution aad-pod-identity, but I feel like I'm missing something. I assigned Storage Blob Data Owner/Contributor to the identity, but still, when I enter the pods and try to access a Blob (using the python sdk), I get a resource not found message.
Is what I'm trying to achieve possible at all? Or will I have to change to a solution using Azure Keyvault/something along those lines?
first off all, you can use AKS Engine which is more or less ACS for Kubernetes now.
As for the access to the blob storage, you dont have to use Managed Service Identity, you can just use account name\key ( which is a bit less secure, but a lot less error prone and more examples exist ). The fact that you are getting resource not found error most likely means your auth part is fine, you just dont have access to the resource, according to this storage blob contributor should be fine if you assigned it at a proper scope. For this to work 100% just give your identity contributor access at subscription level, this way its guaranteed to work.
I've found an example of using python with MSI (here). You should start with that (and grant your identity contributor access) and verify you can list resource groups. when that works making reading blobs working should be trivial.
