How to upload large files for signature using SDK - docusignapi

I need to upload a large file in order to request signatures from multiple signers. I'm assuming that I use the chunked upload but, I'm not sure how to tie the upload to an envelope. Does anybody have an example of how to use a chunked upload and tie to an envelope?

If your document is about 18MB or smaller you can use the regular API / SDK calls and BASE64 encode the document so it's included in the request JSON. At this time, the SDKs always BASE64 encode documents.
For documents larger than 18 MB and smaller than 25MB, you can use the regular API calls if you include the binary version of the document using multipart encoding. See the docs. Also see working examples: Node.js example, Java example.
For documents larger than 25MB and smaller than about 50MB, you use the ChunkedUploads API methods.


How to upload video to mogondb using expressjs?

I want to make an web app where user able to upload to upload.
So how can i make the api where the video will be stored in mongodb.
Storing an entire file is not an option, you can store using binary data, but is not the best approach.
As Kris said, are better options like AWS S3. On the other hand, remember the limitation of 16MB per document, that is the maximum amount of data a document can store, so in case you decide to use binary data to store your videos you need having in mind this limit.

How to upload >5GB file using multipart API of S3 right from the browser?

I have tried the PUT request by XMLHttpRequest. There is a browser-side limitation that doesn't allow me to upload files larger than 2GB. Then I have tried the POST request from an HTML form that doesn't require Javascript side preprocessing. It has 5GB upload size limitation in a single operation.
AWS recommended multipart upload in larger upload scenarios. That requires files to chunk down then upload into pieces. How to do it right from the browser, when the file size is greater than 10GB.
You can use chucks in combination with signed URLs. See this link for more details

What is the best way to send files through HTTP?

I am working on web api in node.js and express and I want to enable users to upload images.
My api is using JSON requests and responses but when it comes to uploading images I don't know which option is a better one. I can think of two ideas:
encode images as a base64 strings and send them as a JSON (like {"image": "base64_encoded_image"})
use multipart/form request and handle the request with a help of packages like multer
I've been reading some articles and other questions related to my issue and I'm still struggling to choose one approach over the other. Encoding image and sending it with JSON increases the size of data by about 25% (that's what I've read) but using multipart seems weird to me as all other endpoints on my api use JSON.
The multipart/formdata approach has certain advantages over the Base64 encoding one.
First and foremost disadvantage of using Base64 approach is the 30% increase in size of data, while this may not be significant for files of small size but it will definitely matter if you are sending large files and storing them on storage spaces( will increase your cost/data-consumption ). Also packages like multer provide you with certain functionalities like - checking the type of file(jpg,png etc) and set size limit on files etc. And they are quite easy to implement as well with a lot of tutorials and guides present online.
Furthermore, converting image to Base64 string increases computation overhead on user's machine especially if the file is large.
I would advise you to use multipart/form-data approach for your case.

Best practice - call API or call C# client library

We are integrating a new system with DocuSign. The system is built using C# objects.
My question is, which is the best practice to interface with DocuSign - call the DocuSign Web API methods directly, or include the DocuSign C# client library as a reference to our code, and call that directly?
I recommend using the C# client library. It will save you time and make it very easy to use.
The code for it is also public in github, so if for some reason you want to fork and use it that way - you can do that too.
The DocuSign C# SDK saves you the bother of:
serializing the request objects into a JSON structure
sending the HTTPS request
deserializing the response objects into C# objects.
It also includes helper methods for implementing the OAuth JWT Grant flow.
These are all good reasons to use the SDK.
If you expect that you will be regularly sending documents that are above 20MB in size then you may want to implement the Envelopes::create call yourself. Why? Because the current version of the SDK BASE64 encodes the documents you upload to DocuSign.
If you implement the Envelopes::create call yourself, you can send the documents in binary. This isn't so easy to do but is important if you have very large source documents. An example of how to send in binary mode.
Size limits: 25MB per API call. But document(s) in an API call that are BASE64 encoded have alot of overhead. So in this case, the effective max doc size is around 20 MB.
You can have multiple documents in an envelope. To have multiple large documents, create the envelope as a draft, then upload the additional documents as separate API calls.
See the API Limits document

How do I upload a file to a REST endpoint?

Using Twitter as an example: Twitter has an endpoint for uploading file data.
Can anyone provide an example of a real HTTP message containing, for example, image file data, showing how it is supposed to be structured? I'm fairly sure Twitter's documentation is nonsense, as their "example request" is the following:
Is the media_data really supposed to go in the URL? What if you have raw binary media data? Would it go in the body? How is the REST service to know how the data is encoded?
You're looking at the chunked uploader - it's intended for sending large files, breaking them into chunks, so a network failure doesn't mean you have to re-upload a 100 MB .mp4. It is, as a result, fairly complicated. (Side note: The file data goes in the request body, not the URL as a GET parameter... as indicated by "Requests should be multipart/form-data POST format.")
There's a far less complicated unchunked uploader that'll be easier to work with if you're just uploading a regular old image.
All of this gets a lot easier if you use one of Twitter's recommended libraries for your language.
to upload a file, you need to send it in a form, in node.js server you save accept the incoming file using formidable.
You can also use express-fileupload or multer
