Setup SSL in azure application gateway - azure

I setup an application gateway at Azure with two VMs. Now, I'm trying to install a SSL certificate into one domain name.
I upload the .cer file and I received a message that this certificate has been installed. But when I try to access the website with https, nothing happens.
Is there a step by step to install a certificate at Azure Application Gateway? Could you help me?

If I am understanding correctly, you should upload a .pfx file certificate. Click HTTPS for the protocol of the listener and make sure that the port is defined as 443.
Use the command to export a .pfx certificate.
$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Azure123456!" -Force -AsPlainText
Export-PfxCertificate \
-cert cert:\localMachine\my\E1E81C23B3AD33F9B4D1717B20AB65DBB91AC630 \
-FilePath c:\appgwcert.pfx \
-Password $pwd
You can get more details from this guide: Configure an application gateway with SSL termination using the Azure portal
Hope this helps.


How can i check if the ssl binding on a web ap has expired or is soon going to expire in Azure?

Im using
az webapp config ssl list --resource-group "$resourcegroup" | ConvertFrom-Json
but this gives back all certificates.
The issue is that under the bindings in Azure for the web app it had an expired certificate.
Can i check the actual bindings and if they are soon going to expire using powershell and the az cmdlets ?
You can filter it in powershell:
az webapp config ssl list --resource-group "$resourcegroup" | ConvertFrom-Json | Where-Object {$_.expirationDate -lt (Get-Date)}

Azure App Service and App gateway SSL certificates informations

in my company I have an Azure environment in which SSL certificates need to be renewed. But I was given no info about them.
So I have app services that run in an ASE, with an app Gateway.
The certificate for the ASE is handled, I'm trying to gather all the information I can on the app services certificate and the app gateway certificate.
with Azure CLI, running this command on the app gateway gives me lot of data including the serial number but not the thumbprint :
$publiccertprod1= az network application-gateway ssl-cert show -g RessourceGroupName --gateway-name AppGatewayName --name CertName --query publicCertData -o tsv
echo "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----" >> publicprod1.cert; echo "${publiccertprod1}" >> publicprod1.cert; echo "-----END PKCS7-----" >> publicprod1.cert
cat publicprod1.cert | fold -w 64 | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs | openssl x509 -noout -text
On the other hand, running this command on app service gives me the thumbprint but not the serial number
az webapp config ssl list --resource-group AppServiceRessourceGroup
So, how can I be sure it's the same certificate or not (from the internal intel I have it's a different one), and how can I get the missing serial number and thumbprint?
the internal process for certificate renewal asks me for serial numbers so getting this one would be huge.
Edit: as Ked Mardemootoo suggested, using AzAppGWCert module gave me all necessary details. You can find it here :
Thanks #Ked Mardemootoo your insights helped lot.
Use below PoweShell script to get the both Thumbprint & SerialNumber
Before the script you can install the Required Module AzureRMAPPGWCert
Install-Module -Name AzureRMAppGWCert
Use the Below code to get the certificate values
Import-Module AzureRMAppGWCert
Get-AzureRMAppGWCert -RG <RGName> -AppGWName <AppGatewayName>
Refer SO thread for more info
as #Ked Mardemootoo suggested, using AzAppGWCert module gave me all necessary details. You can find it here :

Include Letsencrypt Root certificate in Azure Application Gateway

I'm trying to folllow Azure Tutorial on how to get Api Management under a vnet and accessible through an application gateway (WAF). I'm stuck trying to upload the root cert into application gateway. It says that the "Data for certificate is invalid", apparently Azure Application gateway doesn’t like Letsencrypt certs.
My certs are:
I have used acmesh to generate all certs:
./ --issue -d --dns dns_gd --server letsencrypt
./ --issue -d --dns dns_gd --server letsencrypt
./ --issue -d ---dns dns_gd --server letsencrypt
./ --issue -d --dns dns_gd --server letsencrypt
Vnet, Subnets, Security Groups and Api Management are all created successfully, all good except for the part I need to create the application gateway:
$appgwName = "apim-app-gw"
$appgw = New-AzApplicationGateway -Name $appgwName -ResourceGroupName $resGroupName -Location $location `
-BackendAddressPools $apimGatewayBackendPool,$apimPortalBackendPool,$apimManagementBackendPool `
-BackendHttpSettingsCollection $apimPoolGatewaySetting, $apimPoolPortalSetting, $apimPoolManagementSetting `
-FrontendIpConfigurations $fipconfig01 -GatewayIpConfigurations $gipconfig -FrontendPorts $fp01 `
-HttpListeners $gatewayListener,$portalListener,$managementListener `
-RequestRoutingRules $gatewayRule,$portalRule,$managementRule `
-Sku $sku -WebApplicationFirewallConfig $config -SslCertificates $certGateway,$certPortal,$certManagement `
-TrustedRootCertificate $trustedRootCert -Probes $apimGatewayProbe,$apimPortalProbe,$apimManagementProbe
The last line is where I need to inform the path to my .cer file. I have tried to add the and fullchain.cer, no luck. Tried to use openssl to create a Base64 file, also no luck:
sudo openssl x509 -inform PEM -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -outform DER -out trustedrootDER.cer
openssl x509 -inform der -in trustedrootDER.cer -out trustedroot.cer
I even created a VM running Windows to try this approach, no joy.
The solution from the Architecture point of view is pretty simple, but the certs problem makes it troublesome:
Any direction here is much appreciated!
Why you want to add the Lets Encrypt Root CA cert on your application gateway?
From my understanding the Root CA from Lets Encrypt is ISRG Root X1 and this one should be already trusted by Clients (Browsers).You only want to add the Root CA if you have self signed certificates.
Here is a workflow with storing the certs in Azure Key Vault:
Another Workflow here describes adding certs with ACME challenges:

Binding SSL certificate to App service using Azure CLI and Keyvault

I'm trying to use Azure CLI to configure an Azure app service SSL certificates that are stored in an Azure KeyVault. I'm new to Azure CLI and am having trouble finding a complete set of sample code that does this. I've found documentation / examples of the individual commands, but am having trouble chaining them together. Definitely would appreciate some assitance/guidance as I feel like this is a common scenario.
At first, I thought this was would be a simple 'linking' type command. Certs are already uploaded in keyvault, so Azure App Service, go get 'em, here's the $pfxPassword.
It doesn't look like that is possible. I found some documentation that it looks like you need to download the Cert from the keyvault and then upload it.
It took me a little bit to realize that you don't use az keyvault certificate for this... you need to use az secret download.
I then found some other commands on how to upload the cert, get the thumbprint, and bind the cert to the app Service.
I chained these three commands together, but am not able to get it to work.
#download the cert
az keyvault secret download --file $fileName --vault-name $vaultName --name $certName;
#upload the cert and get the thumbprint
$thumbprint=az webapp config ssl upload --certificate-file $fileName --certificate-password $pfxPassword --name $site_name --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --query thumbprint --output tsv
#bind the uploaded cert to the app service.
az webapp config ssl bind --certificate-thumbprint $thumbprint --ssl-type SNI --name $site_name --resource-group $ResourceGroupName
I can confirm the first command is downloading the cert. (After a while I was able to figure things out import into my win10 development machine -- even though the certs were uploaded into keyvault with a password, downloading them stripped the password out.).
Unfortunately, it looks like the second command (upload and get the thumbprint) REQUIRES a password.
What is the 'correct' way to do this?
Thanks for your guidance/advice.
According to my test, when we use the Azure CLI to download the certificate as pfx file from Azure key vault, it has a blank password. So when we use CLI to upload the pfx file to Azure web app, we can use the following command
az webapp config ssl upload --certificate-file "<pfx file name>" --name "<web name>" --resource-group "<group name>" --certificate-password "" --query thumbprint --output tsv
az login
# upload certificate to Azure key vault
az keyvault certificate import --file "E:\Cert\P2SChildCert.pfx" --password "" --name "test1234" --vault-name "testkey08"
# download certificate as pfx file
az keyvault secret download --file "test2.pfx" --vault-name "testkey08" --name "test1234" --encoding base64
# upload the pfx file to Azue web app
az webapp config ssl upload --certificate-file "test2.pfx" --name "andywebsite" --resource-group "andywebbot" --certificate-password "" --query thumbprint --output tsv
Besides, if your certificate has been stored in Azure key vault, we can directly import it to Azure web app via Azure Portal.

How to assign a SSL Certificate to IIS7 Site from Command Prompt

Can you advise me whether it is possible or not to assign a SSL Certificate to a website in IIS7 using the APPCMD application?
I am familiar with the command to set the HTTPS Binding
appcmd set site /"A Site" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*']
and how to obtain current mappings
but can not seem to find any way to map a site to a certificate (say the certificates hash for example)
The answer is to use NETSH.
For example
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash='baf9926b466e8565217b5e6287c97973dcd54874' appid='{ab3c58f7-8316-42e3-bc6e-771d4ce4b201}'
This helped me a lot: a simple guide, by Sukesh Ashok Kumar, to setting up SSL for IIS from the command line. Includes importing/generating the certificate with certutil / makecert.
EDIT: if the original URL is down, it's still available through the Wayback Machine.
With PowerShell and the WebAdministration module, you can do the following to assign an SSL certificate to an IIS site:
# ensure you have the IIS module imported
Import-Module WebAdministration
cd IIS:\SslBindings
Get-Item cert:\LocalMachine\My\7ABF581E134280162AFFFC81E62011787B3B19B5 | New-Item!443
Things to note... the value, "7ABF581E134280162AFFFC81E62011787B3B19B5" is the thumbprint for the certificate you want to import. So it needs to be imported into the certificate store first. The New-Item cmdlet takes in the IP address ( for all IPs) and the port.
See for more details.
I've tested this in Windows Server 2008 R2 as well as Windows Server 2012 pre-release.
#David and #orip have it right.
However, I did want to mention that the ipport parameter specified in the example ( is what the MSDN calls the "unspecified address (IPv4: or IPv6: [::])".
I went looking it up, so I figured I'd document here to save someone else the time. This article focuses on SQL Server, but the information is still relevant:
Using the answers from this post, I created a single script that did the trick for me. It starts from the pfx file, but you could skip that step.
Here it is:
cd C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
certutil -f -p "pa$$word" -importpfx "C:\temp\mycert.pfx"
REM The thumbprint is gained by installing the certificate, going to cert manager > personal, clicking on it, then getting the Thumbprint.
REM Be careful copying the thumbprint. It can add hidden characters, esp at the front.
REM appid can be any valid guid
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=5de934dc39cme0234098234098dd111111111115 appid={75B2A5EC-5FD8-4B89-A29F-E5D038D5E289}
REM bind to all ip's with no domain. There are plenty of examples with domain binding on the web
appcmd set site "Default Web Site" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:']
If you're trying to perform IIS Administration without using the MMC snap-in GUI, you should use the powershell WebAdministration module.
The other answers on this blog don't work on later versions of Windows Server (2012)
Using PowerShell + netsh:
$certificateName = ''
$thumbprint = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | where { $_.Subject.StartsWith("CN=$certificateName") } | Select-Object -Expand Thumbprint
$guid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString("B")
netsh http add sslcert ipport="" certhash=$thumbprint certstorename=MY appid="$guid"
If you need a named binding, replace netsh call with this:
netsh http add sslcert hostnameport="$certificateName:443" certhash=$thumbprint certstorename=MY appid="$guid"
With IISAdministration ( you can use the following code to add a new HTTPS binding to a specific site:
$thumbPrint = (gci Cert:\localmachine\My | Where-Object { $_.Subject -Like "certSubject*" }).Thumbprint
New-IISSiteBinding -Name "Site Name" -BindingInformation "*:443:" -CertificateThumbPrint $thumbPrint -CertStoreLocation My -Protocol https
View existing bindings with
Get-IISSiteBinding -Name "Site Name"
Remove an existing binding with
Remove-IISSiteBinding -Name "Site Name" -BindingInformation "*:443:" -Protocol https -Confirm:$False
