Problems with sending keystrokes in Blueprism - blueprism

I'm wanting to sign into Mural automatically, but their web design requires a keystroke, but I can't get my design to work. I have tried, both global send keys and send events. Furthermore, the click center input doesn't seems to register. :/ Any suggestions? The delay is implemented as a recommendation by another user:

If I understand correctly you are trying to sign into this page. I have succesfully written in its email textbox just recognizing the field with the application modeler (browser mode) and a Write stage.
As esqew suggested in the comments then when I tried to sign in there was an error saying "an email is required". The solution for me was to use Navigates, first with "Global Send Keys" action and then "Click Center" for the button.
If it is not that website and it's another one it might be helpful if you add a link to the website in your question.
There could be several reasons why your send keys or the click events are not working, in order to help you it would be necessary to see the configuration inside the stages in your object.

As clarified by jnch, the problem is resolved by using global send keys and then using another navigation stage with click center. I believe this fixes the problem since the website demands borderline human interaction.


Gmail - Link to Draft in non-conversation view

I am importing/creating drafts in Gmail using the Gmail API. After creation I'd like to redirect the user to the Gmail UI with the opened Draft in the composer window.
I made it work properly for[MESSAGE ID]. Other urls I found here also worked well. Gmail is doing some redirects and eventually the composer window is opened with the draft.
Now my issue:
If the user has not enabled "Conversation view" this will not work at all. The redirect will then result in and only an empty, new composer window is shown and a new draft is created by the UI.
If I open the draft directly the ID-format is different. and I have no idea if this format can be generated somehow.
Does anybody has an idea or experience to also make it work with this UI setting. How I can force Gmail to load the draft into the composer window?
Thanks in advance.
If you have Email Threading > Conversation View enabled
Make use of the following URL
If you have disabled the Email Threading > Conversation View option
Make use of the following URL
Additional information
The main difference between them is that the first is treated as a conversation while the second example is not.
You can use #drafts instead of #inbox in the URL.
The number after .../mail/u/ is the session you have opened
You can retrieve the DRAFT_MESSAGE_ID by making a request to the API
You can approximately generate the compose ID by yourself, there are some examples out there (not recommended). I strongly recommend you to use the DRAFT_MESSAGE_ID instead.
This appears to still be an issue the one solution I did find was that you can find your draft directly (even though it would be the last draft) and go through multiple accounts by redirecting to{user account}&Email={email account}&continue=
You need to get your message id toi replace the area from <> from your draft. So you'll have to create the draft first. Get the google message ID, then use that with messages/get to get the Global Message Id (also referred to as message id) and then use that with a search. At this point you'll open a page with a search to a single draft but it will not be opened. Your users will have to click on the one message. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to have the good way work for conversation view, and this way work for non.
I tried many different URLS and nothing worked. As noted in the original question, it might work that you could link to the full URL but I see no way to get that. If you spend long enough working with an email you'll even find that ID changes so they aren't even stable within a single day.
Another solution that could work is as explained:
But as noted this does not open the draft on the first time you go there. It seems you have to travel to that link 2 times in a row to get the message to appear. I guess you could go to the page maybe inject some javascript to go to the page again but I don't know how to do that.

Getting Started with LiveCode video tutorials?

How to view the free "Getting Started with LiveCode" video course? The first time I got access to it by entering my username and email into the form (the form in that says "Start Making Apps Today. Free instant access to an incredible learning course."), and now I can't find any link on where I can view it. And I can't enter my user name and email into the form, it says that "This email is already associated with a LiveCode account, log in here instead", but I've already logged in.
Instead of, have you tried logging in at the main url ( If the video course is something that you ordered, it's most likely associated with your account, and might accessible from there. If you continue to have trouble getting in, perhaps try a different browser.
Recently, they've been moving things around on their site (or have the appearance of this anyway) so most things aren't where they used to be.

What is "Confirm Form Resubmission" and how is it triggered?

The internet does not like "Confirm form resubmission".
While trying to answer a SO question about trying to make the prompt occur, all I could find were resources regarding how to prevent it from happening.
What are the ways that users trigger the prompt in modern browsers? What's really happening when someone tries to refresh a form?
How could a developer programmatically trigger the prompt?
Extra kudos if you can find source documentation...
This is a php-related issue,
Whenever the method of the form submission is "post" this dialogue will appear.
No nead to do anything else

Is it possible that InBox Actions are being used to phish Amazon customers?

I've just encountered some weird behavior in Gmail that looks like some new kind of phishing attack. I got a couple shipment confirmations from Amazon today and there are these "Track Package" buttons (also I see "View Order" buttons on order confirmations) but when I click on them the page that gets opened is clearly not the correct shipper's web site.
Which looks fine but clicking on those buttons lead to bad pages. For example one of them goes to On the other it goes to while the actual shipper (and correct link in the email body) goes to
I've looked at the source of the email and it all looks fine. There are no SCRIPT tags of any kind and no bogus links anywhere in the text (by which I also mean the HTML). The problem appears the same in Safari (6.1.1) and Chrome (31.0.1650.63). It looks normal in Mail (both Mountain Lion and iOS 5).
I couldn't figure out how such a button could get there and I found this feature for adding "registered" script actions to Gmail which is the only thing I can imagine would affect both Safari and Chrome.
When an order confirmation or parcel delivery email doesn't contain the necessary microdata to trigger the action, Gmail can still try to automatically extract the same information and show the button to the user as if the microdata was present.
Clearly this approach is less accurate than the one that relies on microdata, and it seems that in your case something went wrong with the automatic parsing.
No need to be worried about phishing though, as actions only show up for registered senders.

Best practice: How to handle concurrency of browser and website navigation

It is a well known problem to every web developer. As far as I tried to find a good solution to this problem - there was none (or at least I could not find it).
Lets assume the following:
The user does not behave, as he was expected to. The actual project I'm working in uses a navigation within the web portal. But if the user uses the browser's back button, the whole thing becomes jeoprady[?] and the result was not always predictable.
We used the struts framework and stored the back-url into forms - at some places, where we needed a back-url - this has been rendered out of this form's back-url. For there was only a singe field for this information and therefore it was not possible of going back multiple steps.
When you change the "struts-flow" - which may result in using a different form - this information will be lost.
If the user dares to put a bookmark somewhere within your webapp - this information may never have been set and again the result will again be either unpredictable or not flexible enough!
My "solution":
I was storing every navigation-relevant page the user visited onto a stack-like storage into the session. This means a navigation-path is collected and stored for later navigations.
At any page within the webapp, where back-navigations are involved I used a self-made tag which renders the stack-content into the url.
And thats it.
When this back-url was clicked, the stack has been filled with the content from the back-url clicked by the user (which holds all information from the stack once the back-link was rendered).
This is quite clear, because a click on a link is a clear state, where the web developer exactly knows, where the user "is" a this very moment - absolutely independant from whatever the user did before (e.g. hitting the browser back button multiple times). Then the navigation stack is built upon this new state.
It becomes clear, that this won't be the best solution. But it allows storing additional information on the stack like page parameters and some other useful stuff (further developments possible).
So, what were your solutions to this problem?
The stack solution sounds interesting, but it will probably break if the user chooses to navigate "in parallel" on different tabs or using bookmarks.
I'm afraid I don't really understand why you have to keep all this state for each user: ideally the web should follow the REST principle and be completely stateless. Therefore a single URL should identify a single resource, without having to keep the navigation history of each user.
If your web app relies heavily on AJAX, you could try to implement something like GMail (admittedly, not so easy...), where each change in the interface is reflected in a change in the page URL. Therefore each page is identified by the current URL and the user can navigate concurrently or use the back button as usual.
