My CSP policy is being ignored by the latest version of Chrome. I decided today to recreate the policy to try debug why, but as you can see from the error below, Chrome is advising me to add a hash that is already in the CSP (see sha256-idz8mDU5fJ8lJuEwY6hbkXVde/nqBBjQE/u5rxw1HUk=):
Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self' 'sha256-LpfmXS+4ZtL2uPRZgkoR29Ghbxcfime/CsD/4w5VujE=' 'sha256-F+21FF3QOEHS5CNuMQEs3Q+LB0uULZF9DODEYnH/mMQ=' 'sha256-5uIP+HBVRu0WW8ep6d6+YVfhgkl0AcIabZrBS5JJAzs=' 'sha256-nK6A3vwzvwoN92MnHZrWtylYkYmW1jCQgTqWKQJNBMI=' 'sha256-idz8mDU5fJ8lJuEwY6hbkXVde/nqBBjQE/u5rxw1HUk='". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-idz8mDU5fJ8lJuEwY6hbkXVde/nqBBjQE/u5rxw1HUk='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
This is working correctly in Firefox and Safari, so I'm thinking that there is something in my policy that is causing Chrome to stop reading values?
The content of my .htaccess file is:
Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; connect-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'sha256-LpfmXS+4ZtL2uPRZgkoR29Ghbxcfime/CsD/4w5VujE=' 'sha256-F+21FF3QOEHS5CNuMQEs3Q+LB0uULZF9DODEYnH/mMQ=' 'sha256-5uIP+HBVRu0WW8ep6d6+YVfhgkl0AcIabZrBS5JJAzs=' 'sha256-nK6A3vwzvwoN92MnHZrWtylYkYmW1jCQgTqWKQJNBMI=' 'sha256-idz8mDU5fJ8lJuEwY6hbkXVde/nqBBjQE/u5rxw1HUk=';"
Any advise is greatly appreciated.
I think this resource answers your question:
The styles being blocked in the examples are styles in a style
attribute, Chrome only applies styles in style attributes when
'unsafe-inline' is set in 'style-src'. Safari behaves similarly but
Firefox does apply the styles if they match a hash in 'style-src'.
The CSP specification defines the hash and nonce exceptions only for
the and elements, not for the style and script
attributes so Chrome's behaviour seems to follow the spec. But the
error message generated in the console is incorrect (and confusing).
By the looks of it Chrome is following the CSP specification. I was facing the same issue with inline styles and seeing the same response as you, matching sha256 hashes! My solution has been to remove my inline styles and add them into my CSS to avoid inline styles completely.
While the console logged:
Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following
Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self'
'sha256-tLBf5MoZ1LfLjLmXgREJmfznfoX6mUwoWQJnC30N6JI='. Either the
'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash
('sha256-tLBf5MoZ1LfLjLmXgREJmfznfoX6mUwoWQJnC30N6JI='), or a nonce
('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
The solution would be to add 'unsafe-hashes', like so: style-src 'self' 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-tLBf5MoZ1LfLjLmXgREJmfznfoX6mUwoWQJnC30N6JI='.
See the 'unsafe-hashes' directive:
I am developing a site and I have a problem with the Content Security Policy. It is triggered when I try to retrieve images from my DB for example or when I want to retrieve my font from google...
Here is the github link of the project:
Thank you for your help.
You have defined a policy in a meta tag here:
However, your policy sets img-src and the browser console says you don't. The most likely explanation is that something sets another policy in a response header with "default-src 'none'". You will need to disable the other policy or move your own policy there. Then your image will likely show and you need to add that google domain for the font ( to font-src.
Hi I found my policy and it'is <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src * gap:; script-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src *; img-src * data: blob: android-webview-video-poster:; style-src * 'unsafe-inline';"> thanks for your help
I have installed GeoServer on my linux machine and is running behind Nginx proxy. GeoServer web interface is working fine. But when I try to create a new store, it is not working. When I click on the "browse" button a modal is opened. That is when the error message is printed on to the console, which says
CSP error
Wicket.Ajax: Wicket.Ajax.Call.processEvaluation: Exception evaluating javascript: EvalError: call to eval() blocked by CSP, text: (function(){var e =
What to add to my content security policy to get this to work? I have added my domain here as well. But that did not work either.
Here is my CSP:
add_header Content-Security-Policy "base-uri 'self'; default-src 'self'; img-src https 'self' data:; object-src 'none'; require-trusted-types-for 'script'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; font-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'";
I noticed this TrustedHTML assignment error on chrome
This document requires 'TrustedHTML' assignment.
TrustedHTML assignment error
For the first error you'll need to add 'unsafe-eval' to script-src. But note that for each 'unsafe-*' you add the value of your CSP decreases.
TrustedHTML doesn't allow setting innerHTML, use textContent instead if you are setting unformatted text. Otherwise you should be using DOMPurify or some other methods ensure that html is trusted.
I am working on Drupal 9.3.8 site and using CSP module to setup the CSP header.
There are few core dependencies or contrib modules which require unsafe-inline in CSP header but scanner recommends not the have unsafe-inline, so looking for the fix to remove the use of unsafe-inline.
Dependencies that require unsafe-inline:
Drupal core ckeditor, modernizer and AJAX calls - which can be handled by CSP module used above which adds unsafe-inline only when ckeditor renders, but not when only modernizer is required.
Google Analytics module - which adds the script inline instead of putting it in a file and include it on each page. We have the patch compatible with D7 but not for D8/9.
AntiClickJack snippet which is as below:
<style id="antiClickjack">body{display: none !important;}</style>
Installed and setup CSP module as mentioned above to handle Drupal core libs/dependencies requirement.
To handle only rendering of modernizer.js and unsafe-inline, will need customization to the CSP module.
For antiClickJack and google analytics script and style tags, cannot add hash or nonce as unsafe-inline will be ignored which will break the handling of Drupal core requirements
CSP header that I have is as below:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; frame-src 'none'; img-src 'self' data:; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src-elem 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none';
How to handle antiClickJack snippet to avoid the use of unsafe-inline?
Do we have a customized approach to add the google analytics script to a file instead of adding it inline?
Add the following hash to your style-src: 'sha256-NHgJfLahpnqTyd+gTNfZfM2wjTUfB3Wk1CvqZfZpeHY=' Most browsers will suggest a hash for you, or you can use Note that the hash works as long as the content is unchanged, so only use it for static code.
Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are not easy to implement without 'unsafe-inline'. You might be able to move to a file, but I don't know if that has an impact on the order of events. You will also need to look into CSP nonces for the code they insert. You will need to configure them to use your nonce and make sure that a new nonce is created for every page load. My experience is that setting a custom value for the nonce and change it for every page load is not trivial or possible within some frameworks, but worth giving a try.
I'm currently using Netlify to host my website and I'm currently working on the header file for the Content Security Policies in the header file.
Here's the conundrum I'm facing:
Where the policies are written in one line, it breaks the website but passes GitHub checks. Example:
default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self';
Where the policies are on multiple lines, it seems to work, but fails GitHub checks. Example:
default-src 'self';
script-src 'self';
style-src 'self';
Does anyone have any insight regarding this?
The react documentation points to this file as an example of using babel inline
Even though it's not recommended for production, it would be helpful for me to develop faster if I could just write jsx for the time being in my chrome extension without having to compile myself. My issue is that if you try this you get an error in a chrome extension.
babel.min.js:1 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-FN6NaNuBVCZD7+6eEydixs7VVD0vxTZKnwjth9yDpCC='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
I've tried adding a content security policy to my chrome extension, but still get the same error: Here is my policy in my chrome extension manifest
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self' 'sha256-FN6NaNuBVCZD7+6eEydixs7VVD0vxTZKnwjth9yDpCC='"
Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?