Downloading files from Azure Blob Storage - Error: The given path's format is not supported - azure

I've just started working with Azure Blob Storage and I'm trying to download Blob Blocks to my local environment, without any success. the file names get copied, but no data is copied (i.e. the files are empty)
If I use the same settings with an upload task, then the files are copied.
The error I get from SSIS (SQL Server 2016 SP1 and VS 2015 professional) is:
Error: Download task has stopped with exception: The given path's format is not supported.
Below are the properties of the download and upload, any ideas anyone?

I tested both of these tasks, and my setup of each of the tasks look pretty much identical to yours as far as slashes and backslashes go for the LocalDirectory, BlobContainer, BlobDirectory, etc. I did notice you have some variation in capitalization (e.g. DELTA vs Delta), but I tested that as well, and it was not case sensitive. Because all of that looks perfect, I suspect there is an issue with permissions or the name of the files that it doesn't like.

You probably need to escape the backslashes in the expression that sets the variable value used for LocalDirectory, like this:


Uploading large .bak file to Azure Blob through Powershell

So I am trying to create a powershell script which will upload a large (> 4GB) .Bak file to Azure Blob Storage but currently it is getting hung. This script works with small files which I have been using to test.
Originally the issue I was having was the requirement to have a Content-Length specified (I imagine due its size) so I now calculate the file size of the .bak file (as it varies slightly each week) and pass this through as a request header
I am a total powershell newbie, as well as being very new to Azure blob. (NOTE: I am trying to do this purely in powershell, without relying on other tools such as AzCopy)
Below is my script
Powershell Script
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
There are a few things to check. Since file is big, are you sure it isn't uploading? Have you checked network activity in performance tab of task explorer? AzCopy seems like a good option too that you can use from within Powershell, but if it's not an option in your case, then why not to use native AZ module for Powershell?
I suggest you using Set-AzStorageBlobContent cmdlet to see if it helps. You can find examples at Microsoft docs

azcopy list function gives a different count (almost double) of objects than Storage Explorer

I am uploading files with AZCOPY (one by one as and when they are provided) to Azure Datalakes gen 2 and keep a track with Storage explorer and individual log of each file.
There have been 6253 file uploads and Storage explorer shows the same along with number of logs for each file upload
But when i use AZCOPY LIST it gives me 11254.
Making it difficult to script and automate.
Is there a logical explanation for this?
There is no access issue, in fact the same AZCOPY is working on copying the files
I have tried to redownload if that makes sense
This is a known bug, scheduled for fixing in our next release:

Azure convert blob to file

Some large disks containing hundreds of 30GB tar files have been prepared and ready to ship.
The disks have been prepared as BLOB using the WAImportExport tool.
The Azure share is expecting files.
Ideally we don't want to redo the disks as FILE instead of BLOB. Are we able to upload as BLOBs to one storage area and extract the millions of files from the tarballs to a FILE storage area without writing code?
azcopy will definitely do it and has been tested. We were able to move files from blobs to files using the CLI in Azure with the azcopy command.
The information provided below was proven not to be true.
Microsoft Partner told me yesterday there is no realistic way to convert Blobs to Files in the above-mentioned scenario.
Essentially, it is important to select either WAImportExport.exe Version 1 for BLOBS or WAImportExport.exe Version 2 for files. Information on this can be found at this location.
The mistake was easily made and done so by a number of people here: the link to the tool sent was to the binary version 1. Search results tended to direct users to version 1 but version 2 only appears only after deeper dig. Version 2 - seems to be an afterthought my Microsoft when they added the Files option to Azure. It's a pity they didn't use different binary names or build a switch into version 2 to do both and delete the version 1 offering.

Why do duplicate folders exist in my Azure blob storage container?

I am aware that Azure blob storage does not use an actual folder structure but could not think of a better way to describe this.
The issue we're seeing is when opening Server Explorer (in Visual Studio) to browse through our blob storage container. We separate client resources and data by folder so in this case we have a blob titled productdata/Client_5/testimage.jpg.
The problem is that this Client_5 folder appears twice when inspecting our blob storage. So far I've double checked there are no weird special characters in either folder and double checked case sensitivity. The two paths are EXACTLY the same except its actual contents. Our application has no problems with this because the path is still exactly the same to the resources it's attempting to get. (For example, since the folders are named exactly the same, still takes us to exactly where we need to be.) It's just a pain when we use Server Explorer to view our blobs on Azure because we have two folder locations to check. This could very well be a bug in Server Explorer for Visual Studio as well.
If anyone else has ever come across this, any info is appreciated. I couldn't find anything on the topic when searching online but figure I would post the question here for reference. Also, I'll be contacting Azure support soon to see if they can shed some light on any of this and will post what info I get from them here later.
It's true that blob storage doesn't have the concept of folder but the API built on the top of it does. I've seen exactly the same or similar problems in other tools as well: Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer and even Azure Portal. I tried to go deeper and when I executed:
CloudBlobContainer.ListBlobs(null, useFlatBlobListing: false)
it also returned duplicated directories. To be precise it returned the list with several instances of CloudBlobDirectory that had the same Prefix. Sounds like a bug. Now, if a tool uses this approach to get a list of directories it will fail. If the tool uses flat listing and builds the structure of folders in its logic it should be ok.
Hard to say what is the reason of such behaviour. In my case files in blob storage were copied by Azure Data Factory activity with concurrency option but I'm not sure if it's the rule.
BTW Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer in my case showed only some subset of folders which is much worse than displaying duplicated directories so I switched to Azure Explorer mentioned above and it's worth recommending.
I was experiencing an issue where the "folder" names appeared identical, but on closer inspection one had a trailing space.
Because folders don't really exist in blob storage and a space is a valid value, it is possible to have trailing or leading spaces in the names.
Azure blob storage does not ahve the concept of folder, only container, you can simulate folder setting the name of the blog to save like 'folder/img.png', but folder/ is part of the name of the blob.
Also, I ever use Storage Explorer, try with this:

Microsoft Azure - how to store backup data

I have a trivial and simple task - I want to store some my data (documents, photos etc) on Azure as backup. Which type of service should I select? Store as Blob? But I want to save a structure of data (folders, subfolders etc). Azure Backup? It stores only archive data, I don't want to archive it all in one. DocumentDB? I not need to have features like return json format etc... What is the best way to store many (thousands) files (big and small) to save folder structure without archivation to one file (so, I want to have a simple way to get only one file quickly)
I use Windows 7.
In addition to what knightpfhor wrote above you might also want to take a look at Getting Started with AzCopy - it is a Windows tool that helps you copy content to / from your local storage to Blob Storage. PowerShell and XPlatCLI are other options as well.
Based on what you've described, blob storage can achieve what you're after. While blob storage doesn't technically support folders, it does let you include \ in the file names which are interpreted by some blob storage clients as folders (for example the free Cerebrata Azure Explorer). So if you have
--My Pictures
--My Other Picutres
You could create blobs with the names:
RootDrive\My Pictures\Picture1.jpg
RootDrive\My Pictures\Picture2.jpg
RootDrive\My Other Picutres\Picture1.jpg
And they have the ability to be interpreted as folders.
I examined Recovery Services deeply and it works now (from december 2014) for Windows client versions too (including Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1). It allows to backup selected files and folders.
This is a guide how to use it
