How can I manually kill a thread? - haskell

I'm in ghci testing some functions that fork threads, kinda like this:
myForkingFunction = do
tid <- forkIO (workerFunction)
putStrLn ("Worker thread: " ++ show tid)
putStrLn ("...lots of other actions...")
where workerFunction = do
putStrLn "In real life I'm listening for jobs...."
This results in:
🐢 > myForkingFunction
Worker thread: ThreadId 216
...lots of other actions...
🐢 > In real life I'm listening for jobs....
In real life I'm listening for jobs....
In real life I'm listening for jobs....
In real life I'm listening for jobs....
(and so on)
Then as I'm :r-ing and iterating on the code, I notice that even when I reload, my workerFunction is still going.
So, I thought could just look at the printed output and do killThread (ThreadId 234) or whatever.
But first, I need to import ThreadId(..) from GHC.Conc.Sync?
Then I get this error:
<interactive>:110:22: error:
• Couldn't match a lifted type with an unlifted type
When matching types
Integer :: *
GHC.Prim.ThreadId# :: TYPE 'GHC.Types.UnliftedRep
• In the first argument of ‘ThreadId’, namely ‘805’
In the first argument of ‘killThread’, namely ‘(ThreadId 805)’
In the expression: killThread (ThreadId 805)
So I think I must be approaching this wrong?

I don't think there's any way to construct a ThreadId (e.g. from the result of show). See this question so you'll need to hold on to the ThreadId returned from forkIO, e.g. by changing your function to:
myForkingFunction = do
tid <- forkIO (workerFunction)
putStrLn ("Worker thread: " ++ show tid)
putStrLn ("...lots of other actions...")
return tid
and doing in ghci:
> tid <- myForkingFunction
> killThread tid
The error you get is a little confusing, and I believe has to do with the fact that numeric literals (like 216) are polymorphic; the argument to ThreadId is ThreadId# which is an unlifted type so you get the error you see before the compiler can even complain of "no instance Num ThreadId#"

ThreadId values are treated specially by the runtime. You can't just create one. You need access to a ThreadId either as produced by forkIO when creating the thread or by myThreadId inside the thread.
Just for extra fun, threads don't get garbage collected while any ThreadId from one is still reachable. So you can't just hold on to them in case you need them. You need to actually have a plan to manage threads.
I think you're probably best off using the async library and it's various linking operations to ensure that when the parent thread is killed, it also kills all its child threads. It's a little (or a lot) of an awkward code style, but it's the best way to get correct behavior.

A ThreadId is not really a number, although it has a number associated with it for identification. ThreadId is a wrapper around ThreadId#, which is a pointer to a thread state object (a TSO, or in the RTS code, StgTSO). That object contains all the actual internal information about a thread. There is no way to turn an Int into a ThreadId (I'm pretty sure the runtime system doesn't even maintain a mapping from thread ID numbers to ThreadId#s, and there's definitely no primop supporting such a conversion), so you can give up on that now. The only way you can killThread or throwTo a thread is if you hold on to the ThreadId that forkIO gave you. Note that killing a thread isn't usually the way you want to stop it. Normally you want to do something more controlled by communicating with it through an MVar. Most people use the tools in the async library to manage concurrency.

The problem is in the arguments of the killThread is wrong. You need to write killThread 234 instead of killThread (ThreadId 234). Have you tried that?


Why is chat server example on thread safe?

I'm new to Haskell and I can't figure out what I'm not understanding about this example on the Haskell wiki:
The specific code in question is this:
runConn :: (Socket, SockAddr) -> Chan Msg -> -> IO ()
runConn (sock, _) chan = do
let broadcast msg = writeChan chan msg
hdl <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
chan' <- dupChan chan
-- fork off thread for reading from the duplicated channel
forkIO $ fix $ \loop -> do
line <- readChan chan'
hPutStrLn hdl line
-- read lines from socket and echo them back to the user
fix $ \loop -> do
line <- liftM init (hGetLine hdl)
broadcast line
The code above has one thread writing to the handle hdl at the same time (potentially) as another thread is reading from it. Is this safe?
I suspect the nature of forkIO (being internal to Haskell and not a system thread library or process) is what makes this work, but I'm not sure.
I checked the documentation of forkIO for any mention of IO handles
but found nothing. I also checked the documentation of System.IO but couldn't find any mention of using handles between threads without using locking.
So can someone tell me how I should know when something like this is safe when the docs don't mention anything about thread safety?
It's not the nature of forkIO that makes this works but the nature of MVar that is used to implement both Chan and Handle.
If you want to understand how Chan works take a look at this section "MVar as building blocks: Unbounded Channels" in chapter 7 of the excellent book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell" by Simon Marlow. In the same chapter there is a section about forkIO and MVar that will help you understand how Handle can be implemented in a thread safe way.
Chapter 12 talks specifically about various ways to implement network servers, including a chat server that is implemented using STM instead of Chans.
If it wasn't safe, blocking sockets would be almost impossible to use. If your protocol is asynchronous and you're using blocking sockets, you need a thread blocking on read pretty much all the time. If you then needed to send a message to the other side, how could you do it? Wait for the other side to send you a message?

What's the best way to exit a Haskell program?

I've got a program which uses several threads. As I understand it, when thread 0 exits, the entire program exits, regardless of any other threads which might still be running.
The thing is, these other threads may have files open. Naturally, this is wrapped in exception-handling code which cleanly closes the files in case of a problem. That also means that if I use killThread (which is implemented via throwTo), the file should also be closed before the thread exits.
My question is, if I just let thread 0 exit, without attempting to stop the other threads, will all the various file handles be closed nicely? Does any buffered output get flushed?
In short, can I just exit, or do I need to manually kill threads first?
You can use Control.Concurrent.MVar to achieve this. An MVar is essentially a flag which is either ''empty'' or "full". A thread can try to read an MVar and if it is empty it blocks the thread. Wherever you have a thread which performs file IO, create an MVar for it, and pass it that MVar as an argument. Put all the MVars you create into a list:
main = do
let mvars = sequence (replicate num_of_child_threads newEmptyMVar)
returnVals <- sequence (zipWith (\m f -> f m)
(list_of_child_threads :: [MVar -> IO a]))
Once a child thread has finished all file operations that you are worried about, write to the MVar. Instead of writing killThread you can do
mapM_ takeMVar mvars >> killThread
and where-ever your thread would exit otherwise, just take all the MVars.
See the documentation on GHC concurrency for more details.
From my testing, I have discovered a few things:
exitFailure and friends only work in thread 0. (The documentation actually says so, if you go to the trouble of reading it. These functions just throw exceptions, which are silently ignored in other threads.)
If an exception kills your thread, or your whole program, any open handles are not flushed. This is excruciatingly annoying when you're desperately trying to figure out exactly where your program crashed!
So it appears it if you want your stuff flushed before the program exits, then you have to implement this. Just letting thread 0 die doesn't flush stuff, doesn't throw any exception, just silently terminates all threads without running exception handlers.

Detecting I/O exceptions in a lazy String from hGetContents?

hGetContents returns a lazy String object that can be used in purely functional code to read from a file handle. If an I/O exception occurs while reading this lazy string, the underlying file handle is closed silently and no additional characters are added to the lazy string.
How can this I/O exception be detected?
As a concrete example, consider the following program:
import System.IO -- for stdin
lengthOfFirstLine :: String -> Int
lengthOfFirstLine "" = 0
lengthOfFirstLine s = (length . head . lines) s
main :: IO ()
main = do
lazyStdin <- hGetContents stdin
print (lengthOfFirstLine lazyStdin)
If an exception occurs while reading the first line of the file, this program will print the number of characters until the I/O exception occurs. Instead I want the program to crash with the appropriate I/O exception. How could this program be modified to have that behavior?
Edit: Upon closer inspection of the hGetContents implementation, it appears that the I/O exception is not ignored but rather bubbles up through the calling pure functional code to whatever IO code happened to trigger evaluation, which has the opportunity to then handle it. (I was not previously aware that pure functional code could raise exceptions.) Thus this question is a misunderstanding.
Aside: It would be best if this exceptional behavior were verified empirically. Unfortunately it is difficult to simulate a low level I/O error.
Lazy IO is considered to be a pitfall by many haskellers and as such is advised to keep away from. Your case colorfully describes why.
There is a non-lazy alternative of hGetContents function. It works on Text, but Text is also a generally preferred alternative to String. For convenience, there are modern preludes, replacing the String with Text: basic-prelude and classy-prelude.
Aside: It would be best if this exceptional behavior were verified
empirically. Unfortunately it is difficult to simulate a low level I/O
I was wondering about the same thing, found this old question, and decided to perform an experiment.
I ran this little program in Windows, that listens for a connection and reads from it lazily:
import System.IO
import Network
import Control.Concurrent
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo (do
socket <- listenOn (PortNumber 19999)
print "created socket"
(h,_,_) <- accept socket
print "accepted connection"
contents <- hGetContents h
print contents)
From a Linux machine, I opened a connection using nc:
nc -v mymachine 19999
Connection to mymachine 19999 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
And then used Windows Sysinternal's TCPView utility to forcibly close the connection. The result was:
Main.exe: <socket: 348>: hGetContents: failed (Unknown error)
It appears that I/O exceptions do bubble up.
A further experiment: I added a delay just after the hGetContents call:
contents <- hGetContents h
threadDelay (60 * 1000^2)
print contents)
With this change, killing the connection doesn't immediately raise an exception because, thanks to lazy I/O, nothing is actually read until print executes.

A way to form a 'select' on MVars without polling

I have two MVars (well an MVar and a Chan). I need to pull things out of the Chan and process them until the other MVar is not empty any more. My ideal solution would be something like the UNIX select function where I pass in a list of (presumably empty) MVars and the thread blocks until one of them is full, then it returns the full MVar. Try as I might I can think of no way of doing this beyond repeatedly polling each MVar with isEmptyMVar until I get false. This seems inefficient.
A different thought was to use throwTo, but it interrupts what ever is happening in the thread and I need to complete processing a job out the the Chan in an atomic fashion.
A final thought as I'm typing is to create a new forkIO for each MVar which tries to read its MVar then fill a newly created MVar with its own instance. The original thread can then block on that MVar. Are Haskell threads cheap enough to go running that many?
Haskell threads are very cheap, so you could solve it that way, but it sounds like STM would be a better fit for your problem. With STM you can do
do var <- atomically (takeTMVar a `orElse` takeTMVar b)
... do stuff with var
Because of the behavior of retry and orElse, this code tries to get a, then if that fails, get b. If both fail, it blocks until either of them is updated and tries again.
You could even use this to make your own rudimentary version of select:
select :: [TMVar a] -> STM a
select = foldr1 orElse . map takeTMVar
How about using STM versions, TChan and TVar, with the retry and orElse behavior?
Implementing select is one of STM's nice capabilities. From "Composable Memory Transactions":
Beyond this, we also provide orElse,
which allows them to be composed as alternatives, so that
the second is run if the first retries (Section 3.4). This ability allows threads to wait for many things at once, like the
Unix select system call – except that orElse composes well,
whereas select does not.
orElse in RWH.
The STM package
Papers on Haskell's STM

Haskell FFI: ForeignPtr seems not to get freed (maybe a GHC bug?)

Consider the following code snippet
import qualified Foreign.Concurrent
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "start"
a <- Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr nullPtr $
putStrLn "a was deleted"
putStrLn "end"
It produces the following output:
I would had expected to see "a was deleted" somewhere after start..
I don't know what's going on. I have a few guesses:
The garbage collector doesn't collect remaining objects when the program finishes
putStrLn stops working after main finishes. (btw I tried same thing with foreignly imported puts and got the same results)
My understanding of ForeignPtr is lacking
GHC bug? (env: GHC 6.10.3, Intel Mac)
When using Foreign.ForeignPtr.newForeignPtr instead of Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr it seems to work:
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
import Foreign.C.String (CString, newCString)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (newForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr)
foreign import ccall "&puts" puts :: FunPtr (CString -> IO ())
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "start"
message <- newCString "a was \"deleted\""
a <- newForeignPtr puts message
putStrLn "end"
a was "deleted"
From the documentation of Foreign.Foreign.newForeignPtr:
Note that there is no guarantee on how soon the finaliser is executed after the last reference was dropped; this depends on the details of the Haskell storage manager. Indeed, there is no guarantee that the finalizer is executed at all; a program may exit with finalizers outstanding.
So you're running into undefined behaviour: i.e., anything can happen, and it may change from platform to platform (as we saw under Windows) or release to release.
The cause of the difference in behaviour you're seeing between the two functions may be hinted at by the documentation for Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr:
These finalizers necessarily run in a separate thread...
If the finalizers for the Foreign.Foreign version of the function use the main thread, but the Foreign.Concurrent ones use a separate thread, it could well be that the main thread shuts down without waiting for other threads to complete their work, so the other threads never get to run the finalization.
Of course, the docs for the Foreign.Concurrent version do claim,
The only guarantee is that the finalizer runs before the program terminates.
I'm not sure that they actually ought to be claiming this, since if the finalizers are running in other threads, they can take an arbitrary amount of time to do their work (even block forever), and thus the main thread would never be able to force the program to exit. That would conflict with this from Control.Concurrent:
In a standalone GHC program, only the main thread is required to terminate in order for the process to terminate. Thus all other forked threads will simply terminate at the same time as the main thread (the terminology for this kind of behaviour is "daemonic threads").
