Provision SQL Always on in Azure VMs with external access - azure

We are setting up SQL Always On in Azure VM (IAAS). We followed the steps given in Configure Always On Availability Group in Azure VM manually and the setup is working fine. Since the setup is using the internal load balancer, the listener is available only internally i.e. using a jump box. We are using NSGs to restrict access to the servers from our office IPs and allow access to the SQL Servers from developer machines. This works for direct access to the individual SQL server but not via listener. What can be done to allow access from outside of the VNET?
This subscription is standalone and not connected to the on-premise via site-to-site VPN or Express Route. The resources should be accessed using internet and source IPs are specifically white listed (it is a very small fixed list).

You can configure a Point-to-Site connection to allow your clients to connect the Azure VNet then use sql server.

Yes, the solution to which is to use a Point-to-Site with a VPN gateway deployed.
But, keep in mind that you can have a max of 128 users.
Apart from which, P2S should do the trick here.


Connect to Azure Database for Postgresql through VPN

While configuring an Azure managed Postgres service, I am trying to configure connecting from local machines through VPN.
I can connect to the DB when white-listing IPs in Connection Security.
I have added the subnet the VPN-gateway is connected to to the VNET Rules – this doesn't seem to make a difference.
I can connect to VMs through the VPN from my local machine.
However to make that work, I added the VMs' (private IP, Azure URL)-pairs to my local machines hosts-file.
I can't find any IP for the DB-service (which seems to make sense for a managed service), so I can't make the same trick.
The error I'm getting, when trying to connect to the DB, is similar to the ones I got before adding hosts mappings.
This all leads me to believe I need some way of having Azure resolve the URL (which might also preempt the need for hosts-mappings in general).
From this article, I tried setting my DNS for, but that doesn't work at all (nothing at all is resolved).
Is there a way (and if so, how) to connect from a local machine to an Azure Database for Postgresql service through a VPN gateway?
I don't think there is a way to do this as your desired. You want to map an Azure database logical server private IP to your local hosts file, then access it via VPN gateway.
You only know the public IP for the Azure database server. The public IP addresses of Azure services change periodically. You could find an IP address list by filtering your region. It does not recommend to use such a dynamic IP address. Refer to this blog.
Since Azure database is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) Database Engine not IaaS like Azure virtual machines, It's public and does not expose the database server private IP address. We only could access the database via Azure database server name over the Internet.
Furthermore, if you want to restrict its access only from a private network with virtual Network service endpoints. However, this works to allow resources like Azure VM in the authorized subnet to access directly your Azure database in a private network, could not guarantee that if you could access the Azure database from your local machine via VPN. This seems no on-premise route to your Azure database.

Azure Multi-Site VPN from One Location

We have a client who wants to connect their premises to Azure. Their main hindrance at this point is determining the best way to connect to Azure given their current connectivity configuration. They have two redundant ISP connections going to the head office for internet access. They want to be able to configure a VPN connection to Azure that would operate in a similar way i.e. if ISP A went down it would seamlessly use ISP B and vice versa. The normal multi-site VPN configuration does not fit this since there is one local network behind which means the network behind separate VPNs over each ISP would have overlapping IP address ranges which is not supported. Is such a configuration possible? (See diagram below)
Either that or is there a way to abstract the two ISP connections onto one VPN connection to Azure.
They’re currently considering using a Cisco ASA device to help with this. I’m not familiar with the features of this device so I cannot verify if it will solve their issue. I know there is also a Cisco ASAv appliance in the Azure marketplace don't know if that could also be a part of a possible solution if they went with such a device.
required vpn configuration
The Site-to-Site VPN capability in Azure does not allow for automatic failover between ISPs.
What you could do are the following
- Have automation task created that would re-create the local network and gateway connection upon failover. Manual and would take some RTO to get it up and running
- Use the Cisco CSRs to create a DMVPN mesh. You should be able to achieve the configuration you want using that option. You would use UDRs in Azure to ensure proper routing
I havent done it in Azure, but here is what you do in AWS (And I am sure there would be parallel in Azure)
Configure a "detached VGW" (virtual Private gateway) in aws. Use DMVPN cloud to connect CSRs to multi-site on-prem.
Also, for failover between ISPs you could have a look at DNS load balancing via a parallel to AWS's Route 53 in Azure.
Reference thread :

Connect Azure Cloud Service in Virtual Network to Azure SQL database

I have an Azure Cloud Service (Worker Role) that needs to connect to my Azure SQL database and also connect to an external database.
In development the external database was on the public Internet and connectivity was not a problem.
However, the solution now needs to be deployed in a production environment and access to the external database is to be restricted by setting up a Virtual Network.
The Cloud Service, when deployed in the Virtual Network, gets an IP from the subnet, but seems to become inaccessible to the outside world, and is not connecting to the Azure SQL database (I also cannot RDP to it).
This seems to be beyond my level of understanding of networking, but I don't see why it should lose access to its neighbours in the Azure environment.
What am I missing? Do I need to get involved with Endpoints? Is the Virtual Network misconfigured?
Thanks in advance.
Your question is quite vague, in terms that it does describe the whole picture in the best possible way. Let me put my answer based on my understanding about your issue.
First of all - Azure virtual Network is Virtual Network. It is designed to enable secure cross-premisses connectivity with Windows Azure Data Center.
When you deploy a proper PaaS Cloud Service (Worker Role / Web Role) in a Virtual Network, the role instances get IP Addresses allocated from the defined DHCP pool (the VNet Definition).
When you deploy any service in an Azure Virtual Network you have to take care of Name Resolution! Meaning that, if you do not provide a proper DNS Server, your cloud instances will not be able to resolve any address. That includes Azure SQL Database servers. More on Name Resolution can be read here.
Next, but not less important - Azure SQL Database servers are not part of, and, as of March'2013, cannot be added to Azure Virtual Network!
The last statement means that in order for your Worker Role to access Azre SQL Database server, you need to provide a proper DNS server in your Azure Virtual Network.
And lastly, when you deploy a PaaS service into a Virtual Network, in order to access it via Remote Desktop need to:
* Properly enable and configure RDP extension. it will anyway create Input Endpoint. But this is the only way to enable RDP on PaaS right now;
* You could probably enable RDP via PowerShell startup script and access RDP via the VPN tunnel for the Virtual Network - say you configured a Site-to-Site or Point-to-site VPN for your Azure VNet.
Check the building cross-premises Virtual Network guide here.

Azure Cloud Service + SQL Azure and firewall configuration

I've a single Web Role Cloud Service instance running the South East Asia, with a SQL Azure Database running in the same region. I am hitting a firewall issue and the connection is blocked unless I add the Cloud Services public virtual IP to the SQL server firewall.
From everything I've read, if the two systems are in the same region, and 'Allowed Windows Azure Services' is enabled (which adds to the firewall), then the two should be able to communicate internally?
I have some concerns about things being routed inappropriately (is data going outside the network / am I being charged for it), and having to reconfigure the firewall should the VIP change.
Is there some other address I am supposed to access the SQL azure instance by (currently hitting
Your understanding is correct. If I were you I would open a support ticket with Microsoft; I have heard of this issue before, although I never experienced it myself. This sounds like an issue, so report it and watch your next invoice carefully.
Allowed Windows Azure Services - Will allow only azure services to access the database.
To be able to access the database server from any other endpoint, you need to add firewall rules to allow those specific IP ranges. If you want to connect from a machine with ip, 132.99.xx.xx you need to add a rule with start IP and end IP as 132.99.xx.xx
Hope this helps!

How can I convey this to CorpIT?

My Azure web role can, using remote desktop, connect with a browser (IE) to and to a DMZ server on our corporate network.
My web role cannot connect via HTTP GET (IE) to a non-DMZ box behind the firewall. My web role cannot ping this box either. My service is hosted in north/central, allegedly all published IP ranges of north/central have been granted access to the target IP by our CorpIT people. They claim they are seeing no traffic via their sniffer from my compute instance IP when I attempt to ping or HTTP GET against the target local IP.
CorpIT wants help from the Microsoft side but we have no Microsoft relationship. I'm convinced this is the outcome of months of slapdash thirdhand firewall rules applied to the target environment in question. What can I do to further elucidate this for CorpIT?
thx in advance!
You can try to run a trace route or get a network trace from the Azure instance and see what you get back from where. You could also create a support case with microsoft:
I wouldn't bet on using the IP ranges to make your applications work correctly. Windows Azure already provides you with some services that allow you to solve these types of issues:
Windows Azure Connect: Allows you to create an IPSec secured connection between your servers and your hosted services. This means you won't need to add rules to the firewall for incoming traffic.
Windows Azure Service Bus Relay: Allows you to expose WCF services to the cloud without having to add rules to the firewall for incoming traffic. Choosing this option might add some extra work for you to do, you might need to create a WCF service if you don't already have one and change the code in your Web Role to connect to this WCF Service.
