How to get top left of an object inside group fabricjs - fabricjs

How can I get canvas-relative position (top, left) of triangle inside an group as bellow image?
I followed this topic: How to get the canvas-relative position of an object that is in a group? but it only right when group is not rotated.

Working example you may find here:
Fabricjs provides a comprehensive explanation of how transformations are applied to the objects:
Quick answer: the coordinates of an object inside the group is a point [0,0] transformed exactly how the object in the group was transformed.
Follow my comments in code to get the idea.
// 1. arrange canvas layout with group of two rectangles
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas(document.getElementById('c'));
var rect = new fabric.Rect({
width: 100,
height: 100,
left: 50,
top: 50,
fill: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.25)'
var smallRect = new fabric.Rect({
width: 12,
height: 12,
left: 150 - 12,
top: 50 + 50 - 12 / 2 - 10,
fill: 'rgba(250,250,0,0.5)'
// 2. add a position marker (red dot) for visibility and debug reasons
var refRect = new fabric.Rect({
width: 3,
height: 3,
left: 100,
top: 100,
fill: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.75)'
var group = new fabric.Group([rect, smallRect], {
originX: 'center',
originY: 'center'
// 3. calculate coordinates of child object in canvas space coords
function getCoords() {
// get transformation matrixes for object and group individually
var mGroup = group.calcTransformMatrix(true);
// flag true means that we need local transformation for the object,
// i.e. how object is positioned INSIDE the group
var mObject = smallRect.calcTransformMatrix(true);
console.log("group: ", fabric.util.qrDecompose(mGroup));
console.log("rect: ", fabric.util.qrDecompose(mObject));
// get total transformattions that were applied to the child object,
// the child is transformed in following order:
// canvas zoom and pan => group transformation => nested object => nested object => etc...
// for simplicity, ignore canvas zoom and pan
var mTotal = fabric.util.multiplyTransformMatrices(mGroup, mObject);
console.log("total: ", fabric.util.qrDecompose(mTotal));
// just apply transforms to origin to get what we want
var c = new fabric.Point(0, 0);
var p = fabric.util.transformPoint(c, mTotal);
console.log("coords: ", p);
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "Coords: " + JSON.stringify(p);
// do some chores, place red point
refRect.left = p.x - 3 / 2; = p.y - 3 / 2;

a very simple way to get topleft is
var cords = object._getLeftTopCoords();
cords.x and cord.y will give you the result


Set coords for Bounding Rect of a Path after moving it in fabricjs

There are dozen of topics on Stackoverflow on this problem, none of them shows a solution. So the problem is painful for many.
The problem: when I move a path, it's BoundingRect is not moving.
Possible solutions:
the creators of the library recommend _setPath method, but there are no examples, I can't understand how to use it;
Somehow to set Left, Top, Width and Height separately to the bounding rect (pathLine.getBoundingRect()). I don't know how, it's not working with Set().
To set Left, Top, Width and Height to the path. If I do so, the bounding rect is correct, but pathline is also shifting. I can't make it work.
delete and add path from canvas every time it moves. Bad solution :(
Remarkable that _calcDimensions() works correct with path coords.
Which means there are methods that work with path, we just need to find a proper one.
var pathLine = new fabric.Path('M 10 10 L 10 100 L 100 100', {
fill: '',
stroke: 'black',
objectCaching: false
var rect = new fabric.Rect({
left: 100,
top: 100,
fill: 'grey',
width: 50,
height: 50,
function createCanvas(id){
canvas = new fabric.Canvas(id);
pathLine.perPixelTargetFind = true;
canvas.on('object:moving', function(e) {
const { width, height, left, top } = pathLine._calcDimensions();
var bound = pathLine.getBoundingRect();
pathLine.path[2][1] = rect.left ;
pathLine.path[2][2] = ;
return canvas;
Any ideas?

Can I let the color of the GPX track be determined by values associated with each track point, e.g. elevation or speed?

My gpx file already contains elevation information for each trkpt and I can augment this with a speed for each trkpt. I would like to represent the elevation or the speed at each trkpt by varying the color of the track. For instance: slow is blue, fast is red.
How can I do this?
And this probably means: Which files and functions in Openlayers do I have to change to do this?
You can try the ol/style/FlowLine of ol-ext to achieve this.
Using this style, you can change the with/color of the feature along the line using a function. This example show how to:
You just have to calculate the width (or color) along the feature geometry varying according the speed or altitude:
const flowStyle = new{
width: function(f, step) {
// calculate the with of the feature f at the given step
// step is the curvilinear abscissa between 0,1
// (0: first coordinate, 1: last one)
const width = ...
return width;
You should go with a stylefunction for the vector layer:
This function is checked for each feature to be displayed on the vector layer and the related style can be set/returned programmatically. For example:
function gpxStyle(feature) {
var style = null;
if (feature.get("speed")>="100") {
style = new{
image: new{
radius: 6,
stroke: new{
color: 'red',
width: 2
fill: new{
color: 'red'
else {
style = new{
image: new{
radius: 6,
stroke: new{
color: 'blue',
width: 2
fill: new{
color: 'blue'
return [style];
var gpxLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector(),
style: gpxStyle

FabricJS resizing groups and objects in them

I need to programmaticaly resize a group and it's contained elements on a fabric canvas.
By default, fabric applies scaling to objects. I can get around this easily enough by using the scalex & scaley to calculate the new height and width then I set them back to 1. This works fine for the group but I cant figure out how to set the new size for the objects contained in this group.
Eg. Before resize:
After resize:
My (typescript) code is like:
redraw() {
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
left: this.shape.origin.x,
top: this.shape.origin.y,
width: this.shape.extent.width + this.shape.line.lineWidth,
height: this.shape.extent.height + this.shape.line.lineWidth,
dirty: true
// const ac = this.shapeGroup.calcCoords();
rx: this.shape.cornerRadius,
ry: this.shape.cornerRadius,
width: this.shape.extent.width,
height: this.shape.extent.height,
dirty: true
// this.shapeElement.setCoords(ac);
if (this.shape.text) {
width: this.shapeElement.width - (this.cornerRadius * 2),
height: this.shapeElement.height - (this.cornerRadius * 2)
(this.shape is the underlying model of the object which is represented by 1 or more fabric objects in a group).
Has anyone done anything like this with success?
I used a similar code to resize the group items, so maybe this can lead you to a solution.
var objs = canvas.getActiveGroup().getObjects();
for(i in objs){

Fabricjs How to scale object but keep the border (stroke) width fixed

I'm developing a diagram tool based on fabricjs. Our tool has our own collection of shape, which is svg based. My problem is when I scale the object, the border (stroke) scale as well. My question is: How can I scale the object but keep the stroke width fixed. Please check the attachments.
Thank you very much!
Here is an easy example where on scale of an object we keep a reference to the original stroke and calculate a new stroke based on the scale.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c', { selection: false, preserveObjectStacking:true });
window.canvas = canvas;
canvas.add(new fabric.Rect({
left: 100,
top: 100,
width: 50,
height: 50,
fill: '#faa',
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top',
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 1,
centeredRotation: true
canvas.on('object:scaling', (e) => {
var o =;
if (!o.strokeWidthUnscaled && o.strokeWidth) {
o.strokeWidthUnscaled = o.strokeWidth;
if (o.strokeWidthUnscaled) {
o.strokeWidth = o.strokeWidthUnscaled / o.scaleX;
canvas {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="c" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
There is a property called: strokeUniform
Use it like this
shape.set({stroke: '#f55b76', strokeWidth:2, strokeUniform: true })
I have found what feels like an even better solution, works really well with SVG paths.
You can override fabricjs' _renderStroke method and add ctx.scale(1 / this.scaleX, 1 / this.scaleY); before ctx.stroke(); as shown below.
fabric.Object.prototype._renderStroke = function(ctx) {
if (!this.stroke || this.strokeWidth === 0) {
if (this.shadow && !this.shadow.affectStroke) {
ctx.scale(1 / this.scaleX, 1 / this.scaleY);
this._setLineDash(ctx, this.strokeDashArray, this._renderDashedStroke);
this._applyPatternGradientTransform(ctx, this.stroke);
You may also need to override fabric.Object.prototype._getTransformedDimensions to adjust the bounding box to account for the difference in size.
Also a more complete implementation would probably add a fabric object property to conditionally control this change for both overridden methods.
Another way is to draw a new object on scaled and remove the scaled one.
scaled: function()
// store new widht and height
var new_width = this.getScaledWidth();
var new_height = this.getScaledHeight();
// remove object from canvas
// add new object with same size and original options like strokeWidth
canvas.add(new ...);
Works perfect for me.

Is there a way to crop only the design from a the canvas and ignoring all the white/transparent space?

I have a canvas built using fabricJS with the dimension of 600x500. I have added an image to this canvas which is of size 200x300 and also a text element just below it.
exports the whole canvas area including the white spaces surrounding the design on the canvas.
Is there a way to get the cropped output of the design on the canvas alone instead of all the whitespace?
This can be done by cloning objects to a group, getting the group boundingRect, and then passing the boundingRect parameters to toDataUrl() function (see fiddle).
// make a new group
var myGroup = new fabric.Group();
// ensure originX/Y 'center' is being used, as text uses left/top by default.
myGroup.set({ originX: 'center', originY: 'center' });
// put canvas things in new group
var i = canvas.getObjects().length;
while (i--) {
var objType = canvas.item(i).get('type');
if (objType==="image" || objType==="text" || objType==="itext" || objType==="rect") {
var clone = fabric.util.object.clone(canvas.item(i));
// remove original lone object
// get bounding rect for new group
var i = canvas.getObjects().length;
while (i--) {
var objType = canvas.item(i).get('type');
if (objType==="group") {
var br = canvas.item(i).getBoundingRect();
fabric.log('cropped png dataURL: ', canvas.toDataURL({
format: 'png',
left: br.left,
width: br.width,
height: br.height
p.s. I should probably mention that i've not worked with image types, so i just guessed that it's called 'image'..
