Highlight empty lines at beginning and end of file and more than one empty lines - vim

In vim, I would like to highlight empty lines at beginning and end of file, and more than one consecutive line. Example:
--- start of file
an empty line just before this line (at the beginning of the file)
more than one empty line will follow
empty lines at the end of file will follow
--- end of file
In the example above, the lines with a dot should be highlighted.
I've tried to match the lines with the following expression, unfortunately without luck:
call matchadd('EmptyLines', '\n\s\*\n\s\*\n')
How can I match all of these lines and highlight them (preferably the whole line)?

The special regular expression atoms \%^ (:help start-of-file) and \%$ (:help end-of-file) will help here. With them, you can match empty lines at the boundaries of the buffer, like this:
call matchadd('EmptyLines', '\%^\n\+')
call matchadd('EmptyLines', '^\n\+\%$')
Unfortunately, there are some limitations:
You can only match what's there, which is not much in empty lines. Vim will just highlight a single cell width (that represents the newline character).
In the very last line, nothing is highlighted at all. If you want to see any indication of a single empty final line, you could drop the ^ from the pattern. Then, the empty trailing line would be indicated by highlighting before that line.
Implementation alternatives
Using :help signs, you can highlight the full width of empty lines, and have an additional indication in the sign column. The downside is that you can't simply define a pattern for signs. You have to explicitly place them on certain lines, and adapt this position whenever the buffer contents change. That would mean defining some :autocmds, and living with either poor performance or accepting short delays until the signs update. (They are meant to be used for things like marking build errors that don't change so often and only on demand.)
Instead of a visual indication, if your goal is to avoid having those empty lines, you could also hook into the BufWrite event and either print a warning or completely abort the :write if such lines are found. My DeleteTrailingWhitespace plugin does this (but for whitespace at the end of individual lines).


Emacs: How to delete a line starting with specific text

How can I find and delete lines which start with the text in?
I use the command C-M-s ^in to find all lines starting with in, but then I don't really know what to do.
M-x flush-lines RET ^in RET
C-h f flush-lines tells you:
flush-lines is an interactive compiled Lisp function in replace.el.
It is bound to menu-bar edit flush-lines.
(flush-lines REGEXP &optional RSTART REND INTERACTIVE)
Delete lines containing matches for REGEXP.
When called from Lisp (and usually when called interactively as
well, see below), applies to the part of the buffer after point.
The line point is in is deleted if and only if it contains a
match for regexp starting after point.
If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by \)
and search-upper-case is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.
Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.
Lines partially contained in this region are deleted if and only if
they contain a match entirely contained in it.
Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on the contents of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the
end of (the accessible portion of) the buffer. When calling this function
from Lisp, you can pretend that it was called interactively by passing
a non-nil INTERACTIVE argument.
If a match is split across lines, all the lines it lies in are deleted.
They are deleted before looking for the next match. Hence, a match
starting on the same line at which another match ended is ignored.
query-replace-regexp "in.*" to "" will be work. you should not input " to the prompt

How to find and remove part of word in vim?

I'm new into vim, I have hug text file as follow:
First, I would like to get delete all rows with even numbers (2,4,6...).
Second, I would like to remove (18) from entire file. as a example:
cel-miR-62(18) would be cel-miR-62.
Third: How can I get delete all parentheses including it's inside?
Would someone help me with this?
For the first one:
where :g matches all lines by the regex between the slashes and runs d (delete line) on the matching lines. The regex is quite easy to read, the only interesting symbol there is perhaps the \>, which matches end of a word.
For the second question:
where % is the specification meaning "all lines of the file", s is the substitute command, \V sets the "very nomagic" mode of regexes (not sure what your default is, you might not need this) and the final g makes vim substitute all occurrences on each line (with an empty string, the one between slashes). Make sure that :set gdefault? prints nogdefault (the default setting of gdefault), otherwise, drop the final g from the substitute command.
To remove every even line (or every other line):
To remove every instance of (18):
Remove all the parenthetical content:
Note: the pattern in third answer is a non-greedy match.

Vim: delete empty lines around cursor

Suppose I'm editing the following document (* = cursor):
What sequence can I use to delete the surrounding white space so that I'm left with:
Note: I'm looking for an answer that handles any number of empty lines, not just this exact case.
EDIT 1: Line numbers are unknown and I only want to effect the span my cursor is in.
EDIT 2: Edited example to show I need to preserve leading whitespace on edges
Easy. In normal mode, dipO<Esc> should do it.
dip on a blank line deletes it and all adjacent blank lines.
O<Esc> opens a new empty line, then goes back to normal mode.
Even more concise, cip<Esc> would roll these two steps into one, as suggested by #Lorkenpeist.
A possible solution is to use the :join command with a range:
[range]join! will join together a [range] of lines. The ! means with out inserting any extra space.
The starting point is to search backwards to the first character then down 1 line, ?.?+1
As the 1 in +1 can be assumed this can be abbreviated ?.?+
The ending point is to search forwards to the next character then up 1 line, /./-1
Same as before the 1 can be assumed so, /./-
As we are using the same pattern only searching forward the pattern can be omitted. //-
The command :join can be shorted to just :j
Final shortened command:
Here are some related commands that might be handy:
1) to delete all empty lines:
2) Squeeze all empty lines into just 1 empty line:
For more help see:
:h :j
:h [range]
:h :g
:h :v
Short Answer: ()V)kc<esc>
In normal mode, if you type () your cursor will move to the first blank line. ( moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous block of non-blank lines, and ) moves the cursor to the end (specifically, to the first blank line after said block). Then a simple d) will delete all text until the beginning of the next non-blank line. So the complete sequence is ()d).
EDIT: You're right, that deletes the whitespace at the beginning of the next non-blank line. Instead of d) try V)kd. V puts you in visual line mode, ) jumps to the first non-blank line (skipping the whitespace at the beginning of the line), k moves the cursor up one line. At this point you've selected all the blank lines, so d deletes the selection.
Finally, type O (capital O) followed by escape to crate a new blank line to replace the ones you deleted. Alternatively, replacing dO<Escape> with c<Escape> does the same thing with one less keystroke, so the entire sequence would be ()V)kc<Esc>.
These answers are irrelevant after the updated question:
This may not be the answer you want to hear, but I would make use of ranges. Take a look at the line number for the first empty line (let's say 55 for example) and the second to last empty line (perhaps 67). Then just do :55,67d.
Or, perhaps you only want there to ever be one empty line in your whole file. In that case you can match any occurrence of one or more empty lines and replace them with one empty line.
This answer works:
If you just want to use normal mode you could search for the last line with something on it. For instance,
I didn't test so much, but it should work for your examples. There maybe more elegant solutions.
function! DelWrapLines()
while match(getline('.'),'^\s*$')>=0
exe 'normal kJ'
exe 'silent +|+,/./-1d|noh'
exe 'normal k'
source it and try :call DelWrapLines()
I know this question has already been resolved, but I just found a great solution in "sed & awk, 2nd Ed." (O'Reilly) that I thought was worth sharing. It does not use vim at all, but instead uses sed. This script will replace all instances of one or more blank lines (assuming there is no whitespace in those lines) with a single blank line. On the command line:
sed '/ˆ$/{
}' myfile
Keep in mind that sed does not actually edit the file, but instead prints the edited lines to standard output. You can redirect this input to a file:
sed '/ˆ$/{
}' myfile > tempfile
Be careful though, if you try to write it directly to myfile, it will just delete the entire contents of the file, which is clearly not what you want! After you write the output to tempfile, you can just mv tempfile myfile and tada! All instances of multiple blank lines are replaced by a single blank line.
Even better:
cat -s myfile > temp
mv temp myfile
cat is awesome, yes?
If you want to do it inside vim, you can replace all instances of multiple blank lines with a single blank line by using vim's handy feature of executing shell commands on a range of lines within vim.
:%!cat -s
That's all it takes, and your entire file is reformatted all nice!

Vim: delete until character for all lines containing a pattern

I'm learning the power of g and want to delete all lines containing an expression, to the end of the sentence (marked by a period). Like so:
There was a little sheep. The sheep was black. There was another sheep.
(Run command to find all sentences like There was and delete to the next period).
The sheep was black.
I've tried:
:g/There was/d\/\. in an attempt to "delete forward until the next period" but I get a trailing characters error.
:g/There was/df. but get a df. is not an editor command error.
Any thoughts?
The action associated with g must be able to act on the line without needing position information from the pattern match that g implies. In the command you are using, the delete forward command needs a starting position that is not being provided.
The problem is that g only indicates a line match, not a specific character position for it's pattern match. I did the following and it did what I think you want:
:g/There was/s/There was[^.]*[.]//
This found lines that matched the pattern There was, and performed a substitution of the regular expression There was[^.]*[.] with the empty string.
This is equivalent to:
:1,$s/There was[^.]*[.]//g
I'm not sure what the g is getting you in your use case, except the automatic application to the entire file line range (same as 1,$ or %). The g in this latter example has to do with applying the substitution to all patterns on the same line, not with the range of lines affected by the substitution command.
I'd just use a regex:
%s/There was\_.\{-}\.\s\?//ge
Note how \_. allows for cross-line sentences
You can use :norm like this:
:g/There was/norm 0weldf.
This finds lines with "There was" then executes the normal commands 0weldf..
0: go to beginning of line
w: go to next word (in this case, "was")
e: go the end of the word (so cursor is on the 's' of "was")
l: move one character to the right (so we don't delete any of "was")
df.: delete until the next '.', inclusive.
If you want to keep the period use dt. instead of df..
If you don't want to delete from the beginning of the line and instead want to do sentences, the :%s command is probably more appropriate here. (e.g. :%s/\(There was\)[^.]*\./\1/g or %s/\(There was\)[^.]*\./\1./g if you want to keep the period at the end of the sentence.
Use search and replace:
:%s/There was[^.]*\.\s*//g

Multi-line Highlight in Vim

I am currently writing a plugin in Vim that needs to highlight arbitrary lines in a file
at the same time.
My approach so far has been implementing match with the line number to highlight it, but the problem is that I would need to add | for every other line in a file and append that information and then call it every time the window gets redrawn.
There is another problem with match in my case, and that is that a line that may not have any whitespace would not look highlighted (match only highlights existing text/whitespace).
So even if I had match rewrite the window and highlighting all the lines I need, from a user's perspective this wouldn't be to useful if the highlighting doesn't show anything if there is no whitespace/text.
Can I get any suggestions in how to effectively show/display/highlight (I'm open to different implementations to solve my problem) arbitrary lines in a file at the same time regardless of amount of text or whitespace?
Edit: My main request is to be able to highlight lines by line number not by regex
matching. So any solution should need to be flexible enough to accept a Line number to match.
Edit: signs is the answer to my problem, and I found this tutorial the best way to grasp and implement what I needed: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/runpaint/vim-recipes/blob/master/text/07_navigation/12_bookmarking_lines_with_visible_markers.html
I would use region rather than match. Here is part of my manuscript syntax file that highlights speech:
:syntax region msSpeech start=/"/ end=/"\|\n\n/
:highlight msSpeech guifg=#000088
It starts with a double quote and ends with another double quote or the end of the paragraph. It will highlight multiple lines if need be.
