Babun, tmux, cygwin bind command not found - cygwin

I have problems to .tmux.conf I have install babon and tmux over cygwin.
But I have problems with "bind" command, this not found.
{ ~ } » bind ~ 127
zsh: command not found: bind
I looked for with:
{ ~ } » pact find bind ~
Working directory is /setup
Mirror is
setup.ini taken from the cache
Searching for installed packages matching bind:
Searching for installable packages matching bind:
I don't know what ocurrs.
Thanks a lot,
Oliver Noguera

The package bind has no program called bind
From the package contents at
you can see that the executable is called named and it is
not locate on /usr/bin/ but on /usr/sbin/
bind: DNS server
2018-02-04 06:31 0 etc/
2018-02-04 06:31 3923 etc/bind.keys
2018-02-04 06:31 9747 usr/bin/arpaname.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 18451 usr/sbin/ddns-confgen.exe
2018-02-04 06:31 708 usr/sbin/dnssec-checkds
2018-02-04 06:31 710 usr/sbin/dnssec-coverage
2018-02-04 06:32 49683 usr/sbin/dnssec-dsfromkey.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 48147 usr/sbin/dnssec-importkey.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 54803 usr/sbin/dnssec-keyfromlabel.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 61459 usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen.exe
2018-02-04 06:31 701 usr/sbin/dnssec-keymgr
2018-02-04 06:32 45075 usr/sbin/dnssec-revoke.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 52755 usr/sbin/dnssec-settime.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 99859 usr/sbin/dnssec-signzone.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 45075 usr/sbin/dnssec-verify.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 11283 usr/sbin/genrandom.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 12307 usr/sbin/isc-hmac-fixup.exe
2018-02-04 06:31 0 usr/sbin/lwresd -> named.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 30227 usr/sbin/named-checkconf.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 28691 usr/sbin/named-checkzone.exe
2018-02-04 06:31 0 usr/sbin/named-compilezone -> named-checkzone.exe
2018-02-04 06:30 4156 usr/sbin/named-config
2018-02-04 06:32 11283 usr/sbin/named-journalprint.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 11283 usr/sbin/named-nzd2nzf.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 781843 usr/sbin/named.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 11283 usr/sbin/nsec3hash.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 17939 usr/sbin/rndc-confgen.exe
2018-02-04 06:32 32275 usr/sbin/rndc.exe
2018-02-04 06:31 0 usr/sbin/tsig-keygen -> ddns-confgen.exe
2018-02-04 06:31 841 usr/share/man/man1/arpaname.1.gz


azure-devops extensions do not accept SVG files

I am using a pivot table tool (webdatarocks) in an azure DevOps extension project. The tool icons in an SVG file, but azure DevOps extensions projects do not accept SVG file types and gives the following error in the publishing stage.
Error processing ... SVG file types in extension package are not
supported. File at '/dist *****.svg' is of
type SVG, please convert it to a different format (like PNG or JPG)
and try again.
Which way should I go? I tried to use some npm packages in webpack, to convert SVG to PNG or JPEG but I failed.
The SVG file
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<metadata>Generated by IcoMoon</metadata>
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<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="kpi_status_ok" d="M512 960c-282.773 0-512-229.227-512-512s229.227-512 512-512 512 229.227 512 512-229.227 512-512 512zM128 448c0 212.075 171.925 384 384 384v-768c-212.075 0-384 171.925-384 384z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="kpi_status_rising" d="M512 960c-282.667 0-512-229.333-512-512s229.333-512 512-512 512 229.333 512 512-229.333 512-512 512zM128 448c0 212.053 171.947 384 384 384v-384h-384z" />
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<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="spinner2" d="M1024 448c-1.278 66.862-15.784 133.516-42.576 194.462-26.704 61-65.462 116.258-113.042 161.92-47.552 45.696-103.944 81.82-164.984 105.652-61.004 23.924-126.596 35.352-191.398 33.966-64.81-1.282-129.332-15.374-188.334-41.356-59.048-25.896-112.542-63.47-156.734-109.576-44.224-46.082-79.16-100.708-102.186-159.798-23.114-59.062-34.128-122.52-32.746-185.27 1.286-62.76 14.964-125.148 40.134-182.206 25.088-57.1 61.476-108.828 106.11-151.548 44.61-42.754 97.472-76.504 154.614-98.72 57.118-22.304 118.446-32.902 179.142-31.526 60.708 1.29 120.962 14.554 176.076 38.914 55.15 24.282 105.116 59.48 146.366 102.644 41.282 43.14 73.844 94.236 95.254 149.43 13.034 33.458 21.88 68.4 26.542 103.798 1.246-0.072 2.498-0.12 3.762-0.12 35.346 0 64 28.652 64 64 0 1.796-0.094 3.572-0.238 5.332h0.238zM922.306 278.052c-23.472-53.202-57.484-101.4-99.178-141.18-41.67-39.81-91-71.186-144.244-91.79-53.228-20.678-110.29-30.452-166.884-29.082-56.604 1.298-112.596 13.736-163.82 36.474-51.25 22.666-97.684 55.49-135.994 95.712-38.338 40.198-68.528 87.764-88.322 139.058-19.87 51.284-29.228 106.214-27.864 160.756 1.302 54.552 13.328 108.412 35.254 157.69 21.858 49.3 53.498 93.97 92.246 130.81 38.73 36.868 84.53 65.87 133.874 84.856 49.338 19.060 102.136 28.006 154.626 26.644 52.5-1.306 104.228-12.918 151.562-34.034 47.352-21.050 90.256-51.502 125.624-88.782 35.396-37.258 63.21-81.294 81.39-128.688 18.248-47.392 26.782-98.058 25.424-148.496h0.238c-0.144-1.76-0.238-3.536-0.238-5.332 0-33.012 24.992-60.174 57.086-63.624-6.224-34.822-16.53-68.818-30.78-100.992z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="cog" d="M933.79 349.75c-53.726 93.054-21.416 212.304 72.152 266.488l-100.626 174.292c-28.75-16.854-62.176-26.518-97.846-26.518-107.536 0-194.708 87.746-194.708 195.99h-201.258c0.266-33.41-8.074-67.282-25.958-98.252-53.724-93.056-173.156-124.702-266.862-70.758l-100.624-174.292c28.97-16.472 54.050-40.588 71.886-71.478 53.638-92.908 21.512-211.92-71.708-266.224l100.626-174.292c28.65 16.696 61.916 26.254 97.4 26.254 107.196 0 194.144-87.192 194.7-194.958h201.254c-0.086 33.074 8.272 66.57 25.966 97.218 53.636 92.906 172.776 124.594 266.414 71.012l100.626 174.29c-28.78 16.466-53.692 40.498-71.434 71.228zM512 240.668c-114.508 0-207.336 92.824-207.336 207.334 0 114.508 92.826 207.334 207.336 207.334 114.508 0 207.332-92.826 207.332-207.334-0.002-114.51-92.824-207.334-207.332-207.334z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="info" d="M448 656c0 26.4 21.6 48 48 48h32c26.4 0 48-21.6 48-48v-32c0-26.4-21.6-48-48-48h-32c-26.4 0-48 21.6-48 48v32zM640 192h-256v64h64v192h-64v64h192v-256h64zM512 960c-282.77 0-512-229.23-512-512s229.23-512 512-512 512 229.23 512 512-229.23 512-512 512zM512 32c-229.75 0-416 186.25-416 416s186.25 416 416 416 416-186.25 416-416-186.25-416-416-416z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="arrow-up2" d="M877.254 557.254l-320 320c-24.992 24.994-65.514 24.994-90.508 0l-320-320c-24.994-24.994-24.994-65.516 0-90.51 24.994-24.996 65.516-24.996 90.51 0l210.744 210.746v-613.49c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64v613.49l210.746-210.746c12.496-12.496 28.876-18.744 45.254-18.744s32.758 6.248 45.254 18.746c24.994 24.994 24.994 65.514 0 90.508z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="arrow-up-right2" d="M237.254 82.746l530.746 530.744v-229.49c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64v384c0 25.884-15.594 49.222-39.508 59.126-7.924 3.284-16.242 4.84-24.492 4.838v0.036h-384c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64 0-35.348 28.654-64 64-64h229.49l-530.744-530.746c-12.498-12.496-18.746-28.876-18.746-45.254s6.248-32.758 18.746-45.254c24.992-24.994 65.516-24.994 90.508 0z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="arrow-right2" d="M621.254 82.746l320 320c24.994 24.992 24.994 65.516 0 90.51l-320 320c-24.994 24.992-65.516 24.992-90.51 0-24.994-24.994-24.994-65.516 0-90.51l210.746-210.746h-613.49c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64s28.654-64 64-64h613.49l-210.746-210.746c-12.496-12.496-18.744-28.876-18.744-45.254s6.248-32.758 18.744-45.254c24.994-24.994 65.516-24.994 90.51 0z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="arrow-down-right2" d="M146.746 722.746l530.742-530.746h-229.488c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64s28.654-64 64-64h384c25.884 0 49.222 15.594 59.126 39.508 3.284 7.924 4.84 16.242 4.838 24.492h0.036v384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64-35.348 0-64-28.654-64-64v-229.49l-530.746 530.744c-12.496 12.498-28.874 18.746-45.254 18.746s-32.758-6.248-45.254-18.746c-24.994-24.992-24.994-65.516 0-90.508z" />
<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="arrow-down22" d="M877.254 338.746l-320-320c-24.992-24.994-65.514-24.994-90.508 0l-320 320c-24.994 24.994-24.994 65.516 0 90.51 24.994 24.996 65.516 24.996 90.51 0l210.744-210.746v613.49c0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64s64-28.654 64-64v-613.49l210.746 210.746c12.496 12.496 28.876 18.744 45.254 18.744s32.758-6.248 45.254-18.746c24.994-24.994 24.994-65.514 0-90.508z" />
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
// Webpack entry points. Mapping from resulting bundle name to the source file entry.
const entries = {};
// Loop through subfolders in the "SampleProject" folder and add an entry for each one
const SampleProjectDir = path.join(__dirname, "src/SampleProject");
fs.readdirSync(SampleProjectDir).filter(dir => {
if (fs.statSync(path.join(SampleProjectDir, dir)).isDirectory()) {
entries[dir] = "./" + path.relative(process.cwd(), path.join(SampleProjectDir, dir, dir));
module.exports = {
node: {fs: 'empty'},
externals: [
{'./cptable': 'var cptable'},
{'./jszip': 'jszip'}
entry: entries,
output: {
filename: "[name]/[name].js"
resolve: {
extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".jsx"],
alias: {
"vss-web-extension-sdk": path.resolve("node_modules/vss-web-extension-sdk"),
stats: {
warnings: false
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(jpg|png)$/,
use: {
loader: "url-loader",
options: {
limit: 25000,
test: /\.tsx?$/,
loader: "ts-loader"
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loaders: ['react-hot-loader/webpack']
test: /\.scss$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader", "azure-devops-ui/buildScripts/css-variables-loader", "sass-loader"]
test: /\.css$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"],
test: /\.woff$/,
use: [{
loader: 'base64-inline-loader',
query: {
limit: 10000,
mimetype: 'application/font-woff'
test: /\.html$/,
loader: "file-loader"
test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
loader: 'url-loader',
query: {
limit: '10000',
mimetype: 'application/octet-stream'
test: /\.svg$/,
use: [
loader: 'image-webpack-loader',
options: {
bypassOnDebug: true, // webpack#1.x
disable: true, // webpack#2.x and newer
plugins: [
new CopyPlugin ({
patterns: [{ from: "**/*.html", context: "src/SampleProject" }]
Although this is not exactly an answer to your question, it is a solution to your underlying problem:
The extension checker only looks for specific file extensions. That's why I use the webpack file loader to rename the .svg files to something else.
test: /\.(svg)(\?\d+)?$/,
use: [
loader: "file-loader",
options: {
name: "[name].svgext"
This way you don't have to edit the .css file every time you install/upgrade your packages. And it also works if you integrate more libraries with .svg font files or other .svg images into your extensions.
Actually, that SVG file is just a fallback for the icon font in WebDataRocks.
So, you can simply remove the reference to it from webdatarocks.css. Nothing will break, because CSS will use woff or ttf icons instead.
Here are lines 278-283 in webdatarocks.css:
#font-face {
font-family: "webdatarocks-icons";
src: url("./theme/assets/webdatarocks-icons.woff") format("woff"),
url("./theme/assets/webdatarocks-icons.ttf") format("truetype"),
url("./theme/assets/webdatarocks-icons.svg#webdatarocks-icons") format("svg");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Simply remove webdatarocks-icons.svg from it as follows:
#font-face {
font-family: "webdatarocks-icons";
src: url("./theme/assets/webdatarocks-icons.woff") format("woff"),
url("./theme/assets/webdatarocks-icons.ttf") format("truetype");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
We could use SVG to PNG loader.
You could refer to this sample to convert the .SVG file to .PNG
The following example generates a single 32x32 PNG:
The following example generates multiple PNGs at ${output.path}/assets/icon-[height]x[width].png using the sizes option along with a custom name template specified in the name option:
require("svg-to-png-loader?" +
"sizes[]=57," +
"sizes[]=72," +
"sizes[]=76," +
"sizes[]=114," +
"sizes[]=120," +
"sizes[]=144," +
"sizes[]=152," +
"sizes[]=180," +
"sizes[]=192" +
You can also use the loader in your webpack config. The below example will transform imported svg files with a suffix of .icon.svg (e.g. to distinguish icons from other svgs):
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.icon\.svg$/,
use: [
loader: path.resolve('svg-to-png-loader'),
options: {
sizes: ['57x57', ...]

Unable to find tbody in table without table id

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = ''
page = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
table = soup.find('table')
table_body = table.find_all('tbody')
I want the tbody which is out of the comment. Every layer of tr and td have a span section and there are many layers of these.
Some content of tbody that you wish to grab from that page generate dynamically but you can find a link having json content if you look for it in dev tools. The data should all be there now
Try this:
import requests
URL = ''
page = requests.get(URL,headers={"x-requested-with":"XMLHttpRequest"})
for item in page.json():
sno = item['sno']
state_name = item['state_name']
active = item['active']
positive = item['positive']
cured = item['cured']
death = item['death']
new_active = item['new_active']
new_positive = item['new_positive']
new_cured = item['new_cured']
new_death = item['new_death']
state_code = item['state_code']
Output are like:
2 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 677 2945 2231 37 635 2985 2309 41 35
1 Andhra Pradesh 89932 371639 278247 3460 92208 382469 286720 3541 28
3 Arunachal Pradesh 899 3412 2508 5 987 3555 2563 5 12
4 Assam 19518 94592 74814 260 19535 96771 76962 274 18
5 Bihar 19716 124536 104301 519 19823 126714 106361 530 10
6 Chandigarh 1456 3209 1713 40 1539 3376 1796 41 04

How can we change the filename of spark output [sparkJava]

I wanted to change spark output filename , is the anyway to do that, Spark is writting in AWS S3.
Check below code will work for HDFS & also S3.
Created rename function which will take path & name to be changed, if directory contains multiple files, This will just append sequence number at the end of file name like json_data_1.json
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path, RemoteIterator}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
// For converting to scala Iterator
implicit def convertToScalaIterator[T](remoteIterator: RemoteIterator[T]): Iterator[T] = {
case class wrapper(remoteIterator: RemoteIterator[T]) extends Iterator[T] {
override def hasNext: Boolean = remoteIterator.hasNext
override def next(): T =
def fs(path: String) = FileSystem.get(URI.create(path),spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
// Rename files
def rename(path: String,name: String) = {
.listFiles(new Path(path),true)
.map(p => fs(p._1.toString).rename(p._1,new Path(s"${p._1.getParent}/${name}_${p._2}.${p._1.toString.split("\\.")(1)}")))
scala> val path = "/tmp/samplea"
path: String = /tmp/samplea
scala> df.repartition(5).write.format("json").mode("overwrite").save(path)
scala> s"ls -ltr ${path}".!
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 sriniva wheel 0 Jun 6 13:57 part-00000-607ffd5e-7d28-4331-9a69-de36254c80b1-c000.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 sriniva wheel 282 Jun 6 13:57 part-00001-607ffd5e-7d28-4331-9a69-de36254c80b1-c000.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 sriniva wheel 0 Jun 6 13:57 _SUCCESS
scala> rename(path,"json_data")
res193: List[Boolean] = List(true, true)
scala> s"ls -ltr ${path}".!
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 sriniva wheel 0 Jun 6 13:57 json_data_0.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 sriniva wheel 282 Jun 6 13:57 json_data_1.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 sriniva wheel 0 Jun 6 13:57 _SUCCESS

Looping over Tuple of Btye object gives ASCII value

The below code in python 3 returns as
fro val in A:
print (val)
[(b'3 (RFC822 {821}', b'MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 2 Feb 2020
22:12:19 +0530\r\nMessage-ID:
code\r\nFrom: abc >\r\nTo: abc \r\nContent-Type:
text/plain; charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\n1. 4549 3867 6. 1755 6816\r\n2.
3068 0287 7. 8557 7000\r\n3. 3827 1727 8. 4177 1609\r\n4. 5093 4909 9.
9799 3366\r\n5. 1069 7992 10. 5141
2029\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe\r\nContent-Type: text/html;
code\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe--'), b')']
whereas for
for val in A:
for v in val:
print (v)
b'3 (RFC822 {821}' b'MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 2 Feb 2020
22:12:19 +0530\r\nMessage-ID:
code\r\nFrom: >\r\nTo: \r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative;
text/plain; charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\n1. 4549 3867 6. 1755 6816\r\n2.
3068 0287 7. 8557 7000\r\n3. 3827 1727 8. 4177 1609\r\n4. 5093 4909 9.
9799 3366\r\n5. 1069 7992 10. 5141
2029\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe\r\nContent-Type: text/html;
charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe--' 41
I dont understand why i am getting ASCII Value of ')' i.e 41 and how can i just read it as ')'
It would appear that when you iterate of a bytes object, it yields a decimal value for each byte in it:
>>> phrase = b'Hello, world!'
>>> chars = list(phrase)
>>> chars
[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33]
With your example, you only have one character, so it's only one number that's printed. The reason none of the other bytes strings are printed as integers is because they're incased in an extra tuple, so instead it's the tuple that's iterated over.
Fixing your code:
A = [
b'3 (RFC822 {821}',
b'MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 22:12:19 +0530\r\nMessage-ID: \r\nSubject: code\r\nFrom: abc >\r\nTo: abc \r\nContentType: multipart/alternative; boundary="43434343"\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\n1. 4549 3867 6. 1755 6816\r\n2. 3068 0287 7. 8557 7000\r\n3. 3827 1727 8. 4177 1609\r\n4. 5093 4909 9. 9799 3366\r\n5. 1069 7992 10. 5141 2029\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\ntest code\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe--'
for val in A:
if isinstance(val, bytes):
for v in val:
print (v)
b'3 (RFC822 {821}'
b'MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 22:12:19 +0530\r\nMessage-ID: \r\nSubject: code\r\nFrom: abc >\r\nTo: abc \r\nContentType: multipart/alternative; boundary="43434343"\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\n1. 4549 3867 6. 1755 6816\r\n2. 3068 0287 7. 8557 7000\r\n3. 3827 1727 8. 4177 1609\r\n4. 5093 4909 9. 9799 3366\r\n5. 1069 7992 10. 5141 2029\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"\r\n\r\ntest code\r\n\r\n--0000000000008ecb2e059d9a7dfe--'
Basically, if the object that we've encountered in A is a bytes-object, we print it as it is. Otherwise (eg if it's a tuple), we iterate over it, and print its items.

Rotate SVG without misplacing the image

I have this svg "code"
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="34">
<path transform="rotate(0 10 17)" fill="#6699FF" d="M 0.06,25.03 C 0.06,25.03 4.06,20.97 4.06,20.97 4.06,20.97 3.97,5.06 3.97,5.06 3.97,5.06 9.94,0.03 9.94,0.03 9.94,0.03 15.78,5.09 15.78,5.09 15.78,5.09 16.03,21.06 16.03,21.06 16.03,21.06 19.94,25.00 19.94,25.00 19.94,25.00 19.97,30.09 19.97,30.09 19.97,30.09 10.06,20.97 10.06,20.97 10.06,20.97 10.05,23.00 10.05,23.00 10.05,23.00 19.91,32.03 19.91,32.03 19.91,32.03 19.94,33.97 19.94,33.97 19.94,33.97 17.97,33.97 17.97,33.97 17.97,33.97 10.03,26.94 10.03,26.94 10.03,26.94 10.05,29.01 10.05,29.01 10.05,29.01 15.94,34.00 15.94,34.00 15.94,34.00 12.00,33.94 12.00,33.94 12.00,33.94 10.00,32.00 10.00,32.00 10.00,32.00 8.00,34.03 8.00,34.03 8.00,34.03 4.00,34.00 4.00,34.00 4.00,34.00 9.97,29.01 9.97,29.01 9.97,29.01 9.97,26.94 9.97,26.94 9.97,26.94 2.00,33.96 2.00,33.96 2.00,33.96 0.00,33.98 0.00,33.98 0.00,33.98 0.02,32.00 0.02,32.00 0.02,32.00 9.96,23.00 9.96,23.00 9.96,23.00 9.95,20.98 9.95,20.98 9.95,20.98 0.00,30.00 0.00,30.00 0.00,30.00 0.06,25.03 0.06,25.03 Z" />
<path transform="rotate(0 10 17) translate(0 0)" fill="white" d="M 8.04,17.04 C 8.04,17.04 7.98,11.04 7.98,11.04 7.98,11.04 5.00,11.00 5.00,11.00 5.00,11.00 10.00,6.04 10.00,6.04 10.00,6.04 14.96,11.02 14.96,11.02 14.96,11.02 12.02,11.04 12.02,11.04 12.02,11.04 12.02,17.04 12.02,17.04 12.02,17.04 8.04,17.04 8.04,17.04 Z" />
its a vessel with a arrow inside.
I am trying to rotate this "picture", (i need to rotate it on 360 degree).
When I change rotate(0 10 17) to rotate(90 10 17) it gets cut away. That's because i don't rotate it from the center of the image.
I tried using this formula to calculate the center but i couldn't manage to do it myself
x = 34; y = 20; o = 4.71238898 //(degrees to radiants) ;
a = Math.abs(x * Math.sin(o)) + Math.abs(y * Math.cos(o));
b = Math.abs(x * Math.cos(o)) + Math.abs(y * Math.sin(o));
I am really bad with those math/svg problems, i am hoping someone can assist me.
The centre of rotation is correct. But the trouble is now that it is rotated, your graphic isn't 20x34 any longer, it is 34x20.
So the first thing you have to do is update the width and height.
<svg xmlns="" width="34" height="20">
That's not the final solution of course, because the centre of this new 34x20 SVG is in a different place to the centre of the old 20x34 one. One solution would be to work out a different centre of rotation that would work so that the graphic rotated around into the right position in the new rectangle.
That's a bit tricky. Luckily there is a much simpler way. We can just add a viewBox to the SVG to tell the browser the dimensions of the area that the rotated symbol occupies. The browser will reposition it for us.
The four values in a viewBox attribute are:
<leftX> <topY> <width> <height>
We already know the width and height (34 and 20), so we just need to work out the left and top coords. Those are obviously just the centre-of-rotation less half the width and height respectively.
leftX = 10 - (newWidth / 2)
= 10 - 17
= -7
topY = 17 - (newHeight / 2)
= 17 - 10
= 7
So the viewBox attribute needs to be "-7 7 34 20".
<svg xmlns="" width="34" height="20" viewBox="-7 7 34 20">
<path transform="rotate(90 10 17)" fill="#6699FF" d="M 0.06,25.03 C 0.06,25.03 4.06,20.97 4.06,20.97 4.06,20.97 3.97,5.06 3.97,5.06 3.97,5.06 9.94,0.03 9.94,0.03 9.94,0.03 15.78,5.09 15.78,5.09 15.78,5.09 16.03,21.06 16.03,21.06 16.03,21.06 19.94,25.00 19.94,25.00 19.94,25.00 19.97,30.09 19.97,30.09 19.97,30.09 10.06,20.97 10.06,20.97 10.06,20.97 10.05,23.00 10.05,23.00 10.05,23.00 19.91,32.03 19.91,32.03 19.91,32.03 19.94,33.97 19.94,33.97 19.94,33.97 17.97,33.97 17.97,33.97 17.97,33.97 10.03,26.94 10.03,26.94 10.03,26.94 10.05,29.01 10.05,29.01 10.05,29.01 15.94,34.00 15.94,34.00 15.94,34.00 12.00,33.94 12.00,33.94 12.00,33.94 10.00,32.00 10.00,32.00 10.00,32.00 8.00,34.03 8.00,34.03 8.00,34.03 4.00,34.00 4.00,34.00 4.00,34.00 9.97,29.01 9.97,29.01 9.97,29.01 9.97,26.94 9.97,26.94 9.97,26.94 2.00,33.96 2.00,33.96 2.00,33.96 0.00,33.98 0.00,33.98 0.00,33.98 0.02,32.00 0.02,32.00 0.02,32.00 9.96,23.00 9.96,23.00 9.96,23.00 9.95,20.98 9.95,20.98 9.95,20.98 0.00,30.00 0.00,30.00 0.00,30.00 0.06,25.03 0.06,25.03 Z" />
<path transform="rotate(90 10 17) translate(0 0)" fill="white" d="M 8.04,17.04 C 8.04,17.04 7.98,11.04 7.98,11.04 7.98,11.04 5.00,11.00 5.00,11.00 5.00,11.00 10.00,6.04 10.00,6.04 10.00,6.04 14.96,11.02 14.96,11.02 14.96,11.02 12.02,11.04 12.02,11.04 12.02,11.04 12.02,17.04 12.02,17.04 12.02,17.04 8.04,17.04 8.04,17.04 Z" />
If you need to do arbitrary angles, then there is a better method, using Javascript.
Apply the transform to the paths
Call getBBox() on the SVG to get the dimensions of its content.
Use those values to update the viewBox and the width and 'height`
var angle = 145; // degrees
var mysvg = document.getElementById("mysvg");
var paths = mysvg.getElementsByTagName("path");
// Apply a transform attribute to each path
for (var i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
paths[i].setAttribute("transform", "rotate("+angle+",10,17)");
// Now that the paths have been rotated, get the bounding box
// of the SVG contents
var bbox = mysvg.getBBox();
// Update the viewBox from the bounds
mysvg.setAttribute("viewBox", bbox.x + " " + bbox.y + " " +
bbox.width +" "+ bbox.height);
// Update the width and height
mysvg.setAttribute("width", bbox.width + "px");
mysvg.setAttribute("height", bbox.height + "px");
<svg id="mysvg" xmlns="" width="20" height="34">
<path fill="#6699FF" d="M 0.06,25.03 C 0.06,25.03 4.06,20.97 4.06,20.97 4.06,20.97 3.97,5.06 3.97,5.06 3.97,5.06 9.94,0.03 9.94,0.03 9.94,0.03 15.78,5.09 15.78,5.09 15.78,5.09 16.03,21.06 16.03,21.06 16.03,21.06 19.94,25.00 19.94,25.00 19.94,25.00 19.97,30.09 19.97,30.09 19.97,30.09 10.06,20.97 10.06,20.97 10.06,20.97 10.05,23.00 10.05,23.00 10.05,23.00 19.91,32.03 19.91,32.03 19.91,32.03 19.94,33.97 19.94,33.97 19.94,33.97 17.97,33.97 17.97,33.97 17.97,33.97 10.03,26.94 10.03,26.94 10.03,26.94 10.05,29.01 10.05,29.01 10.05,29.01 15.94,34.00 15.94,34.00 15.94,34.00 12.00,33.94 12.00,33.94 12.00,33.94 10.00,32.00 10.00,32.00 10.00,32.00 8.00,34.03 8.00,34.03 8.00,34.03 4.00,34.00 4.00,34.00 4.00,34.00 9.97,29.01 9.97,29.01 9.97,29.01 9.97,26.94 9.97,26.94 9.97,26.94 2.00,33.96 2.00,33.96 2.00,33.96 0.00,33.98 0.00,33.98 0.00,33.98 0.02,32.00 0.02,32.00 0.02,32.00 9.96,23.00 9.96,23.00 9.96,23.00 9.95,20.98 9.95,20.98 9.95,20.98 0.00,30.00 0.00,30.00 0.00,30.00 0.06,25.03 0.06,25.03 Z" />
<path fill="white" d="M 8.04,17.04 C 8.04,17.04 7.98,11.04 7.98,11.04 7.98,11.04 5.00,11.00 5.00,11.00 5.00,11.00 10.00,6.04 10.00,6.04 10.00,6.04 14.96,11.02 14.96,11.02 14.96,11.02 12.02,11.04 12.02,11.04 12.02,11.04 12.02,17.04 12.02,17.04 12.02,17.04 8.04,17.04 8.04,17.04 Z" />
