Excel TIME duration over 24 hours - excel

Data is:
A1 = 29. B1 = 30. C1 = 2.
D1 = TIME(A1, B1, C1).
How can I get D1 to return 29:30:02?
Formatting the D1 cell to [hh]:mm:ss does NOT work!
If I ran for 29 hours in a month, Excel thinks I ran for only 5 hours.
Thank you.
Edit: Thank you!! I got it!!! D1 = TIME(A1, B1, C1) + INT(A1 / 24)

The result you get is exactly how TIME function works:
Hour Required. A number from 0 (zero) to 32767 representing the
hour. Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the
remainder will be treated as the hour value. For example, TIME(27,0,0)
= TIME(3,0,0) = .125 or 3:00 AM.
You could do
=A1/24+B1/24/60+C1/24/60/60 in D1
Then the resulting value formatted as [hh]:mm:ss will show 29:30:02.
That is because 1 is 1 day in Excel. So 1/24 is 1 hour, 1/24/60 is 1 minute and 1/24/60/60 is 1 second.

Time is trying to give you clock time so 29hrs=5am.
So if you want that result how about just:
If then you want the 02 you would have to interject a little formatting to those columns...

Very similar solution as given above by Axel Richter is shown in support article Add or subtract time by Microsoft.
Basically it boils down to using custom format of [h]:mm;#. However I am not sure, what the exact difference to [hh]:mm:ss (or more precisely to [hh]:mm) is - if at all? A quick check in Excel did not reveal any differences to me.
However, as the support article covers topic of adding and subtracting of time values pretty comprehensively, I hope it will be useful to be cited here.


How do I calculate this time? Across midnight

I have a sheet with start and end dates and values.
In C I have start date.
In E I have end date.
In I I have start time. (06:05:00)
In J I have end time. (08:33:00)
If C <>E I need to add 24 hours to the time elapsed.
How can I do that?
I tried if(C2<>E2;1+J2-I2;"omitted")
But I get the result 21:32:00.
It should be about 26 hours
(24+8-6 = 26 if we only look at the hours).
What have I done wrong?
Back at work and can now upload some images.
Method 1
Method 2
Both return the wrong time.
Method 3
I remember how I always have to format the dates from "our" format to Excels format for it to be recognized as a date.
In column P I use RIGHT(), MID(), and LEFT() to make a correct formatted date.
In R and S I use the same as P&Q column.
Still not correct.
EDIT again:
Use formula: =(E1+J1)-(C1+I1) we just add the date and time together and subtract the end from start and then format the cell having the formula to show days, hours, minutes.
This way, if you have more than 1 day difference, you're not just adding 24 hours.
Change the format of the target cell contianing the above formula to
d "days" hh "hours" mm "minutes"
or use the format tigerAvatar suggested of [hh]:mm if you want the hours to be cumulative across days.
Then you get a nice output of: 2 days 02 hours 28 minutes or 50:28
Feel free to drop the 1 h or 1 m if you don't want the leading zeros.
A picture is worth a 1000 words so:
Version 2 after your screenshots: I don't think C, E are in date format based on your updates so...
I used formula=(DATE(LEFT(E2,4),MID(E2,5,2),RIGHT(E2,2))+J2)-(DATE(LEFT(C2,4),MID(C2,5,2),RIGHT(C2,2))+I2) in K and custom format mask: [h]:mm
If this doesn't work it may be a regional setting and the interpretation of [h]:mm I am assuming I/J are time formats.

Adding/Subtracting Whole numbers from Time

I have tried every which way to format cells to subtract the result from time for instance the formula in the cell = 11(this is 11 minutes) I want to take that result minus 8:00:00 to give me 7:49:00 but it doesn't work the result is ####### no matter how big I make the cell. And if I format the cells with the formula to custom [m]:ss then the value changes.
Sample of the Worksheet:
I want Y2 = X3-W3 in a time format.
So, if A1=11
Then in some other cell, (B1 in this example): =TIME(,A1,)
Then subtract from the cell with 8:00:00. (If it's C1...:)
That will give you the time you want.
Info: The main thing is that you have to tell Excel that your cell with the "11" in it, is minutes. By using the =TIME(,A1,) you will get the value of: 12:11 am. (If you keep it in Date format.) 12:11 am could also be viewed as: 0 Hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds. And now that it knows, you should be able to subtract.
Try this:
The ######### is because you have a negative time. Becuase Excel reads time as decimals of 24 hours, 8:00:00 is .3333 and if you subtract 11 from that you get -10.6666 and date/time can not be negative.

how to convert decimal time to hh:mm time format in excel

I have looked at all the options I can find on this forum, but I am unable to solve my problem. this may very well be because I only have basic excel skills. simple question..how do I convert a decimal time ie 9.25 into hh:mm format ie 09:25 ? I need to do this as I am using existing data that requires rounding to 15 mins + 2mins and I can only do this in hh:mm format. Many thanks
Assuming your value is in A1...
Get the hours
=FLOOR(A1, 1)
Get the decimal portion
=A1 - FLOOR(A1, 1)
Convert this decimal to minutes (0.25->25):
=(A1 - FLOOR(A1, 1)) * 100
Bring the whole lot together:
=TIME(Floor(A1, 1), (A1 - FLOOR(A1, 1)) * 100, 0)
Result: 9:25 AM
If it's a true decimal time then 9.25 hours should convert to 9:15. If that's the case you can just divide by 24, e.g. 9.25 in A1 then in B1
format B1 as [h]:mm and you'll get 9:15
....and if you really do want 9:25 as the answer you could try this formula
format result cell as [h]:mm- that will work even for values > 24
If you want you can do your conversion and rounding in one go, e.g. to round to the nearest 15 minutes the first formula becomes:
Let's suppose you have 9.25 in cell A1. First you need to extract the integer part (9). Let's put this in B1:
Now we must get the decimal part:
And convert it into the ratio-to-60, so let's have this in C1:
This way, 0.25 becomes 0.4166... (Of course 0.30 would become 0.50).
Finally, add both values and divide by 24. In Excel, dates/times are stores as decimal numbers in which 1 = 24 hours. So let's place this in D1:
The result is 0.392... And if you give that cell a time format, you will see 09:25.
So, now let's put all together in one cell:
Don't forget to format the cell as time (custom format "hh:mm", for example).

Working Hours Excel Formula

I need to calculate the working hours elapsed between two dates and times, for example:
Holiday taken between 01/09/2014 and 05/09/2014
5 working days # 8 hours per day.
I need the result to show me how many working hours that would be. For example:
01/09/2014 05/09/2014 06/09/2014 40 49.90
I have no idea if this is even possible!
I am assuming these are given cells. if you type in the date to a cell you can click on a new cell and put uptop by the fx this
for example. In C1 you can type this into the fx. Make sure you put the equal sign.
This is what is the dates in the cells
A1 = 1/9/2014
B1 = 5/9/2014
This will give you 120 which is the total days inbetween.
You will want to get the number of weeks so you can divide by 7.
You will multiply weeks by number of days worked which is 5
Then you want the weeks times 8 hours you can do this in C1
=(B1 - A1)/7 * 5 * 8
which gives you 685.7143
you need to also take into account weekends which a simple subtraction will not do. Firstly find the total number of days:
then calculate how many weekends:
finally take the total days and subtract weekends:
I solved this recently and had a working solution initially in Excel 2013. Slightly adapted to work in 2007 (lack of 'Days()' function). We use it for reporting on support tickets (length of time between opening and closing a ticket).
Inputs are "Workday start", "Workday end" from which "Hours worked" and "Hours not worked" are calulated.
Hours worked =HOUR(WorkEnd-WorkStart)+(MINUTE(WorkEnd)+MINUTE(WorkStart))/60
Hours not worked = 24 - Hours worked
Further inputs are a table ("Data") with first two columns "Open" and "Close", which are dateserial cells.
Next column is standard numeric value "Gross hours" =(Data[[#This Row],[Close]]-Data[[#This Row],[Open]])*24
Next column is standard numeric value "Net workdays" =NETWORKDAYS(Data[[#This Row],[Open]],Data[[#This Row],[Close]])
Next column is standard numeric value "Net days" =MAX(1,DAY(Data[[#This Row],[Close]])-DAY(Data[[#This Row],[Open]]))
Next column is standard numeric value "Gross workhours" =IF(Data[[#This Row],[Gross hours]]>0,Data[[#This Row],[Gross hours]]-24*(Data[[#This Row],[Net days]]-Data[[#This Row],[Net workdays]]),0)
Last column is standard numeric value "Total work hours" =IF(Data[[#This Row],[Gross workhours]]<24,Data[[#This Row],[Gross workhours]],Data[[#This Row],[Gross workhours]]-(HoursNotWorked*Data[[#This Row],[Net workdays]]+HoursWorked))
This solution makes it trivial to adjust start and end work times, as well as accounting for any holidays (via a small change to the NETWORKDAYS() function to utilise the optional parameter).

Excel 2013: Convert Hours and Minutes from hh:mm:ss formatted cell in decimal number

I use Excel 2013 and have a cell with the following value:
"08.01.1900 1:45:00"
that will be displayed inside the cell as: "193:45:00" - meaning 193 hours, 45 minutes and 00 seconds (see the first image below).
Here is screen of how it looks like and the formatting of the cell
[how it looks like]
QUESTION: How I can in cell "Salary" to get decimal number, like - 193,45? Help me, please.
The cell is formatted as Time (see the image below)
So, you have Q2 = 12:30 (or 12,5 hours where 0,5 hour=30min) and R2 = 15,5 UAH/hour and since you want to calculate salary, you should multiple 12,5*15,5=193,75.
Follow next steps to achieve the desired result:
Write next formula in S2: =Q2*24*R2 (since time stored in Excel as part of a day, we need to multimply by 24 . Your value 12:30 is actually 0,520833333333333 ,you can see it if you'd format Q2 as number. Myltiplication 0,520833333333333 by 24 gives you exactly 12,5)
Format your S2 as number
the result would be 0,52*24*15,5 = 193,75 and this value is what you actually need.
